(2012/08) Aug 2012

hugsss!!! =) if really dun meet ur expectations then change her bah!

have a great time later at ur appt!

Ayukie.. would you consider changing your maid? Now like already have bad feelings how to continue for long? You also won't know if she will do anything stupid or silly towards you and your family behind your back...
Ninger: hire a part time cleaner to help with the housework? It should help lighten ur load but keep ur worries away.

Ayukie: maybe u should change the maid? Because some ppl are 笑里藏刀.. Like ninger say she may just habour all the negative feelings and do something unthinkable
Ya, already have a part time cleaner coming once a week to clean the bathrooms, mop the floor and do ironing. But I still find that once a week is not enough as the house tends to get dusty very easily (I am a bit of clean freak as well). We tried getting the cleaner to come in like 2 or 3 times a week but weekday nights have not been very ideal time as well since we normally reach home pretty late. So we stopped after a while. Also, like maid, the part time cleaner will also 'chu pattern' after with us for a few years.. we have been tolerating her. When she first started she did quite a fantastic job. Over the years, she has been more and more chin chai until the toilet floor and taps also grow mould. My hb has to scrub them away himself once in a while to get rid of them... tsk tsk tsk...

Better still, my part time cleaner has just recently hire a maid to look after her MIL and kids while she goes out to do other cleaning jobs.. steady ah! Then she can tell me that I am a good 'employer', very 'chin chai' now that she herself has a maid... *pengsan*
Ayukie, I think u should change her now before u deliver. Now still got time for new one to come in and train. I don't think u can tahan her till u deliver or even worse after u deliver. During the 4 mths maternity leave, it will get worse cos we stay at home. Like today I work from home, also cannot tahany maid cos ask her to do something either she never respond or she just show black face. She will still do it but see her black face also sian. Hb said if I cannot take it, change her but to me as long as I don't face her whole day, I ignore her cos she can do her job. Since urs can't even do her job well, forget about it.
MummyR, I prefer those with kids since we need them to handle our kids. Cos singles usually dont have patience, and can't handle infant. Older ones are responsible but stubborn like mine, she came at 38yo, now 40yo, cannot say her, just a comment also black face. Say only never even raise my voice or scold. Prob late 20s or early 30s is good enough.
Thks so much gals for ur makan advise on maid..;)
Somehow, if u r going restaurant to eat, will u bring ur maid along? Expensive seh...but if no bring her along, dun feel safe left her at home alone.. Sigh..
My maid like to do things half half.. Asks her wipe away dust, those with things on it never wipe... Then some area oso no wipe.. Keep clothes, only keep few clothes n left two towels there not sure for what.. Sigh.. Asks her whether she got wipe kitchen floor after cook, she say day time wipe already n i say sacarstic that then if u eat lunch, no need eat dinner lor... N she still look at me gong gong.. I so piss n say go n wipe lah n why still stand there do nothing.. Really vomit blood...

Btw, my mum told me the average salary for pp who work in maymarra only earns $150 plus a month n no include meals somemore.. So they consider earn alot when work here... Include meals somemore...

Hi ayukie
Ya, i agree tt if u cant stand ur maid, shd change as she gonna stay with u... For me, she will not eat snake n still quite hardworking so i can still accept her but if no improvement after tell her few times, i may consider too.. Btw, my maid left her previous 5mths employer is due to they keep scold her until she beh ta han n resign herself...think we treat her better then her previous employer..

