(2012/08) Aug 2012

LittleCoco: If he is not willing to write the detail report, then get your hubby to demand all your past medical reports from him so that you can show to your new gynae, it will help a lot as in he would know what test you have gone thru and what are the results etc. Don't quarrel with the doc over this as you need to keep your stress level down, so I suggest getting your hubby to do this task. Maybe of little relevence, but I think it's normal for your #1 to act that way as even though I do not have #1, one of my cat who is like a child to me have been more sticky lately. I guess it can also sense that there is going to be a change. Again if possible, get daddy to be more involved is giving your #1 more TLC.

Sri Leo: Don't stress over it. Just do whatever you can, understand that sometimes saying is easier than doing.
i think our no 1 has a special bonding with us..and i am sure they can sense the difference..so not to worry that much..when bb is out..continue to shower our no 1 with care n love..they will understand..

but to compare baby (human) with a CAT...i cant agree!!!
Hi Sri Leo - thanks for your reply. Don't be sad as I know it is easier say than done.

Just to share with u what I normally eat for snack and breakfast other than fruits like apple n pear...

1. 20 plus roasted almond + other nuts like cashew n pine (purchase in ntuc)
2. 1 slice of whole meal bread w low fat cheese /low fat peanut butter.
3. One hard boil egg. ( I eat it almost everyday)
4. 1 wholemeal wrap with some ham n salad.
5. 1 packet of UHT low fat milk ( every night before sleeping)

Other meals I just try to eat more meat n veg n half a bowl of rice.

It is really hard for me too as I love to eat...I cheat a lot too. Like occasionally 2 seeds of durian which my doctor say it is ok.. Hahaha... Just a few days more to go...

FYI I have not gain any weight since I got pregnant. my friends comment that I never look so slim ....ever .. For the past 10 years because I never go on diet, until now...
My son had fever last week n I stop his childcare for a day for him to rest more end up he don't wanna go school already wants stay Hm play n watch cartoon but Nw he's back on routine to go school finally after much mucus n tears .. Must endure the tears n at most bring him back early lor but must go school .. Haiz
After hearing from u mommies, the more I think I should just let my boy cont to attend sch.. Alot suggest me to let him go ft cc but i cant bear to leave him there for such long hrs so we ended up sending him to playgroup. 2 hrs daily. Get him some good distractions rather den to stay home and end up becoming nuisance..i. hope he can just go n enjoy the class doing art n learning to sing and stuff. I know he likes it's but even since daddy's taking half day till i deliver.. he's been feeling the change and wanting to cling to us so much. Initially I tot it's was probably coz he wants to play with daddy thinking that he'll be home until today I was like a mad woman losing my cool and lecturing him infront of his classmates when he refused to go in. The teacher highlighted to me maybe it'll be good for them to handle him when he gets cranky and while we just leave him there.

Whenever he cry I feel the heartache I know they'll never be ready to share mommy but it's only for the better coz I see him so lonely talking to himself, playing alone and pestering us to co him to play while we r dead tired aft a long day. I feel sorry whenever he seemed disappointed when he gets rejected. Hope he'll understand.
Littlecoco, I can totally understand that cos i'm giving my boy a sibling for the same reason (cos he's lonely and needs companion). and i tried very long for a 2nd one.. this is a passing phase.. we just need to bear with it for a while. They will be alright after the bb is born. Also we need to involve them when bb is around so that they will feel a part of it. =)
My boy is in ft cc .. From day 1 the teachers taught us to let go n let them handle most we peek outside see cause else they won't b able handle him .. If u don't let go you nvr let go lor .. You b surprise they adapt better than us .. While he playing already I camped the whole week outside his class sneaking peels at him .. But teachers parents comms v impt
Little coco:
My two kids (5 yrs old and 2 yrs old) are also in full day chilcare since they turned 18 months. I did notice that sometimes there are passing phases that the kids just behave oddly out of no reason, sometimes not really due to our pregnancy. For months they maybe enjoying going to school very much, waving good-bye at us sweetly every morning, then suddenly one fine day they start to become very clingy, cry and refuse to let us go. This pattern sometimes continue for days/weeks. When this happened we have to be persistent that we must be able to 'let-go' else all effort spent previously will go down the drain. After a while, somehow they are able to fit themselves back into the routine again....you need to keep you cool now as you are counting down to your big day!
Little Coco,

I have not much comment on KKH doc as I dun have pleasant encounter with them. But I heard that for complication case like urs only gov hospital has the full equipments and specialist to handle this kind of case. Do take care. I will be delivery at NUH. If I will to kw ur case earlier, I will recommend you NUH, Prof Biwas or Prof Mary as they both handle high risk pregnancy and are very experience in this field.

