(2012/07) Jul 2012

Rykiel: yup the subsidy is $600..
no choice.. hopefully ur maid can come in before June.. n of coz getting ur hubby to help u to guide the maid along..

mummy lee:u got to be a working mum to enjoy the subsidy of $600..else it will $150 for those SAHM..

btw mummies, any of u feeling ur stomach kinda tight sometimes?? while other times do u feel like ur intestines being pulled inside??
This yr really a lot of bb. I also don't know if there's single ward available when time comes. If don't hv, don't feel like spending $$ to upgrade to premium. Rather spend e money on bb stuff lor.

Rer rer,
This maid is my hubby chose lor so he no choice hv to train her. Haha.

My legs are full of scars too. Hope it will fade as time goes by.

If u going to put ur bb in ifc, u still going to hire maid?
Yes, subsidy for ifc for working moms is 600. When put ccc when 18mths, subsidy will be 300.
Hi mummies..I am from june2012 mtb!Would like to share with the mummies here that..in any case your would like to take maternity or newborn shoots.Do let me know n i will send u the details with the pricing to your email as I just went for my maternity shoots last sat at a home based studio..thumbs up n I had a great fun taking the shoots with my family
Counting down another 45mins to freedom.

One more full day work tomorrow and I'll be on pm leave on Wed and pm MC (see gynea) on Thu.
cherish, so gd my hb just sit there n play game n my boy when we were at agency lo....

I dunno wat time then can go hm, damn sian brain nt working ald....but must check my staff work, ok then can let her n myself go hm!
Laura: envy.. though i always wish tat i cld haf a break now till i give birth n tk maternity all d way.. whahhaha..

rer-rer: jia you
i oso doing ot today.. i wanna close my eyes le..
hello rer-rer, i think you can do some pelvic exercise to prevent leak pee.. it does help a bit for me thou..

Can anyone mummies shared how does the contraction feel like?

Also can share what type of bb cot have you bought?


just a couple months for us.. jia you! ;)
Ourlovestory, I did the holding my pee on n off exercise while in toilet. But its nt working for me this round of cough n sneezing, so malu lo. N I m so sick of washing my undies. I just accumulate n wash when I m bk fr wk! On way hm finally!
i m going to be wk 28 tml.. i m not sure if its normal..bt any of u mummies feeling stomach very bloated?? n keep wanting to go toilet? but when go to the washroom not much urine??
joy, exactly how i'm feeling for weeks! keep going toilet for nothing much. waste of efforts but really needed the relief. bloating, nausea all rolled into one but i keep craving for sweet stuff. terrible. lotsa macarons and cakes recently for indulgence. :p

ourlovestory, i used to worry about the contraction thingy too last time cos everyone seems to say that you'll know it when it comes. plus they say it's like menses cramps. but problem is, i dun hv cramps at all when i hv my menses. never see it as a problem, just some discomfort sometimes. however, what they said was true, when it came, you just know.

how does it feel? to me it's like a big big tightening of the area below your tummy but above your down there. it's painful and comes in spasms, meaning, it's pain (my tolerance very low, some folks just feel tightening discomfort) for a while then off for a while. then it comes again. that's when u start noticing and wondering if that's it. so u'll begin to time the intervals from one to another. you'll slowly begin to notice that it's occurring more and more often with a shorter timeframe (if not, it's braxton hicks most prob which i did not get to experience). once it reaches around 5mins over a period of 1-2 hours or less, it's time to go to the hospital. unless, you have a show (blood) or water linkage in between. hope this helps.

my boss is in a state of panic i think, keep piling me work even though I already sent a list of what I'm goin to do every week for him and it's already alot. i think he is either trying to milk as much as possible or is jus too overwhelmed himself. hopefully i'll get everything done smoothly and fast. i think i'll just start taking leaves in jun at this rate. you folks experience the same?
liligal: ya i feel like puking too=( n i bought sweets..my mil saw it n she told my hubby to tell me not to eat so much sweet stuff coz sugar level will go up or gt diabetic..i explain to hubby sweets r there just in case i feel like puking.. (maybe older generation just eat sour plums lah..i dunoe..)
n yes its really discomfort with the bloatness of the stomach.. i slp n when i want to turn my body i oso must slowly turn..

