(2012/08) Aug 2012

Rae2: Having a successful vbac depends on a lot of factors, not just ur pelvic bone size. Other factors include the size of bb, bb position at the time of labour. If ur labour is induced or spontaeous etc. like i mention, u'd nvr know until u try!
Rainbow : For #1 I'm nt working. Did alot of walking & carrying furniture cz my hse went for upgrading. So ya, I guess walking or nt doesnt make much difference for me.

Starfantasy : I totally agree with u. Doesnt matter which way (normal/c-sect) we gave birth to our child, as long as baby & mother is healthy, then shldnt be a problem. Tts all matters rite.

Nikki : Gd luck for the CTG! and update us ya!

Rae2 : I was told by gynae if u hv small pelvic bone, the chances of VBAC like what Starfantasy mentioned it all depends on other factors too. And for VBAC, gynae unable to induce as it might rupture the previous wound.

As for me, I hv gestational diabetes. If baby if 4kg > more, doc said I might need to c-sect cz baby might get stuck at the shoulder - shoulder dystocia (shoulder dislocation) and baby might need to go to NICU & therapy. I really wanna try normal labour (maybe I stop at 2) as #1 I tried c-sect. But whatever it is, VBAC or c-sect as long as the labour went well & baby is ok, I fully contented.
I don't have very good feel that bb will stay inside for long this round. My back spain ache. I'm having mild contraction daily. Today going gynae, will book mid aug for Induce.
Hi Sri Leo, I am also having gestational diabetes and am wondering what do you normally eat for your 3 meals n 3 snacks?

Hi everyone, I have been a silent reader and my edd for#2 is 31 Aug.
Thanks for the info on confinement food tingkat. Yes, agreed that normal tingkat food is way much cheaper..
Will see how it goes lah.

I had emergency c-sect for #1 too. Waterbag burst at week 35 and baby breech. #2 managed to go for VBAC with vacuum coz baby's head big. The gap is 2.5 years apart. Now for #3, I definitely want to try to go for natural birth again coz I can see that the recovery is definitely much faster than c-sect.

Went for my 37 week check-up this morning. Baby's weight suddenly increased from 2.6kg last week to 3.1kg this week!!? Perhaps I down too much durian liao last week coz wanna 'blow up' my baby.. haha.. now gotto stop durian le..
Hi mummies, sorry to disturb..

I have a full bumper set to let go at $30, the set can be found selling $49 at current Taka baby fair.

This set is washed but never used, is as good as new. The set comes with
1. Bumper (10.3 inch high), fit 27 by 52 inches cot
2. Bedsheet x 1 piece
3. Bolster x 1 piece
4. Pillow x 2 pieces

Please PM me for pics if keen, tks.
Hi! Can someone add me in Facebook? I m
Suppose due 4aug but bb decide come out early I gave birth last Monday ..
Kelly_freakster@ hotmail.com
37 weeks 2 days and CTG results showed mild contractions but no dilation and was given some medication.
Asked gynae if he thinks can wait till 39 weeks then c-sect and he jokes that we have to discuss with bb!
Praying hard c-sect date stays the same at 39 weeks..
Did pre-admission registration today as well.

Clim, at how many weeks did you start to have mild contractions and when's your EDD?
Happy: Remedy for piles or constipation? For piles, you can buy this ointment from guardian call preparation H that is safe for pregnancy. In the meantime, drink lots of fluids and reduce ur fiber intake (if you are taking more than the recommended portion for pregnancy) so that the output is softer and will not aggregate the piles. Instead of whole fruits and veges, you can take the juice form so you still get the nutrients but reduce the fiber intake.
Sorry to disturb your thread but I have the following to sell as I've stopped breastfeeding in June.

1) Medela Freestyle Breastpump - Local set, warranty till May 2013, very good condition as only used for 3 weeks, pumped once a day at most.

2) Medela Mini Electric Breastpump - Local set, warranty till 2013, very good condition as only used 3 times.

