(2012/07) Jul 2012

cool down cool down. do u still hv leaves blance? if still hv some and u're still not feeling well, why not rest 1day more at home?

Most men are like that. they can be quite insensitive wan. sometimes when i talk to my hubby, i also wanted to vomit. can change his mind very fast.

joy, joanne: well he just worries that the noises and sound effects might be too loud and startle the baby lah.. i think he must have read/heard somewhere lor.. dont know how true.. did u all feel uncomfortable when watching shows? like would bb move a lot more or what?
Hi Joanne,
Think u encounter the same kind of HR as my previous company...the HR also wana pro rate my child care leave, as my boy was born in Aug 2010...but i wrote to CPF board & below is their reply, so in the end HR have to give 6 full days of cc leave, hope it helps

"Please note that there should be no pro-ration based on your child's date of birth. Pro-ration of childcare leave entitlement is only applicable for new employees, part-time employees and employees who had resigned. You would be entitled to the enhanced childcare leave of 6 days covered under the Children Development Co-savings Act (CDCA) if you fulfill all of the following criteria: (a) your youngest child is below the age of 7 on or after 17 August 2008; (b) your youngest child is a Singapore citizen or becomes a citizen; (c) you are lawfully married; and (d) you have worked for your employer for at least 3 months before applying for childcare leave.

We would be pleased to assist you if you require further clarification. For more information on the details of the leave measures, please visit our website at http://www.profamilyleave.gov.sg or call the CPF Hotline on 1800-227-1188 from Mondays to Fridays, 8am to 6pm."
Just came back from week 28 scan, but bb is already 1.4kg oops...gynae say have to control diet if not bb will be overweight...

wonder how to control & eat less
@ pink piglet : -) mine is 1.4 at 30 weeks. gyna says okie - as long as baby healthy n growing well. n warned me not to attempt dieting !! haha as I was whining abt my weight increment when I step into the scale
I did my scan at 29 weeks 6 days and bb weigh 1.6kg. Gynae said the bb weight ok.

Pink piglet, cut down on sweet stuff and eat 6 small meals a day.
Hi ladies,

Just to share, my clinic just got me to book the room last week when I went for my 26week checkup. I opt for 2 bedroom in TMC. Baby is now 1.2kg...Doc says I'm putting on weight, might now I must watch my diet haha cos I'm worried I will overshoot the ideal 12kg hehe...

As for movies, I did not restrain myself at all. Watched Avengers, Battleship etc. haha my friends told me to enjoy while I still can, they say I will have no time for movie after I give birth =p

Btw do u ladies take public transport? Do other passengers gives up their seats to you?
You dun have to worry bout cup size. The beauty is its suitable for B-F cup. Just need to know your rib cage size.
I'll be doing a review soon on my blog. U can read more bout it then. I'll let u know.

Hmm. Looks like my baby is quite light. At 31 weeks she was 1.5kg... Supposed to be normal according to my gyne. Looms like the normal range is quite wide.

By the way anyone used Sealer diaper before?
cherish, I cant be bothered with him n go slp! Stupid man, buay tahan him. Make me boil only tink doing other things make me happier.

My boy is 898g when I was going 27 wks, like abit small doc said ok normal size cos I only had 1 meal per day b4 I go visit my gynae. I was having flu during that period.

kalmen22, I used tat for my #1 last time during promo, nt bad but kinda ex, I use huggies comfort dry more economical. Or watever diaper on offer, petpet is a cheap n gd brand
Hi rykiel n rer
Good idea!! Think i will try myself to install first then..;)

Hi pink
Thks so much for ur advise!! Will show HR ur post if they prorate my childcare leave... Thk u so much..;)
rer-rer, ahahhaa.. i think you meant to say your BOSS assigns you tasks and not your boy! hahaha. anyway, i told him nicely today that I'm fearful of taking more cos if I don't complete he'll have to back me up and that's wat I want to avoid. so he kind of retreated. hehehee... but still add on one or two more. :-S btw, do take care. final weeks liao. u started taking cooling stuff yet? for me it helped e.g. coconut juice, barley, green bean & of cos vit c. btw, i suggest you fully rest. no other leaves to take?

kalmen22, emma jane bras looked great. does it hold up saggy breasts? i think mine are sagging real bad!!!

