(2012/10) Oct 2012

Hi mommies, just to share. I went to see gp for cough and sore throat. After I got my meds, called up kkh to confirm the safety. Safe meds for sore throat - danzen, cough - detromethorphan, mouthwash - thymol.

Sharon: My gynae oso told me b4 that we can take the normal panadol. I've just taken 2 tablets cos oso having very bad headache since this afternoon, din get any better even after taking a nap. Finally can't tolerate the pain, so took the panadol.
<font color="0077aa">May</font>
Actually, I'm allergic to quite a no of painkillers. That's why try to avoid them unless really no choice.

<font color="0077aa">sharon</font>
Fever no joke, should go see doc and try to keep your body temperature down. I think there are still medicine safe for pregnancy. Or call your gynae?

<font color="0077aa">Ming</font>
Me! I have not gain or lost much weight. In fact, my weight now still the same as pre-pregnancy. I notice my appetite getting better, so probably the weight gain is coming soon.

<font color="0077aa">skinnybeenie</font>
Actually I do feel my tummy smaller hahaha. I think its the bloat la. Especially in the morning, my tummy very small. But as the day goes it gets bigger and bigger.

<font color="0077aa">Btil</font>
I borrow those board books from the library. Very short books can finish in 5 mins. As for music, there's those music for babies by Mozart, I play Happy Babies series.
Don't use headphones on the tummy, I just play it in the background. I read somewhere that the music helps to relax the mummy, and baby can sense it. I think the baby's hearing's still developing, so better to play in the background.
<font color="0000ff">Ming:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I lost 3kg in 1st trim.. Think hv not gain back much yet.. But tummy definitely bigger these 2 wks lao..</font>

<font color="0000ff">Cac:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I am lucky as my sis just gave birth last Oct.. So by e time mine arrive will be just nice to pass stroller, car seat, some bb stuffs n cot.. So can save alot.. </font>

<font color="0000ff">Btil:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Dun put earphone / headphone on the tummy for bb.. Althou to you might be v soft.. But to bb is v loud.. No gd for bb's ears.. So be careful k..</font>
<font color="aa00aa">So sad.. Just vomited out my dinner when brushing my teeth.. Haiz.. Last x was 2 wks ago..
Thgt no more vomiting lao.. But today ate abit more dan become like tt.. Think if I hv nt brushed my teeth dan wnt not hv vomit lao.. Sob sob
Hi mommies I went check up today,doc say I hv cyst.I'm so worried.
and my weight still lower than normal.gain back my 3kg (that horrible time I lost 5kg). Doc say my edd shld b 15oct. Can help my update?

I still vomit and I ask doc, he say is normal. He say cannot eat deep sea fish,eg shark fins(my fav lei). Tea n coffee 2 cup per day is still okay.
Sha85: I also vomit in the morning. Brushing teeth, after breakfast.like whenever gt feel, den will puke. My mil prepare box of colorful plastic bag for mi to puke.
Morning ladies, I have seen doc and thankfully everything is fine except for some minor bruises. I think I'm more traumatized than anything else.

Mini22: I also had a cyst when I was preggie with #1 and it didn't pose a problem coz it was very small. How big is the cyst u have?
Sha85: doc didn't say hw small is it.jus say monitor will do..I think shld b fine right. Bcos the nxt check up is 4 wks ltr so if is dangerous I think he will need mi to go down ASAP.
<font color="0000ff">Mini:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Since yr gynae did not schedule yr next appt to be nearer.. Than shd be ok bah.. Since he is not v concern abt it.. Than you dun be so worried abt it too.. </font>
Morning mommies, long time not active in this forum.. I was really busy at work and tired at home, no time to look at computer..

I also cannot brush my teeth, esp. at night, feel like want to puke. Happened to me after ate papaya, then brushed my teeth and puked.. so after that stop, no more brush teeth at night.. now only morning and very fast too..

