(2012/08) Aug 2012

Thanks mummies.. I think I will discuss with hubby again. Seems like a lot of things to consider when buying a bed.

Sherry> I am taking up the package.. Dr Phua nurse says the cost is about 423.50 something
like that.. so about 430 ba..

dot> your baby will be fine! no worries!
jojo> yaya.. i thot it was $450 hehehe
so price did not increase over the years yeah..I am seeing Dr Phua tomorrow.. then will book my Oscar test
Sherry : I confirmed with the nurse at the gynae clinic this morning... around 437... Tomorrow go for Oscar then will make payment.

Kitty : Pay on Oscar day.
Re: TMC FBI and Scans

Dear Gals,
I went for oscar yesterday and applied for the FBI card on the same day.

Paid $148 for FBI card. Gotten 3 of WBB's books but they ran out of the goodie bag, will collect on next trip to TMC, just need to quote IC.

Paid $393.85 for the Oscar plus Detailed Scan Package after 10% off using the FBI card. You can apply and pay downstairs first before going up for your Oscar scan. I went up, registered then when they asked for payment and asked if I have FBI card, I said I'm applying on that same day, then they said I can go down and make payment then come up again for the scan then after the scan make payment for the scan, showing the receipt for the FBI card.

You can also sign up for WBB's class. 5 lessons $304. 3 timeslots on Saturday and 1 timeslot on Tues evening, 1 on Thurs evening. Venue at AMK Hub. I think for our EDD, we can choose the classes that are already open with Sat 29th April as the first lesson. We would be in 20+ weeks then. I am taking tue or thu evening which also starts that week.

A lady might try to sell you the Baby Package at $499. That package includes WBB's lessons, 1 visit after you deliver to offer consultation on breastfeeding, discount at the TMC baby stuff shop ($100 off $1000), 1 workshop on weaning. I think I won't buy package, will just pay for WBB's class. Cos i won't be buying so much stuff from that shop.
for those who have signed up for FBI/SBI,
you can actually let those who are interested in signing the cards to know your membership card no... referral can get you $30 ntuc vouchers!
Got my oscar results and everything is fine..

Find my MS fading, not so nausea and can stomache food liao, but still cannot take meat and rice.. But dunno issit the chicken essence in the morning helps, but seems to feel better when i take chicken essence in the morning..

Today marks 12 weeks for me.. hopefully all goes well..
dot, my NT Scan is quite high....2.5mm. I keep asking the person explain as long as below the graph is okie. Add my blood result and age, is 1:300 but then she say they check the blood floor to the stomach is good, so the risk change to 1: 5000+. So like that become overall low risk.

My #1, the NT Scan okie but Blood Test not good, so overall risk is 1:220. Doc advise Amnio, We are against it cos of the risk in miscarriage.
I am also like you, whatever also need chilli. And either hot drinks or cold drink. Else will vomit!!
Yeah, my #1 also nv drink frozen milk. I express out our latch direct every meals for him. And frozen EBM got one smell (sth like those zinc smell)

I still vomit every night. And I have my #1, I also vomit every night till 15 weeks! Basically I take breakfast, lunch then sleep. At night eat and vomit!

I am from Johor, Segamat. 

Wow, how old and how heavy is your #1 now?
Can go long haul flight with kids. I brought mine along, just take night flight, he sleep thru. But aft he turn one I brought him to Europe USA, what he did is play aft he wake up, play as in not toy, he goes round and say HI to passengers *faint** But no jet lag when we are in overseas, only come back have for 4 to 5 days.

Where you go for your Oscar scan? Cannot get a slot in TMC, try NUH. I heard from my friend who due in mid Jul, she was saying the scan and test is always fully book there.
My #1 also don’t drink frozen milk. But I give away the milk to those needed. The parents will collect from me every week, so I gv like 60 bags to them every week till I stop breastfeeding.

Glad for you!!! 

You are waiting for your result and see need to go for the test?
Don’t worry, you can have babymoon like what loves mentioned. But after delivered, I also brought my bb travel. I just opts for night flight, except go for asia country then will be noon flight. He started to travel with me when he was 3.5 mths old to Aus, then Jap, Then asia countries like Thailand, HK, Vietnam then USA and Europe. Before he started his solid, easier as I just have to latch him, after started his solid, I hv to cook for him. But he just turn 2 yesterday, and can eat outside food, so easier now.

Yes, this year is water dragon. But the dragon year is not fall on Chu yi. Dragon year started on 4th Feb 2012 18:22:23 this year. Those bb who born before this is consider rabbit.

LOL.. babymoon!!! You going anywhere?

What type of holidays you want? Australia? Japan? USA (which you can do lot of bb shopping there).

The food in BKK should be okie. I went there when I having my #1, so far ok. Milk bags there is cheap?? I bought online, is cheap as well. I used a lot of milk bags. Basically need to 5 to 6 big one for extra milk everyday.

Yeah, bb stuff in USA is cheap. Since your hubby suggest, just go lor 
You can get cheap stuff from HK as well. I bought those Diapers from HK imported from Japan. Quality is very good. And bottles detergent as I used a lot, pump milk a lot. And washing detergent as well.
Oh ya, one thing very good and I only saw there is those bb mouth wash cloth (disposable type). It used to clean bb mouth and tongue aft milk. Soft, very good and use and throw, more hygiene.
Enjoy your trip in HK and Vegas in East!

