(2012/08) Aug 2012

My fren company can.but mine not sure yet. No harm Checking with ur HR

J-A : my hr says the standard child care will get all days. But it's the enhanced one - the 3 days after pro-rate from the time u r a mummy. So i get only 1 day (cos not allowed half day under hr policy). My co says to take this way - must clear 8 weeks first, then annual leave, then child care, finally then the 8 more weeks of child care as that one can hold within another 1 yr. (means can drag into 2013). Also becoz unde my co policy, all my annual leave and chilcare all must clear within the year 2012.

I hope my co allow 8x5 days consecutively too. Afraid they say counted as a week leh..If ask Hr like v obvious .

My co accept HL leh, why will they not?
my back pain hurts too much to sleep .. gave in had a panadol but still painful and crampy leg ..

i gt 2 back pain .. one on spinal there and one on my butt there near the groin .. and it makes my leg feels like crampy ..
8 x 5 = 40 working days. if inc wkend shd be 8 weeks = 56 calender days

think some co only accept HL if admit and discharge to rest at home. if just HL to rest at hm maybe dont accept, also heard that some co consider HL as ML if take HL til deliver date, have to check with HR again heheeee...

go see gynae and take mc to rest !!
been mia a few days, hehe=)
talkin about ML, when ur HR expect u to submit ur ML date? i shud be taking last week of july onwards cos due in early Aug. n i can only take 4mths straight. cannnot take 16wks than take every mon or fri off like what u all propose. so, yeah. one shot. 4mths. than im so afraid ill miss out alot of wrk stuffs. 4mths is alot. not coming to wrk for 2days is alr alot of ketchup-ing to do. now its 4mths. im really really worried. =(

bb kicks on off on off, at times don feel him kickin in the morning till noon. duhs. waitin for my nxt checkup nxt week, last mth din get to go for any check up cos gynae on leave n than my leave wasnt approved. i got so much to complain to my gynae! must write n list dwn first.. else whn i go i sure headblank!
im so disappointed cos the maid i chose FAILED her medical in Philippines =( anyone here chose maid, waiting reply got such problem?

suay ka beh si, the another one i found i like n read her data gg interview her, agent reply me: she is a transfer maid,She is bad attitude quarrel with employer just sent back to agency de leh.
oh yeha tanny - i havent start usin the previous pump i use is ameda whom initially i find suction nt v gd at times then i realise must tilt abit here and there the cups then gt better suction .. also after i complain and gt it serviced (for some other issue) they tune it for me the suction is better lor ..
talking about the pumps i shud b getting the manual one first. idk abt bf-ing thou i #2 mum. first one i stupid enf to leave it during engorgement. nw i knw can pump out. darn.
i prefer electrical .. i use manual before when my ameda died on me .. i wanna die and cry .. it was heaven when my pump gt fixed the next morning ..
hey mommies, i am meeting my CL tml for a quick talk. Is there anything i shd know or ask her before hand? Pray that we both can get along and she is gentle not the bossy type else i am going to suffer hahahaha
Happy: for ur CL, maybe u can tell her what food u don't eat. How u prefer for ur bb to be cared for (eg don carry her the moment he/she cries as in don spolit him/her). If u'll be breastfeeding etc, basically ur expectations ba.. As for holiday, a short getaway to asia countries is okie, like malaysia, bali, phuket where ur main aim is to relax. I just came back frm bali not long and it's fun
ej, I think there suppose to have. But maybe due to response not well therefore organizer decide not to hold it.

I was a bit disappointed as if the organizer decided to stop holding should have info earlier instead of keeping quite.
The recommended period for traveling is during the 2nd tri. U can be at ease to fly and all that. Go nearby places like Malaysia for a getaway.. It's not too bad though. Don't feel deprived ya? Haha me just went short trips like drive up to Melaka during Easter and flew to KL within the same week! And went desaru resort for some R&R just last weekend and going for some hotel stay today. Go have fun!
Sashamama, thanks!

Tanny - haha, if only they could be more moderate, instead of swinging to one end or the other.

Body Ache: my groin and back really hurt at night. very hard to sleep.
28 wks onwards 3rd tri le! Haha mine starts end of this month.. But even so I think it's quite ok to go on short trips as long as u r not feeling difficult.. But can't take plane for sure. ☺
Hi mummies,
Like to check if during the last tri last month will we be too tired?

As my contract, suppose to end at end June which left me abt 1 month to rest and relax before delivery. However, my boss just request me to extend my contract for another month till end July which my EDD is 1 Aug. Since it is my 1st child just wonder will bb be out earlier? Cos I still considering whether to extend or not. Hope can get some advices from u all. Thank you.

