(2012/07) Jul 2012

the thread is really running very fast..

anyway this is the website from MOM that states clearly we r entitle to 6 days of CCL as long as all 4 requirements r met..


think i scanned thru someone mentiooned they need to produce medical cert or watever proof..anyway its stated its not needed too..
extract from the mom website: A child medical certificate is not required. For example, the employee can use the leave to accompany a child on the first day of school, or care for the child personally should the usual care arrangements fall through.

btw its raining heavily in the west..
so be careful yeah..

Hi mummies, I'm not new to this thread just that I last "appeared" here last year and have since been a silent reader. Am expecting #2 and am turning 31weeks on sat.

Any mummies bought the beansprout husk pillow? i cant seem to find where to buy and I forgot where i got it from for #1 =P
i think it is not compulsory for companies to give ccl so that is why i do not have it as there are not a lot of singaporeans in this company

di, you can get the beansprout pillow from kiddy palace...
ourlovestory: It's under the Employment Act lei, so i think parents of all singaporean kids should get it...my #1 is singaporean but the daddy is a PR, he still get his 6 days childcare leave coz this is given based on child's nationality...perhaps you can call MOM to clarify, then after that fight for your rights with your company!
I totally agree wif Mrs C. U should ask n fight for ur right. Though I'm working in local comp, I'm also entitled too.
Easier way is to inform MOM. They will investigate n charge the company for violating the Act. Do it right before ur due date so that u r not in office when it happens. By the time you go back office, you should be able to apply ccl 6 days. Don't fight direct with ur HR. It is just going to make your annual appraisal worst. Never directly challenge your management. Good luck dear.
twittymon, ya lor. like quite big. 5 more wks to full term, i hope she'll gain only miniscule grams and end up around 2.7-2.9kg. last 3wks she gained 500g so that's abt 170g per wk. if she continues like that then good!

pinkpiglet, actually C-sect has less to do with the bb size but your pelvic size apparently and how the bb is progressing in labor. my friend gave birth to a 4kg boy through natural. for me , my pelvic size is small according to my gynae who operated on me last time and which was why my boy with a big head & 3.5kg had literally jammed there and caused some abrasion and blood in my urine. so hopefully i'll kp this girl small and best small head to squeeze thru lor.

tanny, confirmed rer-rer's comment, it's by working days so it's 40days.

ourlovestory, my hair growing normally leh. but i can't see down there anymore. thinking of shaving but can't see! and if go for BW scared infection. dilemma. how abt others?

btw, do you all feel that now that we are in 3rd tri, days or weeks seemed to pass by slower?
super shaq after wrk.
signed the embassy contract, paid the bal. so far hvn seen maid alr paid close to 1.2k. =\.. agent says most prob end june IF nth cocks up.

duh.. maid saga agn, giving problems. hahaa.. nw gg get the cams wrkin first. got one in the living liao, nww hv to get another one up n wrkin in my room!!! but talkin abt the monitoring. at night off it better hor? what if ip add kena hacked? ppl see me slpin leg bigbig =x wahhahaha..

i gg zzz soon, backache like cmin back.. drinking hot honey eatin dou sha roti. hurhur.. ketchup with u all tmr!!! gt project dept mtg at wrk tmr. =(

anw mummies, if u wan shop for clothings or bb stuffs my bp4 is up =) TIA~

<font color="red"><font size="-1"> Rykiel's Maternity Barangs BP#4</font></font>
Thk u Rykiel...;) will check with u if i encounter any problem in setting up.. Btw, u buy how many camera? And why u want to put in ur room? Me intend to get 2 cameras and one in kichen n one in living rm... Wonder when u turn the camera head using iphone, will it produce sound tt let maid know we r monitoring them?

Hi gals
Hv it ever cross ur mind if we take the first 8 wks ML, any holiday will sure be eaten up but how about the other 8wks ML? If got holiday, can we save the ML for tt day n use it on the other day..;) maybe i will request tt but i notice only one more holiday on Oct tt may crash during our maternity leave..;)
i'm slowly and quietly counting down to my day..ard 8wks to go. dont intend to tell my colleagues my actual day if they ask. can't wait to deliver so that i dont hv to carry the weight with me and wont feel so clumsy and can do things by myself. but in the other hand, also worried if i can cope well with 2 kids or not. whether bb will be okay and won't test my limits. LOL.
my #1 is giving me headache. cc teacher called to complain abt him. said he spit in the school and when scolded him, he can still laughed. i really want to faint liao! also worried if he will be out of control. sighh
Yup, but heard from my frens the pillow from kiddy palace is green beans cos they open to see inside.. Thanks anyway!
Di, I bought a pillow from kiddy palace. My helper open it to sun tan, it is green bean shells. I bought a new one from Moms n babes, green bean shells too. They also sell more expensive one errr some buckwheat or something. Anyway, the packaging will state if green beans or shells or buckwheat...

