(2012/08) Aug 2012

ideally attend from 20 weeks onwards
i think its good to attend for first time parents
the class get daddies involved too
i felt it prepared my hb for the baby

Hb said not gg to sign up the class...I heard Mrs Wong would bring some stuff (e.g towels) to sell in class. Can anyone help me buy?
QQ> hahaha.. i think my hubby like yours.. sayang the kids more than me.. never see he buy expensive gifts for me but bought a hermes pillow for his daughter.. super jealous

ya. heard its best to let them watch after 1 or 2 years old.. I know of a ex forum mummy whose hubby is a German and he strictly enforce no TV.. I guess nowadays most of us will give them Ipad to keep them quiet in their seat during dinner time hahaha
Loves: can I check how can I sign on the antenatal class? Should I call in or go down to TMC dirrectly. I will be going down for my detailed scan next Friday.
Do take care! The wound will heal very fast since it is just a small cut.

Hermes Pillow!? Wow!

My two girls are now hooked on iphone/ipad. Since I do not have a maid at home, I have to find ways to keep them entertained when me and hubby are busy with house chores. Previously it was TV and CDs, now it's iPads! *sigh*... Still struggling whether or not to get a maid when no. 3 arrives. But I guess we value our privacy more than anything else, also heard too many horror stories about maid liao..
Antenatal class i sign up frm mt a. It's 7 lessons in total and nurse advise to go for the class in may. I think for first time mum is a must.

QQ n sherry: i envy u.. My hubby is more of the "miao" kind. Now buy big items he like to grumble.. He still getting used to the expenses.

Watching tv or ipad try to avoid for babies for as long as possible cos in long run, can shorten concentation span for kids. But listening to it is fine. In fact i have bought a speaker belt that can be tied to the tummy and connected to my iphone which will play classical music to my bb. It is safe cos the speaker volume will be capped to 60db. I intend to use it when i playing my video game so that bb will not be listening to fighting music.. Haha
I've been reading this link for quite some time.
Finally make the move to write here.
I'm in my 17+ weeks now with no#2. First one is a gal. So this time if it is a boy can officially close factory. ;) Up to now we still don't know baby gender cos KKH doctors said no need to have ultrasound scan for every visit. I got one scan at 9 weeks, 12 weeks, then will be the detail scan at 20weeks.

Any mother here that will deliver in KKH?

Yanlin and Clim,
Hope both your amnio test results will be good. Stay positive!
Think bb too small to play with it, by the time he starts to use it, ipad 4 or 5 launched. haha. Well, agreed not to expose it to bb under 2 yrs/o. Emm.. trying.. hope papa coorperative.
Aixin: i heard the service at kkh is pretty bad. So hope u don't get bad service. I like ultrasound every visit cos i can see my bb, maybe cos this is my first so more excited ba.
starfantasy, ideals and actuals can be quite different... hee.. I am guilty of giving iphone and ipad in order to quiet him down and have some time of my own to do things.
hi ladies..

antenatal class,
good if you can join. i would like to join again if have time.. but i don't think we can commit. esp would be bringing #1 (is it even allowed?? hahaha)
for #1 i engaged a professional nurse to give one lesson for abt 3 hrs, everything is included. kinda like the arrangement n we could ask whatever we want personally to her.

baby book,
i have the following book to give away :
1. what to expect the first few years
2. contented baby (gina ford)
3. baby love

if you would like the books i can pass it to you since i have read them n dont think i will read them again ;)
the books r old since someone gave them away to me too.
let me know through Pm.

TV ,
Im one of those conservative mummy. i dont let my son watch TV. in fact we do not have a TV at home.... :p

all the best to those who take the tests. wish u all good result !!
I sign up for tmc prenatal by mrs wong also... mine is every tue evening .. starting april 24th ... anyone in same class ???
Hi starfansy and Dawn,

So far my visit (4 times) to KKH are pretty ok. The waiting time for the whole procedure usually within 2 hours. So far I'm not seeing any fixed gynae because i''m under the subsidised category, and reason to choose to be subsidised patient is due to previous complication that I had for my first one that costs us quite a lot of money for bb to stay in NICU.

First few years is local shop that you can get Medela Pump at the lowest rate here. I think they give less accessories. But if have time to get the pump from overseas (US), it can be about 100-200 difference.

I tried so hard to stop my gal being exposed to TV before 2 yo, but due to lack of support from my nanny, she still watch a bit. Luckily not addicted. But she is a bit addicted to iPhone (29 months old now), which im trying to correct it now but also difficult. Because sometimes i really feel too tired so it is only when she use my iPhone i can rest on the bed with her. So i tell myself as long as she is not watching more than 1 hour a day I think it is fine.

I find myself getting more lenient to my first one after i got pregnant, cos i'm also tired. So whatever that can let her sit still or sleep on the bed for me to rest is tempting for me. :D
Dear nahnah,
Mine is also starting tues 24th April. You see the fattest one is me liao. Lol.

