(2012/08) Aug 2012

Better to get the bag prepared now. You in wk 37 should b quite soon.

For the discharge, best to inform your gynae. He will check on the dilate ba.

anyone started massaging breast in preparation for milk production? We can massage the breast portion and not nipples during pregnancy?
morning JA!!

Does anyone of you experience pain at the belly button area? Mine was like painful last night the whole night but i was god damn tired and I still sleep thru.. the tummy was hard also..

now the tummy is still hard. zzzz
pain due to baby movement or kicking or just pain ? maybe practicing contractions ??

my bb is naughty, i am tired but cant get to sleep every night, keep kicking and somersaulting !!
JC I have been having the pain near belly button for a week plus. But hardness on tummy is on and off. Did check with gynae but she tell me it ok. Just tummy expanding. Try lay down rest more and do some breathing exercise to relax to c if the hardness go away. If not, monitor it closely and check with ur gynae if needed.
JC: i had pain at belly button area before, it felt as thought my belly button is going to pop out anytime! dr said not to worry if it is localised pain.
JA, my bb also same. Very active these few nights. Then always wake me up at 4 plus 5 in the morning. End up I always very tired. Worse I can feel that she is trying to push herself down almost now and then. Hope she can still wait another 2 weeks.
dunno leh... the tummy just hard then the tummy feels weird.. then i touch the tummy the belly button area is pain.

my bb is naughty also.. sometimes i scold him then he stops kicking for a while. zzzz then i dunno is it i m over sensitive or what.. but sometimes he kick me very furiously is to tell me to go sleep.. when i lie down then he stops kicking..

Sometimes in the middle night when i wake up to go toilet, he will kick non stop but i think I am too tired and ignore his kick and can goes back to sleep. wahahaha.. cham la next time he cries dunno i can wake up or not.
i have the tummy hardening feeling and belly button pain too....quite jia late. tummy can harden and feel uncomfortable when driving...aiyo...
sometimes i wonder if its confirm contraction or just practise...

i read that massaging breast during pregnancy is suppose to be impt for milk production leh. NOT NIPPLES. only breast....massage nipples will start contraction
my bb whole day naughty keep somersaulting and moving, painful. dont let me sleep every night even i tired, move and kick til i not tired

my #1 is gentle to me and always let me sleep early at night, still remember sleep fr 8pm to the next morning hahaaaaa
Hazel: yup, i send in my order le. I also tell bb to come on the 8th or 10th aug cos i still sorting out her stuff then also work haven hand over yet.. Hubby was joking if she would be so guai to listen. I hope she will.. Haha

Ivftwins: as mention last time i don know if mine consider a massage on the breast but i do light circular motions on the breast when i apply my anti stretch cream. I nvr touch much on the nipples though.

Instead of kicking, my bb is hicupping a lot. Also loves to "swim" when she listens to music. And loves to stretch? Cos i always get her little hands or legs bumps on the tummy. Then ytd night think she suddenly do a full stretch with her head pressing sharply on my pelvic bone and her butt or tights pushing my chest, gave out a yelp and hubby tot wat happen, haha.
IM 36 weeks and 4 days... Came for my apt... Doing a ctg scan to monitor babies heartbeat and check for contractions... I don't remember doing this for my 1St pregnancy. Going to see my gynae after this hope babies weight all is ok.
H, u having twins?

Ok then i should start massaging my breast also.. cos i thought cant i cant remember i read from where cant then i din do it.
Wah look like most of us have active dragon bb ha ha... Hope our bb will be good and listen to us. I think try talking to bb will help. As I have been telling her to be good and wait for 2 more weeks, somehow, I feel better today. Mummies who have sleepless night like me try have a nap during day time as it somehow help a little.

Starfantasy thanks for the update. I will go place me order too.
JC: I have been doing it since the 1st trimester so dunno for me maybe used to it le. I think light massage is okie, just not those deep massage where more force is applied?

