(2012/08) Aug 2012

The rice wine they use here are the kind they make themselves. So it is really strong. Even after it evaporates, still can taste the burning taste of alcohol. And his Ah Ma's face went red! LOL! =P

To them, it is a tonic. So they don't understand why I can't have it. The elders do understand after I said that it makes me insomniac. Immediately, they say, ah! It is too heaty for you. So there!

I think everybody's body is different. Over here, they are vegan, so everything very liang, either I get the "tonic wine soup" or some radish soup. Both of which I avoid cause I get heaty really easily.

My mil has 8 children. She told me she didn't have MS at all for all her 8 pregnancies n she craved for fish, steam fish throughout all 8 pregnancies.. I told her I couldn't take fish at all at this moment. Luckily she understand now coz her daughter is pregnant too n having ms too. Or else., I sure die. Somemore SIL is 'xiao jie' type, even maid wearing shoes for her at age 24. Think she sure complaints a lot during her pregnancy. So my complaints or discomfort become acceptable. SIL does play important role in influencing MIL.
Lucky you! My SIL is very scary, MIL doted on her. So even my wedding location in Taiwan must depend on whether she happy or not. She brought my hubby to see all the restauarnts, when I finally arrive and we went to see a hotel, her face become black and MIL had to hug her and talk to her by the side.

She didn't have MS then, and she placed her child in the care of a nanny from 6mths onwards, before that, everyone else was helping her take care of the child in the office.

She pretty much left the taking care of the child to my in-laws and let them do whatever they want with the child. So from 6 mths onwards, the child eats everything that we eat: noodle, rice, dried fruits, vinegar, yakult. You name it.

So now in-laws are always praising the child to everyone, everytime, saying that he is exposed to all different environment, eats everything. And telling me that now I have MS, it might be an indication that my child is picky about food. So you can imagine that I was feeling like crap.

I don't intend to give my child to a nanny who lets the child sleep from 730 to 1030, then nap again from 230 to 330 or 430 before returning the child at 630. And that, to my inlaws, is something new. Cause even as a child, my hubby was brought up by a nanny.
sherry, dun use mayo, i rem mayo got use raw egg as their ingredient, just like tar tar sauce. use thousand island perhaps? better read the labels first.
Just got my result for Oscar test. Low risk. But I was diagnosed with thalassemia. Have to go test my husband and my blood. Feel kinda upset and worried cause if it's only me with thalassemia, bb will be inheriting part of my bad genes

I cant help it but cried. Dunno why. Hopefully it's just mild thalassemia (I do not have any major symptoms or problems)

I've been taking tuna mayo and egg mayo. =x cause I can't stand the taste of egg but doc advice me to take one a day so I covered it with mayo.

I better go check and see if there are other alternatives... ;P
Evelyn, I think part of it is culture, lifestyle n diet different tat causing us having ms or not. Coz, my mum also didn't have ms during her 5 pregnancies. Think tw not tat open to people from other countries or races. Hence, hard for them to accept tat u, ur body, ur taste, food acceptance level are different from theirs.
For bb, at early age, I think sleep is important. For me I dont mind nanny letting them sleep a lot. My mum was nanny b4 n we noted tat bb with more sleep are more healthy than those with less sleep. Wat i care are cleanliness n nanny's characters. Some old nanny used a lot of dirty language n scold bb but appear gentle n nice when meeting parents.
Evelyn, QQ,
think everything in moderation? home made sauces may contain raw eggs... but was thinking those processed ones out there should be fine? =) then how abt those yummy burgers with mayo in them? oh man! i'm craving for mc chicken without lettuce but lots of mayo in it now!
mezzo, yalo i also think they are earning alot alot... but prices still keep increasing.. somemore this year dragon yr, bumper harvest!!

miko, rest well and think positive.. my gynae was telling me with good rest most clots go away on their own.. even if they dun go away, the pregnancy can still continue, just have to be more careful..

yanlin, hope everything turns out fine for your bb... jiayou~

re bird's nest, i took it once every mth from 2nd trim onwards for #1.. My colleagues commented his skin very smooth and now he's also quite fair..

opps jc.. >.< yalo there were also quite a number of jos in the thread for my #1..

i still have a bottle of clarins oil fr my #1 time.. its almost brand new i bought it close to delivery and poured out 5% to use.. feel very sayang if throw away lei.. dunno can still use or not, its been 2 yrs... mayb will try abit on a small patch first..

oh ya, any TMC SBI/FBI mommies wana be referrals for each other? the counter staff told me i can inform them who referred me and the person will get $30 ntuc vouchers.. we can split it then... anyone interested can pm me... can even do it after we've signed up and paid..

evelyn, ur pils quite ultimate! salute for being able to take all these crap! i think i'll snap!! are they quite rich folks? i know some rich folks tend to be very fussy and selfish and hard to live with..

i just ate abit of watermelon.. colleague offered and i didnt wana decline, and also felt like eating.. just took 5 small balls of it, they scooped it out with those small small metal scoops.. shld be ok ba.. >.<
Kitty:ya got raw eggs but I always eat.. Naughty mama

Mindy: dun worry, I also have thalassemia but lucky hubby dun have but there is a high chance my kids might have it. Both me and brother got it from my mum.. I got ex school mates who both herself n her hubby are diagnosed with mild thalassemia but their bb is ok.. Unless u belongs to major thalassemia then have to worry.. Minor is ok

Ya, I think I picky also. I love what his aunt cook but his mum's cooking doesn't go well with me. =x Tried cooking but everything is sparse here.

