(2012/08) Aug 2012

KJChua> u can get from spree under the overseas spree.. now selling at $450-$500 which i think its seriously a good investment

my hb refuse to let me eat sashimi, so this yr yu sheng only eat veg but tat day my cousin got the ikea smoked salmon yu sheng, managed to steal 2 pcs n into my tummy :D

we both more or less the same.
my #1 also 3hrs N1 now.
my MIL is a bbsitter herself n she forbide us to put my girl in CC cos to her all kids fall sick in CC n the food is not nutritious enuff.. blah blah blah...
Sashamama-haha same here but in the end my baby adjust for the measurement so i dun hve to go down take a walk. hmm but they din tel me any measurements or heartbeat:/

Thanks mommies! Ok i hve abt 7mths plus more to consider teehee. Hope i can get a best of all worlds plan. Tsssk.
hello mummies!
I m in my 12 week now.. so can announce next monday.. but I feel like my ms getting worst again after it was better last week.. today is the worst.. like whole day got nausea feeling when it used to be night time only.. sigh... hope it will really get better after the end of the week... if not does that means it's gg to follow me into my 2nd trimester????
I m not gg for oscar scan, but I did my routine blood test during my last visit.. the nurse is good, cos I dun feel pain.. haha..
as for who's gg to take care of the bb.. I am planning to take care myself.. so will tender after end of maternity leave.. my mil already say she dunno how to do confinement n dunno how to take care of bb.. luckily I wasn't banking on her to help in the first place.. I had wanted to get her to help like a few hrs if I need to go out or what.. I think I also dun hope for too much now, even for a few hrs...
<font color="0000ff">Re :Childcare</font>

I think its pretty subjective. I guess in CC they are more discipline and probably they learn more in school
ya alot of milk lo..waste my milk and milk bag..
so this round i learn my lesson..dont store so much milk..

Think with no 2..our mother cant cope le..due to their age too..but lucily i have my dad too..he helps to babysit my son now..but i not sure if he can handle newborn,,
thats what i think so too...

i also think so...so next best arrangement is to get helper...but its heng sway...hope can get a decent one
then headache between a filipino one and mynmar one
thats good

if hubby allow me quit...i also want take care myself but too bad this option is out for me
i also wan a helper..but hubby say no..don wan stranger at home..i also dont know if i can cope on sat when i am alone at home with hubby working on sat,.horrible to have 2 crying babies at the same time..one big one small one..
he knew I wanted to take care of bb myself, that's y he only agree to have the kid now.. anyway, his parents are retired, but so old already n cannot hear v well.. dun feel safe leaving baby in their care.. n as a preschool teacher myself, I will rather take care of my own kid then go take care of other ppl's kids while my own kid is not getting my attention... and it helps that I m not earning much.. haha.. that's the only time I feel glad that I m earning lesser..
Baby Expo on 17/2/2012 to 19/2/2012

Baby care festival 24/2/2012 to 26/2/2012
But if you go on 25/2/2012 saturday. There will be alot of crowd. As Natas, watson, carrfour all had sales during that week.
BBL> u should have sell/donate it.. Think gotta convince him.. my hubby was initially against the idea of hiring a helper but its an option between putting her in infant care or with the helper.. after which, he decide to hire a helper then send number to cc when she reach abt 2..
i did donate to a mum in need..abt 30 packs..
thats the only time i think my neh neh helps lo..

hai i shall see how if i cant cope i will make noise lo..as easy as ABC..
Hi mummies, not sure if anyone of you have signed up for the Dumex mom and baby club - I did and got my sample pack today, I thought I only wnated to try the milk , but it came w some palmers cream (sample size), aand even a diaper! Plus some vouchers..

Do sign up for it if you want. It came w a small chart which tells you the foetus development in months, and what happens to mummy - very interesting!
I got a sample from Dumex from my gynae during the last visit.. have some info and a baby bib too..

I also got my milk sample from nestle, one box.. saved me $11..
BBL> this is my Number 2

MummyR> what about getting those part time maid? or u tell hubby u can only do this much.. probably he can do some on Sunday wahahahha
My hubby doesn't like stranger to touch on our things. he insisted not to hire helper but need to get a nanny to look after bb. anyone got recommendations at Senja, bt panjang area? Thanks
Think I will get a weekly maid to clean the hse. If not my hse will be very dirty Lo. N not gd for toddler to run ard too
Hi Mummies, my auntie has been telling me i look very pale ( bo hu-ay sake in hokkien). i am light skinned, and even before being pregnant i can look pale.

i am a little concerned as my next check up is not till 9 feb and i am travelling tmr, should i buy iron pills at the airport tmr and take it while i am away?

well my MS and poor sleep definitely contributes as well.

anyone has similar issues before?
Whip hoo. Edd push forward to 20 aug. n saw bb waving n kicking. N the best part bb was dancing whole body moving. Super duper active. When hubby wanna take video bb too tired n stop dancing. If not this will be a classic video.
My Oscar on the 6 feb at NUH
Hello mummies, I'm almost 11 weeks but have already announced or let relatives and friends know over the CNY holidays. LOL...

