(2012/10) Oct 2012

<font color="RED">Joanna</font>:<font color="blue">Thanks babe, I'm 12weeks+ now. you've just turned 12weeks also right? hehe! Horray to us!

<font color="red">Skinneybeenie</font>:How many weeks are you now?16weeks?</font>

all mummies... how would u feel if u saw ur child's teacher welcome his classmate with a big hug.. but not for your child who is just a few steps behind? child only 2+ yr old. I feel angry abt this.. thinking how to feedback to principal. because this is outright favoritism. if she can do this in front of parents, imagine what happens when we're all not around to witness their more unfair acts?
<font color="red">Skinneybeenie</font>:<font color="blue">Was hoping to receive your gender news initially !! Haha..

&amp; in regards to your child's teacher, it's quite obvious favoritism .. If it's my child's teacher i won't be able to accept . If she did it like she gave every child a big hug to welcome them still acceptable, but it's that exceptional 1 then it's quite UNCOMFORTABLE..... I'll be thinking, will my child be treated unfairly during class? Lol.. I think just feedback to the principal on how you felt .. </font>
Sksf, thanks for your thoughts. i wondered if i was overly sensitive but i told another mum whose daughter was in my son's class too. she also said she would not like it.. haiz.. yah i will feedback but thinking how to do it so that no repercussions for my son.. anyone has any advice?

btw this boy the teacher showed favoritism is half european-half chinese. probably the most aggressive and naughty kid in class. he has pinched/pushed/scratched at least 2 kids i know.. and they are only 2+
Joanna: I take my fish oil in the morning cos I tend to take my pills after breakfast. Yes, my gynae pkg starts in week 20 too, abt $1000. I dun think it includes medicine, shld be pay separately.

Tigger: If so, I'll be thrilled cos mine has been consistently ard 160-170 for the past few visits
But I've oso read (can't recall from which website) that there's no basis to this saying cos the heart rate will change throughout the pregnancy, sigh...
can i ask, when hire confinement lady need to pay deposit? if found another confinement lady, need to forfeit deposit issit?

Sorry cos my #1, i never hire confinement lady.. my mil do for me.. i almost died.. so this time i wanna hire..
hubby haven give go ahead. but me think going to just hire! >: P
hi all, there's a premium baby products sale today and tomorrow if anyone is interested (http://www.babystudio.com.sg/)...

may go take a look later, but no idea what to buy since first time mummy and also a lil pantung about buying baby stuff (anyone know whether its only first trimester cannot buy or first and second trimester cannot? Tks)...
Cac: I've nvr hired 1 either but hv read previously from forums that yes, need to pay deposit for most CL. If back out, will need to forfeit deposit. But this differs from CL to CL. I've oso read that some CLs dun require deposit. I can understand the stress when mil do confinement for us, went thru it myself. Always better and less stressful for our mums to do it instead, cos easier to communicate n ask for help. That's why I asked my hubby to do it for me instead for #3 (my mum did for my #1 while mil did for my #2). This time round, will oso be my hubby doing for me

Tammy: Actually it depends on individual. Some dun mind start buying things after 1st tri while others wait till 5-6 mths b4 buying. For my #1, I only started buying ard 5 mths cos mil pantang. But shld try to finish buying the items while in early 3rd tri cos late 3rd tri will be very tiring for us, not much energy to shop, esp for bigger items. But now can start researching what u want to buy, so that it gets easier to decide what to buy when the time comes
dun mind me asking,

wats the rate for CL now adays ar?

agency? (any reputatble ones to recommend)

thinking of agency, cos i dunwan to worry about wat work permit la, no show la. and etc..
<font color="0077aa">skinneybeenie</font>
I think its favouritism. Maybe can feedback to the principal?

Btw, mummies, last night I felt 3 kicks on the right side of my tummy, it was very much to the side and felt my skin stretch. Is it my baby kicking me? I'm just amazed that the baby can go so much to the side.
And I noticed that I always feel the pops on the right side. I even feel stitch-like pain only on the right side. Could it be my placenta is on the right??
U ever talk to the teacher before? My boy's swim coach will leave most Of the teaching to my hb while she focus on teaching other kids. I was wondering why and she told me that my boy is very tense when she touches him so he will learn better if the daddy is the one cOaching while she gives instructions. Check with the teacher if there is any special reason for doing so
Thanks serenelm. I'm eyeing the cute basket to bring him/her home from the hospital... Jialat, dont even know gender yet already hands itchy to buy baby stuff
Joanna, I work at dhoby ghaut and stay Yishun. If u want me to postage u, PM me your add. either way is fine for me.

