(2012/08) Aug 2012

Hazel > then do u tell them ur requirements? my fren CL got some problems.

She was telling me her CL used the baby detergent to wash her own clothes and she has a lot of leftover frozen meat in the freezer.. The only good thing is she takes care of the baby well... But I agree not to take too old ones.. cos i very very scare of aunties telling me FM is good enough. we all survive by FM... dun think we need any discouraging words..

Or maybe we should just leave it to fate to choose the auntie that we will be allocated to.

Oh dear... I also didn't specify any requirements on the CL selection.. Maybe I will call them to assign one who is pro-BF? Hmm...
JC / Ninger, I never really tell them my requirement cos they have tell me all their nanny are well trained. As for BF, I believe if we insist they can't do much. I dun intend buy any FM put at home. And if the nanny give me problem, I will request them to change her. As we are entitle to change nanny up to 3 times which I hope it won't happen. Since we are paying, they should do as we request not the other way round. And I believe my hb will insist this too.
Ninger, that the bag we are talking abt. It is quite useful. Can consider to get it. But out of stock as mentioned by starfantasy and stock only available in 2 weeks time. And my EDD is 1 Aug so dun think it will be on time for me. LOL...

If ur EDD still early then u can consider to get it.
Hazel nutty:
I only need the bags when I am back to work.. so not in a hurry. For hospital use, I think I can always ask the nurse to help me sterilize. I believe they should have proper equipment in place in the hospital right?

For PEM CL, actually we can change up to 2 times, meaning max we get to see 3 CLs (including the very first one who was sent to us).
Oic. I only rem total up to 3 CL but it ok. Cos if by the time, if we will to change the one last time, I dun think I will still wan a CL aldy. I might as well be on my own and ask my mum to help out as much as possible. Ha ha....
Ninger: If you are going to use in office where you have space to put your own stuff, can consider getting a microwavable container (see can find BPA free one) instead. Cos it works the same and can be used unlimited amt of times.
hi all, how much are PEM confinement ladies?

i am a bit worried my CL will ask me to take a lot of alcohol, and encourage me not to shower. but i will be firm with her on what i believe.. so hope all will be fine!

also, cordycerps are not needed during confinement right? cos they are really expensive!
Ling, I think cordycerps is not part of the ingredient in confinement food. It is good for health that time when I have my miscarriage, my mum use to boil it with lean meat for me to take. But it is ex therefore if u need/ want maybe can ask ur mum or mil to boil it with lean meat as a soup for ur own consumption can aldy. As I kw some CL will share wat ever confinement food we are taking as part of their meal during their stay.
Ling, Just go through the recipe books that my hb brought. Cordycerps is part of the ingredient but going through the whole 2 books there only 1 or 2 dishes require small amount. So better get ur mum, mil or hb to do the marketing instead of the CL then u can ensure there won't be over stock of ingredients.
Ladies the bag is selling at 28.90 @ isetan.. So even buying at 18 plus is still cheaper.. Go under bulk purchase n check with prettymum if they got stock...

I think I shall leave it to fate for the CL.. They have a good reputation so by right should not have problem...
yaps thanks Hazel Nutty. My confinement lady did say that she will be cooking her own food, simple dishes and she said if my helper dont mind, they will cook for 2 persons. she said they cannot eat our confinement food cos it is way too heaty for them.

i honestly think i will skip cordycerps, it is so expensive. maybe after confinement i take once in a while.
Ling: cordycerps is not complusary. There are always cheaper alternatives if u find it exp. The main purpose of cordycerps is to 补血补气. U can try going to ur nearby chinese medicineal hall to ask wat other cheaper herbs to subsitute.
Ling, as mentioned by starfantasy u can check with the medicine hall wat other thing can use as a substitute. Cos base on my understand, my mum said the real cordycerps is very expensive and there might be some lower grade one in the market but not cheap also. So if buying must be careful. I think she also mention to me better dun buy those powder type as it might not be real one.
morning mummies..

Suddenly i am on panic button mode... I realise i din buy anything that is required at my MIL place.. hahaha.. zzzz i only bought stuffs that is sufficient for my kid at my house only. Pactically forgot that my kid will be going over to my MIL place. sighs.. now most stuffs need to be doubled.
i ask my col jus back from ML.
she highly recommend the CL say very gd in cooking and care for bb.
they are all train locally even tot they r malaysians
every night i sleep in aircon room with hb and dont cover blanket, sometimes middle of the night i wake up in sweat. hb complains say he v v cold even cover blanket. is this norm for preggy ?

last night i v tired and whole back aching so painful, hb help me relieve pain by massage a bit and i could get to sleep. this morning wake up still painful and so tired too, wished can be home sleeping now !!
haha that is what i told myself after i calm down. cos kiddo going over when i m about to go back to work.. wanna try to take care of him myself after CL leaves.. My mum will come over to accompany me.. just the sudden thought of nothing at my MIL place freaks me out. wahaha.

Jen : after a night of thinking I think i should just trust them. Like contract, we can change the CL if not happy with them.