Anyway, since KKH manage to appoint a gynae for u then I believe they will be able to have the best solution for ur case. Stay cool, take care and relax. Dun stress too much as it not good for bb & urself.
Hazel! Hw r u doing? Waiting game?

Starfantasy : thks for the words of comfort.

Anama : I juz dun like the feeling when doc told me the consequences and the effect it has on my baby. Make me feel like I'm a bad mother. Also making me more worried of the outcome of my baby/labour esp when I already had c-sect for #1. And I'm left alone to decide to go for VBAC/c-sect. Of cos gynae recommend c-sect cz she said they hv ctrl of it.

Ayukie : last mon n tues my doter nvr go to sch cz she gt checkup. And today she feeling cranky. Refused to go sch. I'm kinda very stress n tired to go thru her crankiness every mrng. N today she really test my patience to the max! (think cz I lack of slp. Been doing so called spring cleaning for 2 days at my mum's plc as I'll be staying dere during confinement.) I wonder will I be able to cope with her attitude when #2 is out. 18mths start sending her to cc but till nw still hv a hard time waking up. Some more I start work at 8am...

2nd Aug...Im exactly 38wks....but I feel so terrible..nxt checkup 8th aug..told DH I dun feel like going with him. He go also like no point. No difference to me. Maybe I'm being too emotional/sensitive.
BBL: yes, everyone entitled to their opinions. For me i treat my cats as my kids and family as i brought them up when they r just a few days old, i'm their suroggate mother. They are there when i feel the lowest of my life.

Sri leo: think right now u r feeling too stressed. Let nature takes it course, everything will come together smoothly. If u have a religion, pray to ur god for strength, it might help.
it's good to have someone accompany u for visit as u won't be lonely

Hazel: actually i was thinking u want to try some naturally inducing methods? I know walking helps but i also read online that drink certain flower tea (forget which one) and/or massage a certain accupoint in the heels help to bring on contractions and labour. Although not scientifically proven (except the accupoint thingy), u might want to give it a try if u don want induce.
Hi starfantasy,

Thank you for the advise, will search online to c.

To induce got pro and cons, at least I kw wat next. But just the pain, to have epi, money & hours spend put me off a little. LOL.... For my hb, I think he will faint when he c the bill. Ha ha....
I know for natural birth walking helps. But according to my Chinese sensei I walked too much that why my placenta went so low! Maybe coz alr I have this problem and the later part like for the past month I walk even more to bring my boy to sch back and forth will be 4x daily and that may have made my condition worse without my knowing. And my gynae never say anything abt my low lying placenta since 5th mth scan and that I tot I'm ok alr since baby will grow and naturally push it up. Very contradicting but to each it's own. Just do with moderation I guess.

Anyways, lotsa smooth delivery dusts to all mommies who are popping soon. Jia you!
Walking helps in normal pregnancy but must be done so in a careful manner. Slowly and steady and not too long stretch at one time. However in complicated cases, best to sought advice frm gynae before doing it. I watch on tv that bad case of placenta privia have to be on strict bed rest.

Hazel: ya, sometimes induce may cause stress as well cos of the anxiety. So try natural methods ba. Haha, my hubby also same as urs, the miao type. Humm, got another suggestion (no scientific proof though but works for some). Sex may help in bringing abt labour (got the below paragraph off internet)

Semen contains prostaglandins. Prostaglandins cause the cervix to "ripen", or soften and prepare to open. While it is debatable whether there are enough prostaglandins in semen to have any real effect, it is not a terrible way to keep hope alive and while away the last weeks of your pregnancy. Another great side effect is the fact that orgasms produce oxytocin, the hormone that causes contractions. So, between the two, there is a pretty good case for the cure for pregnancy.
littlecoco, dun worry about KKH doctors. They are professional and good. Nurses there are also kind. I had my first kid in KKH(low placenta, C-sect, breach) and my stay was very pleasant. Recovery fast. Second kid at TMC. I find the nurses and nursery not that great.

