(2012/08) Aug 2012

ET.. Yup, if they pantang n nothing to do with my health, Hb health n my Bb health, I give in. But if they practice favoritism boy over gal or other grandchildren over my child, sorry lor, I oso wouldn't bring my child back n visit them... Tat's my bottom line.

There is once, my Hb's bro kena denggi but in law insisted go dunno where pray n drink dunno wat water, end up, my BIL admitted to ICU for a week as too serious. So I told Hb, I wouldn't put my Bb under their care.. Afraid of friction n one of thing is this praying instead of seeing Dr.

hazel: Wa, your elder sis so extreme ar, adopt just to "win" you. So childish of her in a way. Just like ET say, your parents old fashion also no use since the grandchild don't take your dad's surname. Although I understand that you do feel sad that you somehow don't get your parent's blessing, focus on your own family now. Also like AG say, girls are better now, even my hubby say that. Says girls are more 贴心, and now the trend is going towards when couple get married and do stay with parents, it's more with the girl's parents. Then in Singapore, the womans charter give woman power! hahaha

AG: I bought my girl's first dress weeks ago but it's for her first month one la. Also like you very happy until my hubby say i siao. Then now I hang the little dress in my wardrobe, so it's always the first thing i would see when i open.

Rg pantang these kinds of things, like I say if no reason behind, kinda stupid to follow.
Ya... Agreed with Star n AG, gal is more 贴心.. ROI is high..
Starfantasy, my mum that time even come reprimand for questioning my elder sis why she do so. So that time very upset. Lucky my younger sis still very supportive towards me. My mil still ok, when my hb tell her, bb might be a girl then she ask him to buy more fruits and bird nest for me to eat so the bb skin will be fair and ask me not to go like zoo or place where there might be wild animals.

Starfantasy & AG, I think my side will be opp as urs. It will be my hb who is happy till siao if buy the 1st dress for my bb girl. Cos he damn happy that he is having a princess and he even said he will ask his two nephews to be the bodyguard for our princess. I dunno to laugh or to faint....
Dear all mummies, anyone can advice which yoga center is good. I have hear a few, like mother & child etc.

I think I can only go for weekend class so just wonder any of u already started doing yoga.
Hazel: then try to share in ur hb joy and u'll slowly realise that u will be happy as well. Ur hb so cute, so fast find bodyguards for ur girl already. Rg yoga, i went to the mother n child at tanglin. The place is pretty nice n the intructor is ang mo lady. I think each lesson will be more or less the same so it's not needed for u to go continously every week. Once u learn the moves, u can do at home. For me i cannot do at home one cos easily distracted.. Haha
hahaa... i'm starting to looking at newborn photography! because i had one for my #1 and it was done by Kelly!!! haa... so this time round got to source for another photographer!!!

I'm considering this PG. she is based in Malaysia but will come to Singapore for photo shoot. If there are enough clients booking for end July/Early August she will be able to extend her stay in Singapore because her next trip here is in mid July...

If there is anyone here who is interested in engaging her service and pretty sure that you will get her to do your newborn photography, do let me know? thank you!

jljz: How much does newborn photography cost? I was thinking of one but then keena grumbled by hubby cos he say we should think of the necessary stuff first before thinking of these extra stuff..-_-|||

QQ: mine around there as you.
i think it will be the rate as per stated in their link.. but will have to double check with her again.. =)
I'm interested in the photography ! Count me in .. But gt studio n props? I did my #1 with Immanuel ..

