(2012/10) Oct 2012

<font color="0000ff">skinney:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Hmm.. Better monitor if persist dan call gyane k.. Maybe u still not to squat.. My sis say kneel dwn will be better or sit on floor..</font>

ML, is it better when u sit or lie down? i find that i feel it when i am standing or walking or squatting..

seeing gynae on thurs, will definitely check with him too.
Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum.

First time mum-to-be, due this oct! Super excited to find this thread and so many of u who are going thru the same stage in our pregnancy.

ccharis, can you also add me in the list please

Age: 29
BB#: 1
Hospital: Gleneagles
Gynae: Dr Lisa Chin
EDD: 12 Oct
Gender: -
NSEW: East
skinney, maybe it's the stretching of ligament but better to check with Gynae on that on thurs. I have this pain or uncomfortable stretching feeling near tummy and was told its stretching of ligament. Your good friend is indeed a little too insensitive on passing that remark.
Hi mummies, anybody looking to buy 2nd hand Avent Phillip Electronic Single Pump? I have a lightly used one for less than 2 months. Still under warranty. Looking to sell @ SGD140, as i have received a medela one from my friend.
Please PM if keen. Thanks!
Hi Ladies..talking abt insensitive pple..my mgr very power...she knows im preggy before 3 mths -no choice have to inform as given 2 weeks bedrest..she kept asking me every week when can announce to the team! i'm like -_- not even 3 mths i'm not comfortable! some more that time very unstable..and instead of being concern..she's afraid that my job no one covers..really very disappointed! then now finally week 13 she so kan cheong when to announce! she scared later maternity leave no one covers..sometimes really feel like quiting my job..so not pro-family..sianz
SillyJ, unfortunately i think there are more insensitive / non pro-family companies out there than not.

I had ex colleagues who got terminated when they were pregnant, and another friend's co also did that to a pregnant lady.
Hey mummies, any of you have that 'wanna vomit' feeling while brushing your teeth in the mornings? I actually vomitted gastric juice this morning while trying to brush my teeth. And the more I brush, the more I vomitted. Best part is it started only in wk 13 :///
Anyone with the same problem? Really hope this is normal..
Sha, I'm also 13 weeks Nw &amp; puking started recently. Getting worst in 2nd tri for me. Nw I try to brush my teeth ASAP.
<font color="0000ff">Tammy:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Welcome!!!</font>

<font color="0000ff">Sha85</font> <font color="aa00aa">I will feel like vomitting when I brush my teeth n will vomit if I clean my tongue at nite. So I avoid clean my tongue at nite. But morning seems to be better for me. At least I can hv a fast cleaning of my tongue w/o vomitting out. Its been like tt since wk 7 till nw. </font>
Sha85 - I fear brushing teeth at night , during n after brushing I will feel like vomitting , sometimes hv to hold bk till fin w brushing (eeeks!) Like that since week 6 n now I'm into wk 14- much better now than before

All - where is a reliable source to get 2nd hand Bb items ? All of frens either hv passed theirs to others or are using/will use them
Sha, its normal. Me too, will vomit if I brush my teeth. I had to change toothpaste and put very little paste on my brush.
Whew..glad to know I'm not alone. I will try using less paste. Thanks ladies!

Btil: I have been buying 2nd hand bb stuff thru mummysg and smh forums. so far so good
Sha85 and chapachic - yes, I also gag when I brush my teeth and it doesn't get better. Now, I try to speed up my brushing teeth process. Not a good feeling.
Good Morning Mummies

Hehe.. so many of us having the same thing with our mother. Now my mum is itching to know the baby gender, so that she can go and 'spread' the news again. Though Im also not aware, Im quite sure, I won't be telling her any sooner when I know it. Hehe.. sweet 'revenge', making her heart itching (xin yang yang).

RE: Brushing of teeth
I also gag each time I brush my teeth. It started quite early, like week 5/6. I read somewhere that some mummies avoided the toothpaste and got better. I also brushed without toothpaste since and its slightly better. Although still gag, but at least not too bad.
Btil - Don't worry. Once your pregnancy news is more widespread, and more people are aware of your pregnancy (ie your tummy gets much bigger), you will get more hand-me-downs. Trust me. People can't wait to get rid of their old baby clothes.

Actually, my neighbour even offered her baby cot to me but I declined because I already have one, which was a hand-me-down. I also had a hand-me-down car-seat too from my cousin, which helped to save a lot of money. I also used credit card pts and vouchers to buy my McClaren stroller.
<font color="0000ff">Btil:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Ya.. I agree with Kanelmo.. My sis already passed me some maternity clothing.. And will pass me some bb stuffs, car seat and stroller when nearer to my due date.. I hv frend recently knw abt my pregnancy wana pass me books too..
So dun worry.. As the news spread more ppl will offer to pass you thgs..</font>
Morning girls,

I also gag when I brush even when I'm 16 weeks now! I just force myself to brush lor, cos my mouth stinks.

I also still feel nausea in the morning. Terrible right.
Anyone started reading to bb or let bb listen to a particular piece of music? Heard it helps to soothe bb cost they can recognise the story or music.
<font color="0000ff">Singling:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Can bb hear already?? Duno is it they are able to hear fm wk 16 onwards..
I did rub tummy to sayang bb.. But toking.. Not tt much yet.. </font>
I started talking to baby very early. Then we try to read books every night while listening to Mozart haha. Actually it's more of having my hubby talk to the baby since he doesn't get to do it throughout the day.
Sing Ling: I talk to baby every day and hubby reads to baby every night. For no. 1, I used to fall asleep to classical music but I haven't done that yet for this one - I should start. My no.1 loves music.

