(2012/08) Aug 2012

So qiao my girl Chinese name also got 恩

Is 恩 suitable for both boys and girls ?? My mum express that she prefers #2 name to have 恩 actually she thought of a name already but my dad is neutral he says up to us and will think of other names for us to choose.

Saw your update, nice name too
I m also at SK hee

super shaq after wrk.
signed the embassy contract, paid the bal. so far hvn seen maid alr paid close to 1.2k. =\.. agent says most prob end june IF nth cocks up.

duh.. maid saga agn, giving problems. hahaa.. nw gg get the cams wrkin first. got one in the living liao, nww hv to get another one up n wrkin in my room!!! but talkin abt the monitoring. at night off it better hor? what if ip add kena hacked? ppl see me slpin leg bigbig =x wahhahaha..

i gg zzz soon, backache like cmin back.. drinking hot honey eatin dou sha roti. hurhur.. ketchup with u all tmr!!! gt project dept mtg at wrk tmr. =(

anw mummies, if u wan shop for clothings or bb stuffs my bp4 is up =) TIA~

<font color="red"><font size="-1"> Rykiel's Maternity Barangs BP#4</font></font>
Tiggeroo (tiggeroo) : dunno the shop name leh.... it's like a factory..

Travel: why u all don't dare to travel a? the most give birth overseas nia mah... muahahhahaha
Hi Ayukie
Who is ur FSM? Expensive? As i oso rather come out a few names ourselves n let the FSM to advise ok or not...
Hi mummies can check for NB, do u let them wear long sleeve rompers or short sleeve rompers during the night?
Cuz I dunno how many long sleeve or short sleeve pjs/rompers I shld prepare.
JA: yes , 恩 is suitable for boy as well, depends how u pair it with another character. Because i like this character, whether my #2 in future is boy or girl will follow to use this character also.

Ej: it depends if bb sleep in aircon room at night or not. If yes, then long sleeve is better, else u would have to see if ur room is windy or chilly at night, if yes then also long sleeve. Else can wear short sleeve and swaddle with cloth diaper
Star: thanks! I dun think I can open the window during confinement? Thought cannot let wind blow? So many questiOn marks in my head -.-""
I still struggling with naming my #2.. lol.. Got shortlist but seems alot comments from ppl.. For chinese name, this time easier, i already chosen, only my hubby havent confirm he like it..

ej, wah, u still will follow those olden days confinement rules ah.. Steady!
its my first pregnancy. so reli dont know what to expect and what to do.
dont think i can stand not bathing for 1 month. its too crazy.
hehee.. yeah... depending on how we pair the 恩!it'll be suitable to be used in the names for both genders!

if you're putting ur baby in a air con room, best to put on long sleeve and long pants especially so if the temperature is set at a lower range... =) if not short sleeve will do just fine! i bought 2 sets of long sleeves and pants for my boy but i nv get to use it! hehee... cos he sleeps in non air con room with my mom initially..
hahah nope..cant follow all closely one la..will die..
no aircon no fan no shower for one mth..cant touch water ..will die lo..
ej: It depends if your room very windy at night, if not then no need close window la, air not well ventilated also not good for mother and bb.

JA: Erm, if the rules makes sense then I'll follow. Hahaha. Actually all these rules boil down to logical reasoning, and with the current technology improving there is no need for certain rules anymore. For example, in the old time ppl say cannot wash hair, why? Because hair dryer was not invented then, so anyone who washes their hair have to wait for it to dry naturally and therefore easy to catch a cold. Now there's hair dryer, so immed dry your hair after washing will pose no such risk. Then why no bath too? Because in the past, there is no such thing as water heater, if need hot water to bath, have to mix yourself and the temperature is not maintained throughout bathing (get cold towards end of bathing), now with water heater, one can get hot water all the time. Then in the past, ppl usually share a common bathroom outside and bath at night which is windy so after giving bath body already weak, higher chance to catach a cold also. Now we all bath in the house (usually master bedroom with attached bathroom), if off fan/aircon and close the window before, during and after bathing, much lesser chance for place to be windy. =)
i agree. the whole concept of confinement is to bu your body - so food intake is (1), external environment influence is one. so as long as you minimise blowing yourself dry w aircon or fan after you shower ( cos our pores are open after giving birth), and take some precautions that's fine.

what i dont understand is why i cannot touch water, and can only touch boiled water. if its cos to minimise air getting in, then as long as i dry my hands thoroughly after each wash right? and why only boiled water?
Ling: If I'm not wrong, it due to the water not being exactly clean in the old time, so boiled water is used instead. Now the tap water is already drinkable so I don't think there's any problem with using tap water.
ej: i tink night will be long sleeves with socks type will be better. i shud b short slv 7 , long slv 7 for nb size?