Re: gender
My mum says one boy n one gal perfect for me ..
In law side prefer a girl at least ..
I prefer my boy n gal coz they r mine!
My hub wanted a gal lol but loves our son as well ..
So as long no change in gender of BB it b perfect ... The way I wanted ..,

Anyway I had a friend tried 3rd time then get g ..
If #2 can't get the gender u prefer try #3 lor hehe .. But seriously adopted is nvr same as ur own .. So basically u should pity ur Sis in law coz she can't pop her own needs adopt ., she must b darn jealous of u ... At least ur kids belongs to u .. Unlike hers one day when he realused hes adpoted u can't guarrante he Wont try find his own bio parents lor
Hi everyone,

Do you all know the rates for confinement lady? And does she help with housework like, vacumn, laundry or solely take care of baby and mummy only. I am thinking of breast-feeding my baby, do u think a overnight live-in CL is necessary? And experienced mum who engage in CL before, care to share? Thanks in advance.
i am in the extreme end of the gender thing.
my mum had 4 gals no boy. my paternal granny is old fashion love my male cousins more then us cos she told us since young we girls r useless, married away is like water throw out.
so my mum nv lived a day with her head high cos we stay with my granny n she cannot give birth to a son.
to reality now, my aunties aka mum's sisters also pinning we have sons which so far none of us had, all of us have girls.
i am expecting a #2 girl n i have told everyone straight in the face i don care abt my bb gender if its a boy gd if not i m also happy with a girl so long as she is healthy.
my eldest aunty is extreme n can go to the extend saying we as daughters of my mother is jinx n curse by my granny so we cannot have sons.
they don look down on us or at least not in our face but i seriouslu don care.

its MY family, MY children so why shd i bother abt others n wat they think.
my MIL on the other end is more liberal tot i think she would like me to have a boy but she is fine even if i have a girl.

my sister is under alot of pressure to have a boy n she almost broke down at gynae clinic n cry at hm cos she is having a girl again.

i would jus say, a family is made up of the father/ mother and our own children.
unless u r telling me u despise having a girl urself else heck wat those ppl have to say.

n like some mummies say, n i witness.
son all hopeless! when parents hospitalised is the daughter n son in law shuffling up n down n high n low. wake is the daughter n family hassling to make sure everything in order. well being all taken care by daughters. even son single n staying together don even ask, married stay next door also don care.
My cl contract says my clothes wash by machine. BB clothes by hand. Housework n cleanning weekly but I told the agency I gt maid for that so mainly me n my son my BB n food for us.. Which I feel quite reasonable since I took away the housework for her .. Rate 2.2k excluding permit fees n levy
Jen: think gal or boy attitude depends on how they grow up bah .. Ultimately as long they healthy n doing well enough for themselves gd enough ..
Ya.. Agreed, not necessary having son is lucky. My eldest bro's wife commented in front of me n her hb tat, why not send my mum to gov hospital n wait for Q if happen need medical assistance during our discussion on allocating some medical savings for my parents. My bro didn't rebutt her oso n I was stunt when heard it. But I didn't argue with her as I think this is my bro's responsibility. My parents have been forked out so much $$ for them to buy house of their own, good overseas education for my bros, n oso in their will, all properties n $$ go to sons, n gals have nothing.

My mum oso from all gals family, so she really play favoritism in my family. My grandma (mum side) had 3 boys n 4 daughters. But all 3 sons passed away either due to sickness or accidents b4 they reached adulthood. I think it is fated to have boys or gals.

Yes. I may be stressful in the beginning if having gal. But again, like Jen said.. MY family.. They dont have the right to comment n judge. I have fren, married to Australian. She has 2 sis only, no bros. They oso married n migrated to Australia. They brought their parents to live in Australia too. So now, parents are enjoying relax n early retirement with their daughters n sons in law.. So having gals.. Is a blessing!!!
i dunno but due to old time thinking i guess, girls r useless so must do all the chores while boy r kings n pampered so grow up become like tat.

but i do agree is how they grow up. healthy but i think a very impt thing is abt to support them self n filial something missing in current society.
my MIL is handicapp n a widow so her 2 sons have to do all the chores once they r old enuff to do it n due to my hb is elder son so he does most of the chores.
whereas my MIL's fren all the sons pampered, till now in NS also need the mother to wash the shoes, the uniform etc.
Jen, thank you very much. I was happy as long as bb is healthy since I have an MC before was more worried on bb health than other. Anyway, I am sure even if my parents dun really dote on girl there still me and my hb. My elder sister, I do pity her a bit, but tat her choice. So guess she has to bear the consequence no matter wat outcome. As for my SIL, when ever I mention that I dun really feel her respect to me. My hb will defense her. So I guess I just give up. The most I ignore her. But will still teach my bb to have respect regardless she look down on me and my bb or not.

