(2012/08) Aug 2012

hi ladies.. hv been v busy lately!!

thanks for all the tips for maid! seem like i might need one.. currently still surviving on engaging part timer... coming twice a week now but i find not much work for her as im the kind who always clean every morning n nite.. just lots of ironing to do in our home..

re: detail scan,
i will b having it in the gynea clinic next sat! hopefully can confirm gender.
gynea said still 80% girl since we didnt manage to see anything on week 17. bby also didnt allow us to see clearly..

for my #1 it was very clear coz we know it was a boy on week 11!

congrats to all mummies for knowing the genders!!
Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt your conversation.

I am trying to let go a brand new, unused Ameda double electric pump set. This is a USA set (exactly the same as Ameda Lactaline in Singapore). Bought it from a local online retailer as a spare set to put in office but decided to take unpaid leave for a year after delivering next month so don't think I will be using it.

Letting go at S$299 nett. I think Robinsons and Taka fair is selling at S$399.

Do email me at [email protected] if you are keen? Can take a few pics of the item for you if you want. Thanks!
ur ultrasound so detailed every time?? my normal ultrasound v fast one.. measure length, listen heartbeat, try to find gender.. that's abt all.. as long as ok, my normal ultrasound v fast one.. then gynae just tell us the arms n legs, or whatever she can see to show us..
the scan can be quite fast if baby is cooperative n if the sonogapher is experience.. mine took longer because of the waiting time also, n did twice cos baby facing wrong direction in the first time n I didn't drink enough water.. so need to go out and drink more water n let the baby move before we scan again as there are some measurements that need the baby to be in another position..
ya ya nipple will be super itchy..i think expanding
when i dont apply my stretch mark cream my tummy will be itchy..i think skin expanding..
something nipple so itchy that i need to scratch..so unglam.
can share your rooster?

thank goodness i am not the only one with nipple itch.

me same as u, every scan is detailed.
so everytime go, gynae will show me the spine development gd, lips ok, brains left and right then lungs.. valve, liver etc etc
my stretch mark appearing when ppl say i got no tummy
super sad...havent even buy any cream
for #1, stretch mark only appeared last few weeks
Mummies with boys, have u ever heard bb kidney got mild dilation? Is it common? One of my friend, one more month to deliver, her bb is diagnosed with this.
@Hazel Nutty (hazel_nutty)
Actually i also not sure what they will suggest aft the DS. My DS is only scheduled mid-apr. Can only wait til then. Meanwhile, since i will be seeing the gyne on sat, tink i will juz ask him also.
So much advice on maid... but tink i wont be getting a maid.
hubby don like maid to take care of bb. can only see how once the bb is out.

now need to look at renovation cuz will be getting keys to new flat next week... so overwhelming.. house n bb coming almost the same time..
For me the maid no experience with kids or bb nvr mind since i'll be the mummy not the maid. I only want the maid to have good level of hygiene and can clean properly cos my mum doing hom dialysis so her room needs to be very clean.

Urchin: yup, everytime i see my gynae take at ard 30 mins, and i think the ultrasound machine my gynae use must be pretty good can can see everything (blood flow that is color coded) see frm different angle and such. So i guess justify paying ard 200 each visit (no including vitamins) ..

Joanne: i let my maid go for english classes, organised by HOME. $60 for 3 month, 2 hrs per lesson and once per 2 weeks. So consider affordable la. There's another one by a church held at hougang. Alhough i don think my maid eng will improve so fast at least it's good for her to go there for social interaction but feel safe knowing wat she doing. Humans are social creatures so i understand being deprive of social interction can drive a person nuts (since at home i seldom talk to her and my mum only instructs her to do stuff).
Re: itch
I also itch everywhere esp the tummy, breast, butts and upper tights.. Think it's the skin stretching cos i know i getting rounder n rounder. So sometimes now hubby see me will greet me with "mooo"... -_-||| i use the mustela stretch mark cream and it's good! Good in sense alhough i have seen stretch mark disappear (i was very fat in the past so got stretch marks) but it helps with the itch. I even put them on my nipples...
Hi Ag
I feel she is the owner of this shop..;) as saw this posts many times n in sept thread too.. actually i feel the clothes sell in that website r not so cheap.. Wht i buy fr one of the july mummy spree is cheaper n the clothes looks similar but sell at a so much cheaper price..;p

Thk u star.. U really know alot abt maids..;)
Dear Jen, BBL, MummyR,
My nipples are also itchy especially at night! What is the best nipple cream around huh?