anyway lili gal u really good in explaining things in details=) thanks anyway too abt d contraction thingy.. i oso got no cramp bfore..so i kinda scare n nervous too..
Whenever I try to lie down or get up from bed or turn my body I will moan. I can't help it! If no sound I will feel terrible having to supress the discomfort.
Hi mummies, so much to catch up on again, thread really moves fast!

Re actual labor contractions, think liligal did a great job explaining. It'll normally start as severe cramps, the pain will slowly radiate thru your whole tummy, back n for some even to the legs (it did for me) n they progressively get stronger, last longer n come more frequently. Just to share, for my no 1, my midwife advised the general rule was 5-1-1. Contractions are 5 mins apart, last abt 1 min, n this has been happening for 1 hr. Then u know it's time to go to the hospital. If water bag bursts or if blood show happens, call the hospital too. But it's true, you will know when the real labor is starting. Haha actually feeling quite nervous thinking abt the birthing process. Think it's good not to scare ourselves by overthinking, but at the same time, be mentally prepared for the physically demanding process. Jia you ladies! We can do it!!!

Can I ask u ladies, any problem to eat black sesame paste dessert? I suddenly have craving for it and already whacked one bowl already!
Hi liligal
I am fine.. Counting down everyday to full term..;)
Hv a bad dream last night..;( Dream i deliver at 7th mth pregnancy n dream due to only one twin make it so gynea say must operate immediately.. So scary.. Choy choy.. Hope n pray hard both bbies r fine n will deliver at least at 34-35th wk...

Today got replacement leave so glad no need goto work as nice weather to zzzzz at home but i cant zzzzz as son exam period this wk so got to guide n teach him.. At least today weather cooling n better than yesterday so i no sweat too much.. Surprise tt i didnt go out these long wkend as son studying and we cook home cook food since got maid..;) glad got hb help to asks her do things n check on her so i can relax n teach son at ease else sure very tired..;p her cooking skill still not so gd n yet to improve.. Bec she needs to cook so more busy.. Hee... Hb do all the grocery shopping like auntie go market..;p is rare that we no go shop this long wkend.. Must get the camera fast then can bring my son go see avenger movie after his exam n leave maid alone at home..;) think shopping is impossible for me now...

Do u gals feel ur bbies are stretching n moving than kicking nowadays?

Hi cherish
We use the magic mop too n tell her one pc for whole house.. Cannot waste.. Today hb bought her back to agency to asks pp there write some translation in burmese , paste the paper on fridge door so we can tell her easily.. Btw, we bought the cloth type for the mop so she can wash after use.. No need so wasteful on throw away the wipes too..;)

Btw, she took 3hr to prepare, cook beehoon n wash up for lunch yesterday.. N the beehoon sucks.. Today i teach her multitask n do the cooking myself for dinner n it is faster n
Not too salty.. So we must do once for her to see first else they very disorganise n no proper planning..;)
Hi Joannne, sounds like your family is getting the rhythm of managing the maid well
your hubby very nice, do grocery, instruct maid etc! think it's great that the maid helps to free up time for u to spend quality time with your boy
dun worry, it's just a bad dream, think it's absolutely normal to have worries regarding the birthing process, was just talking abt it in my prev post. Remember you r in the good hands of ur gynae n all will be well
Joy javen
I got my hubby who was in UK to buy. I got the Next Generation seamless with removable padding.

I know you can buy from Asos. They deliver worldwide for free. Think it's bout $35.