As for CL, if no maid help in household. The basic they provide is washing of you and bb clothes, cook for u but some excluded going to market( so be prepare to get ur hb, mil or mum to do the marketing) sweeping and mopping the floor will be done too but depend if required to clean daily think they will but think mostly bb room. The rest depend on the CL if she is willing to help out. Est price is $2.1k to 2.5k normal rate for 28 days. I have come across a freelance ask for $2.9k for just 28 days. Beetlebug, think u have to book by now if not it will be harder to find one later. U might wan to check out from agency now.
Jen, thank you very much. I was happy as long as bb is healthy since I have an MC before was more worried on bb health than other. Anyway, I am sure even if my parents dun really dote on girl there still me and my hb. My elder sister, I do pity her a bit, but tat her choice. So guess she has to bear the consequence no matter wat outcome. As for my SIL, when ever I mention that I dun really feel her respect to me. My hb will defense her. So I guess I just give up. The most I ignore her. But will still teach my bb to have respect regardless she look down on me and my bb or not.

As for CL, if no maid help in household. The basic they provide is washing of you and bb clothes, cook for u but some excluded going to market( so be prepare to get ur hb, mil or mum to do the marketing) sweeping and mopping the floor will be done too but depend if required to clean daily think they will but think mostly bb room. The rest depend on the CL if she is willing to help out. Est price is $2.1k to 2.5k normal rate for 28 days. I have come across a freelance ask for $2.9k for just 28 days. Beetlebug, think u have to book by now if not it will be harder to find one later. U might wan to check out from agency now.
I agree with Jen, ignore what others say and live up for yourself. My mum also has 3 daughters incl myself and we always have lots of gatherings and occasions. Well boys n gals can be equally good, they are our precious

like my hb before we get married, he never do any housework to the extent of not washing a cup after drinking BUT after we got married, he can do anything and wash and hang my clothes, esp when i am preggy, he did everything including taking care of my boy and ironing my boy uniform. I was actually touched that I dont have to remind/nag him to do so and he will auto do it so far. I guess its up to us on how we want to pamper n teach our kids.
I got my CL at 2K. I think that is cheap now as compared to what I hear so far. I think these days when the CL hear that we have no maid, they will not be so interested cos this is the first qns they ask. anyway they will do the minimum housework only.
think positive. don care abt ur SIL cos my BIL also don respect me simply cos i don like his gf so i don respect ppl who don deserve respect jus treat them transparent.
as for ur sister, its her life, i was nv the pampered one n half my life i tried to please everyone but now tat i have my own family i came to understand tat there r some ppl who will nv b please with us regardless how bad we try to.

as for children, yes still have to ask them respect don carry our displease for others to our kids.
Err.. I read my post again.. Think weird.. I mean.. It is my bro's responsibility to talk to his wife not to be stingy in my parents medical. Me and my sis actually dun really care about my parents will oso. It is their $.. Up to them to decide wat they want to do with it. My sis and me are ok in paying my parents medical bills or buying health supplements but a bit angry when all of my bros act blur, tat's why we decided to have discussion with them but never ever thought responses from my da sao is like tat.
Re: Newborn Photography
Will ask those questions and get her response! =) BBL, she's msia based PG... but will come to SG for photoshoot, depending on her schedule. If you refer to the rates, SGD is indicated beside the RM.
AG, my mum had 4,daughters!!! So she really doted her grandsons. When I scold my boy, she'll scold me saying tat I"ll scare him! Omg omg

Me and my sisters are very lose, always on e phone
and meetup on sat.

