(2012/08) Aug 2012

Jen> I forgot to.. wahahaha i got question to ask him i also forgot.. I still remind myself 5 mins before going into his room then when i see him, i forgot liao..

Ivian> My col told me during her pregnancy she had 1 can of cold coke everyday! I dun have feeling for coke more for ice lemon tea.. but my hubby banned me for it.. cos the last time i had 1/4 cup, i had spottings and was being scolded like hell.. so now chrysanthemum is my alternative. hurhur.

my next visit is in march by then sure forget again... hahaha brain mulfunctioning. sighs. this is bad esp when i just changed my job less than 1 year.. The things I have learnt I kinda need some time to think because my job is not everyday operation kind its more like project basis.. now headache.
At Nuh waiting to do my Oscar. Almost 2 hrs wait n my bladder is bursting. Hate to wait in a cold weather with full bladder
Dear mummies,
I m officially in my 2nd trimester today! I can only share the news with all of u, cos my hubby dun want me to spread the news.. sigh.. but I have some friends whom I want to tell leh..

I used to be able to eat fish, in the earlier weeks, but these few weeks, I feel a little pukey when smell the steam fish so I din eat liao.. I think if the fish is fried it shd be better, but my mil only steam fish recently...

now I am beginning to not control my diet as much as the start, so had been drinking those packet crysanthemum, and some cold drinks when there's no other choices..

and I also can take junk food better... the 'healthier' food doesn't seem to be v palatable, the junk food seem to be calling out for me to eat them... if dun eat the junk food, I dun feel like eating sometimes.. dunno how..

my mum forbade me from touching watermelon, even juice also cannot..cos liang...mango also cant eat cos she say "du"

Your HB so funny good news must share. My HB already announce to the whole street about my pregnancy even before I go see gynae.
Yes, I'm . I used to join the thread at early stage but stopped when my pc down. U too?

Yesterday went to IL for dinner, FIL cooked salmon, fish cake, n fish maw soup. I end up tuck myself the vege n rice. Super hungry when reach home, haha.. But fish is good for bb, cannot dont take at all , how r? any substitute ??
oh yah, by the way, I am feeling v itchy in the tummy below the belly button area, there are some 'small bumps' but dun look like mosquito bites.. dunno if i've been bitten by some insects or what.. or is it some allergic reactions? I remember I had them when I was back from taiwan.. my hubby also had some bumps on his thighs when he came back from taiwan and he went to see gp. gp gave him some cream n some medication and told him it's allegy to weather or food. he's fine now. but I din see gp then, I just apply some cream on my own and I dun feel the itch 2 days later also. but now seem to some back, dunno if it is the same or not.. those cream for itch can apply or not har??
Urchin - congratulations on your official 2nd trimester! better days are here so enjoy it!

i read up on pao shen, and it seems like many sites still do not advise we take any of it during pregnancy. is Pao Shen american ginseng?
my hubby tell his family not to tell anyone too.. sigh... I dunno he want to wait until when then can tell others.. but I told him, even if i dun tell ppl on my own, if they ask me if I am pregnant I will tell them yes.. dun need to hide mah.. during cny the relatives kept asking me to 'jia you' I just smile at them.. can't even tell them I already succeed.. then one of his cousin told us his wife pregnant also, and also due in Aug!!! I can only listen and cannot say anything...
MummyR> hahaha i very bad de la.. i eat anything and everything of the forbidden list like your watermelon, salmon, half boiled egg, pineapple.. best is, my hubby and mum also say its fine.. so i eat lor....I love mango hahahaha..

Ivian> yeah, I am also from Jan 2010.. same as ET..

Urchin> maybe apply aloe Vera or calamine lotion..
thanks Sherry, I dun have aloe vera or calamine lotion at home.. only have those china cream for itch.. but I dun have the packaging so dunno what they contain so dun dare to apply also.. guess I got to buy some safer cream/ lotion to apply then..
ya, i also heard all kind of "sheng" cannot touch esp ginseng. Even Dr Phua said no ginseng and Chinese herbs. tink better be on the safe side ya!
mummies.. any cheap and good recommendation for maternity bras? I am also having some dryness at the areolas area and flaking.. Smacked a lot of moisturiser but din seem to help. sighs. the body changes is making me crazy.
Urchin> china cream.. hmm then better not.. u can get those aloe vera cream from pharmacy or GNC/nature farm

Powerwee> really? aiyo.. i ate a lot of codyceps for my last pregnancy wo..
Done with the scanning. Bb too active move non stop. All readings are ok. Wah the nurse who took my blood super unskillful cos it's painful. N I think she mention my blood won't stop flowing. Hmmm not a gd thing. Think i need blood thinning medication
mezzo u very garang lei, dare to ask gynae to reduce price... i stupidly just pay whatever the nurses say.. and given their pattern, i think my gynae clinic no flexi price one..

miko, dun worry, just rest more and think positive.. the clot shld go away on its own.. i had a blood clot at 5 wks.. given 1mth HL.. after 2 wks the clot still remained, then after another 2 wks it disappeared..
my next appt also end Feb. My Edd is 21 Aug.
Jojo haha actually i was hesitant to ask then im in bo liao mood and my gynae seem to be in her fei hua mood so i jus ask lor but again wif her inflation excuse prob she jus treat as forgetten. Ive give her 3 business case liao leh shuld give me some discounts ma keke...
Ok, my second Oscar test results was out.
Was 1:137 for Dwon syndrome, now become 1:54.
So decided to take amiocentesis since the miscarriage risk is lower than the DS risks. I m going to see Prof Biswas for the rest of my pregnancy. please pray for me that bb n I will be ok.
Today keep having cramps.
Yanlin>Dun give up ever! Be strong for bb. Nothing is confirmed until the amnio results. For cramps... I get them too because of my clot. I find that drinking water and changing position helps.

