(2012/08) Aug 2012

Hihi gals,
Finally finished catching up posts for the past week! Quiet day today, everyone at BB fair? I'm waiting for hubby to come home to bring me there. First time going to BB fair, most prob just gonna look see and not buy anything. lol. Staying in Tampines so super near

Dear elynh.
You back in Singapore today? Have the 逃出魔掌 feel? Lol. Hope you had a smooth flight!!!

Dear JC,
I also had fungal infection since start of pregnancy but cos mine is high-risk, I did not get any medication from gynae till I went into 2nd trimester at 14 weeks. The insert os for a stretch of 10 days and safe for pregnancy, my infection has now stopped

Re: Buttoning pants/ skirts
Unsure if anyone has shared but I recall reading we can use a rubber band to secure the top button instead of buttoning. Free and secure

Hi sasha
Wht kind of fungal infection? What is the sympton? I feel my peeing area itchy sometime.. Is tt due to infection too?
Dear Joanne,
For me it was yellowish discharge and itchy. I need to hurriedly wipe away the discharge or I'd end up wanting to scratch. The discharge has smell too. Very uncomfortable. Didn't affect my peeing and my peeing was not painful though.

Before pregnancy I was already prone to infections, almost without fail every month comes back, been a year already), super irritating. Before pregnancy's infection was worse, discharge was curdy and a lot.

Now feeling much better!!!
Thks sasha
Think i will check with doc Loh next checkup as me no yellow stain or smell.. Just itchy sometime at peeing area as i think we hv more virginal discharge n it flow to the front part so result in itchy..;( u hv more virginal discharge too?
Hi joanne,
At the moment I don't have obviously extra discharge le. It was during my infection period. But I read that it is normal to have some discharge so long as not itchy. Itchy might be infection.

My hubby came back from work and so tired he is napping now!!! Wonder what time should I wake him up to go to the fair!!! lol.
Joanne, same here. I have itchiness too. But I felt better after changing panties for several time. Think keep clean n dry will be better.
Hi sasha
Maybe not extra discharge.. Just hv discharge.. Hee... Think will asks gynea on my next visit..

Ya, maybe u can check with ur gynea too.. I use vigsil 3days once to wash the itchy area n will feel better for next few days.. Then when itchy again after few days, i wash using tt again.. I remember they say try not to use soap, not sure is it due to acidic or alkaline...
Hi gals,

Went to the fair, educated myself on strollers and playmats etc. Hehe. Heard there'd be another fair in March.

I bought the trial massage for babies bellies although I already booked Ida for massage. Hehe... But can only start in 5th month.

Also went to Watson's fair and bought some toiletries.

Anyone else went?
Hi mummies! I was at the Robinson nursery /baby/kids fair today, didn't buy anything but confused myself with the cots, playpen etc. I know I asked about the sterilizer before, Robinson was going for 199 and can use for up to 330ml bottles, anyone looking to buy?

Also, anyone planning to visit mothercare fair this march? I think I might going for a cot not is keen to see the offer there
It's norm to have the viral for pregnant woman cos we will have more discharge as compared to before. Usually I go to gynae, he will precript tablets to insert n cream to apply. I have it a few rounds for #2.

Nonthing much for me in bb fair since my planning to buy start in april. Maybe I will wait for robinson sales. Went watson n bought lots of pads. $2/each can stock up for post usuage.

I have a chat with my boss last friday regards to my pregnancy. Kanna scold for having bb. The turnover here not stable so nonthing wrong if I'm the only here who took maternity leave before. Told me what done cannot be undone now,right!!!! How do I answer? Ask me go plan my ML and cannot affect work. Do not want to tell me how many weeks he approved this round. 6 or 8?
Dear Clim,
My goodness! Your superior is horrid!!! Pregnancy is a joyous and beautiful thing, how can he talk like it is a crime!!!!! Your boss is male or female? Married? With kids? Sounds like unreasonable!!! Can can work not be affected when u go on ML?! The office should re-delegate your work and not blame you!!!
A male with 2 kids. Best is the female accounts sit beside and kept saying "very productive" lor. I'm so angry last friday. Cannot bang his table cos still need to get the ML here.

