(2012/10) Oct 2012

Wenty: I hv low blood pressure too, since young. So now, everytime I stand up or get up from a chair too fast, I'll still get short blackout moments. I just need to stand still for a while to let the moment pass and then I'll be okie. My gynae asked me to get up slowly instead of in a hurry. But I always forget :p

Li Ting: Welcome!!

Devilene: Same here, I'm still vomiting abt once a day, usually after dinner. It was getting better last week but start vomiting again this week
. I'll be seeing my gynae this Sat to do my blood test too, seems that he doesn't do Oscar test/scan. Will oso be asking if I can sign up for the pkg which starts at week 20 for my gynae.

Kanelmo: Congrats on ur boy
. I'm oso hoping to see baby's gender this Sat, now 15 weeks.

Mini: I've headache more frequently since pregnant too, at least 3 times a week. Will usually take panadol if it gets too painful.

Ccharis: Hi, haven't seen u here for a while
I'll be gg to gynae this Sat too, hope to find out baby's gender then. Hope baby cooperates to let us see. I'm hoping for a gal thou, after 3 boys... But healthy most impt too...
Kanelmo: Congrats on finding out the gender !

Serenelm: im hoping for a girl too.
Hopefully i can know the gender in another 2 weeks time.

Ccharis: hope everything goes well for you tomorrow.

Any mummies have a pre-term labour history before?
I had it for my first one. So scare . Been very careful this round and not to carry heavy stuffs.
On Oscars test, I opted not to do this test for both my current pregnancy and for my 1st pregnancy. Both my hubby and I are in our 30s but before 35yo, and regardless of the Oscars results, we will still keep the baby. So I felt not necessary to go for the test and bring myself more worries. Just my own tots.

Sharonk, pre-term labor for #1 was due to carrying stuff? Then this time must be very very careful, dun carry anything heavier than your handbag.

I had early dilation for my 1st pregnancy, think around 30th week my cervix was dilated by 1 inch/cm (can't remember exactly), then I was feeling contraction pain. I was on bed rest all the way until 37th week. But the silly thing was I ended up with e-csect.
<font color="0077aa">May</font>
Think she's away from 9th May for about a week. When is your 20th week? Should be after when she's back I think.

<font color="0077aa">Kanelmo</font>
Congrats! I still have 1 more week to wait before I know, and still dependent on the baby. Haha

<font color="0077aa">Mini</font>
I get breathless too when I walk too fast. headaches usually from the afternoon.

<font color="0077aa">ccharis</font>
So long since we hear from you. Good Luck tomorrow! Let us know ok! :p

Just to check, anyone of you have darken armpits? My armpits getting really itchy and on my left it's considerably darken and there's a bump which is perpetually itchy. I read that it's common, but can I apply anything on it!??!
Now I can't wear my sleeveless clothes
So exciting to know that everyone will maybe get to know the gender of their babies in the next couple of weeks. Hope your wishes come true. Nevertheless, as long as our babies are healthy, we'll be happy.
Chapa chic, I know my OSCAR test result only. But the other haven't been done yet.

Wenti, Yes, so sad..

Reineluv, I will just wait for 20 weeks cos the appointment with gynae always 12, 16, 20 etc..

Yesterday called my clinic and they said detail scan will do it on 20 weeks which they call as fetal assessment with uterine doppler. Will check again with my gynae this Monday..
Hopefully baby not shy and show the gender to us, cos going to buy things during public holiday weeks.

Anybody hear any pantang for not buying things before how many months? How about all of you? Have you bought it yet?

I always sleepy nowadays. Was sleeping from midnight until 11 am. And after breakfast sleepy again. Anybody have same problem with me? I am not sure, is this because of pregnancy or my cholesterol growing up?