Jojo>thanks for encouragement! My clot is big... Dr say it's biggest she ever seen...so very worried. But can't do anything but wait and see.
Try not to think much first even though I know it's hard not to. Jia you

Hope the clot will disappear soon
Yanlin, just be positive, doing ammino is not that dangerous, just rest properly after u do it.. I have 2 colleagues who did it and both delivered their healthy babies in sep 2011..

Ivian, yes, I am jan 10 mummy too.. ;)
Hi Yanlin
Ur baby will be fine.. Dun worry.. Btw, i dun understand why u mention DS has higher risk than amino test? Thot Detail scan is just do scanning like oscar n most of us must go thru at 20th wk? Usually amino test need to be done at what week?? Take care n be strong.. Ur bb needs ur positive vibes now..;)
Mummies/MTBs any idea what is the market price for bird nests now? How much is enough for the whole preggy duration? (some ppl says not to eat birdnest for the whole duration? some others says ok) so what are you ladies' opinion?
Morning Mummies..

Be Positive!!!

yes, tuna contains high mercury so cannot eat alot but not sure about tuna fish oil. I took the fish oil prescribed by my gynae

not sure the price in spore but if you have friends or colleagues from Sarawak, ask them to get for you cos its very much cheaper compared to spore. I bought those off the shelf to save me the trouble of brewing and will start eating from the 5th month. Not sure how much is enuff but will not take too much cos i scare too much will cause the bb to have asthma.

Anyone gg to baby expo?
Morning mummies.

Sherry> Do you want to confirm with Dr Phua? I believe even though he doesnt promote but I am sure he will tell u ok or not.. Tuna doesnt sound safe.
Lord, please answer yanlin's prayers that the baby is going to be healthy and fine and that everything is going on great for her! In Jesus name I pray AMEN!
hmmm.. i think everything in moderation is fine! =) my mom took bird nests when carrying my brother... and now he has got sensitive nose! not sure if this is in relation to the bird nest that she took.. just saying that it depends on the individual and how well the bb can "accept" and absorb the tonics!

think someone mention before about Mrs Wong BB mentioning abt birds nest during her class.. =P she said she can only think that birds nest as a source of rich protein... hahaa... =P for those who are taking it, do so with an empty stomach for your body to absorb better... that's what i remembered from her class too!
to share my exp..i took amiocentesis test for my last pregnancy..as long as the gynae who perform the test for u is skilful enough, it should be fine. its abit painful as the needle is really thick..and also pls pray that yr bb be cooperative to stay clear so that gynae has enough clearance to draw the fluid..
After the test pls BED rest n dont carry heavy load..normally will be given 2 days mc..the MC risk is very low if perform properly..
Dear gals,

I totally have no time to read the forums, hopefully I can read the archives soon!!! Just dropping by to say if you are keen to buy a double boiler to cook yur soups, chicken essence, and even make yogurts, can buy groupon today, $49.90 (original price $69.90).
Jen, thanks.

Very hard to update and make small talk for me. I am not that kind of person if nothing also find things to talk....That is why maybe still the same.

I got no working clothes to wear. Got big size hubby clothes only suitable for Fri dress down to wear. Jia Lat.
Hi morning mummies!!

Source of protein, a fren took a bowl everyday during pregnancy, her boy got allergy easily after born. Advise to take moderate amount only . I brew once a week n keep in a glass bottle n store in fridge. Eat 1-2 spoon every morning , my son got no asthma problem, fair skin too..
think is abt time to start now, bought from Sarawak is much much cheaper!!
Morning Mummies!!

Jojo & KJchua> ya, that's what I read too but seems like most fish oil are made from Tuna and cod.. Contradicting hor haha
Yes, I prob check with Dr Phua later cause am popping by the clinic to collect a letter to suspend my yoga and PT training.. After that, gotta go for Oscar at TMC.. Hope all's good!!

ChrisL:> not sure what's the market rate now cause there are many grades.. Think on an average, one small piece shld cost $25-$30? There are some who say BB will have smooth and fair skin after intake of bird nest but there are also some who say BB are diagnosed with asthma.. Not sure if it's due to the fur that wais not picked up during processing..

Re: chicken essence soup
Haha today bought one chicken to try out
Hope it's good..
Jojo, cos my boss single and not preg before how to expect how to understand how Xin Ku it is.
My Gynae still dun wan to give me DHA. He say 20 weeks then start cos now start also no point, baby cannot absorb...help us to save $$$$$, I dunno how true la.....

MummyR, mango is du? What is du? U mean posion? How come mango is poison huh?
