(2012/12) Dec 2012

Mifmif.. i suspect to be 1st week of Dec... since my last menses came 1st week or March... yet to confirm till i see my gynae 3 weeks later!

So if the bb comes earlier i will land up as Nov MTB.. haha!

sasayeo: I am looking at Gmarket.. got some selection of cheap maternity wear if you are on budget.

My work pants is also bursting already... must buy new ones! >.<
My scan show that there is 50% chance of miscarriage. Cos my water sac growing too slow. Anyone here got this type of situation before yet turn out to be a healthy child? Today I am having slight cramp like that of period but no blood. Very sad.
Xta, mine tentatively is first week of Dec too. May end up in Nov as well. Hee.

sasayeo, my GFs bought off Old Navy website, they've got quite a big range of maternity wear. Think I may get a few pieces too. My tops are getting quite tight as my breasts are rather swollen (and sensitive!)
mifmif: my #1 is 4yrs this year... he is also Dec bb....hee hee Yup me goin to see Dr Tan tomolo..

happymok: dont be sad... look on the bright side...did your gynae tell u to bed rest?
Lola/Kiddomum: I used to go for facials at Leonard Drake too! But I'm still using Dermalogica products now..

Sasayeo: Wow! So fast getting maternity clothes already? Ya, you can check out Gmarket, but sizing and fit could be a problem as you can't try them on.

Hi happymok: oh dear, so sorry to hear that.. But don't be too upset, 50% means there is still hope! Don give up!!
@ Xta, your name rings a bell.. lol.. mine is ferlis .. You not in my fb ... lol

Well, have tried but then today menses come ,, haizz.. sp have to hop on to Jan 13
Hmm i might be able to link u from other Dec Brides in my FB haha..

Before i got positive, my normally regular menses went haywire and delay here and there but always negative! Dunno what's wrong with my system!

nevermind.. Jiayou. Still in time for Dragon BB!
Happymok, Hugz! There is still hope. Try to get more rest and hopefully everything turns out well. Could it because it is still early stage? Slight cramps are common and this is due to the expanding uterus. But if the cramps are bad and/or accompanied by bleeding, then better to check with gynae.
Thanks Xta.. well, jan 13 is the last chance for dragon as I heard that chun li for the Year of Snake is on 4/2/13.

This is your #1?
happymok, although it's easier said than done, try to stay positive first. Keep us updated on the progress, alright? *hug*
No he din tell me to bed rest. He say another 50% chance that the bb will grow fast later to catch up.. Gave me hormones pill n injection. To c his 2 weeks later. If by then got heartbeat then ok.
omg, I can't catch up on this thread! It's moving fast!

Happymok, stay positive and have lots of bed rest. I heard b4 those very unstable during early weeks and got hormones pill n injection can overcome this period and have a healthy bb in the end. So positive mind and faith is important! Keep talking to your bb and pray!
happymok, baby will grow faster when mummy is happy, eats and sleeps well. Try your best to stay positive and talk to baby to cooperate.
sasayeo, you will use the same size you use for your normal clothes when you buy maternity clothes. If u are ordering online, better just order one or two first to see whether the cutting is big or small.
Wow the thread moves really fast today... Very happening..
I didn't manage to do facial, only managed to have my pedicure.. But I asked them not to apply any paints and no foot massage.

MS is kicking further... Especially when hungry.. Nowadays can't really take heavy meals but become hungry easily.. Then feel puke-ish..
Wow Xta, u r in my fb too:p if u rem I had a dog call Gigi
used to meet up u all in the Maltese gathering..

Gratz on the journey to motherhood
Hi Ladies!

So happy to find this forum with so many ladies in the same stage as me!

I went through the ClearBlue pregnancy test kit yesterday and got a positive. Went to the family doctor but haven't done any scans or whatsoever... Because I have not decided on my choice of gynae.

I do not know how many weeks I'm into my pregnancy le..... Very bad hor this MTB..... tsk tsk....

Based on dates that I entered into the Dumex website, I shd be due on 20th Dec...

No MS for me yet, just heavily bloated. Special craving for fried stuff but read in websites that it is bad for me, thus got to cut down.

Anyway, the above are an intro of my situation. Happy to meet all of you here!
happymok-hugz... stick closely to doc advise for now. Rest a lot, dun walk too much as affect oxygen/blood flow to womb.
I am also on medication &amp; injection.
Happy mok.. Don't be upset, you must stay positive and keep talking to your baby. I almost in the same case as you... 2 weeks ago, when I was having spotting and went to see gynae and I can only see an empty sac and gynae says its consider small based on my LMP. Was given inj, hormone pills n bed rest. Feels very lost n upset but I keep talking to my empty sac n try to stay positive. Yesterday went back to gynae for scan again n finally I can see a fetus n an yolk sac.. But still can't detect heartbeat..

And my spotting nvr stops till now. I think we just have to remain positive and keep talking to our baby to give the baby encouragement too. And on top of that just continue to take the hormone pills and have lots of bed rest... Remember if u r upset, ur baby will feel it too.. Jia you and don't give up k.
me too just back from gynae... still cant spot sac... taken blood test today... need to take 1 more on monday... gynae pescribe pyridoxine for me
Hi all! Congrats to all! I just found out on Easter Sunday and saw a gynae on Monday. It's my #1! I should be in 5th or 6th week now.