JA : Think its normal cos now i also sleep without the blanket but hubby nv complain cos he is well wrapped underneath the blanket.
Starfantasy - thks for the link! Ohh.. Nw I remember.. I had strep B when I'm 39wks (nt sure y so late detect)...every 4hrs they inject thru the drip. hmmm..maybe my nxt checkup shld tell gynae to do some test on strep B.

Ayukie - After I gave birth to my #1, till nw havent do pap smear test.... =X

JA - Me too! feel so warm & humid so I had to on air con. At times pity my HB, he cover himself with comforter. I think its normal. Maybe due to hormones changes?

Maternity leave - I intend to take on 13 Aug. But nw feels like taking it earlier..maybe 1st Aug cz I already feel so tired... But hor, like wat u mummies said rugi cz 9 Aug is a PH & its my off day! so on top of tt I can claim Time off (8hrs 45mins). I'm hoping baby out on 8th Aug or 18th Aug (my bdae!)

Dreams - Been having labour dreams... Maybe due to watching too much labour videos on youtube ba... Normal labour..Labour w/o epi...Labour & induce... LOL!!

Diaper bag - which brand is gd?
JA: ya it common for preggy to have a higher body temp. You can try deinking coconut juice to cool down a little, i find that it works for me if sometimes i really get too hot and keep wanting to drink cold stuff.

Sri leo: welcome
step b can get anytime, some mummies got it earlier and eat medication to get rid of it. You should ask ur gyane to do the test if ur first preganancy have.

Diaper wise, again depend on ur budget. There are very good ones but will burn hole in wallet or normal but good for value ones. Personally i'll be using pampers in the day (since i got it real cheap at the expo fair) and then goon at night. But after finish the day ones, will switch to reusable diapers in the day but stay with goon for night use.
cant remember #1 time did i experience this hehe..glad to know is norm. hb didnt really complain but i saw him hugging the blanket so tight so asked him is it cold, he say very cold, u no need blanket ??

u started coconut at what week and how frequent per week ?

how is baby and everything ?
Oh i got my medela freestyle pump from beautyloft. The lady ris is very helpful and took time to explain how to maintain the pump. She dismiss a quite a few misconceptions i have. So to share with mummies:

- never use the electric sterlizer or soak long in hot boiling water frequently to sterlize the pump parts. First time is okie. This is becuase if the parts are under high heat too freq, it will get distorted. If mummies notice, medela bottles are softer than avent bottles so not for freq high temp sterlizing. If want to sterlize the parts, wash in warm soapy water than rinse clean and air dry, or go dip it in hot water for a few seconds, ot can use those sterlizing tablets to put in normal temp water then soak the parts.

- no need to wash the tubing cos it never gets into contact with any liquid or bm. If it gets dirty or vapout inside, can wash but make sure it is dry first before using. To be on the safe side, plug the tubing into the motor and let the motor run for 2 mins before using to express bm

- for first time mummies who has not used a pump before, highly recommend to bring the whole set to the hospital when delivery. Then ask the lactation nurse to teach u how yo correctly use the pump instead of spending time to figure out urself.

- for US import set without warranty, if spolit can bring to medela service center at toh guan road. Fee is $140 excluding parts. Lead time is within a day.
JA: i started drinking coconut in 2nd timester. Don't have a fix frequency cos i let my body decide when i should drink. If i realize i keep craving for cold stuff and feeling very hot despite in aircon room, i would drink. But i do limit to at most one coconut per day.
Hi There,

Any one here have advice on the postnatal massage? I'm trying to book one, but dunno who to contact and also wonder are those Malay massage lady recommended reliable or good.
Sri - My hubby and I going to use a haversack as diaper bag.. Gonna use my laptop bag.. haha spacious enough to stuff everything in. If I am alone, I will just bring the haversack too. cos wanna be as hands free as possible. If not is any type of bag.. Initially i wanted to get a skip hop one but end up thinking no point. you can try skiphop brand if you want.

Star : I think for the bottles i will still throw into the steriliser.. doubt will have the time to separate it out. when the bottles turn yellow its time to change.

I have another fren who throw everything in.. the thing is can prolong the lifespan but anyway sooner or later we still need to change the spare parts / bottles.
u don worry too much.
Local agency CLs don think so bad one but of cos we cannot expect them to b perfect lah

how r u & bb?
starfantasy: I did use electric steriliser to steam the breast shields and the parts leh...
so we cannot use steriliser but can put into microwave bags and microwave?
ivftwins: I guess the point is not to use high temp sterlization too often or the parts will need to be replaced sooner than expected ba. Ris from beautyloft said that some mummies sterlize like every 2 hours and then need to replace the parts and bottles very soon cos they become distorted. I think the concept is like the microwave bags why they can only be used 20 times.
medela bottles are rather soft and its true they will be distorted after excessive sterlization. This round, i bought avent new born bottles and avent storage cups and use adaptor to pump from freestyle straight into cups/bottle.
ivftwins: where do you get the adapters? I also intend to use the medela bottles for bm collection at work (cos I want to use the cooler bag that comes with the set) but at home will want to pump straight to avent cups or bottles
PEM - I used them 1st time round. I had a problem with the first CL they sent me. She hid her sweaty clothes under my boy's clothes. The replacement was ok, but was scared of my cat. The third, and the one I initially requested was ok. Generally unite good, but liked to complain. But in terms of looking after me and the baby was very good.

