(2012/08) Aug 2012

Dot how old is it boy... My daughter is 2.5 and she is very clingy to me and will only want me to carry her... IM a little worried that after I give birth she will be very jealous ...im hoping to get her involved and help with her new baby sister to ease her into the process.

Just watched tonight news and there a research find that if NB 1st 6 months only depend on BM then the risk of allergy to peanut will be 1.5 higher.

Wah then must we mix and match with FM?
Hazel: Here's the actual link http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1347006/Breast-feeding-6-months-causes-allergies-warn-British-researchers.html

It never say must mix and match FM. Other food is alright.

I guess at the end of the day, moderation is the key. So a little water or gripe water is alright. At four months, it's okie to introduce other liquids like fruit juices or very smooth ceral puree (as long as it's hygienically prepared and bm still makes up majority of the day's diet), which my mum has been doing with me and my step siblings when we are young.
Starfantasy not sure can give bb abit of water after BM in the 1st 3 months. Cos I rem I watched a taiwan variety show a doc which they invited said it ok to give bb a little water after the BM.
Harry, my boy is 25 months. He was also very clingy to me. So far, he is generally ok - I make sure I d not lose my temper with him, and also make sure that I spend some quality time with him, and he seems to be ok. He is not upset when I carry or nurse my girl. In fact, the first night when he was very upset, part of it was because he wanted to include her in bedtime story reading, but we did not understand him. Hoe he continues to be this sweet.

I had a gift for him from her but I also had him chose a gift for her.
Dear Mummies,

I'm from the Jul Mummies thread. Have a brand new Earth Mama Angel Baby, New Mama Bottom Spray, 4 fl oz (120 ml) to let go. $18 (R.P. $24.50) with free normal postage or self-collect at AMK. PM me if keen.

Product info: Best-selling New Mama Bottom Spray is a cooling, soothing perineal mist that helps ease discomfort of postpartum vaginal soreness and swelling, episiotomies and hemorrhoids. Made with all-natural ingredients, including astringent witch hazel, antibacterial lavender, and cooling peppermint pure essential oils.

Relief is a spray away, mist as often as you need it, especially after bath or toilet use. The clever inverted sprayer means it sprays easily upside down!

Sit easier, feel better – naturally.

No parabens or artificial preservatives
No artificial dyes, colorings or fragrances

Mamas also use it for sunburn, puffy eyes, aftershave, toner, swimsuit chafe, razor burn and more!

Morning mummies..

I can now feel the strain going to work.. now becoming all the more i hope to go on ML soon... 4 more weeks before i go on leave..

I am going to ask gynae if he can give me HL to cover my leave or not... i hate the walking portion to work.. i walk 20 mins in total just to reach my work place. god damn tired!
JC: same here. seeing more mummies going on ML already makes me want to go on ML too. But I got ard 3 more weeks to go. Although tiring, walking is a good exercise in the 3rd trimester.
star> I feel my legs and feet are no longer mine leh... zzzz.. dun feel such strain even when i go shopping for long hours before pregnancy. wahahaha.
Thanks, Star.
Ya, now I remember there is also this microwaveable sterilizer.. but need sterilizing tablets right? The Madela bags seem to only need to add water?? Hmm...

Oh ya hor.. never thought of the 'ang-pow' part when comes to changing CL...If need to give ang-pow to all replacement CLs sure very 'siong' leh..

Sri Leo:
Wah, A-Team's quote is so high!! I think the market rate now from 7am-7pm is around $600 - $$700 for the first few months without solid food. Thereafter another $80 - $100 when baby starts solid food. This is what my babysitter is charging a newborn who she's going to take care starting this month. She has helped me taken care of my #1 and #2, but for #3 I will be sending to infant care, for a change.

I got my babysitter through another agency a few years back. Service is good. You specified all your requirements and they will try their best to find one who suits your need. They will do first round interview/filtering and shortlist a few for you to choose/interview yourself, until you find one that you like. I think I only paid $30 for them to find me a suitable babysitter. They will collect half month's pay from the babysitter as commission. Not sure if this is still the practice now... Pm me if you want the agency name. For some reason I am being blocked from posting the agency name here.. don't know why...
JC, hmmm.... I can't be sure, but I think I did give an ang pow for each CL who came. But it got smaller and smaller. Lol
JC, me same as u...

its so tiring just to walk to the MRT to go to work...hope i can do my handover fast fast and go on ML really soon..

any mummies started on any exercise like walking in the park or swimming?? heard that it's good for us to do some exercise just before giving birth but i am always tired..hehe
Ninger/Saffy/ starfantasy/JC & JA, most of us are the same. My leg also got swollen on and off. And it tiring to have long walk. But do try walk like 10 min daily after meal as it good and promo smooth and easy delivery as recommend during my antenatal class.

