(2012/08) Aug 2012

Hi all, today we have been promoted to become July 2012 parents...

gynae was not comfortable with the OB scan results done last friday & asked us to do the test again yesterday & he is still not happy as the baby though in 35wks was having readings of a 32wks, so today he warded wifey & c-sect the baby out! Thank God baby is doing fine now, though small but vital signs are so far so good, we were totally unprepared for today & was sent last min shopping after yesterday's visit to the gynae. Our Clara's only 1.890kg, OB scan est. to be 2.2kg...weight is secondary, baby's overall health is most important now.

JnH!!! Your baby is so beautiful! Congrats and yes health is more impt! Can always feed later to help your child to grow more!
rest well!!!!

Now i cant wait to see my own kid ;)
Congrats jnh!!! Thanks for sharing ur NB photo here with us!!!

Thanks Ninger, star and hazel for ur advice on air tight container for sterilized bottles. I bought 3 from Toyogo warehouse but they're too small. Also bought a 4-layer trolley to put bb stuff at $19.90. Very useful. Heh.

Seeing my gynae later (Friday) for my last appt before c-sect on Monday! Hopefully bb will let me do some final shopping (herbs, first month decor, checking out dim sum restaurants for first month celebs) and not tighten the tummy so much that I can't walk for more than 3mins!!!
Hello baby clara! as long bb is healthy, weight does not matter. Can always beef her up later

Any mommies went to Taka fair? anything exciting?

Sashamama: I kenna the same lah...tighten tummy when driving, when walking, when sitting down....anytime also can tighten....
Rest more over the weekend, 37 wk is full term already, no worries ....

Congrats !! Love baby Clara eyes

Congrats in advance, excited for u ! Your turn to carry baby in your arms on Monday..

Went ytd, the usual stuffs at the Taka fair if you been before....nothing for me to buy :p
Sashamama, congrats in advance and have a smooth delivery.

Ivftwin, same as JA mentioned taka fair more or less same. But find that some of the bundle price increase but not sure if the same things in the bundle.

Aixin do rest more.
Morning mummies... its getting exciting as the day goes by.. more and more mummies popping!

Nothing is more important than 母子平安... Let's all jia you mummies!
JnH - Congrats!!! So adorable!


It feels gd to be back! Sianz stay at hosp. Was at labour ward since mrng and was given adalat 4 times every 15 mins to stop he contractions. At 10pm no more contractions & proceed to normal ward. Mrng they check again for contractions, luckily it stopped. Discharge today at 11.30am. Was given HL till tis sun.. but I find it ridiculous cz sat & sun I'm nt working. so I thick skinned ask for 1wk (27th July). Initially Doc reluctant to give. Well, better than nth rite... hehe

Ninger - I'm feeling abit better. Thks for ur concern. Was surprised to know my baby weight today. 36wks 1 days she weigh 3.1kg! Is it too big?? 33wks she only 2.2kg... hmmmm....

MummyR - ya..tts wat my gynae said...

Sashamama - Wow! soon u get to carry ur baby... Wish u a smooth delivery!

Nursery - I stayed with PIL. No extra rm... Quite crampy for 3 of us..nw one on the way... Applied for HDB flat liao but our Q number exceed the no.of units offered. Juz cross my finger n hoping on 27 sept there's still available flat.
Thanks everyone for your well wishes, yes our baby Clara is fine, wifey managed to express some colostrom to add into her milk mixture today & her kidneys scan turned out fine. tomorrow is day 3, we gotto watch out for jaundice & hopeful she can go home with mummy on Sunday.

here's a pic of Clara dressed as an eskimo

Clara is so cute.

Sri Leo,
Take care. have you got the steroid injection? that's to.speed up bb lung to mature, so tat if really have to.give birth early they have less problem with breathing.

Wish.all.mothers.here.to have a smooth delivery and healthy babies.
Aixin - Gynae said according to their guidelines, 36wks there's no need for the injection since they already given me adalat to stop the contractions.

To all muslim mummies (nt sure if there's any),

Happy Fasting!!
slp early ya, need to wake up 5am to Sahur...
Dear ivftwins,
Ya lo. Only left 2 days for me to jalan jalan. Hoping to go out fr a few hours! Check out zhou's kitchen for first month celebs round 1 and go middle road buy sme decor for celebs round 2 at home. Heh.

Dear J-A, Hazel, Sri,
thx for ur well wishes! I do hope for a successful delivery, bringing a healthy n happy baby into this world!!!

Dear gals,
My appt n ctg today went well. Monday c-sect 1pm at TMC at 36w5d. Bb estimated at 3.07kg now. 95% prepared. Hurray!
Sri leo: taking abt muslim mummies, do they need to fast too? Cos i only know for girls if they r having their menses then not complusary for them to fast those few days. As for booties that comes w mittens, try kiddy palace or the shop near guan yin temple. If ur house nearby got shophouses that sells bb stuff, most likely will have too.