I feel sorry about your unpleasant encounter with such a horrible Gynae. But take it positively that you will be in KKH's good hands. Elder kid tend to fuss when we are almost due. Its normal. No point getting angry and causing further stress to the little one in your stomach.
I was supposed to be on strict bed rest but coz there are things needed to be done with my no1 so no choice. Daily stuff like sch, eat and play doesn't allow me to do bed rest at all.. Being mommy is really not EZ alot of sacrifice.

Thanks for sharing ur experience with KKH. I was jumpy coz I was left at lurch all of a sudden. No mental preparation and really running very short of time. Now that I hear this from u I felt much assured that I'll be in good hands. Looking forward to my appt with Dr Edwin tmr.
Star : Ya..tts y I decided to give myself a break frm everything. I'm clearing my AL 1st... Nw resting at hm. Whenever I'm feeling down or start having negative tots, I'll look at my baby scan photos..

Hazel : Hahaha! induce exp? tot most of the pymt go thru medisave? My bill for #1 abt $3K plus (Induce, epi & emergency c-sect) all by medisave cz I didnt took private gynae. only took B2+ ward.

I think ur lil one too comfy inside... hehe
My sis her #1 also overdue by 1 wk I think... baby come out healthy! 3.4kg..
Anyone heard about bring a present for #1 when they see #2 for the first time and tell them the present is from the baby in the hospital? I wonder just a soft toy will do as my older girl is only 22 months. I have been also buying and storing up some new toys for #1 in case she feels neglected as I will have less time to do shopping or spend time with her later.

yes heard alot from my frends and prepared a small present for my #1 and packed it in my hospital bag
soft toy sounds good to me
my boy is into lego and i got a small lego set for him as the present
i have also stocked up some new toys in my storeroom for #1...also prepared a few small presents to ask my family n close frends to give to #1 when they visit so that he wont feel that all attention is on the younger one
hope it works
Yes! Even the caucasian does that. We have also prepared a soft toy for my elder boy from his baby brother.
Need to make sure he knows that it's from bb. I don't know if it necessary but since mentioned just follow.
Mummies who are looking for the medela steam bags. They are now ready stock at the little thinkies blogspot. Price wise should stay the same at $12.
Starfantasy I think for the sex thing, very hard Loh. As my hb has been monk for months since I am preggy cos he said dun wan hurt bb and not good to let bb kw..... LOL... & he is the tradition type of guy....

Actually, the most scary part is I afraid will have emengcy c-sect. Cos thinking I will be cut open really scare me off.
Happy : Congrats! And rest well...

Anama : Heard abt it. My MIL advise to buy present for #1 so tt she wont feel lack of love n congrats her for being a gd jie jie.

Hazel : HaHa! I also scared..esp if 2nd time c-sect..same spot lei! but I told myself.. by hook or by crook, baby still needs to be out! hehe.. as long as everything goes smoothly den I dun care ah!

Star : Is it true we can claim our checkup bills/invoices after our delivery together with the final bill? smth called Maternity package?
to share, i had both my babies thru c-sect. was worried 2nd time will take longer to recover or more painful.
Nope. All went well. pain level the same and I was forced down from hospital bed on 2nd day. Able to walk around the house on my own by 4th day. Able to get up from bed unassisted by 6-7th day.
Congrats Happy! Looking forward to reading your birth story!

Dear mommies - was wonderingm how much more TMC nurses are pro-breastfeeding now as compared to the time when I had my #1 after c section 2010.

Back then, I remembered I was dizzy and when the nurse suggested to feed formula for a first time I did not object even though I already stated earlier that I wanted total breast feeding. But time round I will be more insistent and not so blur already.
Hazel: Haha, for me i forbid hubby to cos don't want to go into labour in july. As both of us wanted aug bb. Now guess gonna let nature takes it course. XD

Sri Leo: I'm not entirely sure. Think govt and pte hospitals may have different procedures. Better to check with the hosp u are delivering?