There is a uk website figleaves where they sell emma Jane. I ordered bout 2 weeks back but haven't received. If its successful I'll let u know.
Morn gals, up for pee break n heard my boy shouting in rm refusing his sponging! His fever is bk n my stupid flu n cough is still as bad!!! Took antibiotics 2 weeks bk n when the flu n cough is bk it's worse.... I tink I need to see chi sinseh. I rmbr I took chi med last time I kept going to pee, does tat mean I need to just sit on the loo? Gosh!!! Lilgal, my boy kept assigning me task too, like fully use me while I m ard....
Morning mommies..

i'm having the same experience as you now. my whole body cracks or moans when i try to turn or get up from bed/sofa. dont know how to sleep at nite nowadays. And when i stand up after sleep, my back is so aching that i cant stand straight. i feel like an old lady.

my helper hasn't really start to cook yet. She's currently in my mil's place in weekdays as both of us are working and #1 in ccc. so no one ard during daytime. she's been asking for schedule and i think i better go check and come out a schedule for her lor. she had runny nose on last sun and hb asked her to go rest first. btw, do u buy sanity pads for ur helper?

how are u feeling now? take care. hope ur boy and u will recover soon.
i saw emma jane nursing bras on sales at taka baby fair, but i forgot which shop, it is the same stall which is selling medela parts
joy_javen: thanks for the child care info!

after reading from you ladies, then i realise that my nauseousness is normal.. been feeling like that since yest.. this morning too.
realised that every night b4 i sleep, can't seem to find a nice position and i'll end up breathless!
have to watch tv sitting on the bed straight.. BAD!
Hi, I am from the June thread. my confinement aunty is available end July to August. Please kindly call her at 6016-9337212 if you are still searching for one
Hi rer
Take care n pop some vit C will be good.. Drink more water..;)

Hi cookie
Yes, i agree at 3rd trimester, hb support really impt..;) gd gynea also impt but i am considering shd i change to kkh gynea incase preterm delivery..

Hi cherish
I did buy one pkt before she comes n saw she got her own so i just keep first.. Think wht she has can last her two year..;)
Understand tt after she get her salary, she got to pay for her own shampoo, soap n pad...First bottle can buy for her..;)

Hi gals
Just curious.. For childcare leave, shd we get 6 days after bb born or prorated? Is it base on government or company on whether give us prorated or not or is it a must tt they must give us 6 days regardless when we give birth?

Oso, for bb names, where u all go to get their chinese names n is good yet not too ex? Thk u gals for ur advise..;)
Joanne: i believe we get the full 6 days. I'm not sure if it's the same policy for all companies but from what i understand, I am allowed a total of 12 days per child with a max of 6 per yr. (this means I can take 6days in 2012, and 6days in 2013, but even tho bb is still below 2yo in 2014, I cant take anymore for this bb cos I used up the total quota of 12 already).

However what i read was that this is PER child.. so maybe in ur case since u got twins, u can technically use twin#2 in 2014 to 'claim' the last 6 days. Note that the 6 days max per yr still stands regardless of how many children u got. Just info from my personal reading up for myself =P. Hopefully it's accurate and applies to all of the mummies' companies here.
Hi mummies, sorry to interrupt. I have the following items for sale..

1. Preloved Tiny Love Take-Along Mobile, letting go at $30. Bought during Taka baby fair at $49.90, music, soft toy animals are all in tip top condition with no stain no wear & tear.

2. Full bumper cot, letting go at $28. Wash but never used, comes with fitted sheet, full cot bumper, 1 pillow & 2 bolsters.

3. Preloved Baby Love nursing pillow, letting go at $18. Used less than 5 times, condition is almost like new & the cover is machine washable.