Err the green bean shells should be same as bean sprout husks? My helper open 3 pillows all dark brown husks or the shells but different sizes. Sun tanning them for 2 days already. They were used by my #1. one from kiddy palace, one from a store at Raffles MRT, n last one is free from the shop we did the umbilical cord stamp n hair brush.
cherish, you count down to EDD is it? then i same as you, about 8 wks to go. if to full term (yah, i cheaterbug), only 5 more wks. i'm more like looking forward to not working for a while but kind of drag the constant crying for milk, waking up every 2-3hrs to feed and disrupted sleep. now w another kid around, also not sure if can cope. not forgetting i'm still staying w my parents, not sure if that will be another point of conflict. guess we can only pray and hope for the best.

meanwhile, sometimes kids esp boys find the reactions funny when they do naughty stuff. my son also abit in that phase especially to my kan cheong mum.so they keep doing to get the reaction. i found that talking to him seriously helped. and i pep talk him sometimes with made up bedtime stories on such behaviors. hahahaa... nasty but no choice leh. helped a bit. u might want to try.
Hi All,

I'm new here and from Nov'12 thread. May I know is there any MTB here had taken her OSCAR test with high risk ratio? If yes, did u take up the Amnio test? Care to share? Thanks!
LIlgal / rer rer : thanks. Which means can take days by days and skip the public holidays so that we don't lose out on them - but only applies for the latter 8 wks. First 8 wks sure lagi the public holidays! Not also din gain extra since its 40 days counting by days. Maybe got to check which month got a lot of holidays..

Joanne : that's why my colleagues grumble when they have maternity leave during year end to chimes new yr period! Cannot keep and take another day - its straight 8 weeks- sat n sun included according to my colleagues. My guess is this only apply to first 8 weeks. If u give birth early should not lose out a lot cos July no public holidays only aug and sep a lot.
For the remaining wks, it best to chk if hr allows to take day by day. My previous comp allowed me to do so but e current one wants me to clear by Wk because easier for them to calculate n lesser work at their side lor.
Tanny: ermm no I believe the rule is maternity leave must be taken by weeks. I.e we are given 8+8wks.(7day period). First 8wks must be taken at one go, while the back 8 wks can be taken in weekly stretches, subject to mutual agreement between employer n staff.

So will have to take in weekly blocks still, but of cos if u throw in some leave in between u can play around to skip the public holidays.. I dunno abt the rest of u mummies, but I'll kena 2 PHs in first 8 wks!! So lugi!!
Ahh sorry the above is the "official guideline".. But if u have HR like cherish's company then ure lucky lor.. Mine goes by the book..

And regarding ML, yes u are entitled to start up to 4wks before delivery if u want.. I think thats "official" too? Zzz sorry I'm talking based on my company's practice.. They are generally by the book in all such matters.
Talking abt 4 mths ML, first 2 month 7 days x 8 weeks = 56 days. Sat, sun and PH also counted. The other 2 months is 5 working days x 8 = 40 days. This is how my company counted. ML can be taken 1 mth in advance.
My current comp hr goes by books too. Quite sianz. Going to try negotiate and see if works or not. That time I took half day ccl almost rejected but luckily they allowed in e end.

Mommies, are u start planning for ml?

Ur suggestion sound good. Will try to talk abt gd
behavior to my boy during bedtime. I talked to him seriously yesterday but he didn't seem to understand
Smiled at me n wanted to wander away. Mine is very mischievous!
Qin, I bought my Braun thermometer from Guardian too. It is overpriced but I was desperate cos my girl damaged the thermometer n I needed one urgently for her fever. You try to get from seller in Singapore Motherhood BP if I remember it is overseas BP. Less than $70.
BB: do you have the link of the local seller for the braun thermometer?

bean sprouts pillow: by the way, i got mine from spring maternity. another alternative!
hi mummies..so long never come here n the thread is moving so fast..

I had a very terrible week last week as son was admitted to hospital and now I got serious cough, sleepless for almost a week..totally exhausted..

anyone can advise me for hiring a maid? Any good agency can recommend? What is the procedure? Heard price is increased, how much is it?