RE: Confinement
1.water - no touching water is for rheumatism purposes.
2.wash hair - #1 time i washed my hair. i got headaches n migraines b4 that liao. than aft that b4 it rains i can predict the weather. v zun. knee n wrist also.
3.lie down - nvr lie dwn enf will get backache. which i find quite true. i din lie down alot whn i during confinement for #1 n often get backache n pains.
4. sitting dwn having meals/water - they say cos our inside all not tighten so must sit dwn or will urine flow.
5. smoking - smk aft confinment else will look v chao lao.
6. aircon - i din try. forbidden.
7. fan - i turn it on still la but no direct. just to ventilate n air the room well.
8. rain water - do not touch. i dunno y but was warned alot of times.
9. plain water - cannot drink. only red dates those than can. idk y also .

will ki siaooooooooooooooooooo =\
Hilo everyone .. Had a long time reaing the post since i MIA ...

Sashamama - did u do the breathing exercise on the birthcanal , the anus etc ? i had a hard time distingusihing which is which wor ...

Maid saga : The maid i got gt passport issue .. after weeks of waiting , they called say passport got problem so select new maid again .. haiz ... but frankly i find this agency nt bad la .. the maid selection seems like really nt too bad .. if interested can try .. maids and manpower at katong ..

Baby growth :
Have anyone of you all felt the hand or leg ? i tink its getting really cramp lately .. baby have been pushing duno hand and leg so strongly that i could feel the limbs thru the belly .. also alot alot of kicking ...

Belly belt :
anyone bought belly suppot belt before ? cos i feeling alot of cramps and pressure in lower abodomen ... asked mrs wong and she say could buy belly belt ...

Name : going crazy after close to 4 weeks of looking for name .. apparently very popular name such as kayden , kaylia are being overuse by cousin alrdy .. so from a-z its really difficult to find a name .. have u all come out wif a name yet ?
I heard from my part time domestic auntie that there is this purple colour bottle powder that is used to put at our scalp and it will relieves the itch. She dunno the brand and I got to go find it. She asked me to buy that and use during confinement since we cant wash hair. zzzz

I hope no flies in my house.
JC: At most I can only stand don't wash hair for the 1st few days. Head will be itchy like mad, if don't wash for a month, i think my head will start growing worms.

Regarding confinement rules, haven't any of you thought that only chinese have all these funny stuff. You see those ang mo don't follow and it still doesn't kill them. So I guess ultimately it's up to one's body.
nahnah: name already thought for bb. To choose a name, maybe you can start with what meaning of the name you want for bb then start looking at the names that represent the meaning?
jljz : thanks added

Starfantasy : i every day must wash hair one cos oily scalp , cannt imagine 1 month dun wash ... i tink i can fry chicken wings after that...
I tried tinking of meaning but end up the name either too common old school or funny ... i also tried to look using my fav alphabet also no have .. is like boy name i got 1 list .. but girl name really is mei you leh ... some name i scare will kena laugh by fren so i tried to avoid names that they can make fun of ..
Icic..actually I didn't follow the rules :p I don't know which rule I did not break hahaa!! Hope I don't have to pay for it in future..

