(2012/10) Oct 2012

Ming: I'm looking forward to the return of my energy level too. I brought my 3 boys out to Nex this afternoon (hubby went to a mtg nearby) and was so exhausted that I literally slept the evening away. Guess I'll be having insomnia tonite :p Happy Birthday!!
Hello mummies

I am a April Mommy, just given birth on 30 march, currentily doing my confinement.

I will like to intro my confinement nanny, Huang Tai. She is very good in handling my baby and cooking delicious confinement food for me. Need not apply any permits as she is Singapore pr. If interested, please contact her at 83090545. Her website is www.confinement2011.blogspot.com

Enjoy ur pregnancies ladies;)
Good Morning Mummies

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Just went to collect my oscar results on Sat and thank god, they are fine. Finally can rest my heart and announce to my friends and colleagues(though my mum went to tell my relatives and her friends long before that and make me so angry with her, cause Im quite pantang).

Ming8110, Happy Belated Birthday to you and your girl!
Thanks May, Btil and Raspy. We had an early celebration over the weekend. Actual birthday this Friday. I was in labour for more than 30 hours so I guess my daughter really wanted to share my birthday
I hope she still thinks that it is cool to share a birthday with mummy when she is a teenager.
raspy, congrats on your oscar results! it's always happy news here

Ming, happy belated birthday to you and your little girl. Well teenage-hood is scary for parents right? We didn't realise that when we were teens hahaha.

May, try Daiso for the disposable covers?
<font color="0000ff">raspy</font> <font color="aa00aa">Congrats!! I oso feel v relief to hear my results are fine too.. </font>

<font color="0000ff">Quinny:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Thanks.. Will go look for it..</font>
Hi mummies...raise and shine..hv a new week ahead..

however,my bb monday blue.i jus swallow down bread n soya.nxt min puke..lolz..

tmr is my check up,so excited... =D
Hi Ming8110,

Thanks, I'm going to see Dr. Ho from Mt A later this afternoon. I'll most probably switch over to him if he agrees to take me in :p. I heard from my friend that he will reject patient if the pregnancy has pass certain stage.
marvliz> yah i think another 2 or 3 Nov 2010 mums here
did you join our facebook group?

mummies, have all joined the facebook group? isit easier to communicate via facebook group or here??
Thanks Quinny and May. Truely, its a relief when I see those results.

May, I used to see those in those shops that sells travel stuff, even those that sell luggage, as they always had a rack of travel accessories and disposable covers are one of them. I ever see them at the NTUC travel 'rack'. You might want to try your luck there if you happen to passby any of those.

Zen, Im not in the FB group too. How do I join it? Not sure if FB is easier to communicate, but Im ok with here.
Does anti-stretch mark still work for you? I stopped using since no 1 time. cos no matter how i applied, the marks are still there, red and bold and ugly.
Seems like many of you have gone for the oscar. Mine is scheduled on 26 April at 13th wk. I am worried too cos of my age. I am 37 this year...
Constance: I do hv some light stretch marks from previous pregnancies but not very visible. I guess the cream helps to moisturise our skin so that when it stretches, it is at least not very dry, maybe will hv more stretch marks if skin is not moisturised?
hi all, I'm back after days of MIA :p

Serene, I heard of friends who commented that it's advisable to buy &amp; consume fish oil pills directly from our gyanes instead, rather than to buy it off the rack? as some ofs fish oil products may contain excessive or high content of mercury, which is harmful for our little precious? any idea of this?

Raspy- thank you for the bird nest info

I just bought Bio- oil stretch mark cream last weekend, shall begin using it this week

what is the facebook page/ nick for our thread?
also any mummies facing blocked nose ? is that common? esp at night?
My blocked nose is causing my headaches and migraines
Shir, i heard bio oil is good and i have it.. not too sure if i should use it.. issit safe for pregnancy?

i also have blocked nose. quite irritating..
i need to clear my nose every now and then.. cos the mucus is preventing me from breathing properly.
Shir Shir: I'm not sure, mine was given by my gynae. For my previous pregnancies, I wasn't given any fish oil. Perhaps it's better to ask from gynae cos at least they know what's safe for pregnant lady.

Yes, I've been experiencing blocked nose at night too, very irritating. I even woke up at 5+am this morning cos of my blocked nose.