3) Medela PersonalFit Breastshields L size (1 pair) - Good condition as low usage

4) Avent Breast Shells - Opened & sterilised but unused

5) MAM Nipple Shields Size 2 - Unopened

Please PM me if you are interested. Thanks mummies!
Hi mommies, congratz to all and sorry to disturb as I have a few items to let go, and all in great conditions:

1. Baby bjorn organic miracle carrier, 9.9/10, in box. Only used less than 5 times. Retail price $350+, letting go mine at $260. Almost $100 off for a brand new looking newest edition carrier.

2. Peg perego 2011 Pliko in stylish black with pattern, 9/10, only wheels has wear marks not anywhere else. Seldom use as I didn't go out much and only delievered end of April. Retail price $750+, letting go at $500.

3. Medela swing electronic pump, 8.5/10, local set so no need converter. Free 3 slim btls(great for initial stage pump n feeding), 1 pack of valves&membranes, 1 pack of membranes. All letting go at $150.

4. Brand new Mom-in-mind ring sling in grey letting go at $25, retail price $40+.

5. Brand new Pupsik pouch in ballet pink, free matching key pouch(retail price$6.90), letting go at $35.

All are great deals and condition as described. Can view item before proceed. If interested, plz text me at 92303928 for pic or further discussion.

Thank you all and have a smooth & happy pregnancy! ;))
Hi Mummies,

I'm currently at 37 weeks and will be gg for my weekly check up. Im having some dilemma with my MIL. Its been about 4 years wait for me and hubby to have this baby. We have been going for multiple treatments and also after much waiting and prayers, we finally conceived.My EDD is on 18th August.

I am living on my own ever since we got married and my in laws as well as my parents are living near by a few blks away in the same neighbourhood. My parents are supportive of my decision to put my baby in Infantcare where i'm working so that I can look after him during my lunch breaks and breastfeed as well and it seems more convenient because I can bring him home after work. My husband is supportive of this decision but he's torn between his Mother and me.

My MIL doesnt seem agreeable to this idea and she kept insisting that there is not much "LOVE & AFFECTION" given to the baby. She said that the teacher's there wont love my baby and they wont take care of my baby well. She only spoke to me and not to my hubby about this matter and it seems like I am the one who does not want her to care for the baby & was against her decision to "HELP" me care for my son.

She said that she is very experienced in taking care of babies. Before this, she had been taking care of babies for the past 5 yrs. Even so, right now she's baby sitting a neighbour's baby and i dont seem to agree on how she cared for the infant.

She always skip giving him meals that she's supposed to and complaint that the food that the infant's mother gave was so sticky and make her house messy. She was also against the idea of giving him Frisk biscuit because its messy and gave him towel to bite on because he's teething. The baby is now 8mths and does not have much strength in his arm to crawl.

My MIL kept complaining about the fees she was given and its too "CHEAP" and that these parents are calculative.

I felt that if i were to let her take care of my son, she would do the same and spread all these stories to the rest of the family members.

I do not want my husband to feel that I am against his Mother and also do you have any advise on how i can talk to her together with my husband around. It seems like when i tried to talk to her when my husband is around, she will pretend to put on deaf ear.

My husband informed her that we'll be putting our son in infant care and she said "OKAY" to him .. but later came to my house and NAG at me and said that I am not considering what's best for my son. When i told my husband about it.. it seems that I am making up stories and my MIL has got nothing to do with this issue.

please advise mummies. I'm feeling the depression. Right now I isolate myself from my MIL. I told my hubby not to let her come to my house because i want to be alone. I'm fortunate that my husband understand that i need this time to be by myself and him. Its just that my MIL always pretend to be the "good soul" when she is always pressuring me to do something against my will and will not say it directly when my Hubby is around.
Hi Cherry

We share the same EDD!

About infant care, for my #1, we tried for a month. At that time, we thought it was the best for him also. But turns out that he had problems with the centre's air-con. He started getting sick and was wheezing at night. His PD advised pulling him out of the centre. So no choice, had to pull him out and have his grandparents take care of him. We even had to move house to be near them to avoid cross-island travelling.

Even up till today, we have differences in ideas on how to bring up the kid. But once you leave your kids with the grandparents, it's probably best to close one eye. There are pros and cons. My #1 is now very close to his grandparents. Its nice to know that they are forming a very close bond. But there are some old fashioned habits that they have which irk me. That list is very long, but at the end of the day, having him with them gives me some peace of mind when I'm at work.