Strangely, my gynae did not do blood tests to check on Progesterone level or prescribe other vitamins expect for asking me to eat folic acid. Been feeling tired and would be travelling to Beijing on business on Monday for the whole week so feeling alittle nervous about it now.
Ciongrats ohoh! my gynae also didn't do any blood test and only gave me folic acid. Dont worry abt it. Take care in Beijing, I don't fancy traveling at this moment really. Hope u get enough rest!
Congrats oh-oh, my gynae told me the bloodworks will be done in my 2nd appointment (around 8 weeks) when the embryo is more stable.

Do take care during your travel. I wasn't aware that I was pregnant during my recent trip, but do take care anyway.
Got bleeding today...went hospital n had a doubleb dose injection n been told to add dosage of the hormone pills to 3 times a day...hope my bb is strong to survive..
Oh-oh, just be careful when carrying or lifting your luggage. Ask the cabin crew or airport staff to help you. Take care.
Thanks all for the concern. Been nursing a bad shoulderache since yesterday, went to see a GP, GP said its ok to take this muscle relaxant that I have always been taking but didn't feel very safe so decided to bear with the pain.

Catherine, glad to hear that you had a safe travel. I guess I have to be extra careful, I haven't told anyone yet, except this colleague in China. It's going to be a hectic trip, I hope baby can take it.

Happymok, hope you are feeling better now.
Gd morning all, and welcome joxia and oh-oh!

I starting to feel hungry easily (stomach growl easily), but can't eat much and feel nausea. Fatigue as always. Hungry but dun feel like eating is terrible. Pants/jeans all can't button already. I've started taking out my maternity clothing to wear. Say bye bye to my bodycon dresses... See you next year.
Hello mummies

I am a April Mommy, just given birth on 30 march, currentily doing my confinement.

I will like to intro my confinement nanny, Huang Tai. She is very good in handling my baby and cooking delicious confinement food for me. Need not apply any permits as she is Singapore pr. If interested, please contact her at 83090545. Her website is www.confinement2011.blogspot.com

Enjoy ur pregnancies ladies;)
morning everyone! nikiko, i'm feeling the same too, feeling hungry yet dont feel like eating. what a strange feeling. i cant button my workpants now (im leaving it unbuttoned and blouse tucked out, hoping no one can see).
Doc is not approving of preservatives so im keeping my sour plums and ginger slices to the min.. i'm taking sunmaid raisins instead for the sugar rush. i'm also taking prune juice to curb my constipation
Morning all. At 7th wee and my nausea and gastric going crazy.

@sasa -my weekend also tiring. pent all day on bed!

Since 6 till now I hae eaten one huge bread, 3 biscuits and a packet of veg beehoon. I only feel good while eating. Before and after is bad.
chubbyfingers, cannot eat sour plum meh? I used to eat that during my previous pregnancy coz have more servere nausea. Now, I try to sub with dried cranberries since it's not so serious. I am opposite of you, I keep having loose stool and stomach pain easily (need to go toilet kind). I think constiptation will visit me at a later stage. This week should be my 7th week le. another 5 weeks more to endure and pass the first trimester.... jia you everyone!

sasayeo, I also feel my feet abit swelling. Some of my shoes feel tight now! I'm switching to wear flats now, more comfy...

My weekend was quite a great one coz me and my hubby brought our son to a baby contest held at my neighbourhood CC and my son came in first for the healthy baby (12-18 months)! I was so happy!!

Btw, have you all started booking CL? This year got many MTBs, so CL gets booked up very fast. Better do it early if you plan to have one.

Anybody going for Cord Life? I bought for my son, this time round dunno to buy or not.
CL is Confinement Lady i think.

I think i am the "luckier" lot.. not much symptoms but quite worrying also -.-" But my bloating is kind on off.. sometimes i get to my normal weight, sometimes i can shoot to 1.5kg more!!

Can't wait for my check up 2 weeks later!
Morning ladies, 6th week began yesterday for me.

I'm also having problem of loose (and green) stools. Lots of gas in my stomach, and I can't sleep at night for the past 3 - 4 weeks already.

Read that it could be due to the iron supplements. Everyday I wanna gag when I try to swallow the pills too. Wonder if any of you ladies had experience taking the chewable or liquid form for the supplements.
I think I'll move over to my mom's place after birth, and she will help me with my confinement. Then my husband can stay with us or visit weekly.
sasayeo, think is water retention that causes the swelling. But I forgot the reason le. So must drink more water.

Yes, CL is confinement lady.

It's good to have your mum who can help you with confinement and save the huge cost!! Now market rate of CL is $2.3k :'( I've no choice coz my mum is working, so I have no one to help me with my confinement. Envy those who have mum to help out!
I think i will most probably not hire a confinement lady. (Save $$$)

My in-laws are staying with me + my parents stays opposite street. Though both sets of parents are working, i think we can work out some arrangement ba...

I think Day time my mum most probably can come and help me a bit since she teaches tuition and during school hours she is free.
sasayeo, I think my mom will insist my husband come for dinner coz don't know what unhealthy food he'll eat outside. LOL.

nikko, read that pregnant ladies should avoid salty food since sodium will increase water retention. But I think it's more important to stay nausea-free and happy. So if really crave for savoury stuff, then don't restrain yourself. Heh.
Xta, my cousin-in-law also did not hire confinement lady. She hired a maid, then her mother came by during the day time to do the cooking, and the maid would clean up and do other household chores. At night, my cousin and his wife will take turns to care for the bb.

Hehe.. i normally do not do the housechores anyway (MIL does them! I must be the evil daughter-in-law from hell for her.. lol!)

So i guess i should be able to manage. Only need someone to do the marketing. I am fine with cooking.

I am only afraid that i will doze off and not hear BB crying -- i usually can't hear my alarm ringing in the morning too!