The FB page is called Oct'12 Mum (SMH) but u need Novembaby to add u to the group. You can write to her in this thread to ask her to add u
Cac: I oso can't breathe properly wif the blocked nose. My 3 yr old son even laughed at me and said "Mummy, u got blocked nose? Breathe thru your mouth lah" :p
Hi, anyone experiencing worse Ms now? I m approaching 12 weeks but my ms is getting worse! This is baby #2 but I didn't rem feeling so helpless with baby #1. Doc gave me long 1 week mc to rest but I can't seem to feel guilty that I am away from work so long. My boss n colleagues most probably will be gossiping y I Mia so long since they dunno I m preggie.
Sighs..not easy being a working mother. Dunno how am I going to tahan standing for long hours when I m back at work.
hi morning mummies,

just had my visit this morning &amp; yes confirm baby's gender le: its XY

Constipation: I'm having bad constipation too.. but i've been eating alot of fruits leh.
<font color="0000ff">BabyCubby:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I rem my MS was oso v bad ard wk 12 n gg 13.. But mid wk13 suddenly become much better.. Jia you.. You are reachin soon..</font>
Hi Mummies,
Hope you girls doing fine on Monday! I can feel my energy levels going up le. But for some reason, I still feel nausea -_-"

<font color="0077aa">Ming</font>
happy belated birthday! So nice to have the same birthday as your daughter!

<font color="0077aa">Raspy</font>
Congrats. I know how you feel. I know my mil and mum also go around telling, I just ignore the fact and pretend I don't know.

<font color="0077aa">Constance</font>
I opted out for oscar. Don't worry, you baby will be ok. Have faith.
I use the stretchmark cream from my gynae btw. Apparently supposed to be good.

<font color="0077aa">May</font>
Think i saw at watsons before.

<font color="0077aa">Shir Shir</font>
If I'm not wrong, the fish oil you buy outside usually have a higher concentration of EPA which causes blood dilution/blood loss.
Fish oil suitable for preggy women usually have a higher concentration of DHA around DHA250mg/EPA20mg ratio per pill.
Usually only kids' version of Fish oil will have a higher DHA ratio compared to EPA but in lower doses.
babycubby, hang in there, MS shd go off or get better once in 2nd tri.. my MS somehow got better once i'm in 2nd tri. appetite also improve alot.
Since u are given rest, do have a good rest, dont feel too guilty abt work, u n ur baby is more impt
<font color="0077aa">Lilkmum</font>
Xy is boiboi? Congrats! So nice!! I still have to wait 1 more weeks to find out! How many weeks are u now?
cac- hahaa, will keep you posted after i try it out.
should be ok, i think, as there's no essential oils contents bah...

serene, i can't seems to find the group just now

yes, the blocked nose is bad and i can't seems to sleep well with it too. haiz..

reineluv- bunch of thanks! i will check with my gyane in my next apt.

mummies, any recommendations to search for babies' names?
can't find any unique ones we fancy..
Pastillies, Congrats! You're the 2nd mummy to know baby's gender here.

Reineluv, Im so angry with my mum that time. Because when I revealed to her during early stage, she told me that she's more pantang than me, so rest assured she won't tell anyone. Then one fine day, I received a call from my aunty, telling me that she had sourced a CL for me already. GOSH, I haven't even think whether to get a CL this time and she already called and talked to that CL.. bla bla bla.. and want to force me to confirm that CL of hers cause they felt that the CL for my #1 is bad and my mum also kinda gossip with them about my #1 CL talking on phone etc.. so you can imagined my mood that time. I wanted to complain to my bro and you know what, he told me, they already knew my pregnancy even earlier than that auntie and I should know better, not to let my mum know as it will mean everyone will be aware. GOSH.. then I realised, the whole world knew it already. Now, my mum is pestering me to tell her what's baby gender and her reason is.. 'others will ask me, so I can tell them'. I told her, this time, will make sure she's the last one on the list to know it. My dad laughed at my remarks cause everyone know her pattern.
<font color="0000ff">raspy:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I understand how u feel.. I in wk14 now.. I still hv not tell my mum abt my pregnancy!! I believed my mum oso did go ard telling ppl I have problem conceiving over the past 2yrs+.. My hubby only announced abt it 2 wks ago after Oscar test.. Since you know yr mum's pattern.. Dun be so upset abt it.. Relax k..</font>
My mum also same pattern. She went to tell my whole extended family that I went for ivf... Damn angry! Dunno what's wrong with them! Super angry with her! Then when I got my boy naturally, they all assume he is ivf baby. Buay tahan!!!
babycubby, i guess me? thou i'm hoping not..
recently i seem to feel nausea after smelling detergent...or clothes w detergent smell after washing... apparently, i only had this when i had my #1.. but recently i start to develop problem with more scents... i tot this time was good cos #1, i smell perfume will nausea.. but this time no.. i hope it's not becoming like #1 case..
smell everything also wanna vomit.. damn sian..
<font color="0000ff">ML:</font> <font color="aa00aa">When I TTC n took very long.. I went to Sinseh n Gynae for help too.. My mum got to knw abt it.. Which I regret letting her knw too.. She once call n tell me got a sinseh ppl say v gd leh.. V cheap oso.. Ask me wana go try anot.. Must be duno go tell who n ppl recom her lo.. Dan is those neighborhood type.. Cheap sure lots of snr ppl go que.. Dan long que and cheap = good to them.. Faintz.. Duno wat kind of thgs she tells ppl lo..</font>
My mum lagi best. Told her I needed her to help cook for me during the 2ww wait during ivf. She forgot and went on tour. Best!!! Horrible right? I think I took longer than u. 5 years before I got my boy.
<font color="0077aa">raspy</font>
I know! the 1st time I had an mc, my mil say I pantang say too early. Then my mum went to tell my aunty and my cousin came and ask me about it!
So 2nd time, I kept quiet, who knows mc again. Now my 3rd time, I only told parents and in-laws after 12 weeks.
Then my MIL already go go tell dunno who le even though my FIL say dun tell so many people. My mum, even worse, already bring my grandma and who not to come visit me with soup. Then my grandma also wanna get a CL for me. So I rejected lor.