Try to take it one step at a time. There's about 3-4 months of maternity leave to really think it over. Keep the option of putting baby in the centre open. But don't give yourself too much stress to make a decision now too. Baby is almost here! Don't be stressed :)
Cherrybliss, i put my no.1 in infant care and no regrets, no doubt they will get sick for awhile, after 6 mths start giving baby vit c and probiotics just bear for awhile and they should start growing their own immunity..

There are different mindsets how kids should be raised and there is no guaranteed way, just that u choose which pros n cons suits your needs best..

My no.2 will go infant care too despite my own mum being very free to take care i also do not want her to take care.. She is the one complaining to my relatives y I rather pay premium to put in infant care then to let her take care.. Since your hubby says your mil never mention anything to him, u just take the same assumption and close your ears.. Hehehe, this is what I will do..
Hi ET and Miko,

thank you for sharing your views. I felt much better after sharing this. I just need friends who can share their experience. I hope that I will be better and not be too depressed over this matter.

Thanks ET. I will heed ur advise. Sometimes i feel that she is trying to get TOO involved in our life. my MIL always wanna know what's gg on and later chit chat with her relatives. Haiz..

Thanks alot ladies. :D have a blessed day.
Hi Mummies,

Would appreciate much if anyone can recommend me a gd breastpump? Im keen to breastfeed.

Any pre-loved or new pumps to recommend?
Hi mommies,
Haven't been writing here for awhile. I'm at 37wks now edd 18th and have made appt for c sect next wed. Unfortunately my gynae 'disowned' me just ytd. I feel betrayed and devastated.

Dr Woodworth:
Had my first child under him. Everything went well. Current pregnancy I have low-lying placenta detected at 5th month scan. Unfortunately it's never went up with baby growing baby but now it's cover my precious c sect wound and causing 'high risk' complications due to blood vessels ard the area may coz me to lose alot of blood during surgery and needed transfusion which is gonna be very costly. Went for my routine check last fri at dr woodworth ad he advised me to go tmc for a scan on mon. So we went ytd and it was still very low. Aft scan, went back to him str8 and he advised us to go KKH instead. He simply just write a note and ask us to go to their O&G at KKH. And there not knowing who to look for we were urge to go to their emergency delivery suite. Where they monitor baby's heart beat and all which we have no idea whatever for. Aft wasting so much time a doc came to see me and told me we are non emergency case and not supposed to be burging in just like that. Again we are lost. They asked to do another scan and we agreed. And at the end of it all.. We are still not given an appt to see any gynae but need to wait till this fri and try are yet to call us on the appt time!
Now I'm left at lurch with no appt with gynae, no surgery dates and no room. Feeling totally insecured and betrayed by dr woodworth whom chuck me aside to settle myself know I'm with complications!
I was just praying hard that my bb won't want pop till others decide that the time is right.. Else who do I go to? I really don't know.
Maybe he ask u go kkh cause Tmc cost will b high like my gynae I wanted try vbac but due to faculties available in case of emergency he told me to go kkh to find another gynae for it and if I don't think 36 wks where BB shouldn't need nicu I should go kkh to save cost cause nicu at Tmc more costly .. If all else fails go back to your gynae and mb bear with the cost lor ... If nt look for a gynae at kkh quickly n book him ..
LittleCoco : Shouldn't your gynae recommend another specific gynae in KKH?... Or maybe you can search for gynaes in KKH online and give them a call and explain your situation and see if they can take you?

P/S: Just my two cents worth... I'm not sure how KKH works but worth a try to call and enquire?
Accordingly it's gona cost 15-20k for transfusion. And in my case there's definitely a need for transfusion only depending on the Amt of blood lost. I really don't know if he really meant well coz he's not confident abt my surgery or it's all abt the cost. I did ask for referral of a gynae at KKH but he just said all are ok.