2nd day at hospital already bathe, ask for towel as didnt bring and the Malay nurse reminded me abt Chinese confinement and kept asking me few times if I really want to bath. Hb was in the room while I bathe and gynae came and he say just let her do whatever she happy. Post natal appt, 1st thing he asked was got bathe a not ???
bb sleepwear:
my #1 sleep in rm with CL, no aircon.
but bb wear short sleeve with long pants + mittens and booties.
now my #1 sleep in no aircon rm with MIL, long sleeve/ long pants + socks.
i was told tat it is better to always keep feet warm thus my girl is still in socks till now.

i getting You Long Zi to count, hoping there will be a same pronounciation word, char diff is ok. most impt is i don like ppl comment the name is like this or like that.
i tell ppl the name is like this cost FSM count say good is for kids future.
99.99% shut their mouth up *hahahah*
ok, maybe my family is a bit $*&amp;%^*

confinement rules:

- i still touch tap water but swtich to warm cos i feel dumb to get boiled water to wash face and brush teeth
- i almost die of dehydration cos i cannot take plain water, thus i still drink plain water but warm ones but mostly still the tea.
- i shower everyday less rainy days with herb water + rub my skin with rice wine
- i did not wash hair for first wk then is wash everyday with herb water and blow dry immediately
- aircon i on but wear sock to sleep.
- fan on during day in living area but is for ventilating purpose.
- i am permanently in lying position, but ppl say must lie flat on back then consider lay down.
so not so much laying down but not too much issue with backaches even tot i took epi

nice nice, maybe we can meet up before or after we pop. cos my hb is always away too
hahaa... yah! he's a very cool Dr lah! =P everything also okie! hehee... so hubby and I said he's OK MAN! hahaa.. =P when is your next visit? maybe you, I and BBL can try to arrange for one appt same day one lah! hahaa...
JA, i at compassvale lane.
next yr onwards MIL come stay with me.
n hb, ya mostly away.
min 1 wk a mth, max a few mths away
Hi mummys to be,
I'm having my first one in Aug as well.
How are you gals coping?

Have been sick for the past 3 weeks, am still coughing.
So worried that it would affect my baby
JA: so funny, think i'll be like u when i pop later.. Haha

Nahnah: i opp of u, i got lots of choices for girl name but very little for boy name. Name wise once u find a meaning then if the name is too common, can look for its variant. My girl name is a variant of a more common name :p

Karen: hello! Ur cough got see doc? Confirm it's not the 100 day cough? Can try natural remedies
So many rules to follow. I think I won't wash my hair during confinement. Cuz I get headache easily. Scare if confinement wash next time my head can predict weather.

Btw r u all experiencing itch on breast n tummy? I am controlling myself not to scratch it! So unbearable at times. Any help on that?
Karen: the cough does not actually last for 100 days, it's just a name given to that illness.. Hehe.. Take care

Ej: itchy cos skin is stretching to accomdate growing bellies and breasts. Try putting moisturers or those anti stretch cream or oil to relieve the itch
We are nearby, I m at Compassvale Link

Icic, good to have extra help...

Welcome !! U can try manuka honey for cough...works for me...

I didn't plan to break the rules just that can't take the nonsense that doesn't really make sense, seems easy to say but tough to follow esp post natal the feeling is so different and won't think too far just want to be sane at that moment if not for me will depression. Lucky hb is v supportive.

No offence to mummies who plan to follow confinement rules, it's gd if can follow to bu body after childbirth. It's an individual choice...
hihi... whats the weight of your babies at week 25 ar?
Can tell me your baby gender too?
gynae says mine is around 830g... I dunno gender... so i wanna guess.... hehe
hahahaa... usually girls are smaller and boys tend to be bigger... but also hard to say lah... my boy also has been underweight under he suddenly boom in third trim!

mine at week 26 is only about 800g (sob sob...) and is a girl..
TGIF, morning mummies &amp; babies.

on leave tdy, finally gg for my checkup ltr. last mth gynae change my appt, n my new appt date wasnt apprv so i din get to c bb last mth! tdy gg dwn for 2appts, one is growth scan one is gynae consult. hehe. gg to ask my gynae whats bb weight. 28wks n idk a thing. hehaho.

i finally gg to start getting bb stuffs bit by bit. now walking also feel the weight of bb, but dunno is he pushing bladder or the weight. getting excited cos been so long since i last saw my lil one. hahaha.. =D

Gloomybear, mine is 788 at 25 weeks and is a gal.. Your gynae really refuse to tell u the gender?? Hehe.. But whats your gut feel? I feel that mummy's gut feel usually quite accurate..