I also go to sinseh, then my mum will ask me why I go sinseh la blah blah. The sinseh good meh. blah blah.

Like what <font color="0077aa">May</font> says, I think I try to take it easy this time, no point getting angry le. Only make me fire up! You never know what kind of things the mums will say to people lor.
ML, reineluv, May - yes!!!!! MUMS CAN BE SO BIG MOUTEHD! I told my mum only cuz she kept sayign she is going for cataracts op in oct and needs help (cuz i know her big mouth pattern) then she told OUR INSURANCE AGENT! See the link.. its so far! i was so cross with her. I was really pissed off cuz i just MCed last july too.

luckily i never told her my problems conceiving my #1. Maybe it wasn't really long that it took us 11 mths but checkups revealed something not good abt our reproductive states tt may require ivf so to me #1 was a miracle too. 2nd and last round of taking clomid and so luckily striked.

i still rmbr one fine day b4 #1 was conceived my mum was saying loudly at busstop in full hearing of strangers not to use oral contraceptives. if i had told her our fertility problems, she'll definitely broadcast to the whole world. actually its very disappointing considering she herself had fertility problems yet so inconsiderate!

my PIL also pantang until the baby is born (different culture) but the good thing with them is they really zip their lips.

actually there are all kinds of people u would not expect to be insensitive to u but they can be. i have a gd fren who conceived her bb effortlessly (just 2 months back in sg after overseas posting and away from hubby). when she found out i MC last yr, her only "consolation" was "so u so quite fertile what, can conceive while breastfeeding". It was really disappointing coming from a good fren who gave birth only few months ago to say such things.
<font color="0000ff">ML &amp; Reineluv:</font> <font color="aa00aa">It is best to ignore as much as possible bah.. If not will only make our blood boil even more.. Haha.. With BB coming will be busy.. No time for their nonsense.. </font>

<font color="0000ff">ML:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Wow.. 5 yrs.. I still intend to give up if still no hv this yr le..</font>
<font color="0077aa">skinnybeenie</font>
Your friend is really. -_-
I have an irritating friend too. She knew what happened to me. Then she got preggy even though she said she not trying. Then after that she said, oh, they just try their luck. Then since I've been trying for so long, she said, oh, if you trying, you should take folic acid! I'm like, DUH DUH DUH!
Of cos I know that right. I hate insensitive friends.
<font color="0000ff">Skinney:</font> <font color="aa00aa">As wat you mention.. She manage to conceive effortlessly.. So she wnt understand us(those who ttc for v long). How we feel and the stressfulness.. I still remember last time when I see my frends who are married earlier before me.. When hving bb.. Actually this qns could add stress to those who been TTC for awhile.. Cos since I started TTC.. And took so long.. This qns always disappoint me.. As I duno how to ans.. Only can say leave to fate.. Eventually I try to avoid bb showers n gatherings for the past 1yr+.. To avoid this qns.. This is kind of sad.. So now I will try to avoid asking frends such qns..</font>
reineluv - yes this friend never passes up the opportunity to tell me if so and so also got pregnant accidentally, just like her, even though she knew we waited almost 1 yr for our #1. i guess the wait itself wasnt long, but we were only 26-27 that time, so we thought shd be easy, plus some of the checkup results that suggested we may never naturally conceive
<font color="0000ff">skinney:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I have such pain last wk.. My sis told me could be uterus expanding.. Monitor if is persist.. If yes, call yr gynae n check.. Today I encounter cramps after lunch.. Stronger dan last wk.. Which lasted more dan half hr.. My sis say could be bb, lunch n poo fighting for space.. Funny rite.. But true enough after awhile need to go toilet.. After tt cramps no more le.. But now still got abit achy.. You just monitor.. If tml will painful.. Call up n check with gynae k..</font>
May - i'd think the only decent consolation to offer someone who had an MC is definitely not what she told me! ya i just had a gd fren newly wed, also hope all goes well for her. but gd frens tt r comfortable w sharing, we can also pass on our experience to them so that they need not waste time like we did
if they want the advice of course!

May, the pain is the area between legs, machiam like someone pinch a clothes peg there! :p its mild but uncomfortable. sigh actually i dun like squatting now but my #1 so small no choice everytime hav to squat to play with him. if i stop, he will ask me to play with him.
