(2012/08) Aug 2012

happy: wah 3rd tri will start to feel nausea i hear liao i sian 1/2. hehehe. v fast hor.. counting down..

ayukie: hw u feeling now? =) hope youre feeling much better=)
pls take care ah...
i am still carrying my no1 too..
he is super sticky to me nowadays..there is a period he is alright one..but now back to sticky cum cranky baby...arrgggg

jljz..hhhaha u enjying yr pregnancy progress ah..
BBl - yeah .. how can u reject ur #1 leh .. he sometimes so so so sweet furthermore when reject him he will cry and wants me to soothe him lor ..
hahaa.. yeah! last pregnancy somemore... so hoping that it can be slower! n i can't think how i can handle two kids at one go!
rykiel - yeah ..

oh yeah maid saga .. i blew my top at my maid last sun and now finally she looks more like human .. serious these ppl ar ... headache .. i almost bought airplane tix for her home anyway g down agency to see a philipino maid .. my son had rashes whether she never take care of him properly or never clean his clothes properly .. she didnt even notice lor .. so i gt pissed out fucking mad and spent another 6 hrs waiting at kkh hopsital which kills me since oi got home around 3am on monday and thus too tired and m backache gt worse lor so i finally gt soo mad i threw my handbag at her .. now then she wakes up ..
reason - why i still allow her in my home is in end my hubby says he gave our son mango and may trigger off the allergy and not her standard of cleanning .. but nonetheless she is supposed to be alert to caring for the child if the child gt rashes and she dunno she still deserves to blame ..
i think my medela freestyle us set gt frm beautyloft too .. havent tried yet though but shouldnt need a converter think need those plastic 2 pin thing for 3 pin plug hole ..
Bbl ayukie, I also cannot sleep on my sides cos arm and tummy pain. Back is the best but wake up will have back pain. For my #1, I can sleep on my sides leh. I think my tummy too big Liao.
Hi Mummies,

I have been a silent reader here all this while. This is my #2 pregnancy and my EDD is in mid-aug and hoping to join all of you here
Hi Santorini, i called in beforehand to tell them i need it, and went to pick up 2 days later. so no need for appt.

@ starfantasy - ah so we only need a travel adpater for it, thats great! thanks!

anyone started looking @ diaper bags already?
ya cant reject them..reject liao think the situation will get worse..so better hug n kiss them b4 they flare up..n not cute anymore..

me also last one liao..also enjoying..but dont need to slow down..
i also dont know how to handle 2 babies..somemore i dont have maid..so will be alone with 2 monsters!!
morning mummies

me too hope bb will stay in me longer hehee

hope u feeling better. i use normal nursing bra can use freestyle handsfree

i also stress to handle 2 alone esp if hb not around...stressed !!
ayukie: wah fierce leh u.. but can understand wher eu cmin frm esp nw preggy. so ur boi rashes ok ler ma nw?
hi happy! how many weeks are you now? i hope my next appt on 15 May, baby will be 800 over grams too.. cos doc say baby needs to double her weight everytime i go visit the clinic. the last time i put on a bit too much - 3kg - and doc said quite a bit on me and not on baby :-(

i can also feel baby move around a lot more now, maybe cos they are bigger. cant wait to see the feet and arms silhouette cos they say u can when they are bigger and have less space to move in your belly.

anyone feeling bloatedness from nearing 3rd tri ? i am dreading that the most!
Rykiel - erm even before preg already fierce haha .. yeah better i also ask his childcare to use his organic shampoo in case as well ..

j~A - dunno leh my friend last time bought the medela freestyle bra havent ask her gd anot but will ask .. think more stable bah?

BBl - yeahlor so bao bao just bao and carry abit lor .. wait cry then cough then puke .. more chamz ..