They say i'm too late coz all gynae are alr filled up. And I needed a senior consultant / prof to reassure me of my complications. But they keep saying its depending on availablity. Now they gave me fri but no appt time. So I'm sitting and waiting for them call me back. They repetitively tell me this whenever I call. 'we'll call u back, don't worry'.
How not to worry?! I'm 37 wks.. Can go into labour anytime with a screwed up complication! There's no way to get to anyone at all.. Pointless to keep calling.
LittleCoco: Don't stress... It's not good for you at this point..
I feel that your gynae may mean well becos in terms of complications, only KKH has the facilities (This is what I've heard).

If you go into labour before Fri, just go to KKH and I believe they will do the necessary as at that time you will be considered as emergency case. I know this sounds non-assuring, but it seems that this is the only way now.
Hi Everyone,

Am also gg to be aug mom... kindly add me to the fb page if possible.
Edd 1/Aug.
Will be checking in tonite to be induce due to GD and already at wk 40.

Little Coco, do you want to call other private doctors to ask for advice while waiting for KKH to revert?
Little coco.

damn the gynae lo..how can last min forgo u..
even though there will be complication but also not this timing to say bye bye to u..should at least follow up n recommend some other gynae lo..
Well u need check with ur previous gynae then wads his fear .. Complications or trying help u save cost .. If it's save cost and you can afford the amount you cab let him know your decision lor .. If complications then u just walk in kkh if need arises .. As for referral to kkh think frm what my gynae says they can't interfere with public hosp so it's mainly walk in case as emergency .. Try explaining to the gynae at kkh your reasons lor for the late switch if worst case just walk in .. They should b able make the assessment and arrange drs for u in any case ..
Alamak. The dr only drop the bomb now... I doubt its just cost bah. Anyway, KK should be able to handle. If need be, they will page for the right dr to be in attendance when the time comes. I think the "delay" is because they are trying to arrange for a consultation.

2.5 weeks to go... I keep wondering if I would know if bb is coming.
I called kkh for the 3rd time today and finally spoke to te nurse mgr.. I told her my urgency while she checked on my records and promptly gotten me back within 30 mins with an appt fixed with Dr Edwin Thia from KKH this coming fri. I was in so much desperation that I keep pushing for an earlier appt date with any gynae available but the nurse says she can't cos she needs to arrange for a senior consultant for my complications n also not be bias coz when I went ytd it's was Dr Edwin who's on-call. So now looking forward to seeing him on fri and see how it goes from there. Constant stress makes me jumpy and tired.

Any mommies here heard of Dr Edwin Thia / under him?
Or anyone with a low-lying placenta experience?
Well at least u gt a gynae frm kkh already .. My Sis in law use prof how in kkh but I don't really like kkh so I'm still with Tmc .. Just go along with it lor if emergency they should b able call in that gynae early if needed
Mb the gynae is waiting for her placenta to move up till last min bah but then I nvr use her gynae I dunno him also lol .. But unless she ask him the actual reason she won't know lor ..
Mummies, anyone interested in Similac total comfort stage 1? It is a 900g tin n I only scoop once, 60ml. I m giving it away for free, PM me if keen. Bought it for my boy who recently refused his usual milk but he didn't like it.
littlecoco - dont stress! jiayou!!!

but i feel that your gynae should have make sure u see someone in KKH... but i not sure how pte doc can influence public hospital lah..

anyone taking ML? my edd is 30 Aug... my friends all ask me to take 2 weeks before my EDD.. i tot of working until i really need to go hospital lah... what abt you guys?
little coco,
tats very sad n irresponsible for Dr Adrian to jus drop u n leave u in limbo!
pls stay strong, hopefully KKH can help u.
praying that u will have a smooth delivery with Dr Edwin
Hi mummies, sorry to interrupt.

I am an April mummy. I have a brand new Avent steamer blender bought earlier this year. And I received another as gift. I bought it for $199 and am letting it go at $150.

If you are interested, please contact me via email [email protected].

