(2012/08) Aug 2012

aiyo..did u eat?

the full test result need a mth
but can opt for express which take 7 days,,they will grow 3 pair of chromosome responsible for the DS first n test..

Sherry, Jojo,

Dr Phua can prescribe fish oil if u request for it. 1 box is 30 pills and cost $30 if i did not remember wrongly.
This preg, I totally dun like fish and dun wan to touch, I also never eat any oil, so well...I dunno la...I dun wan to force myself to eat food I dun wan to eat.....

urchin, preg skin very dry so will feel itch. I also feel itch occasionally.

Y ur hb dun wan to share aft 1st tri leh? Can tell ur relatives but ask them dun spread?

Hahah I also dun feel better when I am in Week 12, Week 13, Week 14 slightly moderate only. My gynae say roughly Week 16 end for some.

But today opps, can't say. Anyway hope u see the light very soon.
Yes, ur NT scan is normal.

All, thanks for all your prayer and blessings!
I m trying to call the expert in fetal medicine in NUH, so tat he can see te little one. I m gonna to stay strong and battle this hard time with the little one. Keep telling bb keep staying strong, keep healthy so that we can accept you. Keep telling baby that I can't bear to leave the little one too if the worst thing happened. as went thru the fertility treatment and so much hardwork in first trimester. Hopefully amionicentesis will be ok. That's my last hope now.
Amen ! to jilz prayers. May God grant all the mummies here a healthy baby both physical and mentally sound BB.

Look like most mummies went for Oscar scan and i haven done a single test. I am a bit worried.
i think better buy new safer creams...dont anyhow apply

im wearing nursing bras...i buy from BPs for those padded ones...many sellers, i compare price for the same model, get the cheapest one...hehee
home wear i buy from impression those $10+ ones to wear...i will itch when i wear my normal ones

be positive !
everything will be fine

from what i know its safer to eat from 2nd tri onwards....i used to take a small bowl every week and my boy is really v fair
BBL> then express has additional charges?

Mahjong> dun worry.. my gynae dun even promote fish oil.. wahaha

Getting confused with 2 jojo.. gonna change my nick again.
MummyR> I see gmarket has it and thinking to buy 1 and try.. my sis told me to buy nipple cream.. Avnet brand. she says it helps.. I cant help but to feel like a snake now. >_<
BBL, no $$$ to shop now. Just realise hb got not much saving now. Like that must save save save........

Ivian, Baby Festival 17-19th Feb, then Baby care festival 24-26 Feb, same venue Expo.
or u try stretch mark cream or oil..
u can try gmarket too..if u need advice on BP models, can ask me :p
i have been wearing nursing bras for the last 2.5yrs...hehehe
Hmm then save lo..buy thosse auntie dress lo..cheaper than maternity dress..

wah all baby fair at expo ah..me stay boon lay leh..think i will miss this again
Korean ginseng, my SIL drank it n has spotting in her 4 mths plus. Hence, I will consult TCM n check my body base first b4 taking tonics food. I think each individual body is different, some herbs may good to others but may not suitable to u.

An alternative to bird nest is white fungus. But try not taking the black fungus, can cause MC.
MummyR> will do.. hehe i have gotten my pumps.. Medela ones from isetan.. I haven got time to get the clarins oil.. I cant use cocoa butter.. the smell turn me off.. almost died smelling that.. my hubby threw that bottle of moisturiser away for me.. and lucky i only got 1 bottle.. the smell was ok before pregnancy.. now can not liao.. super uncomfortable smelling that!
Hello Everyone, I'm new here.

Regarding bird nest from Sarawak, it now costs around RM10000 per kilogram for those harvested from caves (dong yan). It will be cheaper for those not from caves (wu yan). Also depends on quality and whether you know the seller.
i got my birdnest from malacca..
10 pcs for RM 400 pcs..from someone we know..so we trust the quality..
Birdnest is so EX...
best part of bird nest => its saliva.. haha.. but seems like unavoidable to take during pregnancy.. i like it even when not pregnant.
Powerwee> $30 is cheap haha..maybe I ask the nurse later then update u n jojo

MummyR: ya, ask auntie tonight then let us know hehe
Cause I only tot mango is heaty so cannot eat too much
I also got my birdnest from Kuching. Can't recall the price, we bought 'xue yen' n 'tong yen'. Tried 'wu yen' but taste not tat nice. Love bird nest. Clearing the feather not easy but it's Hb task, hehe.. Haven't start drinking since pregnant. Will start next week, once/twice a week. Hope my stock can last till delivery.
hello ladies!! goooood morning! how is everyone?