No matter what, dun cane or beat ur maid.. Recently got one case where employer cane her maid n now need to go jail.. Not worth the sacrifice neh.. Not happy, just change.. Why cane?? Sigh..
Hi mummyR
I prefer maid with kid too as got some experience.. Mine is 31yr old with one kid.. Not too young or too old..
Mines 25 with one kid.. Guess no one is perfect so I guess it's quite hard to find the perfect maid these days.. Those old timers are really here to make a living but the new generation of maids are prob here to have fun.. Believed for some of us who are working, It's not so bad as we don't face them 24 by 7 haha

Yes we do bring her out to eat at restaurants and even for buffet.. I mean, we don't dine in restaurants every week so that's still quite ok.. But if I wanna hv time with my hubby then she will stay home with number one..
I am awake again sianz.Joanne, if u don't need her help when u go out, then dun bring her. Let her have a breather without u guys. I enjoy our family time without her. When my boy was young, I always bring maid cos so many things to carry but now my boy is big, I don't usually bring her unless it's gathering so I can enjoy my food and talk to ppl.so even restaurants, I do bring her.
Hi Sherry and Ag
I agree but think to left her alone in house, i still dun really trust her... Worry she dun even know how to turn on the gas to cook n burn my house...hee..,
she don cook? We do bring her out for meals with us but so far no buffet yet as hb n MIL don't eat a lot so buffet v bo hua.
Hi clim
She still new, not sure how to cook yet..;(
Base on her hygiene level, i dun really trust n dare to eat her cook food yet..;p

Hi nutnug n sasha
Hows ur wong boi boi course? Gd right?
i bring my maid out lor .. unless i am really cross with her then i ask her cook herself and go out with hub and my sonny lor ..
Ninger: that's what happen with my part time cleaner prev also! At first very good, then get worst, also cannot scold since we have gotten good terms with her. We continue using her cos she can be trusted to have the house keys and go to my house to do cleaning when everyone at work, also she can tahan my furkids. So when my mum needs dialysis, we take the chance to let her go and hire maid cos we tell her we need someone to clean everyday.

Joanne: some maids r like that, not auto one, so must spend a lot of saliva or even effort to tell them or demo to them exactly what we want them to do. But hopefully it's only for a while.

Regarding maid, i seldom bring her out cos now we can still handle ourselves. Besides, she's not really interested to go out with us. Once during cny, we bring her to my mil place to have dinner and she's so bored there cos she don understand wat we r talking and nothing to do. The nxt day we ask her if she want to come along again she don want already. I planning to go to malaysia for a few days with hubby and mum and intend to leave her at home, since she'll be bored if i take her along, also i need someone to look after the house n my furkids. Think she'll be happy with that arrangement. My mum say so far she pretty guai so okie, i ask my mum to teach her abt not bringing ppl into the house, not talk to man outside etc cos better for us to teach than she anyhow learn the wrong things herself.
Joanne> then maybe u can tabao or bring her out..

I mean, we try to bring her out since she got no offdays and she eat basically when we eat when we are out.. even when we have ben's & Jerry's, she get to eat one too..She even get to choose her own meal at the restaurant but at least she quite considerate la.. she dont dare to choose the super ex one hahaha.. cant really stand those who eat in restaurants and the maid just stand around or outside to look after the kids..
err i remember one of the mummy went to sunway medical centre in KL to do their 3/4D scan.
How was it?
How much is it?
i planning to do it this coming monday.
morning mummies, I am so sleepy now. woke up at 4am and didnt get back to sleep at all...argh miserable day ahead.
joanne, sounds like you better start training her how to handle the gas stove, sounds scary if she cant even handle this. anyway its better to train her now before you deliver else so much things to teach after that.keep watching how she handles it...sad to say but those less educated ones really dunno how to handle gas or electric appl. mine previous ones also iron till burnt my clothes or stain my clothes with rainbow. btw hor, recently I caught my maid on how she defrost food...basically the food is still frozen and she just put into pot to cook soup, imagine she has been with me for 2 years already. I guess she has been handling it this way since I am not at home. so i printed out notes on how/why we need to properly defrost food so she understand the reason behind.
what I do is I lock my bedroom whenever no one at home cos i am not comfortable her going thru the stuff in my room which they will definitely do so cos human beings are curious.

