(2012/10) Oct 2012

ya sing ling its true!..i always ask my hub to bring us back to see my mum once a wk for dinner etc..but on the other hand..DS dont want my bro to be back for dinner with mum..haha..maybe once a mth??

<font color="0000ff">Sharon:</font> <font color="aa00aa">So we are consider the lucky ones in term of bb gender.. As for outside food quite difficult to stop them.. As u knw.. When outside BB sure to be hving merry go round.. Haha.. And to them must let bb taste so they will not be picky on food.. Duno whr e theory comes fm la.. </font>
May: haha. but because outside food are more tastier, my girl tend to 'reject' home-cook food (which we reduce soya sauce = Less tastier, and fuss alot during meal time. Its always a battle between my mum and her. haaha. One refuse food, one angry cause she cooked for her. That happened last year.

Luckily all is over. Now she is learning to self feed.
<font color="0000ff">Sharon:</font> <font color="aa00aa">IC.. Dan no choice.. Must be firm on the bb now.. If not will start all over again..</font>
Congrats donkey. I would want a baby girl
. My next appt with Gynae is tomm, hope I will know the gender.
serenelm, how ur hubby do for u? he know how to cook confinement food? i'm impressed at those mummy's hubby who can do confinement.. i wonder how they do it...
CL very exp.. i'm still comtemplating..
but i don't wan to suffer 2nd round.. argh...
wow donkey so lucky to be able to see gender in 15th week!. Me too but no luck
boy or girl really don't matter. in the west, they prefer to have girls over boys instead! i just woke from my 2h nap (GASPS) suddenly thinking if #2 is a girl, i will have a mummy's girl
see how bah. even if boy again most likely wun try for #3. unless god's will
on the topic of gender, i'm hoping for a boy.. cos i already have a girl... but if it's a girl, i'll still be happy.. just hope hubby won't be upset... as i wanna close shop no matter wat :p
Cac: I roughly know the basic confinement dishes, so taught my hubby how to cook them. He took a week's leave previously, then for the rest of the mth, he would cook (including longan tea) in the morning n put them in the thermal cooker to keep warm b4 leaving for work. During lunch, he would come back to fetch my elder boys to n fro school. After work, he would cook dinner. He would oso bathe baby after dinner. So during the day, i only needed to concentrate on baby n myself at home. We wanted to save money and save myself from the confinement stress from mil so he was willing to do all these. Actually as long as eat healthily n drink herbal soups to 补, it shld be fine. In fact, my general health improved after my last confinement
cac, ya i think 2 is abt what we can afford now.. unless hubby's income can increase by double in next 2 years? :p hubby always said he doesn't mind... but since before #1, he has been saying he likes daughter
at least one he said. but after bonding and playing with #1, he said he loves him dearly too. now his belief in havign daughter also toned down so doesn't prefer either..

all children are blessings, as long as they are healthy, happy, normal children, what more can we ask?
Hi, ya good to know gender now so that everyone will stop wishing for a boy... Most important still health... My #1 had mild seizure on day 2... Admitted to kk for a week and still cannot find the cause... Now no more seizure le... I hope #2 will be ok... Anyone taking tonic to "bu"?
for breastfeeding mums, do u find ur boobs fuller in preg? i used to feel a bit "deflated" (haha) end of last yr cuz ss is low now that #1 is almost 2.5 and only nurses twice a day.. could the fullness be due to pregnancy hormones mainly? or body gearing up for next baby?
Hmm I am taking bird nest only... Hate chicken Essenes... But I guess should start taking next week... Must spend hubby $$ and "bu"!!!
serenelm: You are so lucky! Your hubby can cook! Would you have any dishes to share? My MIL is going to be my confinement lady and I do believe she is going to cook a lot of chicken with DOM if I do not provide her with other recipes. Imagine eating the same food throughout 1 month of confinement...
Mummies who have breastfeeding experience... Is it true that we need to switch to non-wired bras during the later part of the pregnancy? Is it at the start of the third trimester or probably like one month before the due date?
Help ! I thought I heard fr my genetic scan doc dat I still can do amino test after 20th week scan not gd ... I called my gynae n nurse say risk of amino test higher at wk 20 so if want to do must do now (week 16).... Still sealed mouth on advice for my borderline pass case . Kept stressing it's our decision. I say I know m I will make d decision, just seeking for expert advice - didn't we pay a specialist doc to give that ?? So frustrated how can gynae not b able to give advice n then keep giving info ???
Sorry I can't help on BF cos I wasn't successful during #1. Will wanna learn from successful BF mums here. Any supplements to take etc?

