(2012/08) Aug 2012

nah nah, u look at my tummy..look small right..when i sit down its one layer of big fat lo..soft soft one..now it willbe soft..later stage will be stiffer if i rem correctly.

Jen dont op is the best..see wat yr gynae say..if that doesnt affect u or cause pain..leave it till bb is born then decide wat to do next..its damn stressful to be preg n doing a op at the same time..i exp that..

for now nothing can b done even pain also can only take pain killer.
only hope is after delivery shrink n no issues.
oh fibroid will be painful one ah?
that time my cyst no pain at all just that the size is too big..gynae scare when bb grow bigger will press on it n cause it to explode inside me..then by the time is emergency C-sect to remove cyst
ag - my tummy this time also bigger than when i had #1 during the same stage .. nw i wear maternity clothes le .. bth
Ay,,yeah yeah,
i told hubby its bigger hubby say looks the same..but its more hard n firm..not like last time due to BF..soft soft liao...
Tigeroo, is clarins skincare stuff safe for use in preg? The wordings on the bottles all in french and i cant chk tge ingredients so i stopped using to be safe.. Was hoping to vr able to start using my skincare products again, face getting v dry..
Me too. I stopped using all skin care when I found I m preggy,
My face looks ugly. So I don't bother bout them. Wait till giving birth then will see how.
Do u feel some cramps still at the bikini line? I m still feeling it. Still got frequent urination. Taken urine elements analysis but no infection. I happened to read that lemon will helps to reduce swollen in pregnancy. This may helps.
My bb still not wanting to let me see the three lips or kuku.. Everytime lying on side. How to see leh?
Sometimes even thinking not wanting to know the gender.
I have a feeling is a girl. My sister also got the same feelings.
Hello mummies, i checked FB more than forum. hehe..

elynh, read about your experience and really cannot believe that such things are happening in our era. those ppl are really too much and inconsiderate. Seems like your FIL is the better one. Anyway, welcome back to SG!

Re: Shopping for baby stuff
I bought alot of stuff yesterday at Robinsons cos were given 2-25% vouchers. So bought those pigeon wipes,philips baby monitor, sterilizer (where usually no further discount kind). Wanted to buy baby cot but seems like they don't sell wooden kind only playpen. Any recommendations? We thinking to go Kiddypalace (do they carry wooden cot?) or Mothercare to see.

Re: Travel
Booked holidays to Australia (Brisbane-Catch Wiggles concert, Gold Coast-Dreamworld, Perth-to visit friend) in May. Wanted to go HK but probably too much walking and hot weather. Chose Australia cos of cool weather and can drive. My first time there. And hubby redeemed biz class tickets cos preggy so must get more comfortable.. Can't wait to experience that. Anyone knows if Perth is safe at night? Any reliable car hire to recommend?

Re: Gynae visit
I'm waiting for my visit till my neck long long. Good thing can feel baby moving so give me a sign that things are good. Anyone seeing A/Prof John Tee from KKH as well? My previous preg and now always have to wait very long for next visit. =(
Initially gynea will measure baby by length..when baby big
enough then it will go by weight

Re: tummy
I dun look preggie at all...no tummy but hips expand alot

My neh neh starts to feel swollen but size still the same!

I have been wearing nursing bras too n got new ones
Can't stand normal bras!
My gynae measured bb length but it din show on the printout this time round cos she said length not a gd gauge of edd already.
Cheri, wow wiggles concert. My boy will like it. I went gold coast last year and after visiting dreamworld, he loves wiggles
Hi ladies... I ve a preloved Babyplus set to let go at $250. Bought in Nov 2011. Comes in original packaging and excellent condition. Pm me if you are keen. Thank you.
Jojo, Clarins has a range of products for pregnant women - mainly to prevent stretchmarks, firming, prevent sagging etc. For tummy, bust, butt and anywhere else that can stretch. Can check the Clarins website, there's a category on pregnancy =)
Sandy I been leaking urine when sneezing, laughing etc etc too. So jia lat.