I got no energy to pack n buy bb stuffs..and still got less than 2mths..quite worry..
BB: thanks! I also dunno if there's any difference for the pillow if different beans cos last time i bought from one of the mummies on this forum whose mum DIY.

I shall go kiddy palace and Spring Maternity to check out ba! =)

Just to share on ML, it can be taken 4 weeks prior your EDD and like Hika said, remaining 8 weeks can be taken in weekly or even half-day basis depending on your Superior/company's flexibility. My previous place allow to take 2days off a week(offset from remaing 8weeks) till fully utilise.

sometimes i role play with my girl.. she rides bicycle andrefuse to park the bicycle back to its place. so i pretend as summon auntie, write a self generated summon with her name and paste it on her bicycle.. then i tell her she got summon coz she nvr park bicycle back to its place.. and then i out on a mask and pretend to ask her to pay the summon. She enjoy the role play and learn rules and regulations in the same way from there onwards she understand these and always put bicycle back to its place. even when i send her to childcare and che cry and wants me to stay with her, i tell her summon auntie is coming and mummy will get summon, then she understands and let me go off without crying.

sometimes roleplay with the kids andteach them is quite efficient. U can pretend as police and role play with him, then let him learn that police will catch if he spits.. see if he learns through that way.. haha but dun scare him too much lar.
hi mummies..
seems like everyone is confused with the ML n all.. hmm y dun u all ask ur colleagues who just gave birth recently or last yr??
they could be ur advise oso=)
I was just telling my another colleague yesterdae who oso going to be a mummy y not arrange a day we meet up with our HR n ask the questions tat we r unsure of..

1 more day to weekend n i m praying it to be a better day as today my train stopped from chinese garden to jurong east..
n trust me..pple all rushing they cnt be bothered if u r preggy or old pple..they just pushed..
i still wonders do they still have morale education now in schools..
qing-er, I hope u n ur boy are beter. I sent my boy to kkh A&amp;E on vesak day 5 am cos his fever is 39+ degrees. I myself seen doc dunno hw many times n kept MC till no more left! The maid fees increase for indo, phil n myannmar one still the same till prob aug I heard. I am still waiting for my maid, shld be in ard 3-4 weeks time but mine is myannmar one.

tink after being so sick etc, I mite wanna take 4 weeks prior to EDD but my EDD is 31st Jul, so if I come back rite, I come back after the oct hols ?I am so confused....I planned to clear rest of my 8 days leave n officially come back on 5th Nov.
joanne: i put in my room cos bb sure slpin in the room in the day de ah. wun b in the living room for long time. no sound but she can see the camera moving. i have 1 only now. i need to get another 1. u bought urs ler msg wo bah =)

qing-er: hope u r feeling much better today! i just signed my embassy contract ytd. i sum up abit ok.
1st - go online to http://www.sp.edu.sg/wps/portal/vp-spws/%21ut/p/c0/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os_hQD1NXIzdTEwP3YHMLA09_H48w0zCXAG8nQ_2CbEdFACjjrxQ%21/?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/wps/wcm/connect/Lib-SPWS/site-spwebsite/lifelong+learners/short+courses/fdw-eop+foreign+domestic+worker+employers+orientation+programme%28+short+courses+-+foreign+domestic+worker+employers+orientation+programme%29 to register for the orientation to get the Certificate of Attendance.
2. find a agency u want. for me i chose nation, than i everyday inside here http://www.nation.com.sg/maidSearch.asp seeing the maid i might wan to interview. FYI the one i lastly cfm is 25YO filipino new. than u can call them to arrange if u wan to interview the transfer maid or new maid. they can do conference call to u.
3. go down to the agency pay the deposit to 'chop' the maid, while they prepare everything n wait for the embassy contract to be ready with the maid. i paid $200.
4. whn embassy contract is ready they will let u know to pay the bal of the 1st payment which is for the settling program, poea, insurance n i cant remember what. total i paid $995 or 998 ytd. but i know for nation agency u must set aside 1.2K for the 1st payment.
5. aft signing the embassy contract they will proceed n u jus hv to wait... me 6-8wks for the maid to get ready n come over tk all the necessary training test blahblah thn come liao ill delay her another 5days to send her to the nation training centre for FOC training.

hope i dont make it sound too messy. here alot mummies got lotsa xp!!!!

pillows: i use buckwheat hulls. i order from this lady n she delivers if u order more than $50.http://www.manzaistore.com/

ML: mine is cfm taking one shot 16wks
Any mommies w indon maid, bring their maid to Malaysia for weekend / day trip ? What is the procedure?? Anything to look out for (immigration related?)
icic, duno is my pelvic size big or small leh, gynae didn't mention anything...this bb head size is big too, so wondering to C-sec or try natural?

this morning i got caught in the train delay too...but luckily i haven board the train at pioneer cos the train already full &amp; door not closed for long time...end up went home first, come out again with hubby to work.
rer-rer &amp; twittymon: ^5.. mine oso edd 31st july..
whaha.. cnt wait for bb to be out..