4. Lucky baby milk bottles drying rack, letting go at $5. Wash but never used.

5. BNIB Pigeon Bottle & Baby Food Warmer, letting go at $35. It's brand new, received as gift but already had one.

6. BNIB Dr Brown 4oz Wide Neck milk bottle x 2 pcs, letting go $10 each or take both at $18.

7. BNIB Avent 9oz Wide Neck milk bottles x 2 pcs, letting go at $15 for both.

8. BNIB Vtech Grow & Ride on, letting go at $65.

Please PM or email me [email protected] for more info/pics if keen. Tks
can i check with u? do u experience aching feeling at down there if u carry heavy stuff or carry your #1? this morning i happened to carry #1 for a short while and now, i'm feeling so aching. cant walk properly now, like a penguin lor.
cherish: My back is fine. Gone through spine surgery...what is pain man? LOL!
Cracks? Tell me about it babe. Sounds crispy like breaking a piece of biscuit.
But my girdle area sure feel super painful whenever I get up after sitting or lying on the bed for too long.
Btw, carried heavy things or not I will still walk like a penguin. (^^")
laura: yeah i oso will always ouch here n ah there when i turn on bed..

cookie: i think its oki with black sesame? wanted to eat the other day too but out of stock at the desert stall..

mummylee: ur welcome..
yeah i know how u feel..i wanna lie down on bed use my lappy oso got problem..
esp now cannot lie on tummy.. sit straight i feel back aching..

joanne: slowly getting used to ur maid eh??
=) tk a short break once awhile..try not to walk to much oso..legs will be sore after all those walkings..
usually i will walk 2hrs n dan i stop liao..
anyway i will go to balestier temple for the chinese name=) is a token of appreciation so its up to u how much u want to packet d red packet..=)

thanks Kalmen22 =)
but i nv try before scare the cup will be different..

rer-rer: y nt just go see ur gyne n get medication from ur gyne?? i think no choice coz docs oso dun dare to give u strong dosage of medication coz preggy..
drink more water!!!
i'm so aching now..arrghh. can feel the pressure and aches especially below when i walk around. going to ask my colleagues to tapao for me today.
Hi hika
Hmm.. Thot childcare leave is entitle every year for 6 days till ur youngest kid is below 7yrs old? Not sure why my hr say will be prorated for me this year which is only 3days since half year pass... Hmm...

Hi joy
At the balesteir temple, they will give u the chinese name to choose or we can only asks whether names r ok by choosing our name first? Thk u so much for ur info..;)
Ya, slowly get use to maid but still need to monitor whether do things correct..;) now i dun dare go shopping ler.. Very tired plus worry preterm so told my son tt we will only bring him see avenger movie after his exam..;)

Hi rykiel
U bought the forscom camera right? May i know did u do the setup urself or asks them to do the setup for $70? Me headache not sure whether shd i setup ourselve or asks them do? If we try n fail, will they come to do the setup another day n we pay $70 or more expensive? Do u think the camera is clear n gd? U buy the white color one huh?

Hi gals
How we monitor bbies movement to know whether they r ok? Is it must feel at least 10movements fr them for one whole day? Thk u gals...
Joanne, don't worry too much, take it as it comes
btw still in time to change gynae now to kkh? But I guess for you it's considered special case since twins?

Cherish, me too! Yest I picked no 1 up from school and he die die wanted me to carry him, short walk to the car and after that my whole lower tummy n down there super ache. Was worried I strain no 2 but thankfully today better. You try to lie down more when u get home ok?
joanne: oh.. issit? hmm maybe i mistook it for the childcare (no-pay leave) one.. cos im gonna b using those too..sorry been reading up on all entitlements until blur cos hoping to fully utilise n extend my break as much as poss.. im also considering NPL nxt yr.. hmm

as for movies, can i ask how many of u have recently watched/will b watching movies? cos hubby wants to watch avengers but he is unwilling to go cos says bad for bb.. myth or true??
joy_javen & cherish: Yup! Ouch and Ah! I gotta walk to and fro about 300m for lunch and not to mention, under hot sun. Sigh...
wow the weather is getting hotter and hotter now. with a short haircut is easier to get thru the heat...yeah jus signed up for cordlife today after delaying for so long hahaha

lili gal : are u counting down liao huh?got all your tins ready huh?
joanne: ur welcome.. actually i m not really sure lei.. coz my brothers n my name was from tat temple de.. my wedding date oso from there de.. but i think is u tell them wat name u thinking of n they can help u see ok or not lor??

hika: i nt sure wat myth is that.. did u ask ur hubby y no good for bb? i went to watch avengers over the weekends.. n i do on n off once a mth go catch a movie..

