(2012/07) Jul 2012

bbgirl, share wif us after u went for ur growth scan next visit. Who is ur gynae and which hosp u r in?

Liligal, every visit, my gynae only measure bb head n body. So she schedule for the growth scan is to see how big the bb is. The sonographer will measure everything including hands, legs... Growth scan is not compulsory and only some gynaes ask ppl to go. Initially mine was scheduled at 36 weeks but later bring forward to 34 weeks. I think is due to gestational diabetes. She scare the bb too big i guess.

hi ladies, do you all experience a growth spurt in your baby in week 30 to 31? experiencing a bigger weight gain too huh?

very very hot and experience fatigue too..not sure whether do you all feel tired most of the times...mi slept early and can still take nap today...so tired....
Hubby and me went to ShenKwong Trading Co. today to buy my boy's clothes and like what other mommies commented, it's really cheap!

We bought 1/2 dozen of newborn long pants @ $13.00. 1/2 dozen long sleeves shirt @ $13.00. 4 sets of mitten+booties @ $10.00. 1 dozen handkerchieves @ $4.00. 1 beanie bag pillow @ $4.00.

sunbelle, i hv a problem w sleeping at night. funnily naps totally no issue. even if i try to hold off my naps, i still cnt sleep at night. and yes yes!!! sudden growth spurts!!! my hubby was saying that he finds my tummy suddenly much bigger. this is scary. i think i shud cut down on my intake.

laura, oh it's called Shen Kwong Trading. I'll take note.

mummydee, i wana try!!!! how much? do they bring their own massage beds or charge for transport?
lili_gal: your sudden growth spurts has nothing to do with your intakes but it's because your baby's body is starting to plump up as essential fat accumulates underneath his/her skin. Mine too. But today I don't know why I keep having contraction feel, or is it just braxton hicks contractions? I'm still monitoring.
My case is the worst, hubby will be going to Perth for training or a year, and he is leaving in mid July, my EDD is end July

But what to do, can only tell myself that be strong, be positive, 1 year is just like pregnancy, like having another bb, time flies
luckily I have a very good helper and a 2 year old gal to go through this tough time with me, I am sure I wont feel lonely ( trying to be positive again!) yea I hv Braxton hicks on n off too usually at night when I sleep sideways.. It's normal la don't worry as long as it's not painful.
I can't sleep well at nite though I know I'm very tired. Back aching, hip aching n seems like not able to find e right posture to sleep. N mind keeps wandering.

Ya, today is very hot. Don't know how to tahan during confinement period. Think I heck care this time round, going to take shower. Pls don't ask me to endure wo shower. Haha

Btw, do we need to book post natal massage now? I haven't do anything yet!
cherish, last time u din take shower? i did a wipe down in hospital and then after that everyday shower leh.... no problem. but i took with all the herbal shower pack that mum bought.

can't book post natal cos i had c-sect b4, not sure if i will get it this time round too. but u shud do it esp during fairs. got discounts.
hello mummies..

Qin: thanks for d intro!! went down w my hubby earlier since haf anything to do.. quite reasonable pricing I think.. n I bought a maternity spring hse brand comfort carrier org price is $69.90 n we gt it w 40% off!! oso my hubby bought d cloth diaper 6pc for $138!!!! (wanted to tell him dun buy but he kept saying its cute in front of salesgal..n before tat I kept saying I'm anything daddy choose n decide) whaha..but he was enjoying it la..

cherish: give urself some time yea
dun add pressure to urself..

shann: yea stay positive think as he went to earn more for d kids future

btw I went to boon lay market ntuc today n saw huggies n pampers diapers for new born..
Pampers 24pcs : $8.45 (Taman Jurong Sheng Siong $6.45)
Huggies 24pcs : promo 2 pckts for $12.90 (if I remember correctly.. haha sorry ah forgetful Liao)
hubby say buy 2 pckts each n try out.. haha so I bought a bit of things today.. finally felt we starting to buy baby things already!! yippie..
but I told him d rest lets waits for motherhood fair dun buy at non sale period.. haha..
My #1 was born in Jun that time n u could imagine how hot n humid e weather was. Wanted to take herbal shower but mom n mil didn't allow. Said can only shower after 2wks. Endured for 7days till broke down n they finally gave in. I can't understand it. Shouldn't we need to maintain basic hygiene too? Told my hubby upfront that no way I will do this this time. Haha
hahahhaa joy, you sounded so happy!!!! retail therapy seems to do wonders!!! think I only left sterilizer to buy for baby, rest will be maternity pads etc for me so i'm all done too!