Speaking of maternity clothes, I was stressed yesterday and splurged on a few pieces from Dote (they double up as nursing wear and I remember the few pieces I got during No. 1's time were of good quality). Check them out
yeah i thk listening to music really helps. :p
3 of my kids practise piano and violin daily so it's enuff music to the baby already. Including my daily scolding. hehe
Warm welcome to the group, Tammy!

Serene, can i have the administrators nick, so that I can send in my nick and add to the group?

May, reineluv, ming8110.- same here, I talk to bb &amp; let dd hear music &amp; kids' song too. i read that it's help in bonding connection. and i hope it works too.

by the way, i tried the Boi-Oil last night, very nice mild smell and non sticky too :p
Shir Shir: it's novembaby (Selena) who added me to the FB Oct group. Maybe u leave ur FB details here, I'll write to her in FB to add u
Mummies, I just slipped and fell on my back (!!) was told to see a GP if there's no bleeding or cramps. Very worried abt bb though. Any advice?
Shir Shir: I can't seem to retrieve my PM. Maybe u leave ur FB details in this thread? I've asked Novembaby to check out this thread for ur FB details (same for any other mummies who want to join us on FB). You're welcome, glad to assist

Sha: Hv u called ur gynae? Better to check wif gynae. Take care...
<font color="0000ff">Sha85:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Aiyo.. Y so careless.. Pls check wif gynae to play safe.. Bed rest tonite k..</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Sianz.. Hving headache again... Duno y since last Fri been hving random headaches.. And mostly afternoon.. </font>
May: im having headache too and sore thoart. Feel like going to fall sick soon.

sha85: better to go gynae there and check thou.

Mummies - can i take normal panadol?
<font color="0000ff">Sharon:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Normal panadol(500mg) can.. But not those panadol extra, panadol cold or panadol with somethg type..</font>
May: Thanks!! its all durian fault. haha!!! immd effect of sore thoart last night and this morning headache throughout the day.. counting down to go home and SLEEP!!!

Has your appetite improving? It still doesn look good on me.. I find it diff to swallow thou esp fish!
<font color="0077aa">May</font>
I get headaches in the afternoon too. Why ah? Had such a bad headache yesterday.

<font color="0077aa">Sharon</font>
I try not to take panadol. I think partly also because I'll allergic to certain components. So I just ren and ren lor.
<font color="0000ff">Sharon:</font> <font color="aa00aa">My appetite improve abit only.. Still eating half or wat I used to hv before preggy.. No appetite esp after e ride home fm office due to motion sickness..</font>

<font color="0000ff">reineluv:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Headache can be cause by many issue.. Not enough water, heat, smell, homo changing, etc...
I oso kind of allergic to panadol tablets.. If I take those tablets type.. After 5min will like a cat with a fur ball in my throat.. Will last for 20 to half hr before my throat gets better.. So I only take the panadol mini cap type.. Tt one I got no problem.. Maybe you can ask your gynae if there is any alternate medication other than panadol for you..</font>
reineluv: i tried to ren too the whole day. Am afraid fever. Later need to rush home and measure temperature. My whole body ache... arghh..

I think headache is part of the symptoms of preg too. I did ask my gynae before as i have shortness of breath.
<font color="0000ff">Sharon &amp; Reineluv:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I been enduring the pain since Fri.. Although heng the pain will go away after I nap or slp.. But it is visiting me almost everyday for at least afew hrs.. </font>
Anyone not really putting on weight? I have put on 1.5 kg or so since the beginning but find that I haven't really gained any weight in the last 2 weeks or so - quite different compared to my no. 1
is it my imagination but does anyone's tummy look smaller than before?

i thought mine looks smaller now (15 weeks) than it was at 12 weeks... i guess i was jus bloated to the max. now appetite back to normal...
i have been taking some maternity milk on and off... so far tolerated ok, although for some brands, i finish it in a big fast gulp cuz i cant stand the smell.

my #1 even competed with me for lunch cuz he liked the pork ribs soup i made and kept wanting more.. faint..
novembaby, please add me.. my fb is [email protected]

kanelmo &amp; May, u both r so lucky.. when i was preg with my #1, no one offered me anything leh..
i guess mayb cos i'm among the first in my group of friends to get married and give birth.. so lesser people around me wanna get rid of stuffs...

sha85, better call gynae to check....

ming8110, i haven't put on any weight since 1 month ago... 0 increment... i guess nothing to worry since my gynae never said anything about my weight... he only say that it's a good sign that mayb i'm not vomitting too much..
Reineluv , Ming8110- what books do u read? N for music, how do u let Bb listen ? Just play it like u r listening or put d headphone on ur stomach ???
I also haven't put on weight , in fact I lost 2nd in 1st trimester .... Apettite better now but not better as before preg

Thks for d info on 2nd hand Bb items - many of my frens n family either no kids, kids v big now or just 1 yr old n planning for another one ...

Am taking some mother's milk every day to see if I can put on some weight - although I am not keen to put on as much as I did for no. 1 (put on 18 kg which was too much honestly).

Btil: No harm asking to see if you can borrow some items which you will really only use for a few months. We borrowed an infant car seat for 6 months last time round and returned it when our friends were expecting their next kid. Things like that you really only need to borrow for a few months anyway. And when it was our turn we loaned my daughter's cocoona to another friend's new born who returned it after 4 months. Sort of like recycling

I just play music normally in the background. I am not sure it is a good idea to place ear phones directly on the tummy - can be too loud I guess. I know Mrs Wong Boi Boi frowns upon it and told her students not to do it so I simply followed.