Already told him bb out during Hari Raya Period.
clim, gosh ur boss is horrible. quit after ur maternity. that place sucks and you shouldnt stay on :p you should tell him how many weeks you wanna take instead...6 weeks is so short cos you just finished confinement. I think min is 8 weeks.
mummyr - i also puking badly still ... puke till gt blood somemore .. sibeh sian .. dunno to see doc anot ..

anyway i went robinsons 25% sale .. electrical items no discount but bought a zourshi rice cooker a corningware casserole set and a ironing board though .. the zourishi rice cooker was at 598 but discounted price 379 .. can cook bb porriadge etc ..
regarding playmat think can buy frm bp later .. i bought mine from ssw in the bp when my boy is bigger and crawling around and when he crawls more i bought the heniem (how you spell it) playyard to fence him in ..
oh yeah over weekend went bought the clarins stretchmark oil and indeed it smells much nicer but quite ex though at 89 a bottle (metro 20% rebate though) ... hope it last till end of my preg ..
morning mummies..

Sashamama : I had the same treatment but not long after it came back.

About fungal infection :- if your discharge is cloudy and its either green or yellow or greenish yellow and it itches then it is fungal infection. Gynea says its very common during pregnancy.

Urine Tract Infection : If you feel that it hurts when u pee and the frequency of peeing is very high or sometimes u go toilet because u wan to pee but u cant pee then its UTI.

Check it out with your gynea the next time u visit. but if it is UTI, u may want to visit GP or gynea soon cos it will be damn uncomfortable.

I also wanna quit after giving birth!!
Clim, ur boss so inconsiderate. Take longer ML n switch to another job. If me, I wouldnt sacrifice my ML for such superior. No appreciation end of the day.
bastard boss..
if company is gd i dont mind taking 8 weeks ML n balance of 8 weeks slowly take..but since yr boss so bastard..dont need give face liao..
hate this kind of boss..chu pattern at this period of time.
This is fate haha. Wanted to leave last yr, due to certain reason so plan this yr, then suddenly the dragon report. The MOM law already stated company must also agreeable to the leave so I can't force him. Now mutual agreement, I can't start ML prior to bb out. Maybe 1-2 days he will still agree to it.

The only advantage is he will lend me a room to cow. As long as the account woman don add pepper and salt, I will still get the room this year. (Yet to confirm). So give n take lor. I want the 16 weeks ML lor. Cannot turn table now, must tolerance first.
Chu pattern? What pattern? Care to share?

Yet to write email to him on ML planning. Wanted to take leave next mth for a short trip, not sure will kanna scolding again ma.
Clim, hopefully all works out, I also kena suan for pregnant twice in the duration of 1 project.. So i didnt really dare to take leave to go gynae visit or what, the most take 1-2 hours time off if i didnt manage to secure the 530pm appointment slot..

Hopefully i can cow twice a day when i come back from ML..
hey clim, can u agree to take 8 weeks then during the ML quit then take another 8 weeks leave....haha we planning for you how to quit :p
i think during ml cant quit ... if quit hor u may forfeit the balance ml also .. i forfeited my 1 mth when i left my prev prev co ..
Learnt as read from a pregnancy book ytd about bra n pregnancy, quoted as below:
"you should always wear a bra in pregnancy becoz ur breasts are becoming progressively larger n heavier, putting a strain on the supporting, non elastic tissues. If u don't lift some of the weights from these ligaments, they will stretch n ur breasts will sag permanently."

Conclusion: we need a good bra during pregnancy. No sagging pls.
Hi Ayukie, did you see the mention abt the clarins oil at chinatown selling ard 53 bucks? it is still cheaper than your 89 less 20%. i dont tink a bottle can last you, cos my cousin at 5 months has 1/4 of bottle left. but if you do need a 2nd bottle , do check out chinatown.

also, whats bp? i am planning to get the playmat abt a month or 2 after birth.

lastly Clim, can lodge complaint against such a boss? now can only endure, but if you ever decide to resign dont let him go easily!
I went to both Watson fair and BB fair. I am angry that the cashier did not credit my 3% rebate when I use my POSB Everyday card. I question her on the spot and she say will auto credit to my statement which i dont think is the case. I complaint to Watson already. $100 plus purchase equal $3.00 rebate.

Your boss male/female ? Owner of the company ? I ever had one will scold me for very long even thought I heavily pregnant already just for some alignment thingy that is not to her standard.