Laura & sunbelle: yeah the weather is bad=(
went to mac just now to get my lunchie.. n got a smoothie n an ice cream=X
thanks thanks. i'm worried that i strained the bb inside too and later end up early delivery?? feeling abit scared just now. after what u said, feel more assured. =) i better be guai guai, dont carry my boy anymore. the after effect is terrible lor.

the temple u mentioned is it opp skin centre there?
cherish: nope.. its nt opp skin centre de..think if nt wrong opp is building a condo..across the street down the road got a petrol station..i dunoe how to explain the excat location wor.. but if u tell old pple they prob wil know black bridge ah neo temple(in teochew/hokkien) i think.. orh kio ah neo keng..
joanne: ya i bought the foscam i bought black. cos my comp black. =x hmm.. ok lor i sell install n google like a stupid woman for instructions n all. thn some parts like email n all i stuck than i ask the bp person. u bought liao or haven?

the new northpoint foodcourt food tastes so bad now. i feel like puking. =\
Hello! Am due on 3 July and heard that my ob is going to ask for advance professional fee that cost SGD 1800 before I gave birth. I was shocked since I was expecting this should be payed after giving birth upon check out so I can maximized my Medisave. My gynae is from Mt A, dr esther Ng, anyone with same case? pls share!
joy_javen: you make me crave for macs ice-cream! omg! i think i'll get it after work! recently i've been having cravings for sweet stuff.. =)
Joy, I can't wake up tdy, cough like siao, my boy puke n we have to clean up. I m on 2 days mc n wonder shld I go bk to wk tmr or just let it eat into my leave.... I only got 1 day mc left. Doc tell me no choice cos can't give me strong med. So gotta jus bear with it!
Cherish, I had this pain when in 2nd tri carrying my #1. these few days he only wan me to carry. Insist me..... I almost died lo. 13 kg
Hi rykiel
So u self setup huh.. Is it diffcult? As i think of save the $70
N setup myself too but worry diffcult..;) havent buy yet but soon..;) think of get white color.. Not sure nice bo.. Is it clear?

Hi hika
Why cant see avenger? Only heard of dun see ghost movie as worry we 吓到。
i heard from ppl that #1 will be very very sticky to us when expecting #2. they seems to know there is another bb going to share papa, mommy's love with them. i over-estimated myself, thot should be okay to carry but realised not lor! the weight is really putting strain on me. **faint**

i'm craving for strawberry sundae leh!!!
Rer-rer, take care, rest well n hopefully u will get well soon. Speedy recovery to ur boy too. Wah, my boy abt 12kg I carry already feel the strain, can imagine even more strain for u since ur boy is 13kg.

Ladies, now I also want ice cream haha
joanne: self setup! hehehe. alot of function duno hw to use than ask them lor. save $70.. hahaha. clear wise ok leh. i first time using find it not bad.

u all keep ice cream ice cream.. my tummy nt feeling too well tdy cannot eat coldcold stuffs. =(

cherish, my boy very sticky n extremely fussy during my 1st trimester. Can throw tantrums for nothing etc.....then 2nd tri ok, now dunno cos he is sick or wat. My hb can't even wipe mucus for him, he cry n said dowan papa clean, want mama clean!!! wah piang!

cookie, I took my med n doze off n awaken by #1, super tired.

joanne, tink we must trial n error, I will ask my hb to try n fix it since he is IT person. Tink shld be quite easy to use. Rykiel is ard so u can ask her kekkke

How ah? Shld I go bk to wk tmr to save on my leave? Arghhhh!I sometimes wish I m nt preggy nw. Tdy my boy vomitted, I shouted for my hb to help me, he bz playing games n throw tantrums lo. Ask him if he wanna go see doc with me, he said ok then later said he no need see cos see ald oso no use! Wah I really pek chek dowan talk to him!