like sherry, I let my maid choose what she wants to eat but not all of them is very zidong,like my sis maid (young gal) always choose exp dishes and if the kids order dessert or icecream, she will also order for herself(like a kid). best one, that time my sis told the kids they can choose a book/stationary at popular, her maid also choose one for herself..wahahah buay tahan.
hi, im new in this thread. curently preggy due aug too. i Have got 2 boys and 1 girl. Now expecting a Boy. happy to get to you guys mummies. cheers!
Hi Ag
Wah.. Ur sis maid really smart.. Lol.. So far i bought her to pizza hut n order for her.. She dun hv any say since she told me she eat anything..;p
Thks all for the suggestion n ideas on how to deal with maid..;)
I just see my tcm n he says i got big bbies n may give birth at wk32 to 34.. Sigh.. Really worry.. Think i need to bedrest soon on June...
morning mummies

hi clotherisitc welcome, wow #4, what the age of your older kids ?
joanne, tcm can tell when u will deliver? anyway twins sure early rite...be prepared and get ur delivery bag ready.

btw anyone knows what's at baby expo this weekend?
also wondering what's at baby expo, so far havent been to any before yet....

any mummies taking the glucose tolerance test ? i m scheduled to do next appt...din do previous preg, any experience can share ?
Hi Ag
Ya, i still thinking to get the bed mattress, pump at wk28.. Havent even wash bbies clothes yet.. Think i better start some washing this weekend.. Anyone going to bb expo on fri morning ir afternoon? Can update us whether worth to go? Thk u.. Think ntuc got bb fair again.. Not sure any gd lobang on pamper or not.. Hmm..

Ya, just confirm.. Shd be one boy n one gal..;) to me, healthy still most important.. Any sex are fine with me..;)
WTS: (New and never used before)Combi Travel System Multi 5 Ways [Beige color]

Hi, i just received this yesterday from Taka lucky draw. As i already bought mine, so i would like to sell this. It is new and unused, i only open the box to check the items.

Retail price is at $729
Me selling at $550
(self collection)

Email me if you are interested. [email protected]

For more info on the product:

Product Information:
Combi's Multi 5 Way is a five-in-one multifunction baby vehicle. It's a three-mode baby-stroller, a baby car seat and a rocking cradle. Carry your sleeping child from your car straight to the stroller without waking her up. Configuration also adjusts to growth of up to approximately 24 months.

• Detachable Car Seat/Carry Rack
Detach and use as a car seat by pulling the seatbelt through the handle. Also conveniently doubles as a rocking chair and carry rack.
• Soft suspension system
Wheels absorbs shock for a comfortable ride
• Extra soft, quick-dry cushions
Padded 3D cushions made of breethable, quick dry fabric keeps your baby comfortable and dry
• Protective shell structure with shades
Keeps your baby cool and protected from the elements
• Large diameter wheels and soft suspension system
Large wheels adds stability and absorbs shock for a comfortable ride
• Mesh window
Mesh fabric window located at the rear to keep your baby nicely ventilated
• Big sunshades
99% UV blocking shades keeps your baby safe from direct sunlight
• "Egg shock" seat attachment
A form-fitting, shock absorbent cushion attachment comes included with each stroller
• Two way positioning
Baby faces you in "shell mode" for better visibility and reassurance. Baby faces away in "upright mode"
• Zipped side basket
• 5 point seat belt
Secures and prevents your child from accidentally slipping off
• Extra durable
Strong frame makes this stroller much more stable and easy to use
• Shoulder Strap
• 170° Full reclining seat
Allows a near horizontal optimum sleeping posture
• Top window
Window opens above baby's head so you can see and talk to her any time
• Open Dimensions
W50 x D81 x H99.5cm (W19.7 x D31.9 x H39.2in)
• Folded Dimensions
W42 x D35 x H100.5cm (W16.5 x D13.8 x H39.6in)
• Weight (Heaviest "shell mode")
8.6kg (19lbs)
• Reclining Angle (in stroller mode)
• Approximate Age Range
1-24 Months
good morning mummies... mia for awhile le cos very busy at work.

My maid has been with me for a month. So far so good *finger crossed*. I told her that i'll bring her wherever as she has no off days. She dines with us in restaurants too. So far my mum is at home to jaga her so i'm more at ease.