cherish, if they insist, try to break down earlier this time round! hhahahhaa... lucky my mum and mil can't really talk to each other due to language issues. gang up still not so bad but i think if they can talk they sure fight! cos mil very liberal and mum very traditional.
lili gal: rather is coz first time I see my hubby wanting to gt involved:p lol..
anyway saw d fair selling avent sterilizer oso.. think is $229 i cnt remember..was thinking if wanna gt d manual breast pump at $89 but I was thinking wait till motherhood fair ba.. sld b cheaper or better offer:p
joy, avent sterilizer can get at Baby Kingdom for $135 with goodies too. quite good deal cos they give nice blanket etc. Can bargain with local staff (forgot the foreign talents who had absolutely no clue) to change to something else. my hubby still wants that pigeon thingy... i think they stop producing that model but... MEN!

anyway, glad your hubby is feeling the excitement! he has to! cos it's just a few more weeks away. and keep his spirits up yah? once the bb is out, his support will be very very very much needed.
me tooo can't zzzz well -( will b in many dreams n waking up to go toilet many times a night . n end up the next morning ll b super zombie at work .

is Avent better than meleda?
I m tempted to but Avent but was told by coll that' it's very loud n not gd
Hi Cherish
Thot yesterday is the most cooling day compare today as i dun see any sun yesterday?? Didnt perspire so much yesterday but sure perspire alot again today..;(

Hi gals
Busy with my son exam so no time to post.. How r all? Look forward to he finish his exam so tt i can really rest n relax on bed ler..;)

Hi audrey
Me will be going thru c sect definitely this round as i dun want the additional stress of half way go for c sect after find out natural cannot.. More ex too.. Moreover, bbies on bigger side so dun think can do natural birth..;)

Hi Qin
Thks for the link..;) hope i still in time to sign up..
Hi all mummies, I am new to this thread...I m in my 29th weeks...This is my first baby....Feeling kinda nervous abt it and I am feeling that myself is very heavy....My tummy seems to feel very tight.. is it normal?
thanks liligal
hehe yea at least I finally feel he is getting involved
haha believe some places might still carry old stocks so u may want to check it out;)

bbgirl: I heard frm my gf medela is better though she avent series..heard avent is much more tougher.. hehe..

Karen86: welcome n congrats
me too first time mummy.. hehe..anyway of coz we will b nervous but just tell urself u bringing a miracle into this world.. btw wat u mean by u feel u r on d heavy side?? bb kinda big?? it's normal to feel stomach quite tight coz bb is growing inside n our stomach is not those elastic material can stretch so fast..
karen86: welcomes=)

cherish: how ur helper?

its a darn hot day today. =( jus back from breakfast n sweating like shit
Rykiel: d weather in d west is insane..a moment was hot hence my hubby decide to bring me swimming n now it's windy w thunder!! (I finally bought a swimwear xxl size n still gt allowance for my tummy to grow)

karen86: ohh..it's normal coz our stamina is not like before too..

it really felt good to soak/short swim
Hi gals! JW is raining and hope it will be heavier so can "on the way" wash my car :p

Hi Karen! Welcome
I'm having my first baby too and today is my 31st week. Baby's getting more active everyday. Hiccups, kicking, rolling, pushing, poking, etc. Gosh!
Joy, u muz hav bought alot from the sales.

Joanne, no problem.

Got a question. Will u keep feeling thirsty? I keep drinking water.
Laura ur bb is so active!! hehe..

Qin: no la we only bought a baby carrier n moo moo kaw cloth diapers only.. wanted to gt d combi or mc claren stroller but I told hubby just wait till bb after born no hurry.. now all essential things first
Heart burn sensation is getting worse...sheesh...
Had lunch at 1pm and surf net until 3pm before I went for a nap but the food still U-turn up to my throat and jam there when I wake up.
Any ladies out there having the same irritating prob like mine?
Laura: I dunno if it's d same but I sometimes felt like very to breathe..n recently my appetite drop..didn't really eat much too..

Qin: yea..n maybe coz my hubby is there too so it's much easier for me to buy things
at least must he like n I like ma
hi hi, my fren jus delivered. so cool. just to see the new baby.