ccharis: please update me in the listing.
Nick: tiggermummy
age: 33
# 2 baby.
Dr Lawrence Ang
Mt A
EDD: 19 OCt 2012
Stay: North

Anyone can add me in the FB page?
Sksf: hahah yeap i am so excited.. but u so fast go OScar le =) whahhaa.. i should have go yesterday sigh.. just see yr msg that there is no que =(

tiggermummy: thanks babe dun nid le the similac person call me they say i will be receiving the samples this week..i just wait lor =( sign waited for more than 1 month plus they haven send me =( they say gt delay tat's y so long..

i think only the admin person can add u on fb (selena)
<font color="red">Joanna</font>:<font color="blue">Haha, i must go earlier suggested by the gynae lo.. 12weeks le ma.. in case anything will to happen
Hihi Mummies

So sleepy after lunch.. almost dozing off looking at the screen and the bad part is.. big boss is in office today, better keep my eyes big big.
Hi, can help to update?

Gender: girl
NSEW: East

#1 also girl... Don't know to be happy or sad... I prefer girl but my grandparent, in-laws and my parent all want boy... Still don't know how to tell them... Stress...
Donkey!! its ur hub and ur own bb God has given u..if ur relatives wants boy..ask them give birth themselves ah!!

we mummy already going thru the 10mths ordeal..and the risk if giving birth..they still want to choose the gender!

hack care them..
<font color="0000ff">Raspy:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Me too.. Slpy!!! </font>

<font color="0000ff">Donkey:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Dun be too sad over it k.. Maybe you can dun tell them till after the detail scan bah.. Say bb cover n cant tell.. Or say not v visible.. Doc say looks like gal but not 100% lo.. At least give them a mindset tt it could be a gal 1st..</font>
i want #2 to be gal also!! haha just dont want MIL to get her way..coz hub only son..so i must hv son to continue the line..hehe..i will say ya its gal so what..u dont like u can dont take care..i will ask others to take care..hahahaahahahha..im already so happy that God has given me such beautiful angel to my life..

#1 i was super stressed too!! i knw MIL wants son..abit disappointed when its gal..but come to think of it..its me and hub bb eh..who cares the gender..as long healthy can already..
Hi BBKay3105,

Yup, nothing I can do also... Just worried they will asked me to try another one next year... When I had #1 last year, they said try 龙子... Maybe after this ask me to ask 蛇子.. Ha ha... My hubby 2 brother still young so quite stress because all attention is on me.... but will try to think positive... Imagine
when my 2 daughters grown up can play barbie dolls, share
clothes and share problem I feel better and happy for them...
Hello mummies, i see you all can see gender already, so envy!

Can i ask were you told to stop pregnancy supports such as duphaston, progesterone once hit 12 weeks? I abit anxious to stop cos of previous low progesterone and miscarriage experiences.
those old ppl dont knw hw to think..some ppl try very hard..or kena MS..they just want a boy..if they really want..i will buy a male dog for them..hahahaahah..am bad ah..but just dont like they only care abt the gender..especially boys..
ya Donkey ask ur in laws/parents they got secret recipe to have boys isit...if hv..why never pass to u..if dont hv..then dont talk so much ah..

im just waiting the time to kena my MIL hehe..although she is very nice but if she nt happy or disappointed coz im hving gal again..i will give her a pc of my mind already..bui tahan!
Donkey, Congrats on knowing the gender! Be happy ok? Both girls can play together and be close close sisters. By the way, your gynae can confirmed the gender for girl so early? I thought mostly those that can see gender early are usually boy boy. For the old folks, maybe like what May mentioned, just don't let them know first. So long as you and your hb are happy, thats all it matters.

Just to share my hb's colleague funny experience..
His gynae also told him that they are expecting a bb girl until just weeks before the delivery, he suddenly said umm..look like boy. hehe.. so funny, for so many months, they are expecting a bb girl and suddenly become bb boy. Then they also bought most of the stuff for girl already.
Donkey, tell them boy or gal is hb sperms decide leh, so if they want to nag, should nag hbs, hahaha

BBkay, i also hate the old mentality. You know, on my wedding day, when serve tea that time, got elders shout at me leh. Say must bear boy! I was so traumatised for a few years. Kenna shouted at already very unexpected and unglam then kenna stress must bear boy. After that we never visited that elder during all CNY, lucky my ILs not close to her also.
<font color="RED">Donkey</font>:<font color="blue">Congrats on knowing the gender!
How many weeks are you? Relax, don't bother bout your parent in law la. Gender also determine by hb sperm not only women!!</font>
<font color="0000ff">Donkey:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Ya.. Dun be so bother abt it.. As long bb healthy.. You and yr hubby ok is most impt lo.. Unless u or him got preference dan no choice hv to try hard for the next one..</font>

