Jen> I forgot to.. wahahaha i got question to ask him i also forgot.. I still remind myself 5 mins before going into his room then when i see him, i forgot liao..
Ivian> My col told me during her pregnancy she had 1 can of cold coke everyday! I dun have feeling for coke more for ice lemon tea.. but my hubby banned me for it.. cos the last time i had 1/4 cup, i had spottings and was being scolded like hell.. so now chrysanthemum is my alternative. hurhur.
Ivian> My col told me during her pregnancy she had 1 can of cold coke everyday! I dun have feeling for coke more for ice lemon tea.. but my hubby banned me for it.. cos the last time i had 1/4 cup, i had spottings and was being scolded like hell.. so now chrysanthemum is my alternative. hurhur.