(2012/07) Jul 2012

Joanne I havnt buy the cam yet but I shld b putting in Living rm, plc on my tv feature wall ba cos I dowan drill hole wor

wow liligal and cherish do you feel the pre pregnancy jitters huh?
mi oso trying to get all tins done up. havent do some tins yet hahahaha
wanted to buy a mattress for CL and fan for her in case she dun wan to use aircon...yeah better settle all soon. cos can really feel the energy draining now....sleep easily and tired easily......
so far still ok, just that tummy is getting more heavy n tight. Also, not so mobile these days. I find I need a great strength to stand up fr sitting on flr.
Ladies, good to know that some of u also already experiencing tightening of tummy! I'm only 28+ wks n was getting worried that my tummy has been tightening pretty regularly, really taut. Keep telling hubby is it too early for Braxton hicks, worry abt preterm labour etc. My tummy is so much bigger now n I'm walking like a preggie definitely! Hang in there everyone! Think most of us have arrived into our 3rd tri, last lap!
same here cherish. u need more effort to get up from the floor.

jus went to cut short hair n watch avengers..good show hehe but unrealistic heheheheh
effects is good......
cherish, high five!!! I had to get hubby to bring me up from the floor or i have to slightly roll to the side first then get up. today i realized, I can't even sit cross-legged on floor comfortably already. have to slant or slouch at an angle w support or else like not enough space and tight all over. also, my evening sickness is back in bigger swing, keep burping, farting, nauseous and heartburn. i don't remember feeling all these with #1.

sunbelle, no pregnancy jitters. just hope she'll be out soon!!! but i have post-pregnancy jitters though... hahaha e.g. how long i get to sleep, whether she'll be a fussy baby, CL vs my mum & dad & dog & hubby & boy in the same house (last time we had our own place), breastfeeding, room sharing etc
Morning mommies,
It's Friday n holiday tmr!

Liligal, sunbelle,
Now that I try to cross leg while sitting on flr, I can feel my tummy is touching my thighs. LOL

Encountered some inconsiderate ppl just now.. Just dashed into e train w/o looking others standing in front of them n grabbed e seats. and imagine they look mid twenties. *faint*
Anyone going to the suntec bb fair today? No advertisement and announcement, wonder if the fair got good deal.
hi mummies=) been away from the forum for awhile..been too tired physically n mentally.. do u all experience weird dreams at nite??i kept waking up at nite with alot of weird things else end up is i cnt slp=( seems like alot of things on my mind.. else is backaching when wanna slp..
i realised the best position to slp for me is slping sideway on the left side n with a pillow at my leg area..

Cherish: u r not alone gal.. i was sitting at the reserved seat..an uncle sat beside me..next station gt a preggy woman came on board..the uncle look at me giving me a dirty look..i wanna tell him off to give up seat for the preg woman.. pple nowadays r really self benefits only=(

Qin: i m going to the fair tml..i oso nt sure what they haf..
but 1 thing for sure.. no more newborn baby clothes or 0-3mths clothings for my lil J..my hubby say bb outgrown of them very fast.. n i already got abt 8 new sets..n my gf giving me her son's old clothes liao..though i feel like buying more..cnt resist it actually=X
Joy, me too, getting wierd dreams recently. Seems like my imagination more active haha.. I have insomnia too, very tired but can't sleep, earliest is by 12.30 each night. N when sleeping on my sides sometimes I can feel baby moving away from that position, like I am squeezing him lol
i dont get wierd dreams but i cant sleep at nite. even though i'm feeling tired, but when i try to sleep, my mind seems to be active and thinking things. in the end, i may take 1hr to really knock off.
cookie: yeah imagination seems to be getting wild..n i even dreamt of kee zhang(those small dumpling)..haha..if i slp on my right my bb will tend to move.. haha..

cherish n cookie: yes it take me quite awhile to go slp too..like alot of things to think abt eh..

tml gt 2 baby showers..but my mil dun allow me to go..so i just order 2 baby hampers n haf it deliver it to their hse..
wha didnt know baby hamper can cost up to $50 n above sia.. haha.. usually i give ang bao.. but this time round think give hampers since i cnt give in person..
hello mummies~ been missing for some times.. just back from my babymoon
finally into my 3rd trimester this week! gynae appt later in the evening, hope baby is growing well...