I also try walking and do some shopping. But will try find a place to take a rest after a short walk. In this way, we will not over tired ourself to take into consideration the body weight we are holding now(ourself & bb weight).
yup, walking makes me want to go toilet always and the little output is so irritating :p

hows ur preparation, ready for baby arrival ?
JA, actually a bit of exercise will help in water retention.

Manage to get the bed and 1st batch of bb clothes washed and packed with hb help. He will be taking leave on mon and tue to mop the bb room floor and get everything set up. My hospital bag almost done. Only need to top up the panties and some more pads( scare not enough). Now is the waiting game, and has been telling bb to be guai. Think it work. As she hasn't been giving me much problems this 2 days while I am doing the packing. LOL... Maybe she kw we will make sure she got a nice and comfortable room to stay. Hee hee...
yes walking helps a lot and also for delivery too. my #1 i walked a lot due to work and i had a quick labour...now #2, am guilty of not walking much....
hi J-A, how often is walking enough? i feel i walk enough cos i am still buying baby stuff ( so some shopping here and there), and i climb a lot of stairs cos my master BR is on the 3rd floor. does that help? honestly i am guilty of not exercising enough!

i am week 34 today - will try to do more swimming and yoga too!

also, i am planning to start my perineal massage, any mummy has experience can share what oil to use?
Ling : Dun overdo it.. it sounds like u r going to do a lot of exercise.

Dot : Thanks! Think will check with agent if i need to change CL.

My luggage is almost done.. now waiting for the clothes to dry and can put it in and done deal. Mount A doesnt provide clothing for baby to go home.

My water retention on the feet is funny.. It only happens on my right foot.. wahahaha. then it will look like 1 foot swollen and the left one is normal. 1 big 1 small very obvious.

I know walking helps but cant help to feel torturous when i feel the feet are no longer mine.

nowadays i keep knocking onto my tummy whenever i open the door.. poor kid.. it just grow very fast till i forgot my tummy is no longer that small.. haha!
u climb stairs is gd exercise, shd be enough...

tonight going home to wash last batch of bb clothes, got a feeling baby might come out earlier than #1, get ready earlier better...
left with washing of bottles, pump parts, rocker, play mat, car seat and test sterilisers, bottle warmer

where to buy the bathing herbs and how many packets for 1 month supply ?
HI J-A, thanks for the advice. my cousin say any medicinal hall will sell the herb for showering, i was told to buy 20 packs but i plan to buy maybe 10 packs , and if needed ask hubby or helper or confinement lady to go buy. cos i dont want to end up with leftover..
JA i just washed the first batch and i m seeing stars le.. i haven start the towels, hankies, the covers.. when buying clothes that time very happy.. then now wan to wash and hang that time, its no joke. wahahaha.

I also hope to get it done fast.. just in case this fella decides to come out early. this weekend i will be reaching 35 weeks liao.
Dot how old is it boy... My daughter is 2.5 and she is very clingy to me and will only want me to carry her... IM a little worried that after I give birth she will be very jealous ...im hoping to get her involved and help with her new baby sister to ease her into the process.
Oops don't know why the above post got posted again.

Dot - my husband and I are thinking of doing the gift thing aswel, did u bring the gifts to the hospital or when u got home. My daughter still sleeps with us so that will be tough.
seems like i took my ML too early eh? my edd is 02/08.. i took leave since 16/07.. cos gynae say bb v v low. so now im a sitting time bomb.

JC: i also same like u walk to wrk. . totally cant walk la. pissed cos walk to long will pain. =\

aft resting for so many days at hm, tdy went out walk abit only my v very pains. =( walk abit like feeling everything is dropping out. =\\.. omw hm went hse dwnstairs grab sm stuffs, 2 auntys commented, oh ur bb v v low hor? anytime har? making me real panicky.
Ling, I thought about doing the perineal massage, but did not, because I could not reach it! Lol.

Harmy, my boy is 25 months old. I brought my girl's gift to him in my hospital bag. I got my hubby to help my boy wrap his gift to Meimei (in his presence. I planned to do it, but had not gotten around to it) and bring it with him to the hospital when they visited. My boy also sleeps with us. Still does. Meimei is now in the other room with the CL, so no change in that routine yet.

I did prepare my boy fr Meimei's arrival, talking about Meimei once in a while, asking him to say gdnite to Meimei b4 bed, talking about when Meimei comes out, bringing him to my gynae appointments.
Ling: Just be careful when you are climbing the stairs, do it slowly. Actually if you have been used to climbing the stairs then it's alright to continue. Walking wise just listen to your body, if you feel pain or tired after walking a distance then it's time to stop and take a rest.