Serenelm, I think u muz be a v strong lady.. Either physically or mentally.. Cos during my confinement w my mil, she mainly does the cooking while I rest.. But I also gotta wash the bottles, wash my pump (cos she keep asking me to pump out and don't nurse directly
I was v v v tired. Plus stressed w supply and baby cries. Backache... I couldn't take it man...
Don't worry. Once have no 1. No 2 should be quite easy.

No nEed to wear non-wired bra. But it will be more comfy lah.
To successfully bf, you must be v v v hardworking. I started pumping in hospital. Every 3 hours. Even at nite I wake up to pump. Then when I'm home, I also latch then pump. Or if I Just pump, I can spend abt 45 mins to make sure I get the amt I want. Drink plenty of fluids be it soup or water. Then massage your breast before pumping or latching. Sometimes the pump can't extract all the milk then I will use my hands. Basically try to get as much out so that your body thinks that more milk is needed. I managed more than 1.2 litre per day during peak
<font color="0000ff">ML:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Duno let.. Maybe after hving no. 1 dan see still wan no. 2 anot.. Scare no ppl look after n cant cope..</font>
ML, WOW! i've never been successful at pumping a lot. i think my peak output only 700ml a day but i still latched my #1 3 times on top of that. during my maternity leave, i just latched him like mad. feel full breasts means go n wake him n latch. he was sleeping more than3h means go and wake him n latch.. haha...
Skinney &amp; Val: Sure, but next week, okie? Cos very tired tdy and will be gg out this weekend. But mine's really basic recipes which most elders would know, i learnt mine previously from my mom too. I mainly had Sesame oil chicken/pork/liver with old ginger, Ang Zao (Red Glutinous Rice Wine) Chicken with rice/mee sua, Steamed/Pan fried Fish, Green Veg or Herbal Chicken Soup. I dun like Dom so I din hv any at all. This time round, I hope to learn the recipe for Papaya Fish Soup, heard that it helps to boost milk supply (which I definitely need)

Skinney: Yes, my breast is fuller now but somehow it hurts more when nursing #3 nowadays. Dunno issit becos supply has lessened greatly. But #3 refuse to wean off totally. I basically just nurse him once or twice a day now only.

Val: I've just switched to wearing non-wired bras cos it hurts when I wear wired ones. Actually it's weird cos I nvr had such painful feeling during previous pregnancies, I managed to wear my wired bras all the way till delivery time then. But this time I managed to find nice strapless padded non-wired bras at Spring Maternity, very happy abt that cos I tend to wear tank/spaghetti tops which sometimes dun look good wif bra straps. So it's very individual when to switch to non-wired bras, as long as u feel comfortable wif ur current ones

Cac: No lah, I'm not strong at all. I was more stressful wif my first baby too cos inexperienced, worry abt whether he's full or hungry etc. But wif 3rd baby, I learnt to be more relaxed and let go a little

ML: I've nvr been successful wif pumping too, hv been latching on directly only. This time round, I'm hoping to pump too cos dun wan baby to be too attached to latching only. I've this problem wif #3. He nvr took to the bottle at all cos I latched him on only. By the time I introduced bottle to him, he rejected it totally. What pump did u use?
Hubby n I quarreled n had a heated argument all night over d amino test decision ... He kept saying I shdnt b stress n shd focus on being happy n not worried abt wk etc ... I know it's true but just hate d way he said it like so easy !!! working and in a new bigger role is alrdy stressed , plus this first pregn brings so worries ..., just looking for support only mah ... No wonder got song called super woman .... I see my colleague with 2 young kids always d one who hv to rush home when childcare calls abt d kids , n she is d only one waking up at night to take care of kids , never d Hubby .... Both working- why so unfair ? I think our society is still not supportive towards wking women - our govt needs to do much more !