Just met my gynae yesterday and i gained 7kg+ already!!! dont know it is good or not, but doctor said baby is normal and growing very well.. hopefully I can manage my diet until delivery..

Did anyone book your 20th week detail scan? Do you know how much is the price?
Thanks Ladies for your concern.

Fever down, but i still feeling very legarthic. I pop one panadol last night, and one this morning. Wont overdose right??

I feel like visiting gynae but busy with work, cannot take leave / mc leh. Mc too frequent during 1st tri. haha..

Wendy: wah 7kg... ur appetite is good leh.. I cant even have a proper meal.
My detail scan is included in my gynae package leh. You need to book it separately?
Wendy, I was told it's 200+, not too sure the exact amount though cause I paid a sum of 400+ for both scans. 7kg that's double what I gained
Hi... I also very concerned about detail scan. But until now my gynae never told me about it.

Is that different with 20 weeks test (which include in package with Thomson) and they called as Uterine doppler? If different, does anybody know what is this test for?

Chapa chic, Where did you ask? From your gynae? Or should we register in any radiologist?

And must detail scan done in 20 weeks? Can it be earlier?
Mini: seems like its not serious. My gynae was also very slack abt the cyst during my first preg. Turns out its very harmless and pretty common
so don't worry.
Hi mummies, are strawberries and kiwis good for pregnant women? I've been eating quite a lot of strawberries. Suddenly wonder if there is any relation to cough/phlegm like oranges...

Btw to add to topic of medication, I took chlorpheniramine (small yellow pill) for flu. Only $2 from guardian pharmacy and gynae said very safe for pregnant women. I wanted to buy clarinese but the pharmacist recommended this instead. The flip side is, this med causes drowsiness.
Quinny: Yes, the small yellow flu tablet is safe for pregnancy. I asked my gynae previously n I've been taking it whenever I've flu too
mei zhang,
my gynae told me it's 200+ for each scan. The scan can be done between 20-22 week. However Uterine doppler is done 20 to 24weeks and a slightly different type of scanning.
Have u receive your results from earlier scan?

Quinny, strawberries and kiwis which have vit C which are very good, I doubt you will overdose by eating strawberries but eat moderately if u are already taking vit c supplement or iron. Too much of these can cause birth problem.
Quinny: Oh yes, I do get drowsy very fast after eating them. But that's good for me cos I usually sleep better after taking the tablet
sharonk, yeah, I think my appetite is too good, I can eat 3 whole meals (bfast, lunch and dinner) and 3 extra meal (in between, brunch, tea break and supper), hahaha.. I am trying to cut though, but trying eat more fruit and veggie, but still gain 2 kg in 1 month..
My gynae package does not include the detail scan, since I'll do the scanning at Paragon, Radlink.. my gynae does not have facility for it..

Chapa cic, I paid $300 for my OSCAR test, dunno how much for this detail scan.. spend a lot of money >.<

Mei Ziang, the detail scan can only do in week 20-22 weeks, cannot do it earlier..

Anybody has low blood pressure in pregnancy before? 2 weeks ago I almost fainted in my office cargo lift and my gynae said I had low blood pressure.. he told me try not to stand in a crowded place and move my leg when I stand up, so that the blood keep circulated
<font color="aa00aa">Sob sob.. Not in gd condition today.. Nausea before lunch.. Not much appetite.. Dan now feel bloated and slpy.. Abit xin ku.. Duno is it due to last nite I vomited and the effect bring forward to today..</font>

<font color="0000ff">Wenty:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Wow.. 7kg!! I still hv not gain much/back the wt I lost in 1st trim.. As appetite still small abt half or less portion of wat I used to eat before preggy.. Your appetite is gd..</font>
It's not a must to do all these scans but more for peace of mind. It's worth spending than to have to worry about our baby for the next few months.
I was told to do some more light exercises cause I nearly fainted on couple of occassions too.
<font color="0077aa">Mini</font>
Depends on how big is the cyst. My gynae says 5cm above then you need to worry. So don't worry now ok.

