(2012/12) Dec 2012

Catherine, I love salty food! =X
Sasayeo, I also think I didn't drink enough water my water tank limited, plus I still bf my son at night, so maybe make it worse.

Today I also feel very nausea and I went toilet twice already.
like diarrhea. I had diarrhea during the first trimester of my previous pregnancy too. For what reason I am not sure. But I read that it is normal for some preggies to go through diarrhea.

How I wish I can save the money to hire a CL too. But I know is difficult for the first two weeks w/o helper coz we can't squat to bathe bb, and we are most probably still weak and wound may still be painful. I thought of ordering ting kat but heard ting kat confinement food is expensive also. around $1.5k? somemore they may not provide good ingredients. For this amount, I rather hire a full time CL who can help me on everything then I just sleep and rest. This time round I must try to rest more and bu back my body coz most likely I am closing factory after this. So my friend asks me not to save on a good CL.

xta, for sure you won't miss your bb crying. It is a mother instinct to be super alert to bb crying. I am a very pig person too, but during my confinement I can't sleep well coz bb kept crying and I am very worry and alert at all times. No matter how tired you are, if you hear your bb whines a little, you will pull yourself up to go check the bb. Trust me.

e, I did some homework check on good CL in forum and also by word of mouth. This time round I am hiring my friend's CL. Had a bad experience with CL during my first confinement, so I am very careful in choosing a good CL this time round.
Gambate, mummies!

How are happymok, mrs heng and chevelle doing?

My appetite is all haywire. Want to eat assam fish, laksa, bak chor mee, etc but I can only eat so little. Eat already feel like puking. I really hate drinking water now cos it also makes me feel like throwing up. Only drinking juice makes me feel better but the sugar level is so high. I am quite worried about water retention because for my #1, it started very early in my 2nd trimester. My legs and feet were so badly swollen that I could only fit into Crocs slippers on weekends. On weekdays I got to squeeze my feet into working shoes and by the end of the day, there would always be marks on my feet. So ladies, please watch out for water retention. Some people say doing foot baths with the sea salt works, but it didn't have much effect on me. Or go for a swim or a soak at the swimming pool, it is supposed to help but I didnt try that.
i think drinking water is a good way of preventing water retention. drink jucies (orange e.g.) if u cant stand plain water? cut down on salt intake too. i used to hate snacking but im eating sweets and raisins every few mins to keep up the blood sugar.

Where to find the glow that pregnant women claim to have? i think i look like a train wreck.

Its only april and u ladies are already talking about confinement ladies? i'm getting gan jiong too!
I survive on purely distilled water for my 1st pregnancy... Very qua zhang hor? Every morning will bring llitre ice mountain to work. So far still ok wif drinking normal water, hope this remain. Can we drink honey?
I got craving for salmon, bought 1 slice fr ntuc & panfried it myself. Is too much salmon harmful? :0
I also wana engage CL, last time regret not engaging, super tired & depressed in the early weeks. Anyone got good one to intro?
sasayeo, I have the exact sentiments. This morning while suffering from MS, I asked myself how I'm going to pull through the week.

Then the rational side of me knew if I lose the maternity benefits, very not worthwhile. Sian.
I am keeping my fingers very crossed for my job.. i am still in my probation lor -.-"

But i am feeling quite at peace... i think my boss should understand and be ok ba!
I think the glow is only possible in the 2nd trimester. But looking at it positively, having MS is a good sign of the progress of pregnancy too
So cheer up, fellow mummies!

Mifmif: Your bigger nose is up so soon? I had a big red nose along with bad water retention from 2nd trimester onwards. My hubby thought I looked really cute, because I was so clumsy and on top of it the red nose made me look like a clown. Now I associate big nose with having boys. Don't know how accurate my theory is.
i find it hard to concentrate at work and i think im becoming more forgetful these days. everyday when i wake up, i feel like taking a day off
Mamaling: yesterday was having whole day cramp n bleeding...today not much cramp n slight bleeding...duno is miscarriage Liao or recover Liao...going to c gynae on sat for the answer lor...
Lucky I quit my job Liao so can bed rest at hm...hubby very supportive...my first pregnancy failed due to defects last yr...this is my second pregnancy hopefully will pull through...
I also haven't been able to sleep well for past few weeks. I hope the situation will improve soon.

I also have been waking up to pee once every night even though I don't think much water in the night.

Nowadays I realised many small meals suit best for me.. Otherwise very bloated..
Hi Ladies!