cherish, i think i sprained one vein on my left buttock! I also feel ache at the joining area between my body and legs on the right side. i still carry my boy tho cos want to give him good feel before #2 is out cos next time i'll be feeding and hugging #2 quite often. oddly, i'm the one sticking to him recently more than he to me. hahahha.... daddy's girl, mummy's boy.

laura, me too! walking like a penguin recently. tried to keep my legs together but the discomfort is preventing me from walking more ladylike!

sunbelle, yeah yeah yeah! counting down and got my stuff liao (yeah yeah!) but work is driving me busy!!! plus my mum decided to go on a holiday and work is preventing me from taking leave. so hubby has to do it. but but... his cooking sucks! so now thinking whether i need to wake up early to cook boy's meals. hahaha... my next item is packing hospital bag when my mum is back from hols w my luggage. how hv you been? you have gotten everything?

julienne, very odd to hear this. what if u deliver before the gynae arrives? is she going to refund you? is she short of cash? very very odd in my perspective.

pinkpiglet, wah, you super cool! my company also gives 6 days childcare flat, no pro-rate at all but before that have to submit some forms.

pinkpiglet & bbgirl, my girl is now at a whooping 1.9kg at 31.5wks!! now i'm worried if she'll be too big for a VBAC later.

btw, do anybody know anything about pay during the 4 months leave? i'm on a commision based pay meaning about 50% is based on sales targets. when i read it seemed that they only pay me my base 50% for 4 months! i freaked out! told my boss and he says he'll check with HR. tried reading from official sites but can't make out as the language seemed quite grey. anybody knows anything about this?
btw, on ice creams... me have been eating macarons (canele patisserie ones are so so good and not as sweet), cakes and i just bought few tubs of ice cream from Udders. those homemade kinds. really recommend the horlicks and mao shan wang ones! heheheee...
As my pay is only basis, so it's quite straight forward. 4Mths ml will be just like normal mths. Is there any hotline no. that u could call n ask?

Never tried sealer diapers before. I used mamy poko for #1 n it was good. For #2, I'm abit more cheapo now, bought whatever having promotion. Haha

I take public transport. I still encountered ppl who went immediate deep sleep when they saw me approaching. Now there was this guy who was playing wif his hp n stared at my tummy when I was standing right in front of him, then continue playing as though I'm invisible. But there are some nice ppl too, who offered their seats.
Lil gal, I got abt 8 days of leave left with the Vesak day leave in lieu. Better rest than to suffer later la hor? Poor #2 kept absorbing my medication....
Cherish, I kanna a guy who slp immediately when I stand in front of him n later when I got seat opp him he wakes up n next stop he went off. Sickening lo, only 2 stops he also doesn't give up. There r nice ppl who all the way fr afar offer me seats, those who look no so educated sometimes. Some all dressed up esp men or students,simply just prefer their phones or tablets n like I wasn't even there
Rer rer,
I totally agree wif u. Usually I met ppl who seems not so high educated, offer seats to me.

My hr had tried to pro rate my ccl previously too. As I joined e company less than a yr n I wanted to apply, was told I entitled to 3days for e whole yr. Was blur n accepted what they said. But later after reading e clause few times, it's not lor! My ccl will accumulate to 6days as long as I still wif comp n once hits 1yr, will get my 6days. Went to question hr n e 2nd time, they said yes. Heng lor..
giving up seat:
yeah.. actually i've met a few foreigners (like those bangladeshis or indians) who were very willing to give up seats! they stood up immediately! whereas a few occasions a few prcs dashed for the seat right in front of me and pretended not to see me! until a local uncle see already also buay tahan.. he called out to me and told me to take his seat..

nowadays, i see alot of young girls sleeping or sooo engrossed in games that they dont see you.. do you all experience the same thing??
joanne: ur fb nick is? msg me in fb if u nit help. simple set up i can guide u if u need help. simple ones only har.. =P~

childcare leave i can only take when boy sch closes ONLY. that cos have to submit his sch closure form to 'proof'. sick or wad cannot use the CCL. =\