My hub side 3 sons and m mil treated 1st and last like king! Too bad my hub is in e middle and also been neglected. Nw eldest son 没出戏. My hub work hard from scratch and doing well nw so my mil attitude 360 degree change!

When my mum told me tat when she gave birth to me (I'm e youngest) and realize tat it's a gal again, she cried. I daringly told her back that if she has 4 sons instead of daughters, she'll lagi cry and sge might in old folks home nw!!

When I was expecting my number1, my hub and I yearn so much for a gal!! We were so disappoint when we found out tat it's a boy during my Oscar. I was almost into depression. Only when I gave birth to my boy, I"ve to constantly remind myself tat as long as healthy boy or gal is fine with me than I manage to let go.

Even thou nw I'm expecting a gal, m hub is happier than me! I jus pray of a healthy bb.
wahaha rainbow, I also told my mum that if she has a son, we all daughters will ignore her. cos she can tell us that she will give all her $$ to her son (if she has any). we will go pick her up for our gatherings and there she will be nagging so hot lah, my sis let my nieces drink cold drinks lah blah blah and spoil everyone's mood. so I told her if we are ur DIL, we wont even bring u out. My mum also interfere when I teach my son, I told her to keep away and dont comment when me or hb teaching him...sometimes she will go on nagging and that's where I will snap.
Jijz: oh really I took your 1st child hahaha. Go by nicknames here I don't recognise who

I thought for maternity The Studio Loft's pretty popular and could get a bulk discount if more mother sign up. Also for newborns, there are many photographers in the business thread as well. If overseas, the charges and props?

I should be taking for my own child hahahaha and might not be returning to the photography world as many photographers are doing the same thing. I ask hubby to make me SAHM better!
=P yes! You took for him just last year in March! he did a massive poo on you and your blanket! hahaa... added you on FB... you can see your works on my cover pic! haha
Hi mommies

Can I join?
This is my 3rd pregnancy ; baby #2. BAsed on my LMP I'm due 1st wk of sept.. But based on size of baby my edd shifted to end Aug

Had very bad ms since wk 4 till now at times also having ms :/ And I'm a SAHM looking after my toddler alone..

Just wondering, any 2nd/3rd time mommies edd based on size of baby is 1-2 wks ahead since first trim will end up delivering earlier or nearer to lmp date if cycle is regular??
Welcome Princessxiaomei!

Hazelnutty: hmm but why your sister do this? And seriously, so what if she adopt a son? Its at the end of the day, somebody's kid.. and for yours, though its a princess.. her blood runs in your family...

Re: Boys
Seriously, in this era.. no body really cares whether its boy or girl.. Girl are equally capable as the men these days. Guess i am lucky cause my parents are more liberal.. boy and girl all get the same treatment and equal share in the will..
Hi princessxiaomei,

I'm oso a 2nd time mummy, a SAHM looking aft my toddler girl.. ;)

My edd oso falls in 1st week of Sept but I predicted it maybe earlier since my #1 is out 1 week ahead of the edd ;)

Agreee wit many mummies, nowadays boys/girls are equal..;) Only the older generation prefer at least a boy for lifeline continuation...
Regardless boy/girl, is still our own flesh & blood, we luv them nonetheless ;)
Own preference, I like gals not only because they can be more caring also when they are young, there are plently of opportunities to dress them up. Cute tees, skirts, dresses, long hair, short hair, so many styles. For boys, basically only a few..hehe

Actually the gender of the baby is decided by the guy, means hubby. When you don't get the gender that you want, blame hubby.. *wicked laugh*

Phoebe lee photography seems really affordable! I had my furkids photography last dec and it kinda burn a hole in my wallet. Hehe
ladies can advise the price?
i cannot open the website

nv did a photography for my #1 cos i keep saying wanna wait for her hair to get longer but but it nv really did so this time i thinking of having a session with both kiddos
Phoebe Lee Photography 2012 SESSION RATES

Your session fee includes a photographer’s time and talent for 1-2 hours (newborns up to 5 hours) of custom photography as well as editing the images (5-6 hours). The session fee is due at the time of the session. Session fees do not include prints, unless otherwise stated.

