(2012/08) Aug 2012

How old is your daughter now?

I cut the 3 or 4am feed when my son turn 14 mths old. I just told him, he is big enough, have to sleep thru, no more milk during this hour. He cry a few mins, and I pat him to sleep. 2 days later, automative never wake up unless he is not feeling well or sleep too early or have nightmare. You may try to explain to your girl.

mummyR> so shiok. mine not only wakes up to feed... he's cutting all his 4 molars at the same time now so some nights he is up and whining
not fun when you are pregnant.

vinwee> 400ml!!! that is super impressive! i've stopped pumping now that i'm pregnant... my supply is quite pathetic now
vinwee> she just turned 2.. she will whine whine whine and i am a light sleeper so it gets irritated hahaha.. i just feed to shut her up hahaha
hello mummies,
I went for my NTcan yday so will know result end of the week. so funny my baby likes to sleep and refuse to move then I gotta cough and walk and go toilet. lucky maanaged to take the measurement. today someone asked me if i have a dragon bb already, guess I can no longer hide.
han, i stop my boy for nite feeds when he is about 6 mths old by giving him water when he crys. what you can do is drag the feeding hour to an hour later then gradually stop it or try giving him water instead. soon he will prefer to sleep thru.
=( there was a week he was able to sleep thru and suddenly he wakes up for night feeds again!!!

u mean we can drink bubble tea!? i'm so gian to have a cup of my gong cha now!!!
i stop pumping when he was bout 14mths...but still cont till 28mths!

i totally understand that feeling...hehee
my boy sleeps with me....i just let him latch so that i can go back to sleep...lazy mummy
sherry > me too. some nights when my son whines i buay tahan so i just shove the boob in his face and it is peaceful again... HAHA

mummyR > same here. it's the easiest to have him near me. but nowadays harder cos afraid that he will kick my bump
Thanks Han.

Sherry and MummyR, I am using Freestyle too, but never touch it for half a yr already. :p

Sherry, I am also thinking to get from her. Only $25 for membranes, tubes and funnels huh? Cheap.

Yar Kitty, most soft drinks contain caffine.

Vinwee, her name is JQ.
STudy at NUS. Went USA. :p

Yar TanLengLeng is a super nice lady. I correspond with her before. Thou in the end I never buy from her due to some reason. :p
Jljt, everything in moderation, hahah, past 3-4 days everyday including today I had bubble Tea. :p Opps. And I drank Ice Lemon Tea then 15mins Bubble Tea cos thristy.

Han and Sherry, last time I also just shove my breast. Then I went to have #2, decided to stop cos I tried no news while bf.
does Tan leng leng sell Avent pump parts..mine is avent not medela leh..
dont wan to run down to toa payoh so far to get it
opps, i just had my cup of Teh n kaya butter toast. hungry!! some gynae say 1 cup of coffee/tea/caffine drink per day.. so ok lar. i had plenty of mummies who drank 1 cup per day so far no prob w their cute little toddlers.
Chrisl> why do u wanna wash with a dishwasher.. u pump several times a day so probably not very cost effective? Plus, am not sure if the dishwater is able to clean the parts thoroughly.
Just back from tmc. BB is so cooperative and the scan only took ~20min. I saw the NT value on the screen is 1.7 / 1.8mm, so happy ^o^. But doctor told me later need to combine the blood results to evaluate. Hope it will be normal, then less anxiety!
im a greenhorn at this .. didn't know pump several times??! huh..then what do you recommend? Can the parts be taken out and washed separately?
Kelly: Hi! I'm also Kelly and first time mom! ;) when you did Oscar, how many weeks were you? Can see baby!!! I'm going on feb 14 which means I'll be 12w6days don't know if can find out the gender so exciting!
ChrisL: opps I also forgot u first time mummy

Either u latch/ pump every 2-3 hrs.. Sometimes, bb only clear
half of what's in ya breast then u might need to pump out
U will also need to pump in the middle of the night shld u decide to replace night feeds with FM

The funnel etc have to be removed and wash after every use. I sterilize the parts with the baby bottles once/ twice a day

I have not tried other brands so can't comment which is better but so far, my friends are mostly pro freestyle or PIS users
KellySoon: When I did my OSCAR, I was exactly 12 weeks. And yes, saw the baby, head, legs, hands, fingers/buds & all. I guess cos he was so active, kicking his legs around that the sonographer managed to catch his teeny privates!! hahaha... I was actually kinda surprised when he said we might be expecting a boy, cos apparently according to what I read before, we usually only find out the gender by 16-20th week. But it was a pleasant surprise, cos right after the scan, I ran out to Mothercare to buy blue onesies!!!

Good luck for your OSCAR on 14 Feb? Nice date... ;)
I stopped bf when my #1 turn 1, he slept through the night b4 1 n I didn't feed him even if he woke up, just pat him back to sleep. He just turn 2 years old and I think is time for him to wean off bed time milk.