I understand about the sleeping part. But I think the nanny didn't live up to expectation.

the child is now 1yr 3mths. And when they choose the nanny, they were assured that the child will also be taught over there.

And maybe because I work with children before, I don't quite embrace the way they care/teach children around here.
Wah evelyn, your MIL is horrible horrible horrible... Maybe you just agree with her that your baby is picky, difficult, thats y need baby's mummy to handle by herself.. Instead of arguing and trying to reason things out with them since you know none will go in.. *PS: Just a suggestion..

Just went to see TCM and TCM noted that i am too heaty and he told me birdnest can take.. So bought some and thing i boil tonight, if i am not too tired.. haha..
my clarins oil also like 2yr+ but still left like half...wondering if can cont too anot!

u really got scary ILs plus u are staying with them
really peifu!

i cant stand those cocoa butter too...so im using oil

i prefer padded/moulded ones cos look nicer under t-shirts and thinner clothing
at home then i wear those very thinly padded ones
I PM u some links in a while

yeah later i check with mummy
Jojo, I took watermelon juice last week. Wow, so nice. Guilty after drinking. Emm, no cramp no pain. Means body can take it. Everyone said watermelon is liang. Actually, it is not. It is heaty. But I think not good for preggie becoz it coz contraction.
I'm happy to have found the forum, at least can vent off some frustrations. I don't wanna tell my parents least they worry.

They kind of saw the situation for themselves so they told me they will support my decision.

I wouldn't put them in the rich category. Just that the parents started the company and they are proud of their achievements. There are a lot of SMEs here. But if you say theirs is a SME, they will be offended. But it is in fact a SME. =_=
yeah the forum is great! :p
alot of things i cant tell my parents too...so have to rant in forum...hehe..plus all fellow mummies will understand what you are going through
jiayou and hang on for ur little one and ur hb!
mummyR, yalo so wasted if throw right.. my bottle is 95% filled still..! and almost brand new coz that time i poured it out to another bottle to use one.. i think i'm just gg to try using it.. mayb start with putting abit on my hands and if all is ok, may start applying on tummy liao.. this time round the bump is out quite fast..

QQ, i onli took a little abit so i'm hoping it shld be ok ba.. test test see.. if hb ard he sure dun let me eat it.. haha..

evelyn, then you're thinking of letting your child grow up and receive education there? i guess its tough for u to come back sg permanently also coz ur hb sort of must stay there i presume.. talking abt tw, im missing the dan huang su in danshui!! hahahaha.... oh ya, and tw got this sea bird nest right.. some jelly stuff, longan flavor.. i bought some when i went tw in oct.. been so tempted to eat it but dunno if can take when preggy..
Hi All,
prof biswas agreed to see me today n the little one today. at least, we tried everything to help the little one.
He is the senior consultant n the head of department in maternal foetus in NUH. And also expert in high risk pregnancies.
Ya, don't want our parents to have to worry for us. :p

I told hubby that preschool is fine but we have to source around first.

One thing I don't like about the culture is lunchbox. Like, during kids will bring lunchbox and steam it up before having their lunch in school.

hee.. I guess, I'm missing good old canteen food. I love that we are able to choose what we want to eat during recess. :p Brings back good old memories.

Yanlin: Jiayou!
Yeah, am done with my Oscar test in 5 mins.. Lucky bb very cooperative

Yanlin: jiayou!! We will all pray for u
Evelyn, I grew up with lunch box leh. My mum dun like us eating outside food. All home cook food. Even now, she asked my youngest bro bring lunch box to office. N my youngest bro so pai seh n keep saying no n threw away quietly.. Ha, for me, missed my mum lunchbox food.
Wah! Your mum power leh! Guess she must be up really early to prepare food for you guys. :p

Over here, the ladies in the office are all bringing lunchboxes in. So we always see a long queue at the microwave oven.
Your SIL really like a princess in acient days,still got ppl wear shoes for her at age 24.

I dont understand why MIL have tobang door when u already told them u are inside and insisted that you open immediately. The way they protect their children etc. If you got chance dig into their past to find out the reason behind then you can deal with them with more understanding else u really will suffer.

The one i mention is organise by media corp. More goodies i think.
Thanks Mummies..

I seriously do not have much budget cause i dunno usually how much the bras cost but i see from gmarket is like maybe about 10+... just that she has a lot of designs and different materials so I dunno what materials to choose..

Sherry> Thanks for the info.