Thanks and all the best
Littlecoco: before ur appt if u can, get dr adrain to write u a detail medical report of ur pregnancy so that u can let ur new gynae see. Or if u go into labour before that, u can show the letter to the emergency at kkh so that they know ur situation and will page for doctors who are experienced to attend to u and u also don need to waste ur breath explaining ur special situation. Sad to say it is indeed a little irresponsible for dr adrain to do this, he could have done more (assurance, explaination and caring) even though he cannot influence public hospitals. But since it happen le, don't stress over him already. Take care!
Hi mommies,
Thanks for the moral support and recommendations. Meantime we've decided to stick to KKH doc and if everything goes well on my meetup with dr Edwin n hopefully scheduled for surgery next week. It's really no time going ard searching for a gynae anymore.

Bb alr 3.3kg now my legs can't take it any longer and I don't wish to end up bed rest coz I have another toddler needing my care. Stress~

My 2yr 8 mths boy tends to cry alot over nothing since beginning of this week. And he has been refusing playgroup which he super look forward to. I wonder if he's getting sensitive over didi or wad. Any mommies experience that with ur older child bef bb born?
Hi littlecoco, sad to hear what u are going through. And indeed your previous gynae is very unprofessional. I hope KKH will be able to pick up your case well. Your boy is definitely sensing another sibling coming hence he's crying/throwing tantrums more.. My 4-year-old boy is also more cranky recently. Cos when u start taking bb stuff out and they see it or u pay less attention to them, they will try to get attention through such ways. So bear with it, give him more TLC.. hope everything will go well for u.. Take care.. =)
Little coco, my boy ard Same age as yours also refused school n cried each we send him in, he used to love school so much, he just got better this week which is the 2nd week after his sister arrived..
If he is so helpful he wouldn't have just ask me to go KKH and look for whoever to help take over my case on my own. The past mon itself I went tmc did a follow up scan early am den went back to him to discuss on my results and there he suggest that I go KKH to settle the rest on my own. And upon reaching KKH we went to the wrong department wasted time on monitoring bb's heartbeat n laying there for an entire hr and waiting for a dr to see me. There came the emergency delivery ward doc who is actually nice enuf to check me and den was told I am in no pain no bleeding nothing and I'm not supposed to be there at all! Oh God! Feeling lost and totally foolish I was sent to do another detail scan within the same day. But judging by my condition, they call for a few docs and a prof to come join the scan session and did abit of discussion among themself. At least abit of reassurance there that my condition is not the worst. End of day, I had bad contractions and whole body aching probably due to Bb feeling stress.

Keeping my fingers crossed now. Hoping for the best.
I was intending to stop him for the month during my confinement. But still pondering over the thought coz we want him to go willingly and happily. If he's unwilling and gona be so drama everyday den wads the point.. All the stress over things ard makes me feel exhausted and jumpy. And his dramatic behaviour is also a form of stress to me. Like just an hr ago my hub drove us over. I tot with my being ard he'll be more settled and willing who knows the moment the teacher opens te door there the drama starts. He just keep saying he don't want and hide behind my back. God! I almost gone crazy and upon seeing that the teacher offered to carry him in den he went in with a super dirty face full of mucus and tears. It was so different compared to one month ago when we first sent him on the first day of sch I left him aft 15mins, he was totally cool to play with other children. Stress again~ He is definitely acting weird.
Little coco:
Sad to hear what you have been through. Also glad that you finally managed to get hold of a gynae in KKH. From what I heard..this seems to be the 'norm' for cases referred to KKH. As in, when the need arise, they will assign whichever consultant on duty to take care. But as with special cases like yours, it is good to be able to speak to a consultant who is able to advise you accordingly beforehand.. so that when come your delivery time they are able to assign the right level of consultant to take care of you.. hope you have a smooth delivery!
Little coco, I can't manage alone for a long period of time with a jumping toddler and a infant.. Unless you have help in the day then most prob not so bad.. I keep losing my patience with him when he is around cos he will clown and jump around his sister, wanna insist to carry her, pull her hand, disturb her sleep.. Sigh..

Anama : It's really difficult to follow the diet. I dun really follow cz my jobscope juz dun allow me taking breaks. I dun even hv time to prepare bfast. Dinner time I bought food frm kopitiam.

And ytd I gt an earful frm doc cz didnt follow their diet n check for glucose level. Kinda sad & down. Easy for ppl to say this & that. I'm the one struggling. Managing my time. It's very tiring when almost everything u do by urself. =( At times I feel like quitting my job!