i also have problem sleeping at nights for the past few days.. mainly because i can feel baby moving inside my tummy.. for a light sleeper i will wake up with just the slightest movemment by my boy.. zzz
hey... i'm like all of you!!! I thought it's just me. i can't sleep easily and which is why i have to have hubby massage every night to relax me. but even then i dun sleep well with weird dreams (usually just b4 i need to get up to pee) and waking up in the middle of the night (4am) and can't get back to sleep again until 7+. back aches if i lie on my back and have to sleep at the side. now that the girl is running out of space, i can feel her moving left right when i'm on my sides and try to tilt back slightly to give her more space. very scared I fracture her bones. :p

joy, baby showers also cannot go?! its' a good thing right?

btw, i checked back my old records long time ago. apparently a lot of symptoms i have now is the same as my boy's last time. geeshhh.. motherhood really makes you forget all the pain you went thru. heheheee...
okie so i guess its a pretty common thing that we either haf dreams or waking up in the middle of the nite or unable to go to slp straight away.. whahaha. being preggy is not easy at all!!!

lili gal: haha same same.. i dare not to move too much oso..scare i injured my boy..
well basically my bb is unplanned for..hence i just tied the knot less dan 4 mths ago..so to the old pple..white/red matters all to avoid..
n to my thinking is..if u r saying white/red matters all to avoid for 4mths..means when baby out i got to avoid for another 4mths?? means next yr cny dan i can appear for gatherings n functions liao... o well..
joy, wow.. double congratulations!!! your in laws must be very very happy especially since it's a boy to carry on their heritage. hahaha... it's good to have kids when you are young. you will reap the benefits much later. i started very late and can feel the strain oredi.
Joy : there is no baby fair! Been cancelled. I just called Suntec exhibition hall and they said no fair.. Can someone else verify?
Dear all, i called suntec and asked if there is baby fair going on and the customer service officer told me it is cancelled. Dun waste ur trip there
morning gals, am so sick still...my poor hb n #1 all down with flu, cough n sore throat, very poor thing everyone! tink this weekend is burnt n all stay at hm rest
Looks like many of us having trouble getting a good night's rest

Btw mummies, for those planning to reuse things like sterilizer, pump from no 1, might be a good idea to test it to make sure it's still working well, we don't want to be caught offguard if it doesnt work then last min need to buy a new one, closer to edd, think most of us will have less energy for shopping. Just tested my pump, thankfully it still works great

So tired and hungry just from sorting out no 1's stuff for no 2's use! Getting old liao!
Rer rer, take care, it's really horrible to be sick esp during preggie n with another child to take care. Make sure u rest well ok. Speedy recovery hopefully
wow liligal, i oso have the same concerns as you esp for the first confinement month
yeah to me i tink the first two months will be more siong after that, when we grasp baby's pattern, should be okie liao hehehe esp first month when we need to recover from the birth too physically and the breastfeeding regular hours...now i understand why some ladies jus take the easy way out to use formulae milk leh....

yeah saw june thread another lady oso called suntec and they said baby fair cancelled for today and the whole weekend leh...sianz leh...they dun even post in their facebook ....
cookie, good reminder on the equipment testing. dragging my feet on sorting out #1 stuff for #2.

rer rer, take care! my hubby also down. good thing is he put on mask cos don't want to spread to boy amd me, quarantined himself in the study room and slept separately from us. so poor thing. he's still sleeping as we speak... you take care yah? take more vit C!
liligal: thanks
haha.. my mil is okie lah..coz my hubby is the youngest among her 3 sons..n my mil got 11 grandchildren to begin with liao.. so this is her 12th grandchild.. haha..
yeah i oso nt very young la..26yrs old this liao..so its abt time to hitch n haf bb too..n my bb is a mircale bb esp since i gt PCOS=)

tanny & Qin: thanks for calling up else tml i will be making a wasted trip sia..
think got to just wait for motherhood fair end of may..

rer-rer: rest well!!!! take the weekends to haf a good rest=)

oki so this weekend no shopping for me liao.. whahahha.. my hubby sure cfm happy de.. esp no need to go n squeeze so many pple..
joy, 26 is very young lor!!!! I was still clubing like crazy at that age! our govt will be very happy with you.
Qin & tanny: yup! thanks so much for calling up!that didn't occur to me! i'm still planning to go there tmr.. oh well. so the next one will be end of the month?
take care and have a good rest. the weather is terrible these days.