Something to share. Hope this brightens up yr day.
My mum: Linda, the curry pok u can eat
My maid: I cannot eat pork
My mum: curry pok, can eat!
My maid: ah ma, i cannot eat pork
My mum: wah lau eh! curry pok no pork! Only potatoe!!!

I was laughing non-stop at the living room...
haha rainbow - so cute sia ..

ok lah my maid once she gets scolded she will do good (at least until she forgets) then whole vicious cycle will happen .. i told her now she doesnt improve when bb comes she will b v jialat .. at least when she sleeps at night she more alert to my boy coughing already ..
ok now lets go on to planning for baby ..

so tired but like alot of things to prep and yeah we got around 3-4 mths to go more ..
BBL: hum.. Is it worth it to go all the way out there travelling so many hours to do the scan?. IMO it may be more expansive to do in SG but at least it saves u the hassle? My 3D scan is included in my gynae package and as of now it's still too early to do the scan; this tue when i went to my gyane, he tried to give me a peek of the 3D scan (his ultrasound machine can do 3d scan also) but cannot see much as bb is still quite small. The package i sign up say i'll do the 3d scan at 32 weeks, so i think the best time to do would be after 30 weeks, by then we r already big so more hassle to travel...

Joanne: congrats on long feng tai.. Very rare, i would love to have that but hubby would faint at the cost involved.. Haha
i going back to kl this weekend n the hosp is 10 mins drive from my in law place..so i was thinking y not..cos they hosp having promo..like RM100 only..
Haha.... nice joke, Rainbow.

Anyone of you hire a maid and send maid and kids to nanny's house? I've a 2.5 yr old gal, taken care by my daytime nanny all the while. Now with no#2, my nanny might not be able to cope (as she got 3 kids age 9-16). Plus i also need someone to help me at night as my hubby came home only around 9pm. So I thought of hiring a maid, and bring her to my nanny's place to help and my nanny also can supervise her.
I'm paying my nanny 700 for my elder gal. What is the reasonable pay for my nanny when i send both kids and maid there? Anyone can give me some advice? I plan if the maid is reliable after some time of observation and also when the two kids are slightly older (maybe in a year time) I'll then terminate my nanny's service. I've told my nanny about my plan and she is quite alright with that. Now only we have not agreed on the price to pay her.

I also have the same question like you.
I need to attend my niece wedding on 5th May, also wondering should I go or not. As my friends told me better dont attend wedding when we are pregnant. I got one miscarriage at 6 weeks last time and that happened about a week after I attend another wedding). But my hubby said that is just natural selection of embryo and it happened so early so got nothing to do with the wedding. But i still have a bit of worry to attend.
One more questions about maid, anyone heard about 5star Employment Agency in Orchard Far East Shopping Centre? I've interviewed a maid that i quite like with this agency, so been searching about the backgroudn and any complaint about this agency.
i not sure but i do attend.
i attened my fren's wedding last xmas eve when i was ard 6wks preg but i suppose is very individual.
i will also attend bb full mth but will stop at visiting in hospital.
only thing i 100% avoid is funeral.
I did 3d/4d scan at TMC for my #1 ard 30weeks, have to do together with growth scan. For #2, switch gynae and he using 3D/4D machine. At detailed scan he switch to 4D and can see baby face already. Only difference when compared with #1 scan is baby will look not so chubby...Enjoy your 4D scan

I am pantang kind, wont attend wedding, depends on individual. Another thing is some food served I dont eat cos of pregnancy. Maybe you can ask your parents or ILs for advice...Next wk my hb best friend wedding, only he going....
i've attended my gf's wedding dinner and even be her sister for the day when i first found out about the current pregnancy...

will be attending a wedding dinner this sat! =)

Rainbow, your joke is so funny.. hahaha..

Hmm, i attended funeral when i was expecting no. 1, ard 6-7 mths preggy, and I attended one wedding when i was like 5 weeks preggy.. Guess, its think its up to individual and comfort level.. To me, if its meant to be mine, its meant to be..