I was complaining lots about can't get up, can't sit properly, soreness on tummy due to all the kicks and can't walk etc until i met this acquaintance today with twins. ok, i think i shall stop.
jo, you still hanging in there well?

qin, i keep not being able to hold water. everytime i drink, 1hr later it's out and sometimes i kp going restroom realizing only trickles appear vs what I am feeling. so yah, after i go, i'll drink again. and the cycle repeats itself.

hey all mummies, we are so close to full term. hang in there!!!!
I'm experiencing more chest tightness these days. Asked my gynae n she said due to pregnancy.

Today is my helper 2nd day. She's more to blur type n abit slow. I asked her if she knew how to use magic wipe mop n she said yes. But fr e way she did, I knew she didn't. She used 5 wipes to mop my normal 5rm flat. LOL. In e end, hubby went to buy normal broom for her. We still need more time to observe. Actually frankly, we don't hv much things for her to do yet. we need helper to help out my mil when #2 is out n I'm back to work. So emphasized to her that now is a bit free but will be different when bb is out. Hope she understands that.
How's ur hunting? Confirmed e 2nd one already?
Hi liligal and Laura,

You have to prepare your own mat or matrass, and 1x towel...

very nice lady! For price all inclusive transport but better you check w her directly, But I would say on par w outside (babybellies or Javanese massage $$$), but I feel much better & more strength (i like w power ones).... Plus at the comfort of your own home...

I think these will be my regular indulgences till delivery...
For mommies who having #2 or more these time around ... May I ask how you know it's time???

When I had my #1, i was induced and on epi early (before dilate) coz I had terrible water retention, nurse can't find my vein... So asked anesthetist to do the drip and epi for me. I never feel any contraction thru out... Quite smooth I would say

This time, I'm nervous!!!! How arh?
Lil gal, wat u describe is like me exactly!!! ESP now with my stupid flu n cough that doesn't go away. I leak pee so many times I give up! Put pad n save me trouble but then pee gush out when we sent #1 to kkh a&e on Vesak day wee hrs, I cough n pee just gush out, luckily I was wearing liner n knee length maternity dress. Had to sort of dry myself in the loo. Cherish, I was using magic clean ytd n wonder if my maid know how to use or nt. My agency Nvr chase me for docs I just submit on fri nite. Tink they r closed for hols... Everytime I see my hse I panic abt where to put her but yet can't wait for her to help me
joy_javen: Not so much of breathless for me but at times I will suddenly inhale very deeply like struggling for oxygen.

cherish: Ya! Everything gynea also say it's due to pregnancy. Sometimes I really think, "wu ya boh?". My tight and painful fingers joints also due to pregnancy. Now if I compaint about my painful wrist I think he will also say, "it's due to pregnancy". Sheesh...

Thanks MummyDee. Hubby said die die no prenatal massage cos his Mly aunty colleague said so, so probably only a postnatal massage for me.

Finally found a suitable Chinese name for my boy but will have to let master to view with his 8 characters after he's born.
cherish: ya i cfm the 2nd one liao, nw popi she dun fail medical in Philippines la. hahaha. the first one i took so long to sort out n choose ended up taken, 2nd one - failed medical, nw this 3rd one liao leh.. hahahhaa. dilly dally smmore wait i pop liao how to teach her the basics at hm. seh hor.. i now still must slowly plan n list down what she should be doing, what she should be cautious of at hm n all. iyo. else wait i get high blood mans.

so how many of u mummies now confirmed a maid waiting them to arrive? or now finding maid?
Laura: haha yeah nt only d gyne will tell me its coz of preggy..headache n all oso tell me coz of white hair..everyone keep telling me its normal..sometimes i m thinking everyone so conveniently use that as a reason..
hehe good for u=) yeah go n calculate the 8 characters=) hopefully u able to use ur desire name..

cherish: y u dun teach her how to use it for 1 time? anyway hope she able to pick up fast=) so u can relax n haf a peace of mind..

Rykiel: relax relax..dun give urself so much pressure=)
haha i was talking to my hubby fren d other day who got a maid..n she told me monthly pay is $400 plus $170 for levy..i was telling my hubby isnt that amount up to the same as puting my bb in the childcare? lolx..
i still tell him maid can help me do household chores lei..n he says: put infant care better..
joy_javen: FIL gave 3 names and this is the only one me and hubby think it sounds better. I think maybe it's because this year's dragon is "water dragon" so all the names given by FIL 1 of the character sure have "3 dots water". (btw, FIL is a taoism medium)

Argh...baby keep on tossing and turning and my "one of those days headache" is here again. Sian Sian Sian Sian Sian Sian....
Laura: ohh..cool.. haha i tot this yr dragon water hence i avoid names w water related scare bb too much water n lack of other elements.. but still like i said gt to wait till bb is born n i go to temple n asked..