Dear pigpigmummy,
Maid is not gonna look after my baby, mainly to do all the chores so that my mum, MIL, hubby and me can take turns to focus on baby. I foresee there'd be a lot more housework plus cooking, moreover I have dog at home.

Dear starfantasy,
When i start giving day off after the first 6 months, I also intend to send maid for classes that she is willing to attend. For some safe social interactions!

Dear AG and Joanne,
This is the second time she is posting here. The first sentence is always to continue the topic we are talking about, the second part is always her advertisement.

Dear all,
I had my detailed scan today. Despite the part of my uterus being infected with adenomyosis is 6cm thick being swollen, baby is still growing normally and all major organs are normal. And sonographer is guessing that baby might be a girl. Thank you all for your well wishes!!!
Joanne: no la, i also learn on the job.. Haha, the classes info i also search online to get it one. I always try to put myself in the maid shoes (but not pampering or treating like a fren), if i don't like the way i'm treated how can i possible get the maid to accept as well
Shashamama: mine not specific nipple cream but the mustela stretch creams works well for my itchy nipples as well. At least urs itch more at night.. Mine sometimes itch while i'm at work.. The torture of not even able to rub (to ease the itch) cos ppl will think i siao.. Have to keep running to the toilet LOL. Rg maid, yup the classes not only benefit them but us as employers as well (can communicate better, or cook better since besides english clases there r also cooking classes for them)
Wah this is not a place for advertisement. Some more she pretend that she bought from there, if we complain she will kena bane from selling here.
Shashamama,so how to cure ur swollen uterus?
I am going for my detail scan tmrw, hopefully can see gender
Dear AG,
No cure for my condition. Need to cut away that part of the uterus and stitch back but during pregnancy might burst and lose baby, or else remove the womb. I visited a few TCM, mostly the famous ones, all can't help. My gynae is also famous in this field, also can't do anything at the moment. Now just hope for the best lo. Luckily baby still growing well, most important!
Shashamama: yup, as long as u n bb are fine, just bear with the discomfort for a while more. We r already halfway thru, before u know it, u would already see bb right in front of u!
Sashamama, y not u go to prof biswas for opinion? He is very good at higH risk pregnancies. I m diagnosed with high blood pressure. Now everything is under control.
Quite alot of nipple cream out there..depends which brand u like
medela, Avent are quite common..I'm using the lansiosh hpa lanolin
Can cont using breastfeeding
Re: maid
My friend just got a new maid after contract ended..she even took 1 week leave to coach her..after 2 weeks, maid really cannot make it and she send back to agency
Unless there are transfer maids available..else she gotta go maid less with twins but in childcare liao
Mummies hiring new maids must plan for such emergencies
re: maid .. i think i treat my maid too well .. i made my boy slpt at 10pm and she slpt too .. w/o asking me if there are other chores to be done .. also she opened the new toy for my son w/o asking me ..
so halfway through the night when my boy wanted to sleep on the mattress on the floor .. i ask her to go sleep in the couch in living room instead of my hubby .. i cant help that its seriously very gao wei to share the room with her and my hubby slps in the living room so i put my foot down yest and made hubby sleep in the room and she out of the room .. at last i can sleep soundly haiz ..
worse she broke my bb wipes box and then denied doing so .. damn sian and first day she came the shower switch knob in my common room came out and she denied using it ..
maid cannot treat too well ... they must know we are the employer and not her family and do as she pleased ..
anyway tml will by her a normal mattress and take back my son new bed and let her sleep on the mattress instead ..
Good morning all mummies,

Like to check if is better to have a microwave at home?

Confinement food dun really cook using microwave right?
It for re-heating of food is it?
will continue to keep you in prayers! miracles do happen you know! =) meanwhile do take good care of yourself... all will go on to be fine!

i'm cleared from placenta accreta! but the wall is indeed thin at where the previous csect scar is... Prof advised me straight away to go for a scheduled csect and not to wait for contracts and to enter normal delivery... very risky as the old wound may rupture! sobbbbb... can't go thru vbac! this shall be the greatest regret in my life! should have insisted to wait for natural delivery for my #1 then! sighhhhhhh....

re: maid
i totally agree with Ayukie! cannot treat them too nice but at the same time also not be fierce towards them! cos they are after all human beings and only here to earn a living, just like everyone of us who is working to earn monies! the only difference? she's staying at the employers house lor!

i'm getting my new maid this afternoon! wish me luck! hope i don't puke blood from training her!

and thank you ladies who have been showering all of us with bb gal dusts!!! hehee.. =P
Ayukie, ur maid sound a bit too automatic already.