Dear clim,
Ida's pre natal I think is 40 or 50 for one hour at your house. I forgotten the exact amount.

Waiting to see dr Loh since 2pm. Hope I'm next! N hope baby in a different position now n growing well! So scared baby stuck cos my uterus too swollen.
I m also gg for tmc prenatal class tat starts in april at amk hub, sat 4.30pm. Is it the same as any one of u??
sasha mama,
can share the contact for mdm ida? thanks..

baby monitor,
i would also like to know what brand is good.
is the one currently in bp (foscam brand) good? anyone using it?
can understand the more lenient part u mentioned. i alse become more lenient towards my son since pregnant. sometimes just v lazy to discipline him pretend not to see when he is naughty. hahaha

are u a sahm??

i think any decision regarding watching tv or not, how long to watch, etc is a personal choice. no right or wrong, must or must not. and hey.. most of us grow up with tv n we end up just fine. but i must agree too many hours or too young is not good n will hv side effects.
Wow chubby, steady leh, u don't even have tv at home.

TV wise, my boy doesnt watch tv, but he likes to watch on ipad and iphone, normally max i let him see 2 hours, not continuous la, in between will bathe and eat..
my boy loves tv and iphone leh. every weekdays, my mum will have to on cartoons during dinner time while feeding him. I think this is making him very dependent on people to feed him instead of eating himself. At home, he keeps pester me to watch cartoons. I told him "NO" cos he needs to go to school the next day. But i allowed him to watch on weekend when there is no school. for iphone, i gave him while having dinner outside. I think i make a mistake right from the beginning and now whenever we are out for dinner, he automatically will ask me for his phone. His PD advises me not to let him see too much as it won't be good for eyesight. So conclusion is i end up spoiling my own kid. but dunno how to salvage this situation.
wa chubby, dun have tv at hm then what do u do in ur free time? i'm quite a tv addict myself.. everyday watch from dinner time until i sleep... haha..

aixin, i find kkh wards very nice..! didnt expect them to be so newly renovated and spacious.. better than tmc 1-bedders i think..

i also use iphone to keep my #1 occupied during meal times or when i'm so tired and just wan him to lie quietly beside me.. but he's getting sian of it liao.. and wants to play other things that hb doesnt allow, like keys, rings, wallets, coins.. so everyday it's a battle to find an allowed "toy" to keep him occupied!
loves, MummyR & chubby2: Ok i will sign up and drag my hubs along if possible

Anyone attending the one at parkway east Antenatal class? TMC seems so popular.
i surf the net on my free time. read a book. fb, forum.. oops not tv addict but internet addict. hahahahhaha not much better than anyone else la.

i also let my son play w wallet key coins etc. it is actually his real toy. he shows no interest to baby toys. .. at all!! :,(

he doesnt like shape shorter but he loves inserting coins to coin bank. usb cable to handphones. etc
doesnt like stacking toys but he loves to stack his books..or milk boxes... u get the idea..... he is a very busy boy!
Actually 1 way to reduce the time for kids to watch tv or any electronics is to let them play with toys. Invest in toys that help them learn. And have a variety so they don't get bored. Although that can be pretty expensive. XD
Mdm Ida's Contact: 94249829.

My scan showed baby growing bigger with strong heartbeat. But what I was worrying about for 2 weeks came true. Baby is in the same position as two weeks ago, facing down with part of my swollen uterus (caused by adenomyosis) in baby's way right under baby. Baby has no space to turn at all. Arm and leg movement were very little. Bones look ok so far.

Am so sad that baby is well but my womb is not able to give baby a good environment to grow. Doc gave me aspirin to thin my blood (dunno if it'd work) and also MC for the next 2 weeks till my detailed scan on 22nd March.
Think positive.
Talk to baby. This morning I was
Wondering why the little one has no kicking. Then my hubby told me maybe bb yet to wake up and needs
To sleep to grow up. Then I look at my breast, hoping having enough breast milk for the little one. Then bb starts to kick!
Everyday, we pray together with baby and now bb is well. we always hoping for a miracle. My hubby is a free thinker but he prays too. I m a catholic. Looking backwards, this maybe is god's will as we may have a false positive Oscar result and my hubby n I keep praying. Then my hubby witness the miracle, one day he will become catholic voluntarily together with bb.
Sashamama, take care ya. Dont worry.
. Ya, as long as BB is healthy.

Today, John Little has weekend sales. Not sure if there is any good bundle deal for bb home wear clothes.
Sashamama: rest well for this 2 week n dun think too much. I was dignosed with Group B infection I also hope bb would be fine
Strep b infection is ok as long as not giving birth yet. Take antibiotics n will recover. I kena once in first trimester.
will recover one?? my dr said nothing can be done now. He will give antibiotic during birth to prevent bb from getting the infection.

Any recommend on the NUH gynae?

When to taka baby fair yesterday and was told more than 100 people are on the waiting list for Philip Avent Sterilizer Bundle. I also put my name in the list (Cross my finger, hope to be the lucky one).