Anama: If you are worried about forgetting, you can actually come up with a birth plan to hand over to the nurses. So that if you are dizzy, the nurses would still be able to follow ur instructions on the birth plan.
Heard that tmc don't supply formulae anymore coz they encourage strict breast feeding. If want to alternate need bring ur own. Idk how true mommies may want to check out on that.
Actually will be scare but for bb health and safety, if really need c-sect then also no choice.

LittleCoCo, I tot only gov hospital encourage strictly on breastfeeding. Didn't kw private also.
BTW, All the best for ur appt with Dr Edwin and hope he will be able to assure and provide the best solution for your case. Jia you!
My gynae was asking Me to admit early in the morning 8.30am on 8 Aug but I dun really wan to go hospital so early for the induce. Jus wonder is it ok to admit in the afternoon instead. Cos Really wan to take my time to go over so I won't be too anxiety.
hey mummies,

i just delivered my 2nd bb on 30 july thru elective c-sect in TMC (38 weeks). everything went well except that the surgery this time round took longer than no 1 surgery.. but recovery wise, it's much better..

LittleCoco: TMC do supply formula but it's chargeable at $1 per bottle during the hospital stay.
Hi Mommies,

Today going to go home. Is been such a surreal experience for me esp i am first time mommy. Haha! Here's my birth story.

29 July - 31st July
Been having false labor pains. I thought i was having contractions. Tried to time and seriously couldnt really figure out. So quite frustrating. Called my gynae Dr Adrain Woodsworth and he said go hospital to do ctg. At this Ostage, no show or leak of waterbag. @ TMC ctg shows contractions but irregular timings and since i am in late week 37 early week 38, Dr gave me 2 choices 

1) Induce - insert tablet in cervix to dilate to give birth
2) Wait for natural induce which means wait for show or water bag burst

I thought for awhile, i said i opt 2nd since he didnt insist bb need to be out unless emergency. So off i went home and to be frank i still exp mild cramps aka contractions off and on. 

On the very same evening, i still went down (my usual weekly pre natal routine) to see Dr Adrain to show him the cth chart i did in the morning. He contd to say the same thing, stick to natural course and enjoy my pregnancy. So we went to do our usual baby routine scan. While scanning, he didnt say his usual lines "bb heartbeat / thighbone / tummy / head etc". He was scanning and scanning which scares the hell out of me and my hb! I asked "erm doc what are you scanning??!" He usually done in less than 5 mins! He said "i am measuring your water level...hmmm very low below 6cm" i was like huh? Really just last week scan showed it was normal! Then he explained is a sign of baby maturing so this time no more choice given "Check in tonight and induce!"

Wow! So exciting! Haha my husband and i started whatapp our family and frds to pray for us. We also went for a good dinner and frankly too excited to eat! Lol! Went home pack baby room and cot. Bath and off we went to TMC labor ward at 11pm. Nurse put in tablet and dilation started. Was sent to room and i slept thru the night with mild contractions going on! 

1st Aug 
6.30am Nurse woke us up at to go back labor ward and contd to monitor baby heartbeat and contractions. It become more intense and regular. Did my breathing techniques and was manageable. (Background: heard mothers screaming cos nv use epidural... Wah really affected me cos i hope i can go thru one w/o It)

7.30am - insert medication in my anus to pass out motion.

9am - Dr came and he asked "Sleep well?" i said yeah ok! He said good and want to check how far i dilated. He took a long time again and i was like "why this time so slow cos he had done a check b4 and he was fast!" i was also going "ouch ouch!!" He pulled out his hand and smiled at me "Ok waterbag broke!" i was like ".... Why you nv tell me!!" He went "Tell you you sure very scare... " erm true... Faint! He added "ok you are 3cm dilated. true pain will come in! Tell nurse if you need epidural!" 

1030am - Pain fast and furious! Asked for gas to handle pain!

1130am - Groaning and kicking myself! Each wave was terrible and so intense! Is x100 times of my menses cramps! My hb looked like he going to cry anytime seeing me in such great pain and persuaded me to go for epidural. I stubbornly refused but gave in 2nd time when he asked haha. 

12pm Epidural administered. Was already 6cm dilated when it was given no wonder so painful! Side effect: drowsy and itchy! Pain? Zero! Contractions felt like someone pressing or squeezing your stomach but no pain! Amazed!