Have u try telling her not to lie and ask u before making decision on her own to open anything or give anything to ur kid?
Sashamama, dun worry too much. Will pray for u and ur bb.
Stay positive most important.

Jijz, since it doc advise better to do so. As long as both mummy and bb can be fine natural or c-sect dun really make a different right? And best of luck for ur new maid
as long as yr bb is healthhy..just endure ok...

hai..then for the sake of u n bb,...csect lo.. as long as yr baby gal is healthy everything is worth it right..
Shashamama, u will be fine. Pray n it will be over soon

Ayukie, ur maid just came in like tat Liao. I hate ppl who lie n deny. My first maid came 1 mth also spoil everything. Some more tat time I was doing confinement also denied all as if we are dumb. u have to set rules to her now, cannot open things for ur boy without permission. Have to set rules before its too late. I also had 2 months without maid before, cos I couldn't take my2nd maid, vomit blood n sent her back without started looking. Sometimes if u encounter terrible maids, it's better to do without.
Hazel - nt yet lor but tml when i return home im giving her the rooster and then lay the ground rules .. my hub yest ask me why i suddenly so mean to her .. makes me even more blood boil ..
ag - i saw her dunno hw to open the bb wipes box and pull the cover lor in the morning .. then yest nite i saw the button came off the box liaoz lor .. if u press the button down the lid auto open and wont fall off .. dunno also dun1 ask and worse i ask her if she pull the lid .. she say she press .. press how to come off the button .. my mum and hub been using the box for 2 yrs liaoz lor .. the shower switch knob i never see but day she came in and bath day it broke off now still abit loose .. i had to screw it back cause my hubby dunno how and then she denied using the shower head ..
she break end up i need fix lor ..
mummies, my maid is coming tmr! it's my first time having a maid. Imagine my mum alrdy asked me if she drinks coffee so that she can make for her. I've been having nightmares abt maids.. So stress up now.
so anyway i have decided i wont be nice to her .. she wont eat at my dinner table and only can eat after we have ate .. no auto .. cause my mum also say she auto take rice and eat dinner no need even ask .. think my fil and hub spoilt her liaoz .. ask her treat like her home .. knn ..

anyway i have decided she will sleep on a simple mattress and i have take back my son room and his new bed ..
rainbow - LIKE MY HUBBY .. cfm will spolit her ..
my mum as well .. hug her like she's her daughter and she dont even hug me likdat .. kns .. she think she really my sister sia .. come into my rm w/o knocking and sleep w/o asking ..
Stymie, u must let ur hb kw , we r not mean just that there are rules to follow everywhere, house, office and country. It is to ensure things are properly done and in place. Every household got different rules, since the maid is to help out in our home then it right for them to follow our rules not being mean. I feel it always right to seek permission to do something 1st regardless who that person is. So to me it not mean.

And I agree that we can't pamper our maid as they will tend to go overboard if one allow it to happen.

Ur hb also must kw, having a rooster for maid is better, so that I easier for u to check on things that need to be done, then just asking them to do alhoc work now and then. Like that it might be more confusing for ur maid as she might not be sure what need to be done and wat not in future.
thank you BBL and Hazel,
=) yah so long bb and i are safe, then everything else shouldn't really matter as much... but still is just part of me who really wish that i can go through natural delivery!

sob sob!!!
Jljz, dun be too upset over it. It is fated. Anywhere think of the bright side at least u are able to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy bb right? Sometime in life things just all fated, so be easy on urself. Okie. Look forwards to the future with a healthy bb all other things doesn't really matter. ;)
hazel - well mean anot i dont care i just want her to know her position like we know our position in the company that we work in .. also i dun want her to close to my son .. my hub even suggested my son and her sleep tog on the mattress .. i wanna kill him ..
i was soo pissed i told my hub even its done my way or i will divource him after our daughter is born and then i will seek lotsa alimony from him and wont allow him and his dad see my children and he can go bring the maid somemwhere else to dote on her ..

jilz - i know .. it just feels soo useless tat we cant even bring our baby into the world .. somehow c-sect dont feel real enough ..