Thank you for your time
<font color="0000ff">reineluv:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Oh.. Dan shd be ok la.. my wk 20 is end of May.. So after next Sat appt next appt will be end of May lao.. So shd be ok..</font>
<font color="red">Just went to see Dr Woo regarding my OSCAR Results, average is okay .. comparing my blood test, nasal bone nuchal transluceny thickness &amp; my age etc .. But if just looking at my baby's neck thickness it's actually very high risk. As baby's nuchal transluceny is 3.4mm(Screams) But because my #1 faces the same problem also(Neck Thicker) Dr Woo mentioned it MIGHT be we've a history of baby having thick neck.. My #1 neck is thick but eventually it subside even dr was surprised too.. Hopefully it'll be for this baby too.. Dr Woo mentioned it's up to me whether i wanna do the Aminio. i declined as there's a 1% risk inside &amp; previously i've a miscarriage so i'd better not take the risk. &amp; he mentioned neck thickness is the problem that we'll worry. But he suggest me to take the blood test to see whether baby is having other illness instead.. If tested nothing, 20th week detailed scan see whether is it the heart problem, if everything is cleared then baby should be normal.. Keeping my finger crossed that everything will be fine ..</font>
sksf: dun think so much. stay positively

My friend went for oscar blood test and tested high risk. So she went to a professor at Gleneagles to do amino. thank god, all went well.
<font color="red">Sharonk</font>:<font color="blue">Thanks babe
I'm not gonna do aminio, so scary leh
My only problem is the nuchal translucency only, neck thickness.. Hopefully as baby grow bigger the neck thickness will subside like my #1... Pray hard!</font>
sksf, its good ur gynae has a course of action for u, seems well prepared for patients who need reassurance. hopefully the thick neck thing is just something that runs in your family and everything will go well for u!

later i'll b dining at soup restaurant after my gynae checkup. hope can see gender.. only 15 weeks though. i thought i can feel a bit of something in my tummy these 2 days then followed by farts.. DUH.. obviiously its jus gas :p

anything that is not advisable at Soup Restaurant for preggies?

P/S My boobs sore like hell. first 5 secs of #1 latching on is like excruciating for me!!
i find myself getting hungry really fast.. eating 3 meals a day now with 2 snacks.. and its 3 FULL meals..

hope i din gain too much weight
my weighing scale is broken.. just as well, i was obsessed with weighing myself during #1.
Sharon: let's keep our fingers crossed

Sksf: Take care and stay positive

Mei Ziang: For my 1st pregnancy, I only started buying things after 5th mth cos my MIL quite pantang, say better dun buy so early. And now that I'm having my 3rd baby, nothing much to buy. Probably some new baby clothes cos still can use kor kors' stuff. But will get a new stroller cos my current one's pretty old alrdy, will prob get during the SIngapore Great Sale ( Mothercare) or during the next Taka Baby Fair.
Skinney: Better not take the herbal soups at Soup Restaurant cos there's some herbs that we can't take now. U still nursing ur #1? Me too, still nursing #3. Very sore nipples recently, dunno issit becos my milk supply has lessened greatly. I do think that my milk supply has decreased greatly n my #3 is just latching on for comfort.
<font color="RED">Skinneybeenie</font>:<font color="blue">Thanks babe
hopefully! Hope that you can see your baby's gender later on too!
normally should be can as #2 heard their gender will be seen easily, my baby's gender had been seen by the gynae on monday when i'm only 12th weeks. but my gynae doesn't wanna reveal first as he mention it's still quite early, will confirm on week16th on my next appt instead.. hahaha.