Ling - nt looking cause last time look for diaper bag but end up using the thomson medical bag more haha nw change to addidas sportsbag for diaper bag when i bring my #1 to hk haha so will re-use it lor ..
re: baby movement ..

my baby is playing drums and dancing in my tummy haha .. so yeah i feel baby quite lately ..
me also shd b last preg unless accident haha or if i suddenly struck very rich to afford a bigger hole to live in whhaaaa
Ling: yup, travel adapter is the name for it, slip my mind last time. Haha. I also looking at diaper bags, actually if want to save money, just use a bigger tote bag or sports bag will do la. But i itchy backside, like to have another bag, love the okiedog bliss collection but uber exp >_< maybe wait till got discount then buy. Weight wise i also like u, gain 3+kg last visit and bb only weigt 600+ g then, so majority of the weight is on me. Bloatness not really cos i try not to eat too much at 1 go, but a constant problem for me is constipation. Then it's erratic one too, sometime can up to 4, 5 days no output, sometimes everyday can output and i still unable to find the pattern that let me output everyday.
yah i think not so stable, didnt use hands-free for long..can update after asking your friend, thanks !

is there a list of aug mtb ?
EH. hw cm my name nt in the list liaos? =(
oh ya. anyone here nt in the fb?
z-monster attack!!! everytime aft lunch same problem.
Me gg to gold coast w my 2 kiddos and my hubby in end June!! Week 31!!! Wish us luck man... Lol.
scoot offer is tooo good to resist. So, just go lor... Airline says to complete travel by week 35.
When I had my #2, total vacation we went was 4!!!! Incl last tri too!! Haaa scare after bb come out no chance to travel....
yes =) whoever has the link will be able to edit the document...

you're one daring mom!!! hahaa...
hi mummies,
MIA for a while..

diaper bags, i've got a coach diaper bag as a gift but find it too much to handle so end up i use a sports backpack and a small carters diaper bag most times depending on how long i be out.

my essentials to move for long trip (more then 2hrs)
hot water flask
FM (3feeds)
normal water flask
2 milk bottles
wet wipes (jumbo pack)
tissue (jumbo pack)
travel changing mat
3sets of clothes (incl socks/ booties &amp; mittens)
1 recieving blacket
4-6pcs of diapers
diaper cream
ruyi oil

short trip (less then 2hrs)
hot water flask
2 milk bottles
FM (1feed)
wet wipes
1 set of clothes
3 handkies
changing mat
2 diapers

i am a kiasu mummy so rather take alot of things then miss out anything.
n using a back pack is easier when i carry/ sling bb so hands more free.

enjoy!! have fun &amp; be careful.
we also shortlist a few names for both genders during #1 time. now already have name in mind but not really confirm yet..chinese name waiting for my dad to come out with some and will choose fr his list..hehee...
Cherise is a nice name! =)

hahaa.. =P I see! u also nv go calculate the chi name for your #1?
like your bb name too hehe

yah didnt go calculate chinese name. just choose fr the list my dad gave me, for #1 he gave me a choice of 10 names haha...how about u ?
btw how old is your no.1, mine is 2 yrs..
hmz my son name is calculated by fsm .. my daughter will be calculating as well ..
will be picking up the date for delivery of my daughter from the fsm this friday ..

cant decide so seek fsm whhahaa
fsm is what? fengshuimaster? =x

gg off wrk like finally, gg to pick #1 up than go to the agency to sign the embassy contract n make payments. -.-"
wah even fengshuimaster also got short form! hahaa... =P

who's under Dr John Lim? guess there was some error in the document when we tried to get it sorted out. looking at the FB doc, i gathered it is Connie?

JA, hahaa.. nope we didn't calculate too! we googled for chinese characters! =P Cos we pretty much know that we want to have the 恩 in it... =P Hee... my #1 is about 14months old...

Jljz, jen, JA:thanks! Luckily mine a girl so the name was pretty easy to come up, actually found by hubby after going thru the baby names website.

Jljz: my girl chinese name also got that character, in fact, her chinese name is 恩颖. :D

On fsm, didn't think to go cos scare go already then he recommend a name we don like but if din use also scare not good for bb. So just come up with a name with good meaning. Then 1 day me n hubby pass by a book in popular that teaches u basic chinese name fortune telling by cal the no of strokes in the chinese characters, so i itchy backside go do tr cal, the overall is not bad so now i have more reason to stick to that name. Hehe