MummyR> The clarins oil better not use liao because i think for cosmetics they have a timeline like once open use within 6 months or so. moreover 2 years is very long.. better throw and get new ones.
Yup, she wake up early n we can order wat we want for breakfast n lunch. Eg, my elder bro is wanton mee, my 2nd bro is Maggie mee n mine is bihun goreng. N different drink also, milo, nestum n milk. Haha.. Then if dad free tat day, he will brought hot cook lunchbox to our school. Think back, salute my mum. Superwoman.
Ask your brother dont waste, your mother so nice cook for him. I am now cooking for my HB and myself to bring to office.

May we ask your age ? Dont worry you will be fine, God will help you.
Sandy, ya lor. Princess. My MIL said she juz threw on floor, basin at home n never to toilet bowl n never clean up after she threw. Everything is maid. But PIL juz say say in front of us only la, never complaints in front of her. N me juz listener there.
Sandy, my bro juz freshly graduated. Young people can't understand this. He said colleague will laugh at him. Mama boy although in fact he is. haha
Lucky you! I salute your mum too. Ai xin lunchboxes. :p 3 requests in a day some more. :p

What the families here do is that, they save the dinner leftovers for the kids to bring to school the next day. At least that's what the ladies in my office do.

They keep saying that they are a traditional family. Like, have to respect elders and stuff, this I understand. But I can't apprehend it when they say one thing and mean another. And she very wayang one. FIL says she always complain to him at night. She will tell me stories of the things she had to do when she got married. In short, she just want people to be obedient and do things her way.

When she had to cook for 150 ppl, no one helped her but me. And I just had my MC. Technically not supposed to be carrying heavy stuff. Then she credited things to SIL and complained that I don't cook. FYI, SIL cant cook for nuts. So I stopped cooking altogether when I'm here.
Jc, I bought nursing bra from maternity depart in OG. I get those cheap one less than $10 n $13+. Go n try different kind of material at the store. I prefer those thin layers one. More comfortable. My breasts are dry n itchy too. I felt better with wearing those bras n applied stretch mark cream. Can start wearing nursing bra, save cost as can wear during bf too.
Sherry> Our EDD is so near.. It will be funny if we bump into each other in Mt A and waiting for delivery! Dr Phua will be so busy. wahahaha
The culture is indeed different in Sg. But he is really very lucky. :p

Your SIL really very princess.

I'm sorry you are dealing with all these shitty stuff too.

I'm avoiding seeing my MIL whenever I can. FIL allows me to eat in my room cause he knows braised stuff makes me feel sick but MIL will insist that I eat outside. She will very gu yi, in front of everybody, say, "lin, come and eat" So I went, and she repeated herself twice even though I'm getting rice in front of her, and then, in front of everyone, she will say, "I asked you to come and eat. Can't you answer me??"

I really wanted to tell her, that is a statement, not a question, why do I have to reply her?

Roll eyes.

Anyway, pregnancy is supposed to be a pleasant experience. If you don't feel good, can you go back to your mum's? I think our own parents are generally more sympathetic and they are also nicer to us. I can't wait to go back to Singapore. :p
Hi mammies!!!

Wanna ask is it a must to eat fish oil? I very scare of eating pills. Finally secong trimester. I like to stop eating medicine. Is it enough to drink mamil mama milk twice a day?
Kitty, think cant. As they are not in Sg. My family in Kota Kinabalu.
if my mum in sg, think i can enjoy heavenly food. MS would be better. My bro will say Praised God. Missed so much of her cooking.
Kitty, ha, I know.

Samantha, think not a must for fish oil. My Gynae didn't prescribe to me any fish oil. I think fish oil is supplement capsule. I dun dare trying now. Still have ms a bit. May be start taking on 5th mth.
Maternity wear. My princess SIL on 3rd trimester now. She has UTI n vaginal infection quite frequent. Her Gynae advices her dun wear tights. It is better for preggie to wear dress n loose pants. I think quite true. If wear tights, can easily sweat n hot. I only bought one tight. I scare UTI n infection. Very suffering.
wow..u are very fast for the scan..

feel so sorry for u having to endure ur MIL. If i were u i tink my hb will have a hard time with me.

other than wearing tights, does panty matter eg. must wear cotton?
KJChua, eh, I think panty matter leh. If I wear tight panty or non-cotton, seems sweat a lot n itchy a bit, but loose n cotton one, more comfortable. I bought some larger n cotton panties too for this pregnancy. Started wearing de n put aside my old mini panties. I think prevention is better.
Received call from the clinic , my OSCAR result is fine

Where is the bb fair??

Me also thalassemia , I got family history so went prenatal with hubby b4 my 1st pregnancy make sure he is out of this. N he is. My boy didn't inherit from me. Don't worry to much , go chc 1st, normally is minor .
I was told my haemoglobin level is low, normal is abt 11 n I was only 9+ n 10 + this time. just need to take more iron .

I think my hb is stuck between us. haha. >.<

She just wanna make a point. Like, she wanna show that she is being nice and by not responding, I'm the one with a problem.

haiz.. Whatever la. :p

Retorting will only bring me more problem. >_<