<font color="0077aa">Wenty</font>
I'm still about the same as pre-preg weight but my tummy is getting really big for 16 weeks!
I can't really eat too, eat too much I will feel really uncomfy. Don't eat I will get nausea. Aiyo.

My detailed scan is booked on 19+ weeks. Also included in the gynae's package, so not sure how much.

<font color="0077aa">Mei Ziang</font>
My is around 19+ weeks cos gynae not going to be around. I guess should be fine to do earlier ba.

<font color="0077aa">May</font>
I still feel like that now. Though appetite getting better, but need to control cannot eat too much or too little.
<font color="0000ff">reineluv:</font> <font color="aa00aa">So fast you sign package with yr gynae lao ah.. My gynae still hv not tell me abt it leh.. My detail scan oso suppose to be included in the package..

Ya lo.. Yest my appetite was better too.. Ate slide more dan usual.. But end up vomited due to brushing my teeth.. Arrggg... Dan today like tt lao.. Thgt 2nd trim suppose to be the best during pregnancy.. Y are we still suffering.. Althou I din gain much wt.. But my tummy oso getting big real fast since last wk.. </font>
any mommies encountered increased heartrate? For the past few days, I feel my heartrate has increased, quite uncomfortable. like pumping extra hard, and like gg to pop out..

hehe, bit exaggerated on the pop out
<font color="0077aa">May</font>
I havent sign yet, can only sign on 16 weeks, but my next appt is 17 weeks le. Then they were afraid they can't get an appointment so they booked for me 1st haha. And so happened Dr Chua going away for a week plus, so she started telling me about the detailed scan lo.

<font color="0077aa">JustALamb</font>
I get that too, especially evening after I eat dinner hahahaha. Should be normal cos the blood vessels pumping away twice as fast.
Hi mummmies,

I went to seek 2nd opinion with Dr. Ho on CVS test and he says I can do Oscar first before deciding if further test is needed. That is a great relieve. The only thing now is appointments at Thomson are fully booked for Oscar test. I need to do a walk-in. Not sure how long I'll have to wait...
<font color="blue">Did not intend to do OSCAR in the beginning, but Gynae said my baby nuchal translucency is thicker than normal babies.. Said i go do OSCAR results will also be high risk, ask me to do animio straight .. Scared to do animio leh
So seeked for 2nd opinion with Dr Woo Bit Hwa, he mentioned my baby nuchal translucency is thicker than normal too but he said he could see baby's nasal bone though, what he suggested is for me to do an OSCAR, so i went in the early morning like 8am for walk-in for OSCAR.. Surprisely everything is done at ard 9am-9:30am.. So i think walk-in very early the test can be done quite fast too .. Now praying for positive results of my baby OSCAR test
Even saw baby somehow waving at us during the scan at Dr Woo's.. Dr Woo guessed my baby gender too but doesn't wanna confirm with me, will only confirm with me when i see him next appt.. If everything goes on fine i'll switch gynae to him instead.. Cause Previous gynae nurses was actually quite impatient when i called in to enquire bout the OSCAR &amp; Animio .. &amp; kept insisting that results will still be high risk if i did OSCAR ..
Josey, arrive by 8am and register at the counter. Should be fast. Mine was also completed including blood test by 930am and I m the 2nd patient for that morning.
<font color="0000ff">JustALamb:</font> <font color="aa00aa">My heartbeat will increase too if I walk too fast or climb the stairs.. Other dan if doing nothing is quite normal.. Just tt somex feel breathless..</font>

<font color="0000ff">reineluv:</font> <font color="aa00aa">When Dr Chua gg away?? If like tt most pro will tok to me abt the package during my next appt bah.. My next appt I will be in wk 15 towards 16 le..</font>