enhanced ccl is what? i go read up! i like dun have leh! =(

i feel so odd today, i wearing a dress with fitflops =\
it's very normal nowadays. sometimes, i wonder what goes wrong with our education system. i remembered in my generation when i was still young, men usually didn't dashed for seats like now. And ppl were more gracious in offering their seats to those who needed more. And u won't be surprised to see youung children who dash in to 'chop' few seats for their family..
why do you need to submit proof when applying child care leave leh? dont really get it. thot this is our entitlement, as long as we dont exceed the 6days lor
cherish: idk. that time my i took CCL whn my boy was sick she say cannot use CCL. =\ so last mth i submitted 2 CCL using my boy sch closure dates.
cherish, when I was having my #1, I got more ppl offer me seats, this time round, i can stand till cows come hm oso bo lang offer. I m so sick of asking for seats, I wake up 15 mins earlier n leave hse earlier....take train fr buangkok to punggol n back to outram to change trains. I slp all the way lo. Got a man next to me, give me the disgusted look when another preggy lady stand in front of me in priority seat. I rub my tummy n stare bk at him with a lagi disgusted look! Pls lo he is a well-abled man ok! My hb tell me he dun dare to sit down on mrt tho he only takes train like maybe less than 5 times a yr( he wld forget to see ppl who need it)

Rykiel, my company dun care when I take childcare leave one, pls lo if its baby how? Nvr go sch how to submit proof? Siao ah? Then must submit maid's mc or nanny's mc? Ur HR so sticky? I wear my fitflops everyday with my dress, I got no fashion sense ever since preggy!

I almost forgot tdy is my boy's nursery registration day, luckily on MC. My hb had to rush for meeting n my pt cleaner is here. My boy was ZZZzz n my mum kinda clueless. Goodness! The que for a PAP kindy also so packed, I can't imagine dragon yr!!! Most prob my boy gotta kanna ballot.

I tink I m being kept sane by the forum n facebook and som gal frens. Else I tink I wld have break down n cry or jump out of the window....My hb like nvr worry abt kids sch all these one leh

I am up at 5 plus am to settle the fussy sick boy n slp ard 6 n 7 plus wake up go settle his registration n so sleepy, the lil boy wanna watch dvd...want us entertain him , me n mum so tired!!!
Liligal, thanks for sharing on the contraction... i am just scare if it happened when i am working or when i am in the public transport! How should i react??

i am looking for nursing bra too.. any recommendations?

have you gals finished buying all your bb stuffs??

the weather is so hot.. i just crave for ice cream!!!
Rykiel : I read on web site that pink dolphin gives and it says no need proof leh - look at FAQ.. That pro family website..

I join my co for 5 yrs already.. Dunno y they say need to prorate the 3 days enhanced leave. And beside the FAQ also say the latter 8 weeks of maternity leave is equal to 40 days and we can take half day or work 3 days a week.. So like that count more worth it than taking one shot.
i didnt realised my ice cream cld make so many mummie craving for it yesterday=X

kalmen22: thanks
i will read after u update abt the bra=) wats ur blog address anyway??

regarding to giving up seats: well i can pple from overseas seems to be much better(bangala/pinoys)will give up seats or those young parents.. those older 1s wun give up de.
i remembered gt once i was standing in front of the priority seats..there is this uncle who is abt late 40s early 50s... basically he saw me coz we did haf eye contact for abt 2 seconds..next thing is he look to the other side of the train thruout the rides..few stops later person beside him stood up n i got the seat beside d uncle..n he look at the other side(where i was standing initially) immediately when i sat down..kns lor.. u dun give up seats nvm lah..but dun do things so obvious..disgusted..

i m getting worry abt the infant care coz they dun allow me to fill in the interest form before my bb is born.. hai..having an headache abt it..
i tot of taking 10 weeks first n come back to work n slowly taking leave or sth..

r u gals feeling tired out easily recently??
finally to my 3rd trimester n i can feel bb more active now..
hello mummies! me working from home today cos my boy kept waking up the entire night crying. not sure if they are due to nightmares or the root problem is his runny nose. yah he caught a cold... AGAIN! so me no sleep whole night. now i'm feeling tired.. really tired.

re CCL, no need to submit any proof. it can be mum not available to take care and u hv to go home to take care. like that how to prove?

also, only those less than 1 year of service then will get pro-rated enhanced child care leave (the extra 4 days portion). the CCL is fixed at 2 days with no pro-rating allowed. so total 6 days if >1yr of service.