ML: i m thinking of taking 1 week before edd n dan follow by another 11weeks..
remaining 4weeks i thinking of keeping it so when bb go for check up or watever i still can use..
but i still need to depend coz need to see got space at infant care or not.. else i need to extend my leave to look after my bb..
Mommy lee, since the seller Rach has extra thermometer sets so don't need to wait for so long shipment I hv ordered from her one set plus a box of filter. I will compare it with my current one once I receive it. Hopefully they r the same.
rer-rer, thanks..pls tk good care of urself n hope tat ur boy already fully recover now..we really not afford to get sick..lot of medicines cant tk plus need to tk cr the small one n the tummy one..

rykiel, thanks for ur info

I hope i really get better..imagine i didnt sleep for almost a week..last few days sit to sleep cox cant lie down at all..will cough like siao..
qing-er: try to have more rest..
drink more water bah..

to those mummies who fallen sick n not enough mc already.. y dun u ask ur gyne to give Hospital leave?? i have a friend who tell me she used to keep falling sick n she asked her gyne give her hospital leave..

sunbelle: i opt for TMC.. not sure my gyne they haf help me to book already or not.. will check with them on saturday=) coz i m kinda afraid fully booked sia.. anyway can i check what the procedure when booking thru our gyne? we need to pay how much deposit or fill up anything??
for my case I have to pay deposit to my gynae($700) to 'secure' dunno the hospital space or him cos for my #1, also with same gynae, I didn't have to pay him any deposit cos only pay to hospital upon registration when admitting time. I shall check with the clinic this sat and update you guys too.

I'm getting a 4-bedded at TMC &amp; i heard deposit to pay upon registration is $1.2K by cash/nets, anyone heard too? Cos when i had #1 in 2009, paid only $800 for deposit den had natural w epi in the end paid additional $1.3K when discharge
hi Di.. where is ur gyne at??
i oso paid $700 (which is like a package to my gyne)but i dunoe got include what other things too.. n same like u i m gonna opt for 4-bedded at TMC..but i m not sure what i need to do.. my gf asked me if i received any letter from TMC..
but coz i m staying with my in-laws now.. i m afraid there will be letters sending back to my own home instead which i seldom go back..
joy javen

I am also delivering at TMC, but I will opt for natural unless otherwise needed. I asked my gynae if need to book early but they say not so soon leh. If your gynae manage to book liao tell me ok.. I am most likely going for 2 bedder. I saw the megazine.. 4 bedder and 2 bedder different by $100plus only..

Qing Er

yar drink more water and hv more sleep. Sleep is very important for recovery
Hi sunbelle,
i'm going to deliver in TMC too. paid deposit to my gynae but i cant remembered now how much i paid. The room is subject to availability on that day. so even if booked 2-bedded or 1-bedded now, it still hv to depends on that day.

i just received a letter from TMC regarding the ward booking. it will ask u to confirm if your particulars is correct and we can submit thru online or pass to the counter.
Havent been active in the July forum for a while though been askin alot of question in Facebook.

Luvstory, I had the same issue with Childcare leave with my HR that day. They mentioned pro-rate. I read the clause in MOM/MCYS site few times and confirmed that we all qualified for 6 days full regardless of when our bb is born. Child care leave to be cleared by yr end. I had a copy of the email from them. Let me know if you need a copy to forward to your HR.

My HR talked to the officer at MCYS to confirm and told me it shd be 6 full days.

Hope the above helps.
take good care too. the procedure on hiring maid for 1st time employer is like what rykiel has shared. I got mine from Home Keeper and because we got transfer maid, it takes less than 5days or a wk for the whole procedure. meaning we confirmed our maid on that thurs and we could actually brought her back on the following mon liao.

Mummy lee, you r welcome. I m delivering at Mt E. I hv paid my gynae fee 50% at $900 plus. Registration was done 3 weeks ago. Just fill up credit card n some Medisave owner particulars, I don't remember my hb paid for the registration. I was given an envelop with document inside so put that in the delivery bag liao. On the delivery day, I will just go direct to the delivery suite with the envelop.