H: CTG is not always required, depending from gynae to gynae.
Jc - no not having twins having one....a baby girl.

I think cos my gynae had to go off to operate they told me to do this for half an hour to pass time.

need to wait an hour before she gets back!

Anyone know if chicken pox can effect ur baby?
Did any mommies attend yest Dr Talk? It was good didnt regret not going down

By the way may i know what nappy cream to use? Wanna go and buy and stock up first cos i think my HB abit clueless sometimes.
Starfantasy... Thanks for the link.

Just ended my appt... Babies weight is about 2.6.

I also get cramping but Dr said as long as not too regular and stops after resting for a while its ok.
Nv knew the micro steam bags are so popular.. another SMH thread selling at a higher price.. $18.45..

I bought the avent magic cream which is the same function as the calendula cream.. My fren told me its good. some of my frens using california baby calendula cream. I am also going to buy 1 tube of the blue desitin cream for standby for bad rashes...

All these buy from spree is cheaper. =)
Hazel: Avent also got these steam bags?

JC: Any idea how much is the bags being sold in departmental stores? If the difference is not much, due to convenience and time sake, I guess it's okie to buy from stores ba
Starfantasy, I dun think have. But I kw their new sterilizer the 4 in 1 come with a travel basket compartment tat can use dishwasher or mircowave to sterilize the breat pump part. So that we no need bring the whole sterilizer out.
Hazel: Oic, but if you decide to use basket than actually can get any microwavable container will do. The bags are more easy to put int the hospital bag. :p
Star : The mummy put RP is 23 something.. not sure if the isetan got sell or not cos tmr is isetan sale think got 20% off.. I am going nex later to buy some stuffs.. if i go into Isetan, I will update the thread again to see how much the thing is and if they sell this thing.
Starfantasy I will just sterilizer the part and pack in zip lock bag instead of sterilizer it at hospital. But just bring along only. Cos planning to latch on most of the time. Hope no need to use. Ha ha...
starfantasy > if i remember correctly i paid about $20+ for the medela steam bags. There are 4/5 bags in one box and each bag can use 20 times.
Hazel: I also will want to total latch but then being kiasu, I also just bring the pump and whatever is needed. Don't want hubby to leave my side after giving birth. Hehe

Han, JC: then the blogshop sells for nearly 50% off! ETA 2 weeks, hopefully bb can wait till then. Haha
starfantasy > icic... it's alright, i just bought it to standby. i seldom use the bags (i used to sterilize when i pumped at work for my #1, but got lazy, hehe) and now just nice i have a few left, so I can take to the hospital for when #2 is born =)
my experience with #1 for nappy rash - Desitin is good and powerful. So i use it when there is a rash. It will be gone in hours. For day to day, i use mustela. This was recommended by a gf who has 2 girls.
Jen > my fren says her CL is good at taking care of babies.. now i am thinking whether i should call PEM to tell them my additional requirements.. she was telling me that not to get CL who is too old and too fat.. cos old ones will use traditional ways and most probably will not promote breast feeding.. then too fat ones she says will be lazy... i m thinking whether to call or not. sighs. now i m worried.
JC, I have enage their CL, recommended by my ex colleague. But the CL she recommended was taken. So I didn't hire a appointed one instead just let them choose for me. But hear good commends abt their CL.

Hazel nutty:
The steam bag that you were referring to is it this one?
Medela Quick Clean Micro-Steam Bags
It's cool that one bag can be used up to 20 times. I am comtemplating whether to buy a sterilizer to put in office when I go back to work. I think this is a better and cheaper option....
Thanks for sharing!

PEM confinement agency:
I just finalized the paperwork with PEM confinement sales person few days ago. Trust that everything is taken care of by them. By the way, I asked them if the confinement lady can hand wash baby clothing, I was told that all confinement ladies from PEM were told/trained to do so (hand wash bb clothing).