I'm doing ok. My CL just arrived. I'm just glad that she was not booked for July. How she is, I don't know yet. The past two days, my MIL stayed over to help out. I m a night owl, so I did what I could to look after my girl after my boy went to bed.
She is a little confused as to day and night at the moment. Hope she figures it out soon.

My boy is generally more sticky now. First night he was crying a lot, but 2nd night, after I made sure to spend one on one time with him and fed him his dinner, he did not cry so much. He is ok with Meimei, but I don't look after her very much at the moment, so I think it's that he misses me. Should get better as time passes, I hope.
Sri Leo,
I didnt buy diaper bag, just used my bigger sized bags...

Sterilising of pump parts - Got 2 sterilisers, 1 for bottles the other for pump parts. Got total of 5 sets of spare parts as more convenient and without help. So far the personal fits are in gd condition, the soft fits which i also bought 5 sets got distorted very fast and the fit wasnt gd so less than 1 mth changed to all personal fit. after that continued to sterilise before every use and at work with hot water, so far is ok. if dont sterilise or use hot water, then just wash and use direct ?
Thanks Dot for sharing.. Let's pray we have a problem free CL.. They are supposingly well trained.. i think if my CL is unhygienic then i will also request to change. hopefully got aunties for us to change!
Some hosp will give us a diaper bag including some goodies in it rite? if kkh goodies comes wit diaper bag, most likely will use tt. save $! hehe

Coconut drink is gd for pregnancy??
JA: Actually Ris told me it's alright to just wash (but make sure to rinse all detergent out) and use. But she said asians mummies are more kaisu, so it's alright to go through hot water for a few seconds but not soak them in it.

Sri Leo: No scientific proof but it's a good cooling drink for SG weather now. :D
Dot : I got another question.. When u request for replacement.. do we need to give the new auntie another ang bao? then the 1st auntie who leaves do we need to give her the "bye bye" ang bao also?

Do we give the ang bao when she is here or 2 ang baos at 1 go when she leaves?
Dot : I got another question.. When u request for replacement.. do we need to give the new auntie another ang bao? then the 1st auntie who leaves do we need to give her the "bye bye" ang bao also?

Do we give the ang bao when she is here or 2 ang baos at 1 go when she leaves?
In our country, coconuts have always been associated with health and prosperity and are present in some form or the other on many auspicious occasions. Young coconuts which have green shells (as opposed to the brown mature coconuts) are the ones with the most water content; this water is called coconut water or coconut juice.

Tender coconut water (elaneer / nariyal pani) is one of the richest sources of electrolytes. It is high in chlorides, potassium, and magnesium and has a moderate amount of sugar, sodium and protein. Potassium helps regulate blood pressure and heart function. Coconut water is also a good source of dietary fibre, manganese, calcium, riboflavin and Vitamin C.

A natural isotonic beverage with similar levels of electrolytes as the human body, coconut water helps prevent dehydration and relieves exhaustion by replenishing the natural salts lost by the body; it is widely used in tropical countries as a means for oral rehydration needed during diarrhoeal attacks.

It is essentially fat free and has zero cholesterol and some studies have reported that it can have some effect on improving "good" cholesterol levels (HDL) in the body. In the heat of summer when you are looking for something other than water to quench your thirst, you can have this nutritious and refreshing beverage instead of sugar and calorie laden aerated drinks and fruit juices. It is naturally sterile and so perfect for drinking while travelling without the fear of contamination.

Coconut water is a natural diuretic and so increases the flow of urine; this helps prevent urinary tract infections (UTI) as well as reduces the incidence of kidney stones. Coconut water also helps relieve constipation, improves intestinal function and promotes digestive health -– it is often recommended to people suffering from acidity and ulcers.

Constipation, sluggish digestion and heartburn are common problems during pregnancy and can be helped to some extent by drinking coconut water.

Coconut water contains high levels of lauric acid which is what is used by the body to make monolaurin -– a disease fighting fatty acid derivative. Lauric acid has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties which protect the body against various infections and boosts the immune system.

With such wide ranging nutritional benefits it is no wonder that coconut water is recommended for pregnant women.
Infant care - Not all childcare provide infant care. Limited choices esp at JW area... haiz.... another option will be babysitter. A-team quote me $1K for juz taking care of 4mths old baby frm 7am-7pm.

I used the freestyle for #1,got 2 sets of pump parts, put in avent sterilizer daily for 18 mths.. The soft fit shields got distorted after abt 6 mths.. Other than that all still in quite good condition, even the bottles though they're softer than avent bottles.. Sometimes if i screw the bottles tight when they're still hot, it gets distorted.. But just need to put abit of hot water inside and shake, it'll get bk into shape again.. I just stopped bfing in dec, so will be reusing the 2 sets of pump parts.. Maybe closer to ML end, will get a new set to standby in case some parts need to replace..