<font color="0000ff">Sksf:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Pray tt yr result will be gd this round.. Just be patient for these few days k..</font>
Sksf - Just to share d oscar is subjective ... I did oscar n result is borderline n my doc discussed options with me which scared d hell out of me. If she said u shd go do amino test to conf , I will, but she said its up to me cos it's borderline pass . I cudnt sleep for 2 weeks n cried a few times. I didn't dare to take d amino test risk for nothing ! I went to do another scan as 2nd opinion . Still not 100--% conf what I will do but I'm inclined to defer d amino test till after 20th week scan
JustALamb: I feel more easily breathless these days. If your increased heartrate persists, may ask your gynae to see if you should test for any thyroid issues.

Wenty: Replace white bread with whole meal and normal rice with unpolished rice. Healthier and they should make you feel full for longer. Anyway, don't worry about it if your gynae is happy with your progress.

Signing up for package: My gynae only offers packages from the 20th week so will sign up then.
<font color="red">Btil</font>:<font color="blue">She ask me do animio straight no need waste money do OSCAR -__- say do OSCAR my risk will be high also .. haiz .. Never even gimme chance to choose keep insisting me to do Amino.. Went seek 2nd opinion, the other gynae suggest me to do OSCAR first cause he can see nasal bone plus i am very young only .. so assure me a little than the previous one.. my previous gynae insist i do amino no need do OSCAR or whatsoever .. then never even give me any supplements or fix an appointment with me anymore .. like confirming my baby is high risk le.. lol.. i went other gynae he still prescribe me supplements &amp; fix another appt to see me in 4weeks time presuming my results is ok.. Sounded more comfortable like this ..</font>
Sksf - doc really need to n aware of the effects of what they say to us preg ladies !! Just try to relax n think positive - everyone tells me dat n I know it's just so difficult
Hi all thank u...feel relief after hearing all these. Doc gimme iberet folic,calcium,neurogain..a lot...I dun hv fish oil..
Hi ladies,

I am still vomiting but much better this 2 weeks. Either once or day or once every 2 days. Feeling more energetic this 2 weeks.
I noticed my tummy is bigger this week as compared to last week and it's so sudden that it's freaking me out. In addition, I gain 1.5kg since last Friday and is this considered a rapid weight gain? I suspect I'm suffering from gestational diabetes in this pregnancy. Have to get it checked when I see my gynae next week for the triple test at week 15.
2nd nite in the row woke up at this timing cos I'm hungry!!! Arghh tried to sleep it off but doesn't work so here I am munching chocs while posting.

Devilene, jus hang in there, how many wks r at? Sounds like ur MS is getting better! It shd hopefully go away in 2nd tri.

Hi LiTing, welcome to the club!

Package: mine only allows to sign up package at 16wks But I manage to sign last visit at 15wks plus le.

Oscar test: actually this Oscar test thingy is something new rite?? I rem my 1st pregnancy didn't have such a term for it. Then i realize it's jus the usual 1st tri NT test + combine with blood test. Think it's used to be known as just NT screening....

Sksf, u changing gynae? Go with one u most comfortable with. But gotta decide fast rite cos we shd be able to sign up package soon. If thereafter u sign package n switch gynae then not worth.

Ok done with my chocs... Will try to go back to sleep now... Hate interrupted sleep... As if frequent waking up to go toilet issit bad enuff, now I hv to wake up to eat...
Another busy and hectic day tom still got so many o/s cases when I left office today.. Ok it's me jus babbling at this hour.. nitess..
Hello! It sure is exciting to think that our kids will be out in about 5.5 months! But it sure is troublesome to keep falling sick.

How do you all cope with being pregnant and having a full time job? Do the supplements that you take really help to boost your immune system? I've been taking all these multi-vits from the doctor and I'm still so vulnerable to viruses. I've been falling sick every other week.
Ccharis - Haven't seen you on the forum some time now. How have you been?

Can you please update the list for me? I went for my gynae visit yesterday and am in my 16th week now. The gynae scanned something in between the legs so I should be expecting a boy.