12pm-2.30pm still stuck in the labor ward becos all birth rooms were full!
i was already fully dilated ard 1plus. Only wheeled in to the birth room at 2.30pm

2.30pm - 3pm: After 6-7 pushes with hubby and 2 midwives encouragement, i've finally push my little boy out. I teared when doc placed him at my chest the moment he was out.
He weighs 3.3kg and 47cm long
Dr Adrain was skillful and used forceps to pull him out as epidural numb my lower body and i couldnt really push. Cord was around baby neck and thank God he was quickly released from the cord. 

3-4pm Got into my ward to rest and baby was brought to me for the first breastfeed

After 2 days of my surreal journey, we are going home today

Jiayou Mommies! 
Orangeger congrats! Look forward to ur birth story!

Star fantasy: not sure how a birth plan works le, do we carry around a piece of paper to say we want to latch n total breastfeed?
Hi Orangeger

huh i thot tmc dun charge formula for per bottle. Izzit tis yr start to charge us for the formula?? Tat means i got to bring my own formula milk wen staying in the hospital stay.
Thanks.. By the way, just to share, I brought presents for my elder daughter (21 months) and gave it to her once she saw Mei Mei the first time.. I think this helped her to accept Mei Mei more. when I came home last night and asked her what did Mei Mei buy for u, she took the presents out.. I was shocked she still remembers.. Anyway, try not to restrict her activities due to Mei Mei presence I.e. U cannot be so loud, Mei Mei sleeping etc.. My fil did that and I could see she's not happy.. just distract her with something else..
Orangeger - thank u for the info and heads up! Just also want to check how soon u get to latch bb after ur c-section?
Hi liqing, previously they don't charge for infant formula but it's only $1 per bottle.. For my stay in hospital, I used 15 bottles cause I have no milk though bb latch well.. And I don't think the nurses will make the milk powder for u..

Hi anama, mine is elective c sect so once the baby is born, they wrapped her in a towel and place her on my chest area for a short while.. As my baby had low temp after delivery, they need to put her in warmer and only came to me 3 hours after my delivery.. The anathestist (not sure of spelling) put the injection wrongly for epidural at first, and I jerk when there i felt something on my right thigh.. I think that's the scary part and also hearing the gynae pour 2 jugs of water on my wound haha
congratulations Happy and thanks for sharing your birth plan! i am so excited for you, and for myself at the same time HAHA cos i am a first time mum too :) 1 more week to complete week 38!! how is your breastfeeding now? has the milk supply kicked in? hope you are enjoying your time at home with your newborn!

question to mothers - i can bring my baby to my own PD after he is delivered right? as in the hospital ( Eastshore in my case) will have a PD check my girl when she is out, so when do i tell my PD that i prefer someone close to my home?

and when will be the next check up with the PD after baby goes home? Does anyone have a good PD to recommend around Serangoon area, or even town area? my hubby says he wants a good one who will answer phone calls late at night , seriously i dont know if any one PD does that!
Very upset with my mil's reaction. Brot her out for dinner that day.. I break the news abt my complications and that I may not be delivering on the date intended initially due to change of gynae. I never expect her to ask me back.. Den how abt the confinement lady (who is a friend of hers)!! My immediate response was.. Why she dont concern abt my condition instead she's more bothered abt her friend?! Thereafter her face changed. And talking abt that confinement lady we cfm her since my 3rd mth tells us she needs to leave earlier den 28 days which such ladt min, we gave in and alr agreed. I wonder if my mil ask her if she leaves earlier den how abt Me!? Makes me feel stupid that I respect her like my own parent n all she cares abt is that auntie n other stuff but me. Dam turn off!
Congrats to all mummies who have popped!

Did you tell Dr. Heng that you prefer your own PD? I think she will appoint a PD to check on your baby in the hospital. Mine happen to be the one from the clinic nearby my place (Tampines). Perhaps you can let her know the PD around your area and see if that is possible? But I guess you need not stick to the so called appointed one after you have discharged from hospital.

Cool down.. sometimes old folks are a bit insensitive towards our feeling when they talk. I normally just close one (or both) ears and only choose to hear what I want to hear... by the way, how did your appointment with Dr. Edwin go?

By the way I just went for my 38 week+ check-up today. Baby's weight seems to stay put at 3.1kg since last week. Not sure if I should be worried...