Maternity Session – 700RMB (S$140)
Includes digital copy of 20-30 final customized images.

‘Belly to Baby’ Package – 1,300RMB (S$260)
Includes two sessions, maternity and newborn session. Includes digital copy of 40-50 final customized images in total.

Newborn Session – 1,000RMB (S$200)
Includes digital copy of 20-30 final customized images of your newborn.

‘Watch Me Grow’ Package – 4,700RMB
Includes six sessions: mini maternity, newborn, three months, six months, nine months, and twelve months old. Features the milestones of the first year of your baby’s life. You will receive the digital copy of 20-30 final customized images from each of the sessions excluding mini maternity. Digital copy of 15-20 final customized images will be received from mini maternity. A customized photo book of the first year is included as well.

‘My Major Milestones’ Package – 3,200RMB
Includes four sessions: mini maternity, newborn, six months, and twelve months old. This plan features the major milestones of your baby’s first year. You will receive the digital copy of 20-30 final customized images from each session excluding mini maternity. Digital copy of 15-20 final customized images will be received from mini maternity. A customized photo book will also be received.

Baby/Child/Family Session – 1,000RMB
Non-immediate family members not allowed, if so, 100RMB (S$20) for each additional person. Includes digital copy of 20-30 final customized images.
Re: NB Photography
For those who are still interested -

To answer the questions:
1. Is the shoot done at your homes?
As I do not have a studio in Singapore, the shoot can either take place at your home(if there is sufficient natural lighting) or a location of your choice.

2. Props provided?
Yes, I will be bringing props. However, if you have your own props or anything you would like to include, feel free to let me know, I will try to incorporate it in to a photo or two.

3. The rate of the newborn shoot is as a per what that was indicated on your website? SGD200?
Yes, they are S$200. However, I am currently in the process of launching new rates and packages- they will be official and come into use on March 30th 2012 at midnight. Sessions/packages booked starting March 30th will be at the new rates, sessions/packages booked before that will be going according to the current rates. A session/package is officially booked when the deposit is made-50% of the total session fee. I have attached below, a copy of the session/packages list and rates.

4. Are parents involved in the shoot? Will there be a charge per parent who is included in the photos?
Yes, parents are definitely included in the shoot with no extra fees.

5. If there are elder children who are present, are they involved too or will it be charged per head accordingly?
The immediate family of the newborn would be included in a few photos at no extra charge. Relatives, etc, would be charged per person if they want to be in the shoot.
bluebambino rates

family $400 (up to 4 pax, additional $30 each pax for more than 4 pax)
- 1 to 3 hours of shooting
- at least 45 edited pix for selection
- rate does not include prints

newborn & maternity/hospital $650 (up to 2 babies, additional $25 for each pax)
- 1 to 3 hours shooting of baby at home
- 1 to 3 hours shooting outdoor maternity or bday documentary shoot at hospital
- at least 45 edited pix for selection
- rate does not include prints

Print prices start from $50.
Digital copies available for purchase
Bulk discount ava for multiple bookings
Star - quite exp think for my #1 I had all soft copies also over hundred pics 2 hrs session with prints around 400 .. I did when he 6 mths old tho ...
Re: NB Photography

1. What is the resolution for digital photos being returned to us?
The resolution would be 4256x2832.

2. And when you say customized, it means that the photos are edited right?
I have to keep my budget ard $200 else will kenna grumble by hubby again... It's either take or don't take although hubby keep saying he take is free...-_-|||

For Phoebe Lee Photography, since it will be done at our place and if we mummies book, should we get discount? not sure how the photos will turn out since it will be taken at our place. also if early Aug, what if we havent deliver?