Sashamama: have a smooth delivery!
Sri Leo, u wan use for normal at home or going out nice nice one? U can go Waterloo street opp the goddess temple( guan yin temple) there a wholesale shop for bb clothes to buy. If u wan nice one, can try at Isetan, kiddy palacce, BHG and some of the shopping mall. If not then, Cheong Choon, a wholesale shop at Chinatown, the nice one a few brand is chu chu, ben and tolijoy.
hi all, is your baby moving around a lot? i read in so many articles that at this stage, your baby wouldnt have much space so you wouldnt feel much movement cos they are so snug now, but i am constantly feeling my baby girl move, like sliding and moving, and very often hiccups too. yday she was up after i used the bathroom and was like dancing in my belly. just when i thought she has stopped, her hiccups started!

i am currently in week 36 - will try to pack my hospital bag tonight or tmr.. my cousin's 1st child, she had her water bag burst at week 36 so she kept reminding me to get ready :)

are all your hospital bags done? esp those whose EDD is on 20ish of Aug? mine's on 23Aug.
Ling: mine does. Sometimes right in the middle of the night when she woke up and decide to "dance". Unless ur gyane has told u that your tummy is small (happen to my hubby's colleague wife) or else there should be still room for bb to love around. And at this stage their movement is very obvious to see. Kinda enjoy seeing my tummy move up and down when bb "dancing" lol
Dear all
Not sure whether still remember me? I frequent here first 2 trimester till too tired n heavy so no more hv time to come to this thread...my edd suppose to be 1st aug.. Due to twins so i know tt i will be early.. I hv pop on 30th June..;) my waterbag burst at 4plus am n i feel water gush out.. 7am do c sect.. All happens so fast n my bbies r deliver at 35wks 3days withboy weight 2.6kg n gal at 2.4kg.. Thank god no need nicu..;) i cry upon hearing their crying as doing half c sect.. What a touching moment..;)
congrates to all the mommies promoted.

I have packed my bag last sat and I realise as the weeks draw nearer, i become more frighten Not sure y. Kept having mild contraction n difficulty to sleep. hip are pain n getting tired easily when walking. Not sure how long I can dong. Kept telling bb must stay inside for another 3 weeks will wk 37.

Last nite a big moth flew into my house, moth wif a bit of colour on the wing.

connie..me also having contraction almost everynigt..then its more or less time up soon..

gd luck..
Booties - Starfantasy & Hazel thks for ur input.
But HB nw on course..no time to shop with me.. hurhur...another option is to shop online.

Starfantasy - depends on ur health & endurance level... I hv gestational diabetes so dietician advise me nt to fast.. ltr gt side effects like cold sweat...shivers... advisable to check with gynae...

Dental - Appt tis thurs... wanna do filling & scaling/polishing...dentist told me to check with gynae if its ok to do filling. Asked gynae, but she told me to ask dentist. Grrr... Frustrated! Finally she gave a green light. But I'm worried of the pain.. Skali halfway trigger contractions.. LOL!!
Hi all
I am a first time mummy to be and also a Aug mummy.

has been a slient reader as work is really hectic and busy. With reduced workload and working from home now, i have more time to come into this thread =)

Saw a few mums have popped,Congrats to those who have popped!!!

And wishing Sashamama a smooth delivery and jiayou! =)

I am having c sect in abt two weeks time and im getting excited and nervous too =)
Sri Leo, u r welcome. For dentist wise, can do normal scaling and polishing. Filling have to depend. If doing small filing without any LA or x ray is ok but if need LA pls check with gynae. As for x ray is a no no. That time, I also when dentist and my dentist told me this.
Hazel - The last filling I had was last year Aug. Had to use LA. Guess my pain tolerance nt tt high la.. hehe..
Juz called them to change my appt to Nov(earliest slot).

I'm nw on HL for 1wk..But I'm bored to death liao. No one at home...If only my baby is out...
Thk u gals..;) soon will be ur time to pop soon..;) enjoy tt moment...
Btw gals, any tips on how to hv more bm? As i try to feed my twins with more bm but supply always not enough.. Sigh..
Hazel - Had contractions (once every 15 mins only) last thurs...was given adalat to stop the contractions. I ask for 1wk HL juz in case contractions come again.

Loves - u use LA?
Sri Leo, oic. Then u better rest at home. BTW, how many weeks are u at?

Loves, the spray is also a kind of anaesthetics too. It is more minor compare to LA which need to be inject into the gum near the nerve as it works by producing a temp loss of sensation in the spray area. But was not very recommended too when we are preggy. It always up to the dentist, if she or he think is ok to use. Usually it is use for just minor filling where the teeth nerve was not very expose and only will cause a bit of sensation during filling. Otherwise, LA will be use instead if filling is too big.