Glad your Oscar test turn out good. I will meet my friends these few days and will get the maid agency info for you.

My MS still bad.. 

ME! Me!! Me!!! What time is yours?
Hello Han.

Ordinarying, I am similar to you. Vomitted once on Sat Night and Gagged super want to vomit yesterday night.

I want to ask, you all think which is worst? Constipation or Nauseous want to vomit yet cannot?
Bright>> I am also taking the oscar + detailed scan package at TMC. Was told its about $450.

Other than the goodie bag and 10% for oscar package, what other benefits are there? any discount on antenatal package?
ordinarying & mahjong, i too have no appetite in the evening. but forcing myself to have a few mouthfuls. the feeling is lousy, hungry yet no appetite!
me having both..constipate n cant vomit out

me too..appetite is super bad at night..hungry but cant stomach food
Mahjong> grab hold of some prune juice or take more fibre.. it does help! It will get worse towards the 2nd/3rd trim.. I am taking chlorophyll pills and so far, i am able to poo everyday..
i didnt know..omg...mug beer is the red one right? no caffine?
damn it...i stop drinking my usual tea...end up drinking caffine more cos of root beer
i actually prefer salty food to sweet stuff hahah

Kitty> i think the bubble tea was too much hahaha.. just threw up hahah
Hello Everyone,
Am new here. 1st time mummy-to-be and expecting our little one in early August.
Went for the OSCAR test last week and was told that it most likely would be a BOY.
Anyone else knows the gender of their baby yet?

Anyway, hope to get to know more mummys-to-be so we can learn and go through this experience together.
hi mummies...

does anyone know if we can re-use bottles/breast pump with second baby, or do we need to buy a new set? worried about hygiene risks.
sorry for my noob question
my #1 was a boy but i could only tell the gender during detailed scan ard 20 weeks?
hope this time i can find out earlier

thats good to hear...2 more weeks before my oscar
Han> i am reusing only the glass bottles.. will buy new sets of plastic BPAs bottles..
Breastpump i am using my old set but am getting new spare parts for my medela
thanks BBL and sherry...

Sherry > is yours the medela pump in style? so you are replacing the tubes, funnels and membranes?
I also reuse my medela breast pump and will replace the tubes, funnels and membranes. I have change a few times even using for my #1. Like change every 4 mths.

As in milk bottle, I bought new one.
thanks vinwee. =)
guess i will do the same. i am still bf-ing #1, but guess i will have to wean him once the new baby comes along!
Vinwee, last time I got a friend also from Segament.

BBL and MummyR, Last time my record constipate 1hr very pain, stuck hole there, I felt like dying. This time round is gagging. Now for me to chose, maybe I rather constipate and not Gag...but choy choy choy!.....

Sherry, thanks. If I drink Milk, I surely go toliet very fast.

Kitty, mug beer no caffine?

Hello Kelly.

BBL, if leg open big big but cant see a thing maybe is a girl....

Han, I will buy new bottles but reuse the BP cos ex leh...

Sherry, what spare parts and where will you be getting from? BP? Who?
Vinwee, u leh, get the spare part from who? BP?
mahjong > i've bought replacement parts for my medela pump from first few years at paragon. think avent sells spare parts from their showroom in toa payoh.
re: pump
i will use back my medela freestyle and get new parts too
some bottles are pretty new..might recycle and get some new ones

my boy just self wean bout a mth back
intially i was worried he dont want wean off and plan to tandem bf
mahjong & Han: I am using freestyle. Its much lighter compared to Pump in style.. Getting the spareparts probably from Tan Leng Leng from overseas spree.. think its slightly less than $25.. comes with the membrane, tubes and funnels..
yup yup, Mug beer is the red color bottle. it is indicated i think below the logo "No Caffine". same great taste to me!! I read somewhere most soft drinks contain caffine unless its specifies that it doesnt have. I only know Sprite and Mug beer doesnt have.

Sherry, aiyoh.. poor thing... maybe tom yam soup cannot mix with bubble tea? Eat something light to replace your lunch k.
My hubby wants aboy, n I want a baby girl.
Let's see soon. Btw, my gynae told me that tri 1 ends at the completion of week 12.
mummyR> you are lucky! my boy shows no signs of weaning... still wants the boob at night... super tiring. guess i need to mentally prepare myself for tandem feeding.

sherry> icic. yah, pump in style is rather bulky, but can't complain cos 10 minutes and i am done pumping
Kitty> hahaha i think its the milk.. guess BB just dun like bubble tea..

Han> yeah, freestyle also takes about 10 mins.. I think PIS and freestyle works exactly the same.. just that freestyle is more compact and light weight..
my pump n parts all from tan leng leng too...cheap n good

its was rather sudden too...didnt expected it
i know how tiring it is...he just slept thru at 2yrs 4mths...before that he wakes up twice a night to feed

thanks for pointing out..shld switch to mug!
MummyR> how nice.. mine still wake up at 3 to 4am for night feed.. sianzzz hahahaha.. hope she will sleep thru soon..

Really? Maybe we knew each other :p

I got my breast pump from first few years in paragon. I bought it only aft I delivered my #1 as I am not sure I got milk supply or not. And I got the spare parts from there as well. I am using medela as well. Super good :p

Since Tan Leng Leng organised the overseas spree, you can get from here. I bought something from her before, reliable.

Pump in style real good. Fast fast.... I can complete it within 15 mins for 400ml.