me still checking on my pay thingy. luckily my boss is upset as well if I only gets 50% and he thinks it's unfair. so he is asking HR for this. sigh... or else my pay kena halved for the 4 mths!!!

ourlovestory, suggest you really look at your transport and work arrangement starting from 37wks. if really happens i.e. u start getting contractions at around 10+mins, just stay calm, call your hubby, get out of where you are, take a taxi and go to hospital. it usually takes a few hours before bb comes out. it will take about 1hr to move from 10mins contractions to 5mins interval. when it's your first one, it takes even longer.

btw, my office had this lady who worked till very late at night around 8pm and then gave birth in office toilet! luckily a mother came by to help her and then called ambulance. then again, it's her #2 or #3 so usually the process is smoother.

joy, i am feeling her every move! not sure if i really liked it. but then again she's much gentler than my boy last time so still nicer and able to sleep w her moving. last time i can't even sleep with my boy kicking. sometimes i'll wake up in the middle of the night due to his kicks and movements. hmmm... seems like he's still doing that to me now that he's out. i'm seeing a trend here... :-S
btw, i jus realized some mums are not active here anymore ah? e.g. kawaii, qing-er etc. i wonder how they are now. silent readers?
rer-rer: siao wan right. u ask her more things than will push to ladyboss as usual =( hais. i nw gg to ask her. the rest of my CCL i left 4days. but ill b on ML soon. and sch closure time ill b taking ML liao so how.

tanny: which webbie lai de? wait paste me. hehe

liligal: maybe bz or silent reading? at times whn i bz or no hands at wrk i also silent read n digest. hehehe =)

ML - anyone submitted their dates to the HR?

BB stuffs - i hvn got anything but i got a 2nd hand as gd a new stroller from my hub uncle! used a few times as he got 2 strollers as gifts! =D thn a paper bag of handme downs. the rest i din buy anything yets also. nt even a single mitten =(
rkyiel, yah, i wondering how they are cos kawaii was on bed rest right? anyway, i plan to only submit my ML after ML. hehehee.. as long as within two months after ML, my company ok. but i do need to inform my boss and he's very nice, i can start on the day of my delivery.

bb stuff, u r braver than me. i left only maternity pads or those stuff for myself but bb stuff left only sterilizer. nw is to wait till end of may and wash all the #1 stuff, blankets & clothes + #2 new clothes & take out all the barangs from store. next week i'll start packing my hospital bag liao. in jun, nd to confirm bb name. geesh, this time i'm so much more prepared.... relatively.
Sorry! I still here! Dunno is it because of the long bedrest or what, recently like brain not working liao, a bit stone-stone, so never really read & post.

I'm now 29w6d, gynae estimate 1.6kg 2days ago, seem very big to me, but gynae say ok. baby also like suddenly grow much bigger & start moving above belly button with more exaggerated movements when cross into 3rd trimester. There's also this thumping at my uterus that's been happening for a few wks at least once a day (so strong that can feel the thump if I put my hands at my uterus). Doc say may be hiccup but its a bit too regular & violent leh. read that it may be blood being pumped to uterus? My eyes also seeing black crawling insect but actually nothing there, haven't ask doc, dunno if it's side effect of bedrest :p

Tried sending hubby to buy baby things, he still say too early. First time I sent him with a shopping list, he came back from ntuc xtra with only 2 items, say cannot find the rest, er.. But at least now got some baby stuff like wipes, diapers, detergent. Maybe too many diapers.. 100 NB & 188 S..

That's my update for these 2 wks :)
Liligal, how early should i take elave form work before my edd? 1 week?

kawaii, i think your bb is growing healthily! i have yet to buy any diapers not wipes yet!

btw my company no CCL
it is mandatory by law?
ourlovestory, it's by law! childcare leave is 2 days and enhanced childcare 4days for singaporeans &amp; <7 yrs old. u shud go check the official sites. how can they not give you unless you are on part time or contract employment?

i'm not sure about your work. see if you can work from home first till delivery to save some leaves. if not, then can try for 1wk before EDD. most of my friends' #1 came around 39wks. other mummies any comments?