My #1 is a boy so ok lah, #2 will be his companion and sure fight lah. LOL! Sigh...can't buy those cute girly clothes and accessories.
reineluv: Thank u =D

i have headache now and then, and it last for the whole day. does anyone have this problem? nurse say i hv slightly low blood. whenever i take mrt or i stand for too long, i will feel giddy and will feel breathless.is this common too?but i hv normal meals and i gain back some of my weight that i lost previously.
<font color="red">LilKmum</font>:<font color="blue">Most prolly will be changing
Yeap, decided to sign up Dr Woo's package instead. Won't be going back to previous, sigh. Kept changing gynae in the end decided on a male one instead. As my previous gynae had been diagnosing problems with my babies .. since my #1 till my miscarriage then to my current .. Abit scared of each visit i went to her. So think confirm changing this time round le ..

<font color="red">Kanelmo</font>:Congrats on finding out the gender babe! Went for a scan on my 12th weeks on monday, Doc actually check out the gender of my baby .. He don't wanna tell us first as he said it's still quite early he doesn't wanna confirm first . hah, he say will reveal when i visit him the next time which will be ard 4 more weeks when i'm 16th weeks.. Meanwhile so excited to know, my hus wanted another boy.. Therefore quite looking forward to knowing our lil bean's gender.. </font>
<font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">October 2012 Babies</font></font>