Re: Playmat
I will wait for Small Small World BP here although I already bought one 6 yrs back. Got delivery so no need to carry back from fair. I went with my son again to the fair to buy bottles and creams that I missed out so thought of buying playmat too since already there. The booth very crowed and the mat heavy. I cannot carry then plus to keep an eye on my boy.
its bulk purchase thread in SMH
they sell everything there

maybe ur friends will give u playmat as full mth gift?
sandy, why u need another mat? I also have one and its very good. my boy and I play on the mat and he naps there too. Mine still in good condition after 3 years...very worth it but their price increased liao, last time was cheaper. i also got it as a full month gift.
I need one more to place in the living room and one in the bedroom. My elder boy still jumping around my room, yesterday he fell down from my bed lucky got bumper mat below if not sure got "Condo" on his head. Buy the cheap cheap one $140 can already.
hi MummyR, can you let me know how which thread to visit for the BP ? i tried looking, but saw some argument on pricing haha so not sure what i should be looking at.

yeah i guess for playmat i can get it for full month, i also wanna get the following for a start:

changing station
baby monitor
milk bottles
baby wipes
nappy cream
baby clothes/cloth for bashing
baby shower basin ( sitting type)

the list is not exhaustive of course, do you think the BP thread you are referring to would have the above cheaper?
ling - gt but i no longer working in chinatown area and v tired to go chinatown especially they close the parking the last time i there so nvm lah .. last time my plamers also 1 btl last me till i pop so should be ok lah ..
i need stock up on baby wipes and diapers too but i think i will stock those up later .. as for the shampoo and bath foam i will stock up later as well because i havent work out how much i have left ..

baby bottles - will buy after determine gender of the baby hehe ..

oh yeah i intend go ikea buy the diaper change thing tho .. but later on bah ..

bb monitor - wont be getting as got cctv already ..
what would you guys suggest i buy first? being a first time mummy i am really so confused and dont wanna rush into things, i look around for better deals but dont know if a better deal means i should get it now like the cot eg.

my hubby was suggesting doing up the room first, then work backwards to see what to put in, the essentials like the above for sure need to have.

if i follow his suggestion, then i will only start buying bit by bit in April, 2 more check ups from now to further determine gender :)

any better ideas from 2nd time mummies out ther?
ling, i got a question for u.
did u do traditional wedding?
got "jia zhuang"? shd have a baby basin *lol~*

i not too sure for other mummies but i have a hand me down changing table but i nv use cos jus change baby on bed.

baby monitor needed if u putting bb sleep alone in seperate room.

for a start its better to use baby wipes only when baby is outdoors, else better to use cotton wool or facial cotton sq with warm water to clean bb bum or wash with warm water.

bottles wise like many mummies suggest don buy too many in case bb fussy don wanna use n u need to change.
actually alot is tried and error method but for me i also bought overtly much for my #1 haha so this time round i buying what I have used for #1 lor ..

1 tube destin creamy
1 shampoo/body wash (non rinse)
bath basin (recycled ~ guo da li one)
baby powder
1 baby lotion
2 newborn diapers
some baby clothes/mittens/botees
chnaging mat
cloth nappies/swadding cloth
baby towels
baby receiving blankies
stroller (can get after 1st mth also)
sarong sling (if u want)
diaper bag (free frm hosp also can haha)
breastpump (if u intend bf)
medela nipple cream /avent nipple cream (if bf)
milk bottles
pacifier (just in case)
steriliser (if u intend use)
maternity pads
dai feng ai (bath)
baby wipes

the rest can get later (after bb born)
jus got a wonderful news from building management.
due to upgrading of passenger lift, the lift will be shut down from mar to may *faint*
although my office is only on lvl 3 but but..
am oredi feeling giddy
Ling> Diaper can leave out first. You buy now i think it might turn yellow by the time u give birth. If u really want to buy dont stock too much infant diaper cos u dont know your BB weight plus hospital sure give u one small pack to bring home.
Baby Monitor also buy later so that warranty can start later.

JC> I went to the fair, the avent BB monitor look good.
sandy - i think 2 is enough cause newborn pack small bag but then i wont buy so early nearer to date though same goes for maternity pads and dai feng ai ..
Ayukie> Agree 2 is enough. I will start to buy maybe in end June before I really tired to walk.
The rest like BB clothings, all gather from pass down so no need to buy but maybe one for 1st mth celebration and CNY.
For first time mummies, would advise to buy the most basic stuff, else, later impulse buy, waste money and hard to sell off..

Like changing cot and baby monitor actually can buy later to see whether u need anot. Changing cot, i find them abit wasteful cos the most can use 3 months plus, after that they will flip is so dangerous.
I see gynae over weekend.

My boss male. This is USA co but local benefit. You know my accounts told me MOM law min 44hrs per week. No benefits and AL start at 10 days. So you can imagine the local benefits.

agreed. Can use the changing mat on the bed and changed. Normally hospital will give. Some parents bought the small bb foldable tube that fit just nice for bb when bath? Not cheap and don last depend on bb size.

Materinity pad also need a few pads, the rest use night pad.

QQ/Clim, i remember i didnt buy maternity pad, i just buy the longest and thickest one with wings, cos maternity pad no wings, abit not safe..