kawaii!!! u still on bed rest ah? u mean u'll rest until it's time to go hospital? i think ur bb at 1.6kg is totally not big at all. when it comes to shopping, not all men can beat ladies. hahahaha...
i do not know why i do not have ccl thou i am a perm staff.. but i also heard that ccl is entitled to or shared among parents; so either the wife or husband can take a max of 6 days only as these leaves are partially paid by govt...??
ML - haven't really tell my boss when i'm going to take my ML. she's not gan cheong at all so i guess no need for me to panic bah.

talking abt bb clothes, oh ya. i havent take out the newborn clothes to wash too. maybe in jun will start to do so.
we're entitled to ccl leh. and it is not shared among parents. both mom and dad is entitled to 6days ccc each.
liligl your bb seems quite big hor.. yar if too big difficult to do vbac, but still got ppl manage to do it lar..but dun waorry too much lar by then things will move naturally..i think during last trimester our bbies grow alot.. so its normal

qinger, the thump cld it be your bb movement? my bb also punch me alot midnight as well, sometimes rolling movement these movement can be felt all arounf for me.. bikini area, sometimes left and right, sometimes at belly button area.. so quite normal.. come to think af it, after deliver i will miss these movements.. haha

All of you are so well prepared.. i am very lazy this time round havent pack my room, havent dig out bb clothes for washing, havent dig out my old pump.. sign this time round very lazy..
i already checked with my HR and confirmed "NO"! in fact there are many mummies in this company and no one complained... 6 days of ccl is a lot!!!
Hi Mummies,

I have some mustela products to let go. My DS was using it until he developed eczema, then we had to change his bathing products.

1) 2 bottles of Foam Shampoo for NB to prevent/rinse away cradle cap @ $10 each. (exp 04/2014)
2) 2 bottles of Cleansing Milk - good for sponge bath or daily cleasing @ $10 each. (exp 08/2014)
3) 1 bottle of Body Lotion @ $10. (exp 10/2012)

Self-collect @ Jurong area or normal postage fees applies

PM me if you are interested

for how many days in advance to go on leave it depends on yourself lor. some prefer to rest a few days in advance some work till the actual day.. but for me i will prob take 3 days in advance prior to delivery..coz before giving birth its best to rest, else delivery time if too long its also very taxing.. but bear in mind your may also overdue by 1 wk plus, so these hv to be taken in consideration as well.
ourlovestory, no childcare leave? Pls lo, how can dun have? Its not parenthood tax rebate, cannot share one! I only have 4 days ccl cos company gave everyone 2 days family care leave ald....so I have 6 days of leave to take to look after my kid/kids.

weather so hot, just go run errands at atm machine n I feel like I m dying!
Hello ladies, how is everyone?
My helper is helping me to wash baby clothing, bedsheets n blankets these 2 weeks. Hand wash so take longer days to dry. I m still in the midst of packing my delivery bag. Today is my last day of week 30. I've almost everything ready except preparing to write family names onto the paper, this is for my hb to pass to the master to choose newborn Chinese names while I m doing confinement. Also confinement tonics herbs r not ready yet.
I m facing same aching problems as all of u hv mentioned. There is nothing I can do but to complain to my hb every evening here pain there pain lor, nothing much he can do too but listen n show some sympathy good enough.

For working mom, you r entitled to 6 days ccl. 3 days paid by employers, 3 days paid by government. So this year you hv 6 days. Report to MOM if your company is not giving you.

Counting down day by day.... Jia you everyone!
my bb is a true singaporean! I do meet all the conditions to be entitied for ccl but it is really mandatory for every companies to give ccl?

rer-rer, the weather is really hot.. must drink more water!!!

haha ya on the screen, it shows my boy is wk 30 instead of wk 28...he seems to be absorbing well cos i only put on 2.1 kg, but he gain 600g haha...

Thanks, will try to cut down on sweet stuff...think Oero is really too sweet, need to find other biscuits to munch when hungry...

Welcome Joanne, you can also write directly to CPF board if there are still problems with your HR..CPF replied quite fast last time.

lili gal - ya i'm also worried might need to c-sec if baby is too big..is 3.5kg too big for natural or 4kg then is considered big? my #1 boy was only 3kg haha...

Tanny - if you are full time &amp; worked with them more than 3 months,there should be no pro-ration..or write to CPF also if you need help

ourlovestory - agree with Mrs C,fight for your rights...some HR seems to smoke new mothers or give pro-rated ccl, since they can claim 3 days from govt,so no cost to the company