<table border=1><tr><td><font color="ff6000"><center>No.</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>Nick</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>Age</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>BB#</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>Hospital</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>Gynae</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>EDD</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>Gender</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>NSEW</center></font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Ariadne</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>01.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>JustALamb</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dy Yvonne Soong</center></TD><TD><center>01.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>NE</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>3</center></TD><TD><center>ReineLuv</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Chua Yang</center></TD><TD><center>02.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>NE</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>4</center></TD><TD><center>asphere</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>03.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>5</center></TD><TD><center>Wens</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Choo Wan Ling</center></TD><TD><center>03.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>6</center></TD><TD><center>skies</center></TD><TD><center>36</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>KKH</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>04.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>7</center></TD><TD><center>Keiko</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>04.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>8</center></TD><TD><center>Wenty</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Fong</center></TD><TD><center>04.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>9</center></TD><TD><center>oekmer</center></TD><TD><center>33</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Woo</center></TD><TD><center>04.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>10</center></TD><TD><center>starrie_nite</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. LC Cheng</center></TD><TD><center>04.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>11</center></TD><TD><center>Liang</center></TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. LC Cheng</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>12</center></TD><TD><center>jaime_g83</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Lawrence Ang</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>13</center></TD><TD><center>Zen</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt E</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Pritam Singh</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>14</center></TD><TD><center>Lil'K'smummy</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Ang HY</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>15</center></TD><TD><center>kanelmo</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>Boy</center></TD><TD><center>North</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>16</center></TD><TD><center>Ms_Lala</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Kenneth E Lee</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>North</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>17</center></TD><TD><center>eiggam</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>SGH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Devendra</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>18</center></TD><TD><center>kikilala</center></TD><TD><center>35</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt. A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Chua Yang</center></TD><TD><center>06.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>East</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>19</center></TD><TD><center>mei ziang</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>06.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>NE</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>20</center></TD><TD><center>berser</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>MAH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Douglas Ong</center></TD><TD><center>06.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>21</center></TD><TD><center>JuneGoh</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>NUH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Su Lin Lin</center></TD><TD><center>07.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>22</center></TD><TD><center>Donkey</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Parkway East</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Heng Tung Lan</center></TD><TD><center>08.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>23</center></TD><TD><center>Chapa Chic</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Adrian Woodworth</center></TD><TD><center>08.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>24</center></TD><TD><center>BabyJo</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. C.H.Koh</center></TD><TD><center>09.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>25</center></TD><TD><center>serenelm</center></TD><TD><center>35</center></TD><TD><center>4</center></TD><TD><center>Mt. E</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Kowa Nam Sing</center></TD><TD><center>09.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>North</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>26</center></TD><TD><center>Btil</center></TD><TD><center>37</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr LN Sim</center></TD><TD><center>10.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD><center>ming8110</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Caroline Khi</center></TD><TD><center>10.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD><center>novembaby</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>SGH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Tan Wei Ching</center></TD><TD><center>10.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>Cindy</center></TD><TD><center>35</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr LC Cheng</center></TD><TD><center>10.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>ccharis</center></TD><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC or Mt E</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Caroline Khi</center></TD><TD><center>10.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>Central</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>Raspy</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. HK Ho</center></TD><TD><center>10.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>NE</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>McKay423</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>10.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>33</center></TD><TD><center>Missy</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Lawrence Ang</center></TD><TD><center>11.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>North</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>34</center></TD><TD><center>airex</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Joycelyn Wong</center></TD><TD><center>12.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>East</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>34</center></TD><TD><center>Tammy</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Lisa Chin</center></TD><TD><center>12.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>East</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>35</center></TD><TD><center>strawberry128</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>KKH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Goh Shen Li</center></TD><TD><center>13.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>West</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>36</center></TD><TD><center>Njon </center></TD><TD><center>36</center></TD><TD><center>3</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Chin YK</center></TD><TD><center>13.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>37</center></TD><TD><center>nyctora</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Eunice Chua</center></TD><TD><center>14.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>38</center></TD><TD><center>mayday80</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Chua Yang</center></TD><TD><center>15.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>West</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>39</center></TD><TD><center>Sharon_k</center></TD><TD><center>24</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Douglas Ong</center></TD><TD><center>15.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>40</center></TD><TD><center>devilene</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Chan KH</center></TD><TD><center>15.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>East</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>41</center></TD><TD><center>ynove</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC or Mt E</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Adrian Tan</center></TD><TD><center>16.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>42</center></TD><TD><center>Eeyore</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr John Yam</center></TD><TD><center>16.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>43</center></TD><TD><center>Lil_D</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>16.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>44</center></TD><TD><center>Yam</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>16.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>45</center></TD><TD><center>Quinny</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Ann Tan</center></TD><TD><center>16.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>North</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>46</center></TD><TD><center>sha85</center></TD><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>KKH</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>17.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>47</center></TD><TD><center>angie_mummy</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Yvonne Chan</center></TD><TD><center>17.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>48</center></TD><TD><center>zeezzen</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Lim Teck Chye</center></TD><TD><center>18.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>Boy</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>49</center></TD><TD><center>SnU</center></TD><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>18.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>50</center></TD><TD><center>Ally</center></TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>KKH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Wee Horng Yen</center></TD><TD><center>18.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>51</center></TD><TD><center>Coco Pops</center></TD><TD><center>26</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>KKH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Tan Thiam Chye</center></TD><TD><center>18.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>52</center></TD><TD><center>Twish</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Raffles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Cordelia Han</center></TD><TD><center>18.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>53</center></TD><TD><center>candizhu</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Adrian Woodworth</center></TD><TD><center>19.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>54</center></TD><TD><center>kiko_sale</center></TD><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC or Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Adrian Woodworth</center></TD><TD><center>19.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>55</center></TD><TD><center>Angie</center></TD><TD><center>42</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>(Auckland)</center></TD><TD><center>nil</center></TD><TD><center>19.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>56</center></TD><TD><center>cac</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>19.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>West</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>57</center></TD><TD><center>SillyJ</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Chan KH</center></TD><TD><center>20.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>East</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>58</center></TD><TD><center>Vankel</center></TD><TD><center>34</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Adrian Tan</center></TD><TD><center>21.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>NE</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>59</center></TD><TD><center>Marvliz</center></TD><TD><center>33</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Prof SC Ng</center></TD><TD><center>23.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>60</center></TD><TD><center>slchua</center></TD><TD><center>33</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>KKH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Han How Chuan</center></TD><TD><center>24.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>East</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>61</center></TD><TD><center>BBTM</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Seng</center></TD><TD><center>25.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>62</center></TD><TD><center>Autumn</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Woo BH</center></TD><TD><center>26.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>63</center></TD><TD><center>Felicia Ng</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Parkway East</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Heng</center></TD><TD><center>26.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>64</center></TD><TD><center>Giantress</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Chew SY</center></TD><TD><center>26.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>65</center></TD><TD><center>Mini22</center></TD><TD><center>26</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Mr HK Ho</center></TD><TD><center>26.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>66</center></TD><TD><center>Lavender1979</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Mary Yang</center></TD><TD><center>27.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>67</center></TD><TD><center>zonkkie</center></TD><TD><center>33</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Joycelyn Wong</center></TD><TD><center>28.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>68</center></TD><TD><center>Sksf</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr LN Sim</center></TD><TD><center>30.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>East</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>69</center></TD><TD><center>preciousgal</center></TD><TD><center>26</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Mr H K Ho</center></TD><TD><center>30.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>North</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>70</center></TD><TD><center>Meredith</center></TD><TD><center>34</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Joycelyn Wong</center></TD><TD><center>31.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>NE</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>71</center></TD><TD><center>pEI</center></TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Kang Wee</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>72</center></TD><TD><center>Icjpiggy</center></TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Lim Teck Beng</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>73</center></TD><TD><center>nmx</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt E</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Kowa</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>74</center></TD><TD><center>constance</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>5</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr PS Lui</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>NE</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>75</center></TD><TD><center>Shir Shir</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>Parkway East</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>76</center></TD><TD><center>Stephanie Ang</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>KHH</center></TD><TD><center>NIL</center></TD><TD><center>01.11.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<font color="ff0000">Sorry MTBs, I have been away for quite abit &amp; was back-tracking to update this list.
Please remind me again, if I have missed out of you, otherwise please help me check if the details are correct or not, thanks!</font>