cheer up!! i oso kinda tired actually n i wish to go home SOON!!!
yes, i totally agree with u. when i had bad rashes on my leg, it due to pregnancy. now chest tightness, also pregnancy. hahah. I haven't think of my gal name yet. do u hv any master contact to share with? thanks.

rykiel, joy,
my hubby helps to give most of the training to helper. guess he's the more patient one than me. we temporarily put her in the study rooom to sleep first. maybe when #2 comes out, need to re-arrange again. i miss my privacy..
i have suggested to put #2 to nanny but as what joy said, the costs is quite the same if get a helper. And hubby said it's very tired if we still need to do our housechores by ourselves when back fr work and during weekends lor. he said he only intends to hv helper for the most 4yrs, not long term. expenses is very siong lor.
Rykiel, look on bright side always sick maid also jialat, wait their medical bill terok! Wonder the insurance we buy for them cover medical boh. I ald on standby if maid dun come in after I pop. I gonna ask my pt cleaner auntie to come more often. Help wash clothes, dishes n clean kitchen apart fr doing her usual ironing n cleaning up.
Joy, I also wanna go hm soon. Tiring weekend cos whole family down with flu cough etc. Sent my boy to kkh a&e on Vesak day wee hrs make us very stone till tdy. I got only 1 day of mc left for the yr. I can't wait to go on maternity! I wanna start earlier to rest.
cherish: at least ur hubby is helping out.. so still not so bad=) yea but coz we currently living with my in law..so its not for us to decide..

rer-rer: oh gosh..hope ur boy is feeling better now.. u can use childcare leave mah.. or ask ur gyne to give u hospital leave lor??
I also kanna induced.. but heard from other mummies, u will get contraction maybe by then u discover is 1hr or 1/2 hr, then follow by closer intervals and more intensity pain, by then u shld know that you are due to deliver soon and can get ready to go hospital.. they say if contraction every 10mins u can call your gynae and ask him/her then can go admission liao..

or oher scenerio is waterbag breaks, got bleeding etc.. anyway not sure juz call your gynae, i am sure they will advise u when to admit.

mummies dunno by then the hospital will be full house or not.. this yr like alot of bb..i read other april and may forums, some say no single wards available.. dunno if it willl happen when it reach our turn haha
cherish: I had bad rashed on my legs too and it left me with ugly scars. Mommy really sacrifice oh! Which master dunno leh. Later I ask my ah-lao.
cherish, at least ur hb helps, mine hor ald fr start say he nt going to get involve with the maid like train her or scold her. Its my mum, then me or my dad when he comes over to help to check on hsework (my mum is terok on this)

Joy, fever went down tat day, under observe 3 hrs at hosp n can go hm ald. Really saga n whole weekend is spent sleeping lo. We havnt been out for 2 weeks already.

twittymon, there is high chance really no room n we gotta just take whatever there is
twittymon: i just called my gyne nurse earlier..n d person who always in charge of my admin matter de nurse not ard..well d other nurse says will check for me if they booked for me already or not.. i nt sure what procedure needed oso.. oh gosh.. but heard alot of hospitals r kinda packed.. too many dragon babies!! whahhaa..

rer-rer: drink more water n haf more rest=)
hope u all haf a speedy recovery..else u oso no mood to work.. preg plus sick very jia lat de..
Lili gal,
Thanks for letting me know the diff bet full term and EDD. Your analogy is fantastic.

Yup. So gyne says there is nothing much one can do bout low amniotic fluid. Even drinking water. The irony is, by nature I drink like a camel.

Nah, dun think the hubs and I will do a shoot prior birth. We didn't even have pre wedding shots.

Bout maternity bra, underwire bras are an absolute bane in my life right now. Hurts like crazy. I recently bought an Emma Jane. I love it! Super comfy
kalmen22:where do u find emma jane maternity bra?? i went to spring maternity the other day.. but the cup wasnt nicely fit to my boobies.. else its too small a size..

mummies, the weather really seems super nice to be lying on d bed now n hide under d blankie..
wished i didnt haf to come into work today..

IFC: the one i gg put in aft subsidy is $710.. the subsidy is $600 for wrkin mum right? so take maid is better. my plans is put bb into childcare or playgroup once 18mths, at least learn more than being at hm with the maid. now waiting the maid n stuffs all to be approved is like hot ants on wok. =\