Sorry I'm blabbering , just rather upset n uncertain abt what to do ....
Btil, the genetic scan showed the fetus is healthy? Ya i know where u r coming from, mums tend to feel more pain and worry more over the baby. I also feel unjust when i see mums who have to work outside just as much needing to do more when the kid is sick, so many of ex coll's cases were like tt.

i cant sleep. think i napped too much. trying to sleep on my left side which i'm not used to. i'm a full time back sleeper!
Good morning ladies! I didn't sleep well last night, was awake for about 3 hours. It was my first time taking my multi-vit at night last night. I think it could have kept me awake. Does anyone else has the same problem?

Just finished my breakfast but having heartburn now ...

Nowadays I feel stuffy n warm quite easily. Yesterday when I gave a short presentation, I was quite breathless as i talked ...

Aiyo, so many side effects of pregnancy ...

Jiayou, 5 more months + to go ...

Have a good weekend everyone!
<font color="red">Btil</font>:<font color="blue">Is your gynae still LN Sim dear? Don't stress yourself so much, think positive. I feel what you're feeling, cause for the past few weeks i'm in your shoes too.. But I'm thinking positive now too Thinking of finding out baby's gender soon etc can really distract us from thinking negative.. Cheers, we're all behind you.. </font>
<font color="blue">It's raining cats &amp; dogs, sucha good weather to snuggle in the bed with ma #1. But i've to dig myself up for work this morning. In office now feeling so shag~</font>
Morning ladies,
Didnt sleep well last night too. Now watching doraemon. Love the weather but I'm hungry and hubby is still sleeping.

<font color="0077aa">Btil</font>
The hubby cannot understand what we are going thru cos the baby is in us and not them. But then again, it's really important to keep positive. My colleague says that that in her friend's case they had a really low ratio for DS, they opted out for amino and went ahead with the pregnancy, the baby girl is perfectly fine and 3 years old now.

So, dont think so much. Just let your hubby know, what you really want from him is support, even a hug is better than saying so much.
sksf, ya such a good weather to nua in bed!!! but #1 woke me up so early as usual....*yawn*....

donkey, dont stress urself over the news of the gender. i would love to have a gal!!! that being said, all babies are a blessing. I'm already thankful to have this #2 so thou it's boy but its also ok as we took quite a while to TTC.
n like what heartbeats said, gal or boy is not decided by us! it's by Hb's sperm lor!!

reineluv, i watching chiros....mine #1 took over the remote &amp; press 311 ...haiz..

Btil, *hugz* we get more emotional during preggy...ur hb is also worried for u cos dun wan u to be too stress up over the test.
Be positive, think postivie. its not easy to be a FTWM in SG, esp w/o help (my #1 was in infant care since 4mths, &amp; going to do the same for #2 too). I also always dread whenever the childcare calls me when i'm working. sure nothing good, most of the time it's bcos child is sick &amp; I have to take urgent leave to bring him back immediately...
Hi all mommy, I'm new here. Have been a silent reader all the while. I'm in my week 16 and having a baby girl.

ccharis: please update me in the listing.

Nick: kitty01
age: 31
# 1 baby.
Dr HK Ho
Mt A
EDD: 3 Oct 2012
Stay: North
<font color="red">skinneybeenie</font>:<font color="blue">Hahahaha! My #1 still sleeping lo! Just woke up an hour ago! He enjoys the cold weather always!

<font color="red">LilKmum</font>: Very good, raining cats &amp; dogs .. so cold early in the morning .. aww.. my #1 enjoying his sleep when i left for work :'-(