<font color="red">Serenelm</font>:Thanks babe, will definitely think positive
serenelm, ya all things herbal i will avoid!
the samsui chicken ok right?

ya still nursing #1, he's only 2+ yo. my milk supply has dropped since i started TTC-ing and cut him down to 2 feeds. he never asks to nurse for comfort though, sicne he was 1+.

i have a VERY strong feeling #2 also boy... but I know we BD 2 days before ovulation... so there's a chance got girl right? :p
serenelm, i wun be buying much this time round.. we just kept and stored away #1's playpen last year.. and he has 2 strollers too. unless #2 is a girl, i doubht we'll be buying much :p
<font color="0000ff">Sksf:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Please stay positive.. Since this gynae is more +ve and giving u more advise. So do your part by taking care of yrself k..</font>
<font color="red">skinneybeenie</font>:<font color="blue">Did you ask your #1? They say #1 first word out when you ask them is very accurate. I asked my #1 once &amp; he said "meimei". &amp; when i'm in the very early pregnancy i dreamt that i found out my bby's gender &amp; it's a boy! &amp; people said normally gender in dream is the opposite.. When gynae scanned for gender on monday, he didn't say anything when i asked him whether is there a KKJ(LOL)He just merely said, "It MAY Be a boy or MAY BE NOT a boy, anyway i won't reveal today, will confirm on your next appt.. but i remember not seeing anything popping up like how my mom &amp; i saw when my #1 was 13+ doing his OSCAR. No luck during OSCAR also, the sonographer say now can't see &amp; confirm also.. Sian. only can wait for 3w+ more to my next appt. haha. My husband wanted another boy, i secretly hope for a girl but right now, what i want is my baby to be healthy !</font>
<font color="RED">Skinneybeenie</font>:<font color="blue">How old is your #1? haha, my #1 kept going "meimei~ meimei~"Forced him to say "didi" he don't want means don't want, unless we use food to convince to say then he'll say "didi" lol... Hope you can know your bbay gender later on!!! Wish you got what you wanted!
<font color="0000ff">Skinney &amp; Sksf:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I asked my god daughter before when I am ard wk 6.. I ask her inside my tummy got bb.. Ask her is didi or meimei.. She initial tell me no bb.. Faintz.. Dan I say hv.. Inside hv bb.. Dan she pause n think awhile say didi.. But I knw tt time is too early to tell.. So next rd if I see her will try ask her again.. See if it is accurate.. Maybe try asking my another niece too.. </font>
Sksf: my #1 is almost 2.5 yr old... BUT he doesn't really know chinese cuz we seldom speak it at home. I dun have any particular wish for gender.. just think if boy i'll b experienced w the caring.. and likely they will b closer.. but if girl, hmm.. she will always remember her mummy

May: did u hve any dreams or hunch? I dreamt that #1 was a boy although i kept thinking is girl.. haha... for this one i think i dreamt once of snake and also boy..
This is cute. Gege always will want meimei and jiejie will ask for didi.
My little niece and nephew are so lovable, when my sis told them I have a baby inside they were jumping around happily screaming: theres a baby baby baby!!!!!
<font color="red">Skinnybeenie</font>:<font color="blue">Haha, my son mixture of chinese &amp; english. But my didi/meimei he says in chinese instead of english.. cause my niece taught him both english &amp; chinese &amp; he followed suit. lmao, very cute. Kids learn thing fast when they're being taught by other kids.. My niece is 4yo this year, when i'm having my #1 she mention it's a didi. &amp; she wants a didi, now that i'm having another one, she told me it's meimei &amp; she wants a meimei like my #1. LOL... made us laughed.</font>
<font color="0077aa">skinneybeenie</font>
I dreamt of lizard last night! Actually more like a nightmare for me. So is it a boy or girl?? hahaha
<font color="0000ff">Skinney:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I got no dream on the gender leh.. But my hubby once dream of carrying a little gal.. And say looks like me.. Cos face round round like me.. Faintz.. But initial I suspect is a boy as I tried on the 2nd day of OV.. But than, with his dream and ppl say could be a gal as no chg in appearance.. So duno.. I am ok with both gender.. Just curious n excited to knw..
When my sis hving her 2nd one.. My goddaughter say is a meimei.. After hving her 2nd gal.. Ask her again next one is a didi or meimei.. She again say meimei.. Dan my sis say if meimei dun wana try lao.. haha..But mine she smile n tell me didi.. So now got ppl say gal n boy.. So now only can wait see who is correct..</font>
<font color="red">Reineluv</font>:<font color="blue">haha! Lizard i never heard before leh! Lol.