Really up to you. During my last pregnancy, I was definitely getting more tired towards the end, but still manageble. My term ended middle of my last month, so I was looking forward to the two weeks break to rest and to prepare for the delivery. Who knows, my boy decided to come early. Ended up, I with only the weekend of rest (last day of work Friday, my water broke early Monday morning. I didn't even get to sleep in! lol)
my gynae has said that it is ok to travel in tri 2 and 3. just that towards the last month you will need to stop. i got her permission to travel to KL for a wedding exactly a month before my due and she said if its short trip it is ok.

i travel alternate week for work now (week 24) and plan to do so till my last month - so i presume for holiday all the more you guys should go! just make sure you are up for it eg you dont tire out easily or feel your body cannot handle the walking etc. we tend to catch bacteria easier now too so need to be more cautious.
LittleCoco: My gyane told me I'm OK to travel even by plane up to week 36. Maybe for mine is a normal preganancy ba?

Hazel: It really depends on your bb if want to arrive early. If you do extend for another month and bb decide to arrive early, would there be any complications to your contract or work?

I guess when travelling overseas, one of the most important thing to be careful is the food and water. Others just take it easy :D
i just came back from seoul. it's ok lah, just try to choose SIA if you are flying because Asiana, the airline I was on, was abit cramped & squeezy & was abit uncomfortable.
Just to add on, if choosing budget airlines for short flights, go for the seats right at the front, they have more leg space. U have to pay more but it's worth it
Starfantasy: if you buy from taobao direct is it cheaper? I normally get like a agent to buy from me. Cause I can't read half of the Chinese wordings haha. Do u shop often at taobao? Can tag along ur orders?
Im also thinking of gg for a short babymoon but dunno go whr.. Bali needs planning? Or just book air tix and hotel then go?
bali no need planning. just hire a driver for about $50-60 per day & he can bring you along.

Just remember kuta - cheaper shopping, seminyak - highend dining & ubud - nature, culture & unique souvenirs. Remember to go Ultimo restaurant at Seminyak, italian fine dining at a fraction of singapore prices, it's even better than osteria mozza the food i mean.
I don't quite understand wad u meant by normal pregnancy. I mean, who's is not? But I'm sure anyone in the right mind won't travel at 36 weeks knowing they'll go into labour anytime. Haha no offense.
RE: Travel by plane
my gynae said no restrictions by airlines...can travel up to a wk or a mth b4 EDD...(sorry...i din pay much attn coz the elders all dun wan us to travel...)

RE: my own hol plans
can't travel anywhere now coz my passport validity less than 6 mths liao...anyway, since elders dun wan, then din bother renew la...wait for bb then do 2 passports together.. =) but for now, we will be gg RWS for a short staycation later this week... =)
i think what star meant is for those who experienced complications during their pregnancy, it's better not to travel too much cos it may further implicate the complications and may make it worse.. things like low placenta? high BP? spotting? etc?
morning mummies

my gynae has no restrictions on travelling but he say that 3rd tri will be more tiring again with the bigger tummy hehee..wanted to go hongkong in june which is towards the end of my 2nd tri but hb leave not approved and now he is on 2 weeks ICT sobss !!! dont dare to go any later as compared to previous preg, my tummy is much much bigger...:p
u're at Dr Wong now? hahaa... I'm seeing him tonight! hmm... did Dr Wong say that she is small? maybe it's time for you to eat some durian!!!
starfantasy: v v detailed guide! *thumbsup*!!! u doing taobao spree too?

jojo: welcomes! =) u sahm or ftwm?

ML: i suppose ill be taking ML one week b4 EDD which is last wweek of July! cant wait.. but in the meantime scared.=x
nope i went last fri night..u know dr wong pattern he very relax n cool one..he wont make u panic unnecessary..he say its ok ah..normal..but i see the weight i dont think its normal leh..i thnk its small than ave...hopefully its ok..

my gynae too cool liao la..he dont wan me to worry and will keep all negative remarks to zero..so he didnt say anything..
if he ok means everything is fine. dont worry still got many wks for baby to catch up
maybe u can take durians or milk to help ? btw u went for the 4D scan already ?
ya i am not too worried la..just find my girl small size..so different from his bro..so bui..hahaha

yap done my 4D scan..sonographer first sentence..wow she is THIN..duhz...bb too shy covered the face most of the time..cant see much
littleCoco: Like jljz said, there are some mummies here who have low placenta or other complications that puts them at risk of preterm labour. So for these mummies, the doctor would advise them travelling in the 3rd trimester :D

BBL: My girl around the same weight as yours, but my doc say her weight is still under the normal percentile.

Rykiel: I used to do taobao spree for my friends but stop already due to my own workload and it's not easy handling big orders as the spree I do are for custom made stuff so need quite a lot of coordination work.
i see chubby cheeks on ur girl face..girl petite is ok..whats ur boy birth wt ?
i had my 4d scan during detailed scan, bb also thin i feel (only 400+g) but now still early stage, dont worry, surely they will catch up esp in 3rd tri..

oh my boy at birth also small..2.875kg..but balloon after that to become a giant bb..
my detailed scan at wk 21..she only 402g..so 3 weeks only gain 200g..