Bbl u really v slim lor.

Jljt take care okie. Dun stress dun stress. Solve one thing at a time.

I also on mc on wed n thurs cos tues whole day feeling unwell and push thru then when step out office onto cab vomited. Never nauseous for two weeks suddenly jiat lat and headache whole morning. So see gynae and given two day mc. Reach home feel okie. Think I allergic to work.
Nah nah, u are working at what booth? I am going to natas fair first then baby fair on sat. U sell which ctry or continent or bank or wat?

My tummy is big and obvious. Let u see on sat. Hahah.

Cheri yes visiting John tee.

Saw my side thigh and thigh got obvious stretch marks Liao. Super sian.

I am and been using clarins stretch marks oil since my first preg.
Anyone know how to make similac milk? Not sure why, after i try yesterday, got bits n pixel of milk patches float ontop n can feel the patches when drink.. Yucky..;( why like that de?? Ammum n nun has no such problem... Any idea gals..

Hi manjong
Better dun eat stingray.. Not gd for bb due to high in mercury..;)

Yippy!! TGIF! Whose going for the bb fair today? Must update us here whats gd? Btw, any idea for when to when for taka bb fair?
yeah stay away from stingray..poison ah

err i had the same experience as u..its not well dissolved even though its a cup of hot water..
mummyr - nursing bras are awesome .. i will get some more later lor (but these serve me the last 2 yrs even after i stop bf)

mahjong - i also allergic to work ..
Wah seems like everyone going to the fair..i think i better dont go cos Natas is there too...i am staying in the west..Expo is so far..
Mummies pls share yr good buy..
Mahjong , I working travel related ...

Haiz.. Today is just one of those blue blue days ... Haiz ... Just so dun feel like working
Hi mummies, I have been following the thread since I knew I was preggy. Only decide to join now after the CVS results are out. Pang dang cos the previous pregnancy needs to be terminated at 16 weeks cos bb is thalassemia major.

I'm currently into my 17 weeks, EDD is 7 Aug, and DNA results show tt Im having another boy
My #1 is turning 4 years old in April. I'm seeing Prof John Tee, tink quite a number of mummies also seeing him?

Is there still the google docs to fill in?
BBL> we see some good deals of the walker (half price), playpen and cot.. gonna get some bottles and most probably the walker since it is half price.. wahahaha.. Hopefully the peeps attending the baby fair will be more gentle... no pushing and squeezing..

we also saw those baby monitor on sale.. but dunno how cheap it will be.. so gonna take a look.
i dont need walker cos i got excersaucer..i have playpen lo..milk bottle i stock up alot..super kiasu me..still thinking whats there for me to buy..think second time mummy nothing much to buy..but hand itchy leh..wanna buy something...hahahaha
Perth is safe at night. Am travelling there in April with my 2 kids and hubby. We rented our car at Hertz. Pretty reasonable rates.
re: walker
i didnt like the idea too...so no walker for #1 and he walked at 10mths+
i borrowed jumperoo and excersaucer from my friends for a few mths
I think I will still get the walker cos below there is a net then u can transform it into non walker.. good for feeding also.

Now i am having problems with steriliser.. and hopefully my avent one from my sis is spoilt.. wahahaha cos i wanna get a pigeon one so that i can put bottles and the pumps stuffs in to sterilise but I just realise another good fren of mine bot me a nuk one and i understand from my fren that the nuk one is pretty small.. now headache.. if i buy another one, my hubby is going to kill me so i m praying hard the avent one is spoilt instead cos i think i wanna buy nuk bottles. hahaha

BBL> its normal to have itchy hands.. haha we are woman!

ET> Thanks for your info..
Re: walker
Didn't know walker so dangerous. My nephews & son grow up with walker but of course with supervision. I shall try no walker and see if he/she can walk before turning one.
I am going bb fair later oh Watson fair also there , My poor HB got to carry haha
speaking of steriliser haha i gt a brand new nuk steriliser to sell off cause i have a pigeon one for my #1 which i will be re-using