I have just tested positive using the clear blue digital.. it indicates 1-2
based on my LMP.. EDD should be ate december =)
This is my number 2!
My number is exactly 10 month old today =)
Mama lIng, i had big nose when i hv my boy too. Nw nose is slowly changing, hopefully nt too big :eek: wont be surprise if its a boy

Yah, ms shows that bb is growing. Try to focus on that...
Lucky I quit my job Liao so can bed rest at hm...hubby very supportive...my first pregnancy failed due to defects last yr...this is my second pregnancy hopefully will pull through...
Hi all i just get my bfp on 10th april.... So happy after 2 years ttc finally by the God's blessing im preggy.... With so-iui

Still have blood test tmr is my 4th test.....

14dpiui hcg 143,8, prog 116,1
16dpiui hcg 310,2, prog 111,2 (decreasing a bit

18dpiui hcg 579,5, prog 126,7 ( 14 april) it is not doubled.... Hope it will be ok tmr ....
kidomum, FYI unripe bananas can cause constipation while ripe bananas help move ur bowels.

happymok, im sure u will pull through. positive thinking, remember!

i think im gonna say byebye to many of my clothes too... will miss my heels too..
happymok-all the best.
kidomum/catherine-me not been sleeping well too. Cant eat a lot and get hungry easily.
I squeeze half a lemon into a cup of hot water, to curb my MS.
New recipe today, + ginger! LOL

Good day to all!
Xta: Isn't coconut water too cooling?
Lola: How do you add ginger to your drink? You bring to office and chop the ginger?

Congrats to all new mummies who have just joined!

Happymok & Mrs Heng: Jia you, jia you, jia you!
Does anyone of u experience the cramping pain at the lower abs area?
I had that during my number one.. but this is making me a lil worried..

Regarding Nose - I had a bigbig nos for my number 1.. boy. =)
chubbyfingers/mamaling-i prepare and box them up separately. the lemon i slice thinly for every halves, so that i can use spoon to squeeze the juice. i prefer stronger lemon taste so i use half a lemon each time. RIch in vita c too!
the ginger i scrape off the skin, slice & "slam" with palm on side of chopper. I lazy to pound and squeeze ginger juice. :p
Keke there goes my instant Lemon + Ginger...i like it with super hot water...burp
Hmm.. for my 1st, i have literally no MS.. and was eating very well..
2nd one, maybe too early to say liao.. =p
This cramping thing i bothering me much..
worried about ectopic... =(
Audrey, I have cramps too. Read that it is normal, but I've brought forward my gynae appointment to this Saturday just to make sure everything's ok.
sasayeo-mayb for now you can try relax ur breathing and roll up your tongue. One of the poses i learnt in Yoga to ease headaches. It worked for me for mild headaches.

Hope the recipe work for u all too!!!
halo everyone... just manage to on the laptop.

so many update today ya....

me this morning just took my 2nd HCG jab. Will be seeing gynae again in 2 weeks time. Hope by then can see sac and hear heartbeat. really worry for etocpi preg.

im same with everyone...keep feeling tired easily
I too took small meals...now my legs n back is so aching....but so far still ok...no ms for me...

me too tot of booking CL soon...but wait till im more stable ba....
Lola, thanks for sharing!

Hmmm, I think i will make honey lemon drink. The ginger sounds quite troublesome for lazy mummy like me. I need more time to catch up on my zzzzzz at night. ;p

Did someone ask earlier whether we can take honey? Honey is only no-no for babies less than 2 years old, I thought? We can continue to take honey right?
audrey: ya me too got cramping on n off....worry same like u too....last sat visit gynae still cant see sac yet....
Hi all MTBs!

I went for my scan today and heard my baby's heartbeat
it was really reassuring especially when I had been spotting brown discharge for the past 3 days. Not much but enough to turn me into a worry nut!

Dr gave me a jab today and asked me to just rest.

EDD mid Dec and its my #1 pregnancy! I'm just slightly past 6 weeks.
Hi mummies, anybody looking to buy 2nd hand Avent Phillip Electronic Single Pump? I have a lightly used one for less than 2 months. Still under warranty. Looking to sell @ SGD140, as i have received a medela one from my friend.
Please PM if keen. Thanks!
Hi all..
Cant see sac.. M at kkh 24hr...
Couldnt get an appt with the gynea today...
Waiting for blood test...
audrey.. me too.. last sat seen gynae also cant see sac ... today taken 2nd hcg blood test.. hope got gd news in 2 weeks time...
Just realised I hit jackpot last week. I had my 1st baby 15mths ago by emergency c-sec coz she poo-ed inside and I wasn't fully dilated. Now I am worry if the gap is too near and if my wound is fully healed. Heard cases that the wound cracks and the mum fainted
Any moms-to-be same case as me?

Mrs Tan, I'm with Mr Yeoh Swee Choo at Mt E. She is very patient with me despite my long list of silly questions. But I cant stand the long waiting time. There were 2 occasions that I waited 1.5-2 hrs for my turn. The waiting time is making me having second thoughts of having her as my gynae though.