thanks for the reminder too. i tried my pump yesterday and it worked. but i worried it will break down when starts to run full clock! hahah

you're still young lah!! i'm in mid 30s leh. old old liao.. no energy to play with my active boy.
drink more water all mummies, ive been coughing thick phlegm but cant seem to get them out. been bz at wrk but nw i need to come in n tell u all im so disappointed cos the maid i chose FAILED her medical in Philippines =(
cherish: 是咯. rcv call frm agency. =\.. nw seeing new datas agent sent me. saw one i like only. but she single mum with 1YOdotter. worry she will home sick. but got feeedbacks that they will work harder to earn $ for home.
suay ka beh si, the another one i found i like n read her data gg interview her, agent reply me: she is a transfer maid,She is bad attitude quarrel with employer just sent back to agency de leh.
liligal: hahaha.. i past the stage of clubbing..once awhile clubbing still oki.. i prefer mj=X hahhaha.. if govt is so happy with me ask them gimmi more $$ can?? whahhaa..

mummy lee: yup end of may for motherhood fair=)

cherish: i will reach that stage one day when i m old or when i m planning for my number 2..

rykiel: dun sigh oki=) think of it,its a blessing in a disguise lucky the maid havent come yet..fail medical report dun even know why..so dun worry yea..everything happens for a reason=)

Qin: nope i didnt go to spring maternity fair.. dun even know when..haha.. =p
joy_javen: ya. there nt so strict also fail. counted half lucky for me. nw i chose 2 hor. the single mum one lagi jialat. is transfer maid!! n quarrel with employer. =\... nw seeing another one but wrk in sg b4.
Liligal, my EDD is one day before you 5/7. What is the difference bet full term and EDD?

Also, went to the ggyne, was told my amniotic fluid is on the low side and placenta shows signs of ageing. Anyone has similar experience? Was told might need to induce baby out earlier if fluid keeps dropping.

Oh and if any mummies is interested in Mamy Poko, I was at CK dept store at Chinatown yesterday, on sale only $13:50 for new born 52 pcs.
In fact I did up a chart to compare diaper prices. You can see it at my blog
kalmen, rare rare to find a EDD earlier but good!!! liked your new blog and the diaper comparison! now that's a lot of hard work. thanks!

hey, are you those type tat only grows the tummy and no where else? I hv a model fren who is like that as well. if so, pls go take maternity shots, you'll look awesome and the envy of all mummies.

never heard of ageing placenta... full term is when baby reaches 37 weeks. by then, baby has been fully developed and is ready to be out. the rest depends on when the kid wants to be out. it's like cake is ready but some folks want to keep it longer in the oven to keep warm. usually EDD is the standard 40wks estimated date for easy reference. overdue is when 40wks or 41wks has come and gone. danger is grow too big or the kid might start pooping and contaminate himself. like the oven theory, cake might be too dry then. hahaha... sorry, kept thinking abt food just now.

my first kid was close to EDD, came out just a few days before only. so if u r going to induce baby earlier, most probably the gynae will do it around 37wks unless there are other risk factors involved.
oh btw, if you are looking for under-wired slightly padded nursing bras, you might want to try Triumph. I got mine from other countries though...
i like the way u describe bb full term & edd using baking cake as example! u're very creative! hahah

dont sian. maybe this 2nd one will be better. hope u will confirm one soon.

my wkend is burnt liao. my boy and hubby down with runny nose. arghh
Kalmen, i heard that drink more water will help improving amnio fluid.

Liligal, i like ur baking cake theory too ;) I prefer bb to come out at 37 to 38 weeks.

Bbgirl, i will go for growth scan at 35 weeks. It is to measure the size of the baby.
Hello mommies,
Just back fr agency, brought my helper home 1st day. Blur blur start..

I didn't take note of growth scan at which wk. Will go ask my gynae in next visit.
Hahahah i was jus thinking of food last night so kind of ended up with the cake theory! hahahaa. yah, in real life, i like it right out of the oven once the timer beeps. hopefully this girl will like the cake theory too and come up early early!!!

qin & bbgirl, what's the diff between growth scan and normal ultrasound scan? normally my gynae tells the weight of bb too and size as in wks. similar?

cherish, all the best!!! keep us posted on the maid thingy.