<font color="0000ff">SnU</font> - NSEW is the area in which you're staying - this is for future convenience whereby if anyone wanna conduct group buy.

<font color="0000ff">Quinny</font> - I'll think it should be North bah, I cant be sure cause I based on MRT tracks, lol.
Let me know if I have to change (or let's see if got anyone else staying around your area then we can verify).

Sorry MTBs, had been away for awhile.. I guess apart from being alittle more clumsier, 2nd T seemed to be a breeze for me, no more motion-sickness, MS, leser reaction to smells, etc... So HB had been bringing me out, food gathering &amp; catching up w friends, etc.. But I think I have broken way too many "food laws" - one of them is shell food, geez!!!

<font color="0000ff">Kanelmo</font> - Thanks for remembering me, thats so sweet of you! *muacks!*
Congratulations for a BOY too! I think thats the best match, dont worry about clothes - you have the best of both worlds now!

<font color="0000ff">Jo</font> Aiyoh... KKJ, KK stands for Ku Ku... Hehehe... We're all hoping for a BOY.

Tomorrow I'll be going to the Gynae, hope to find out the gender of our baby too since HB need to draw blood for Thalessemia test - praying he can see the U/S himself &amp; know the results live! *fingers crossed* Last night I didnt sleep very well. I guess I was having all sorts of dreams, in anticipation regarding gender. I think God knows best, everyone's really hoping for a boy (me too!) and sometimes I wondered what if it's a GIRL - honestly none of us has given consideration to that, geez... HB has even given me boy names, both chinese &amp; chrisian names - none for girls too, sigh. Hoping our prayers will come true, BOY BOY BOY!!!

It's been awhile since I saw our baby, almost a month back.. I cant seemed to feel the kicks yet too, so wondering how's our bun doing inside me.