Yanlin, do look on the +ve side. hope that your bb will be well.

mahjong, now the retail shops still have those dress that are big at the bottom. we can wear w a belt that kind. i bought a few of those so now wear w belt. when tummy gets bigger, just dont wear belt lor. after birth can wear again. wont be wasted. i bought maternity pants from Gmarket since my normal pants cannot wear already. i dont think i need to buy anymore maternity clothes, i hope.. prob weekend can wear hubby's shirt! the sad thing is my office doesnt allow leggings to be worn.. i got a few (cos my previous can wear)

Sherry, all the best for OSCAR! Thurs my turn. i ask the nurse at gynae clinic, she say no need to do fasting leh.. wierd hor. how come not consistent one.

KJ, yes i will go bb fair!

jojo, i lost 1kg initally, n put back 1.5 now hhaha..according to my bb app on hp, bb is only 14g now.. kaoz...
Kitty, sherry, heard that good to drink a cup of milo b4 Oscar test, boost up the blood sugar level, then bb will more active n easier for the scan. I only knew after my Oscar test, hence not sure how true it is. But it is recommended by my friend's Gynae.
QQ, my appt is at 2pm. will have my lunch before that. ok! Will drink some kopi, also sweet, to make sure bb wakes up! hahahaha. i drink abt 1 cup a day (not everyday though). Dr A Woodsworth told me on my first visit "No coffee, no tea, no sex!" haaa... i almost burst out laughing.. but i see many websites say ok to have 1 cup of caffine a day.. so ok lar.

i just finish my dusphston n folic acid yest.. now only left prenatal vitamins. dr nvr give me anything else leh.. how come u all got so many things?? (haha super kiasu) next visit must ask him.. but my next visit is end Feb! duh...
mahjong, Kitty &amp; Sandy
i will be gg to the fair since its near my place..

my hb tried brewing the chicken essence soup on sunday. The taste is not bad but quite oily so rem to remove the fats and skin and drink before you sleep. I gave my hb drink some and he commented that he can sleep more soundly.. hahahha..
What you all will do with the chicken meat after that??..now still lying in my fridge
JC, my gynae also nvr say but i guess they are quite accurate. cos the dimension given by the bb app is exactly as the ultra scan. think put on less than 2kg is ok.

hey, can we drink home cooked barley? cos go outside drink kopi w colleagues during lunch, duno what to drink if dowan kopi/tea...

mango > nvr heard before that mango is poisonous leh?? i think if eat a little is ok lar. since mango is heaty, it is better than liang food right?
kitty > i think mango in moderation is OK. I ate it all the way through my first pregnancy, no issues. my son likes it now too. :p
JC > I haven't gained any weight at all either.
eating A LOT but just refuse to gain - maybe has to do with the fact that i'm still breastfeeing my #1. Hope my gynae doesn't complain when I see her on sat.
Hi girls, was dragged out for CNY visiting last weekend. Left me more tired then I can handle. Ended up with pain in the tummy area, committed myself to bedrest, at least I tried.

yingying: Yup. Damn cheap. But look at how they handle things when I bleed. =_=!! I have completely no faith in their doctors.

Kitty: It gets worse everyday when I'm here.

Baby_cloud: Delivering in Sg. Problem is, after delivery I have to deal with the problem of the baby's full month. Obviously I can't fly back in time for the full month thingy but I doubt they understand. Then now baby's passport is no longer attached to parent, so need a passport for the child. Airline regulation is that you need a return ticket before they let you board the plane to Taiwan unless you have the Alien Resident Card (ARC), I have it, but baby don't have. So need to solve that problem too.

I nearly snap too. But my hubby is quite nice to me. Just that the parenting here is still very traditional and he was taught that way.