I used the old Medela PIS for my #1 back in 2007, and the freestyle for my #2 in 2010. I still have the freestyle, so gonna reuse that for #3.
Medela has served me well, no complains

Mummies, care to share the pricing of your gynae package and start from which week?

Just called dr HK ho's clinic (gynae for my previous 2), his price has increased again, now at $1000

Then Dr joycelyn Wong whom my friend recommanded has no package price anymore.

Now dont know which gynae to visit. So far has only seen BB once at KKH clinic C last week. Buay tahan the wait time, going to go back to private gynae.
Not sure how much is my gynae gg to charge.

My cousin visiting Paul tsng in tmc, $50 per visit and package start ard 20 weeks. He is good.
as mentioned earlier, I m transferring to Dr bt lim. He charged $80 for consultation fees and ultrasound. No package. But can only pay cash or cheques.
Morning mummies!!

Will check the package later.. Remember paying $500 or so for the package that's start on week 16 which include urine test, scan and medication as well as 3D scan
jojo> i gg to see Dr Phua at 7pm later.. he say he will schedule me later for Oscar when i am there..maybe next week or the week after?
ah i see.. hehe u can see ur beany soon.

I was having bad pain last night.. its cramp then pain.. took 1 hour plus to subside... hope the little one inside is ok... sighs.
Hi all, was going thru the thread and saw that the are mummies signing up for FBI and paid $388+ for Oscar and Detailed scan. It's so worth it!
I'm seeing gynae at AMK Thomson women's clinc, but I did my OSCAR scan at the clinic and it cost $280, then by 20 weeks need to go for detailed scan in thomson hospital ~$480. So it will adds up to be $760 already =(
Why I wasn't being offered this? Is this only applicable if u see the gynae in the hospital clinic?
Detailed scan is cheaper its abt 120++..n yr gynae charging u cheaper for oscar..cos only 280..its should be 300++
alyssa> hmm why is your detailed scan so expensive? U pay $480 to your gynae?? cause like what BBL say, detailed scan only cost max $150..
ivian > very envious of mummies with babies who cooperate at night... mine is coming 14 months and he's still waking up to look for mummy... sometimes i find him standing in his cot looking at me. haha.

chrisl > i've used both medela and avent pumps. my first was an avent single electronic pump and it was horrible. it worked well in the beginning but lost suction; took me forever to finish expressing. with the medela pump in style i'm done in 10min flat, and it helped maintain my supply too. just my 2 cents.
my gynae gt a practice in sembawang and he told me to go take the package at tmc cause the oscar there is more accurate so he dont do it in his clinic anymore leh ..

i will be signing up for the sbi too .. have fbi card (but expired) hopefully still entitled the discounted sbi card fee ..

i use the use amelda it serves me pretty well for the 1++ yr i use to bf my #1 once i know how to really use it but im looking to get the medela freestyle this time round .. hopefully it will makes my bf easier ..

anyway anyone experience the older child jealous? cause my boy seems like jealous at times and v sticky to me nowadays but when i tried explain hes gg have a slibings he look like he dont understand ..
ayukie > i experienced exactly that. even before i knew i was pregnant my #1 started being extremely clingy, and wouldn't let anyone else carry him except me. he would cry if i handed him to daddy (and he's usually close to daddy). but thankfully it's not so bad now
mine is also like that
that's the reason y i suspected i was preggie and true enough
till now he is still v v sticky to me at 28mths old
Hk ho package starts from wk 20. Yes, he is ex. He was $700 in 2007, $800 in 2010, now $1000!

My cousin mentioned to me paul tsng too.... Says he's good looking! Lol
rgds to bfding all mummies here using the electric one? i hvin #2, but #1 i din bf n no one told me must pump out. so i got no pump. i thought of getting avent ones, manual ones. get electric is it better?
dont get manual .. ur hand will ache manz ... if u want avent manual lol i sell you cheaper lah .. seldom use condition only max 3 times ...

haiz but when i tell him abt him being a kor kor he like no reaction like no understand haiz ..
Morning mummies
im back from my oscar scan as well. Walk in with no appointment at 8am and didnt wait long and was done within 10mins as BB was cooperative lying flat for all the measurements. Clear the scan now waiting for my blood test result.
rykiel > the electronic one is a lot faster, and can extract more milk. i've tried both avent and medela and strongly recommend medela. my avent pump (single, electronic) stopped working properly after just a few months and i had to buy a new one.
gloomybear> hahaha think govt shld subsidise hor hahaha.. yes yes,one of my jan 08 mummy goes to Paul Tsng and she said super good looking...

Rykiel> Electric better.. Manual very tiring le..

hi mummies!

my package cost $600 from 12 weeks onwards. consist of up to 11 visits with 2D scans with pics.

my dr usual charges are $80 for consultant and $30 for scan.