<font color="red">Kitty01</font>:Welcome babe! Grats on knowing the gender! When did you know your baby's gendeR? Aww, shower me some babygirl dust plssss! hehe.</font>
Btil, just want to share my experience with you as we are in similar situation. My OSCAR results is also at borderline, 1:339. Likewise, my gynae did not give me much advice but provide me with all the info and risks involved if taking amnio test.
I explored several options (second opinion, genetic scanning etc)and realise none give an accurate result as compared to amnio test. I know it is a tough decision to make. On one hand, you want to have the reassurance that the baby is normal but on the other hand you are worry on the safety of the baby. I tell myself to think positive and trust the gynae, and so I went for the amnio test on Wednesday.
The procedure is simple and only took couple of minutes. It is not painful, just slight discomfort and cramping for the next few days. I rest for a couple of days before resuming back to normal activities. Thanks God, results came back normal and it is a baby girl!
Have a good talk with your hubby,I believe he is also equally worried for you and the baby. Keep yourself busy to distract you away from this. I know it is not easier but you got to try. Stay strong!
Thanks everyone for ur encouragement ! Feeling slightly better , going to work out a gd makan plan to pull up my wt. Saw my gynae today - everything looks fine . I opted to do d 20th FA scan with a doc not sonographer . Also went to my Tcm - my 'mai' is gd n v strOng, but I hv to eat more cos Bb going to dra d nutrition fr me. It dawned on me - it's not abt whether I hv appetite - I hv to eat for bb's sake ...

So I'm gonna take all ur advice n be positive n happy !!! Happy motherhood !!
Btil, don't need to be this stress and worried. I felt that the result isn't as bad as what yr Gynae make it sound like. My Gynae is always very positive, i asked him whether is it safe for me to annouce my pregnancy to friends when I was only 2mths preg and he went: sure why not. He also always make positive comments like good condition, healthy baby, u r doing perfectly fine. A good positive and comforting Gynae is very important.
Just my 2ct worth.
Hi all, hope every mummies is well &amp; no more ms already..

I'm a sahm with 2 boys &amp; a gal, &amp; expecting a Baby boy(Gynae says 80% boy)

I want baby gal lah!!!!!!!!!!!

Gonna go for ligation after this baby so really not expecting "D" day to come so fast as i'm pretty worried about e Pain!!! &amp; Hopefully i'll be able to bf baby till as long as possible as i've bf my gal till she's 3...

Hi Ccharis, could you please add me to the list?

Nick: Davier's_mummy
Age: 32
Baby #4
Dr Koh Cheng Huat TMC
EDD: 09 Oct 2012.

Thank you. =)
<font color="0000ff">Btil:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Dun be so stress up k.. Men always think we think too much..
when you are feeling upset.. Just pour yr sorrow here.. We are here to support u..

Mummies are 伟大!!</font>
Btil - Hope you and your husband are feeling better now. I think husbands feel helpless when they can't do anything to alleviate our stress and they are not really experiencing the state of being pregnant.

But don't stress; focus on being happy and your baby will know that you're happy.
joanne i got other brands of sample too ie: enfamama, frisco mum gold let me know if u wanna try. but i still prefer enfamama chocolate flavor.
mummies, can i check with u all, did u all missed Feb menses? Cos I manual count the mth, it's different from my # 1 and gynae counting
Thanks kanelmo, may, Chapa chic, kitty01, sksf, Reineluv, skineeybeenie , lilkmum for ur encouragement .. Means alot to me :) u mummies here r d GREATEST !!!

Anyone knows if bb stuff prices are better at baby fairs, or GSS (jun), or d shopping malls sale (like they pack d item with other stuff as a pack) ? There is a baby expo next week
From my experience, taka fair maybe good if there is discount. Robinsons, OG and Metro sales are good when they have store wide discounts on everything. I didn't buy bundle pack because I didn't need some of the stuff,eg baby bottles. I didn't buy too many first because not sure whether baby like that particular brand or teat.
Hope this helps.
Good morning mummies! Hope you had a good Saturday &amp; will hava a beautiful Sunday too!

Welcome kitty01, it's very nice of u to share your experience &amp; comforting words to Btil.

btil, stay positive &amp; jiayou!

I envy so many mummies know their babies' gender already. I can't wait to know mine too!
Strawberry 128- gd morning! I didn't get to see Bb gender yest (w15d3) at chk up cos Bb cross leg . So hv to wait till 23may for FA scan to know

Good morning mummies! Wishing you a beautiful Sunday.

Tiggermummy: I actually missed my Jan menses. Based on my calculation, my conception date should be 9 Jan.