<font color="red">May</font>:Muahaha! I think yours might be a boy too :p baby/toddler first sentence is quite accurate. lol</font>
Thinking of ordering pizza for dinner.. was looking at the new pizzahut bliss pizza, when I went to google those cheeses, then realised, it contains a soft cheese that is not suitable for pregnant ladies.
Wasn't so tempted to order that until I saw I cant eat it.
<font color="RED">raspy</font>:<font color="blue">What cheese is that? Normally mozeralla cheese is okay right? Pizza hut used mozaralla cheese.. haha..</font>
I have darken armpits during my first preg. Nothing will lighten it but good thing is it goes back to normal after birth. Will have to bear with the inconvenience during preg

Just did my OSCAR test today.. Sonographer very tight lipped, refuse to tell me whether my NT reading is normal, say must wait till blood test results is out then confirm. Then my gynae says since I m 34 yrs, she recommend me to do amino if result is borderline. Feeling so stress when I hear this. Now praying that results is good.
reineluv: same..i walk from A&amp;F to ION, i feel no energy ald. last time i can walk all the way from far east to bugis lei... so sad lei.. =( i feel like i am getting older..
Reineluv, About the darken armpits, I also had that during my 1st preg and really, after delivery, the colour went back to normal for me. So I think its cause of our preg hormones, better don't apply anything to it.
<font color="0000ff">Sksf:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Dan like tt her 1st sentence is no bb wow.. Lol.. Cos tt time too early to see n she thgt no bb.. haha..</font>
<font color="0077aa">sksf</font>
I dunno leh, I thought reptile ma, maybe same logic hahahahah.

<font color="0077aa">Raspy &amp; meredith</font>
I really hate the armpits. Gosh. And so itchy somemore.

<font color="0077aa">Raspy</font>
I was about to go try the new pizza!That's such a sad news.
Opps just had a blue cheese Chillis burger about 3 weeks ago, forgot all about it! I thought should avoid the exotic cheeses but def didn't know about camembert. I better be very careful about the cheeses I take, thanks mummies for bringing this topic up
<font color="red">May</font>:<font color="blue">hahaha ya! But after that can alr.. so amazing kids know de. lol.

<font color="red">reineluv</font>:Muahaha, actually can goggle online bout preg woman dreams. Hehe. some very interesting de.</font>
Hello mummies,

May I know what's the market rate confinement ladies charge this dragon year? The aunty quote me $2500...thought abit on the high side...
Skinney: Yes, Samsui chicken is safe. I just had that last week too
We oso tried TTC few days b4 ovulation b4. But this time round, we can't recall if it was so :p

Rainbow: Yes, I've oso heard from my frens that this yr's confinement lady rates hv gone up, compared to last year's.
Rainbowpooh: i was being charged 2.3k

TO all: anyone have samples of similac to spare me? and can anyone advise on when do u take the DHA (fish oil)? at night or?

Sksf: dun worry so much. everything will be fine =) hw many weeks are u in?

ccharis: lol.. hahahha i know le i am so slow =( pai sei.. hahahah actualli i heard my hubby says 3 mths plus can tell whether boy or gal can see gt bird bird anot whahaha.. u take yr scan try to see? i cannot see mine leh whahha still very small baby..

u 16 weeks le hor? or 15? hehhehe i am so excited for u quickly share with us the good news..
Joanna I got few samples u want? Let me know ya.

They say if it's a boy the heartbeat rate shd be 139 &amp; below. If above 140 than its a gal. Not sure hw true.
hi gals, no luck with finding out the gender ysterday. Doc was going to say there's something between the legs, but look like its umbilical cord cuz there's pulsation
so still no confirmed!! will only know during detailed scan :p

Tigger mummy : yes I wan hehe
u working near where? Or u prefer postage?

Ahh regret nv ask doctor whether is boy or gal or Oscar able to tell hehe