QQ: I'm actually considering that. Secretly of course. But have to slowly see. Hubby wanted to keep the kid here cause the grandparents are here. I told him, I'll only consider the child's well being and him. And not his parents cost everything they considered is for their benefit and not for us.

It is crazy. A bilingual education for primary school here cost $15,000 sgd. If we have the kind of money, it is akin to sending the kid to a private school in Sg. =_=

ET: The mil is really horrible.

The taiwanese loves this dish that is cooked with tons of rice wine and sesame, it is really heaty. Last I had it, I couldn't sleep well cause too heaty le. I tried explaining to them and was forced to eat the dreaded dish that resulted in insomnia till 6am.

Told hubby I need to do more bed rest on Mon cause I'm totally drained out by the weekend. Monday early morning, MIL started banging on my door, no. Not knocking, woke up startled and tummy started to hurt.

Even when I was in the washroom and replied that I'm in the washroom, will come out soon, she demanded that I opened the door. =_=!!

When I told fil that the banging startled me and resulted in my tummy pain, he said, I should eat more carbohydrates (?!!!!)

I give up on explaining to them. Their idea of pregnancy and babies is that expectant mothers and young children should eat everything. And most of the things they wanted me to eat had a caution statement stating that, "If pregnant, please consult a physician before consuming the product." So now, anything they give me, if it is something I have not heard about, I will just politely decline (or at least I try)
Glad that your results came back ok! :p

I'm eating DHA prescribed by the gynae. I realised that some brands of vitamins etc, if you go to their website, it states that it is not suitable for pregnancy. I don't know why either. So I go with stuff that my gynae prescribe.
aiyoh evelyn, why your ILs is so horrible one! I see liao also scared. how abt your mum side? cannot say ur mum/ family insist u to settle in SG? or maybe u can cry n make some them pity you? or when ur tummy hurts, just exeggerate it so that it scares them abit n give way to u? i mean sometimes, got to play a little tricks since you are really so poor thing..
your in laws have got how many kids? my guess is they have never experienced non viable pregnancy before n hence do not understand the fear and worries we have as 过来人!

diff countries, diff cultures! it's tough on you dear.. especially that it's going to be your first child! =) jia you! you can do it!

=) any budget? for myself i wear bravado nursing bras! after giving birth i refuse to change back to my triumph bras liao! hahaa...

dun panic! are you experiencing any cramps? continue to monitor.. on the safe side you may want to call your gynae and see if it's needed for you to see him/her.
JC: get those without wire.. I personally prefer that cause when u bf, wire bra cause engorgement on the wire area

Kitty: thanks!! Am gg for delifrance then prob get a cup of hot drink later.. Brought my iPad along so I can continue chatting cause I m going alone for the test

QQ: I still eat but MummyR mama say its du so asking her to check with auntie hehe
Just now walk past the clinic, they selling 10 honey mango for $6.. So tempted to buy but lazy to lag it over to TMC haha

Evelyn: aiyo, ya MIL sounds scary.. Thankfully ya hubby still very supportive of you.. I love the rice wine with sesame but I thought can only eat after u popped??

KJChua: really? Yes, I ask the uncle to remove the skin for me... The leftover I prob feed my two dogs and prob leave aside some for chicken mayo for breakie??
Wah u made me so tempted to brew the essence..but i forgot to buy chikcen yest...think i can brew on my charcoal stove..will taste heavenly i think..n dont need to watch the fire..

The women in the family don't have MS and so they can't sympathies with me.

My mum knows I can more than provide for myself and the child in Sg so she say she will support my decision no matter what.

Even the helper can see it, she say, the mil is only nice to her own children. And when she said it, I teared cause it's horribly true.

Hubby has a elder sister and 2 younger brothers.

Even if they are in the wrong, she will twist the fact to protect them. Even my mother witnessed it. When confronted, she will say no la, they are still young, still impulsive.

Hubby is very understanding about this whole incident. I told him I'll kanna depression if I have to face his mum any longer. As he will be traveling for work, he will be sending me back in March, way before EDD is due.

I intend to come back in Nov, told him I needed time to finish up paperwork and passport for baby. But I guess I also need more time in Sg to recuperate and get used to caring for the child by myself.

It is just a shame, cause pil appear to be so nice in front of everyone, even before marriage. It's just a facade as far as I can see.