Regarding perineal massage, my gyane told me to start when I was week 34. Actually I also find it hard to reach so I got my hubby to do it for me every night. I just use the KY jelly (water based) and find it good enough. Initially I thought of using the baby oil but didn't in the end cos I don't want to be feeling "oily" down there. After 1 week, you can actually feel the results, like more flexible down there. Hehe
Ninger - PM u liao...

My #1 going to be 4 yrs old. Initially her teacher told me she wants a baby boy so tt her dad gt fren to play with & she can play with me. She's also jealous when saw us buying clothes for her meimei & ask what abt her clothes? We slowly explain to her tt meimei dun hv any clothes but she gt lots of it! Glad she understand.

Juz sharing some online tips:

Oh ya, I get easily agitated nwdays. Feeling so exhausted & moody. Esp nw my HB's bike still on service. Had to take cab everyday. Cost me $28 per trip! *fainted* Can't stand taking MRT/Bus. Too crowded & stuffy!

Btw do u mummies feel bloated? I feel like my stomach gt 'wind'. very uncomfortable. Nauseous.
Ninger, I have PM u too.

Sri Leo, I also same like u, get agitated very easily especially now it getting near my due date. A lot of time, I will get upset easily on small things/issue. I also tend to get wind trap in my stomach easily.
i was on my routine check on friday 13th, and doctor found my amniotic fluid index is low, ie 5.6. so i got hosoitalized
unprepared for that at all. Doc will sCan the bb again to get the water level on Monday. As i was in my 35 weeks and 3 days, so if the leVel is no good still bb willneed to be induced,
around 36 weeks, i really hope bb can stay in my tummy till 37 week at least, and natural birth. heard induced is very painful
Hazel - Rui yi yu? Medicated oil? Is it small bottle?

HL - Wonder can we request for HL frm gynae since we already in our 3rd trimester? It's up to gynae right? Btw anyone here civil servant?
Ya. It can be use for bb/ kid if they have wind in their stomach. So it can be use on us too. But rem not direct in tummy. Put a little on ur palm and rub again 2 hands before placing on ur tummy. Another method, u can drink some warm water.
Hazel nutty:
Returned your PM.

Sri leo:
Emails to your hotmail bounced back, twice. Anyway the agency name that you mentioned was the one i used.
Hazel: now that bb is big, i don know if applying ru yi oil can have effect since it doesn't get to the stomach or intestines (as bb is in front)?

Sri leo: some simple movement or exercise may help u too but it's not glam. Can do at home. Get on all fours on the bed and gently rock your body in a circular or toward backward motion. This will helps the gas to move out either thru burping or thru the back (fart). Another way is to watch diet, try to avoid food that can causes gases like beans, diary products etc.

Regarding HL, gyane should be able to give but again depend if they want. I'm not exactly a civil servant but as i work in a statboard, my salary and work benefits follow pretty closely to civil service.
Aixin: take care, hope bb can stay longer in ur tummy too. I don think induce is painful (depend on the method use). Ppl say painful cos they know that it's contraction and the mind will associate contractions with pain. Actually it's all in the mind. Like dot who gave birth to her daughter, when she's having contractions at home, she try to dismiss it as just some BH or something uncomfortable. The thing is if u keep focusing on it, the worst it will get. Hope u get wat i mean.
morning mummies!!

Gonna go for checkup today.... wonder how much this boy has grown..

Gonna check with gynae on HL too.. But got a feeling he wont be able to issue. sighs.

Rykiel : I believe u r preparing to pop anytime.. wonder who is the next mummy to pop!
By the way, any mummies know if Mount A charges for sterilising bottles etc?

I just bot the sterilizing pills.. Just in case they do charge and that is cheaper i believe. haha.
Hi, wifey went for her 3rd & final OB scan & was diagnosed to have Intrauterine Growth Retardation, the term sound really scary. It mean the baby's growth is slow compared to others. She's at 35wks now but the scan calculated the baby only at 32wks4d...

anyone also has this problem?

the result also shows low aminotic fluid but gynae later checked the 4 quadrants & said level is ok, ask us dun worry...

wifey's bp also on high side, gynae gave her med for that but she wun be taking it as there are known side effects, we bought a bp monitor instead & to cut down salt intake.
JnH, for the medication for the BP, its the best to take it.. there will be risk if she doesnt take the medications. If it isnt that high, gynae would not have prescribe the BP medicine to her. it is safe. so don't skip the medication.
re: sterilising pills
my frend pass to me and i didnt dare use...cos the water looks bubbly...doesnt even feel clean to me
ended up i will rinse with hot water again so i fell no point wasting money on it