Anyway, just saw my gynae on Sat and baby has grown 3 times bigger over 3 weeks. Can see the hands and legs too. Also I didn't opt for the Down Syndrome test. Is it necessary? I'm turning 29 this year.

Re: Baby movement
I'm feeling some fluttering (very mild ones) in my stomach even though I'm only 10+weeks. Anyone also feeling that? I know ppl (even my hubby) will say that it's my gastric gas, but being pregnant before, I know what's the difference between that and the baby moving.

Re: "morning" sickness
Have everyone feel better now? Somehow I felt that I'm feeling better, the peak seems over (at least I hope).

Re: Helper
Anyone has a helper at home? I just changed mine 2 weeks ago and she ran away this morning! Don't know where she gone to? Any advice? Check agency, they said didn't go back there and they checked with embassy also not there.
BBL: ya, think weekly part time helper will be good.. Or u might want to invest in an I robot that auto vacumn while u n hubby are away at work

Ling> is your gynae aware that you are traveling?

Cheri> actually, for ya age it's very low risk but I guess most will just do it just to ensure bb is healthy. But it's definitely your call.. Guess we are more sensitive being second time mummy, so it's probably bb moving.. Hehe

Is her passport still with her? If it is, prob check immigration.. My friend helper escape to JB but am not sure how she did it cause I thought they need to present their work permit
Hey Sherry, I didn't get to ask my gynae, I ask the head nurse, she said ok to go if I have to. Just don't carry heavy things + stress myself out. But then I didn't do any blood test since I am preggers, so even if I am anaemic, gynae wouldn't know?

I tried to sleep super early yday (10 is super early for me) and I am feeling very good this morning (not tired or lethargic), hopefully it's the lack of sleep for the past few weeks. My mood seems pretty good too, must be HK calling out to me haha.

Take care everyone,I hope this trip will be smooth sailing for me.
Wah yr helper MIA..that sucks to the max..
having a helper also a headache...haiz

Good morning..
i am ssooooo tired today
updated but my edd is in early sep but gynae already announce i will be early again whahaa only how early lol .. sian ..
Hi cheri,

I'm also feeling the fluttering of my tummy in the uterus as i am typing this. really??? this is bb moving?? Cos i was very nauseous just now and almost vomitted. went to standby in the toilet. prob bb is agitated.. hahaha.. i still have the cramps, pokes once in a while.
Me also felt my baby moving inside me last night till i cant zzz..i talk to baby saying mummy tired and bb stop moving..hahaha

Gynae say oscar at NUH is cheaper only 200++ and at TMC its 300++ and since i am stayingin jurong NUH is nearer so i decided to do it there..
mummyR> I am dropping a lot even before pregnancy. haha. think got to take more calcium.

Meanwhile i got a question to ask.. when choosing bed for the baby.. is cot better than playpen? my hubby likes the playpen while some frens ask me to buy cot instead but i have no idea whats the difference
playpen's mattress has less support than cot's mattress and most playpen tend to be lower...so alot of bending down to carry baby
baby's cot top level normally its higher so less strenous to bend
i have both and personally prefer cot for newborn
so im not the only one
that day went for CNY gathering
my friend complain someone dropping hair everywhere!
i so paiseh

my hb also complain when he mop got lotsa hair
Morning, Ladies!

zratsniwt, that's great news!

I'll have to go for amnio. When I went for the OSCAR scan, the NT was 2.3mm, but my bloodwork brings my risk up by a lot (dunno what the number is, did not ask). Same as my #1. Praying that like my #1, this bb will be perfectly fine.
Morning Mummies,
I think hair drop after my last post natal never ending until today, scary..

TQ yogi n BBL for the bb fair info ..
Dear Cheri,
I am doing research on helpers and read somewhere that if your maid is not found within 6 months, your deposit of $5000 is forfeited. Do try to get your agency to help. Is she a transfer maid? If yes, will need to know her previous employer and who were her previous friends. If she is a new maid, did she make any friends these 2 weeks? Any idea why she ran?
Bright> i will most likely take that package too.. how much did you pay for it? I think i pay $450 3 years back..
cot more steady... if u buy convertible ones when the bb grows older, can use it as toddler bed.. play pen like what most mommies say, it's those mesh n soft material knock also not so painful...