Ya, what wrong with girls? I still think nowadays girl are more 孝顺 then boys and closer to us (since we are girls once)... I have colleague with 2 boys when they grow older... All they talked about (with father) are gadget, soccer and etc which I am totally not interested... So more girls then merrier...
Hi, I am now 15 wks 4 days... When I see the u/s I also think is a girl(have checked online on the difference before today visit) and my gynae said confirmed is a girl because bb quite cooperative... Open her legs wide wide ha ha...
Heartbeats! ya i heard that b4 at my friend's wedding..in hokkien..next yr hv 'lan pa'..faint

Donkey for once live for urself ba..and nt under parents/in laws infulence..

its nt that u all unfilial or what..

but i hv friend whose in laws really treat them diff coz she hving 2 gals..she cannot take it..so depends on u whether u want to ignore and continue with ur life or be at their pleads..
<font color="red">Donkey</font>:<font color="blue">Yes agreed exactly~ girls are more filial. They tend to think of their parents more &amp; mothers esp when they're gonna be mothers theirselves!! Cause that what i felt when i'm in labour ward for my #1!!</font>
anyway their nonsense will never end..#2 son..they will ask u go #3 for son again..haha..i mean why are we under their pleads..we are parents already also eh..i dont want to be under their nose..i got my own path also..heheehheheheeh
Its diffcult to imagine that in today's age, the perception of boys over girls still exist.

My #1 is a gal and everyone else is hoping for a boy for my #2 except the mummy who is secretly hoping to have another girl.
<font color="0077aa">Donkey</font>
Don't think so much, i think healthy most important. Last time my mil over CNY say wan me to have Long Feng Tai in front of so many people. Feel like slapping her lo. After that I gave her black face. Can give birth very good le, still want to choose ma!
<font color="0000ff">Donkey, Sksf &amp; BBKay:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Think I more lucky.. Cos initial MIL got ask when hv bb.. Dan I took so long n she did see me go thru medication.. So now hv one shd be consider lucky lao.. So nvr say anythg abt boy or gal.. Unless she grumble behind our back.. Anyway she already hv a grandson n daughter fm my BIL lao.. So wnt pressure us tt much..</font>

Ha ha, well nothing I can do... I will be happier if #2 take my surname instead of my hubby... Ha ha... Yup health is most important!!!!
<font color="aa00aa">Ya.. To them like want a girl or boy like v easy and we can choose like tt.. My sis oso kena fm her MIL.. 1st one girl.. Dan after confinement.. MIL already hint her for 2nd one.. Dan 2nd one deliver last Oct oso girl.. This rd worse.. Her MIL start hinting for the 3rd one during confinement lao.. She wana close shop lao.. But think BIL wans a boy too.. So she v sianz.. </font>
My hubby also wants boy but he still ok when he knows is a girl(he knows is his problem not mine ha ha)... He definitely will ask me to try another one if financially we can support(he wants 4!!!!) I intent to take 1 year unpaid leave after my ML to take care of my bb... So see whether we can make it or not lor...
<font color="0000ff">Donkey:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Wow.. Yr hubby wans 4!! Haha.. Heng my hubby only intend to hv 1 fm the very beginning when we start to try for bb.. At tt time I wanted 2.. But now hv 1 I very thankful le..</font>
May: haha ur sis mil so funny. Think give birth so easy meh. Alot of responsibilties and time involve to raise them up.

Donkey: 2 girls is good. they will become very close and grow up together. Ignore ur in laws. I praying hard that mine is a girl.
Even my male colleagues say have girl better. we have this saying. if you have a girl, you gain one more son. if you have a son, you will likely lose your son to another girl's family.
<font color="0000ff">Sharon:</font> <font color="aa00aa">My sis is a SAHM.. She already got problem coping with e 2 now le.. She dun wan a no. 3 too.. Scare wait come another gal.. She oso always ignore her MIL.. So will see how it goes next yr and my BIL lo..</font>

May: i see! haha im lucky. My in laws are quite modern. i don have issue with this.
but when comes to baby feeding. They tends to let bb try outside resturant food at 8/9mths which i really dun like. So i told my hub this time round, he better make it clear to them. It seem like im a bad mummy when i always restrict my #1 this food &amp; that food.
