(2012/07) Jul 2012

Excitedmom: how to count the $, n the shipping is roughly how much? u tried to pm u but u dun aceept pm haha.

Rykiel: didn't realise I don't accept PM. I'll PM you instead
Sblbee, I think the class u r in was the one we originally wanted! Shld be mrs Wong!

Excitedmom, can pm me abt the cost too? TIA!!

See you and chloe!
Jul mom, great to know that I get to attend the class conducted by the famous Mrs Wong

excitedmom, thanks for sharing! I saw the peg perego switch compact selling at amazon but wondering is the shipping ex....still trying to do more research as I believe this will be the most pricey BB item that I'm gona invest....
hi excitedmom,

am curious how u ship the stroller over? Wouldn't shipping be ex too since it is heavy? Please share as i usually use vpost or comgateway for shipping and i calculated like end up not saving.

Hello july mummies... My first post here, and expecting my #1
edd 23jul~
for the parental craft course, when are we recommended to start attending?? The 3rd trimester??
Jul_mom: tried to PM you but you don't accept PM. haha. basically, i paid around 350 sgd inclusive of international shipping. the stroller retails for around 700. and according to a friend who bought it, the singapore version doesn't come with a food tray and this one does

sblbee: right now, amazon export does not have stock for peg perego switch compact but this other dealer healthcheck systems has stock for that on amazon
for that one, shipping is v v ex.. thats why i decided to buy peg perego pliko p3 instead from amazon export.. its only 18usd direct shipping to SG.yup
still got time to do more research! find one that you really like! cot+mattress will be another pricey item too!

fluffy: yup not worth using cgw or vpost
just use direct shipping! i'm thinking of using cgw only for those items that they don't do direct shipping.
fluffy: nope
amazon ships internationally as well. I just set my default address to singapore add and you can attempt to check out to see the shipping fees
thanks sunbelle for your suggestion!
Some FTWM use sterilising tablets to sterilise pumps when back at work. I don't use it.. just use hot water to soak & rinse. To me, that's sterilising liao.

excitedmon: I also bgt Peg pegero P3 couple of yrs back. diff model... v sturdy & steady.. downside is super heavy. so far no regrets.

I only ordered from amazon once. My fren taught me to ship via vpost. Didn't hear her mention can enter Singapore add directly... hmmm.. your method sounds much easier!

Mrs C: didn't know can go for selected lessons at parent craft! may need to refresh couple of lessons. Thanks for the info!
zhen, welcome to the forum. Parent craft classes can start from week 20.

Excitedmom, oh....must really look closely at what amazon is offering. Thought I'll ship the bb stuff altogether after I go for my gynae appt on Monday, still kinda worried....
Hi ladies,

Am a FTMTB, hope you can share more of the BB stuffs. EDD is at Jul 28.
Heard about this forum and read through before but always never go register as I more frequent mummysg.
cookiesm: great to hear that you liked the stroller! i got my hubby to tried to carry it the other day and he thinks its ok!
anyway he'll prob be the person carrying it! haha
yup direct shipping is so much easier
but only works for things that offer this option.

sblbee: why are you worried? hope everything's ok!
Excitedmom: I am also using Peg Perego P3 now. It’s hubby’s choice…I let him made the decision for strollers when we had #1. You know lar, man and wheels – must be sturdy, how it turns, the grip at the handle bar, etc etc…we can hang diaper bag and some shopping bags and it never topples unlike those lightweight ones…I saw an incident once where a lightweight stroller topples with a toddler in it! If you have a car, then this is a good stroller…but if you go out alone with bb and take public transport, this stroller is very heavy! I always have trouble handling the stroller on my own – so whenever I go out alone with bb, I just use the baby carrier. Overall, a good stroller. ;)
wondering how will u all celebrate bb full mth? buffet at hm? or? my hse too small to cater guests n buffet. where r the ideal locations if were to get buffet? i do not wan to tire out myself n bb. for #1 i ordered cakes n pastries to give out only.
Joanne, this is my 1st bb.

Rykiel, I plan to give out cake n pastries only too. But MIL during CNY told us to bring Bb back home to pray, bath n etc, n buffet or restaurant dinner at night. Didn't know got such tradition. Muz b very tiring n costly coz for sure, they will invite a lot of people. Sigh...
QQ: the dinner for all the guests? WAH. cos my house small. corridor small. my hse here i c b4 ppl do fullmth at voiddeck. but i resent the idea. thn if i book some room or chalet, got to cater to bb needs bring cot blahblah.. n by than i just finish confinement. idk shud i go to the xtend of making so much of a hassle
Rykiel, yup.. Dinner for all guest. IL thinks the merrier the better. More blessing to bb. Hb seems agreed with their idea. Ya lor, bb's full moon also headache issue.
QQ: abit headache hor. hais. tt y i sourcing info lor. c ppl do where. =( cos i tink hse is best place. bb feel comfy too..

i knw got some traditions to follow must pompom than wear duno wad color, than shave botak or cut lil hair off.
Am considering a buffet luncheon/high tea at a hotel or country club....cos we have a lot of friends and relatives looking forward to share our joy of our baby's arrival after 6 years of marriage

And of cos I don't want the hassle of havin to clean the house after the guests leave....cos I'm a clean freak :p
Marie.. So nice. I don't like inviting too many people coz my IL's relatives a bit ... Emm, they are those type like to compare, comments, gossip n etc. I scare i can't ctrl my emo if I heard bad things about bb. Aftr deliver, sure EQ very low. We have waited long, 5 yrs for tis bb too.
Mrs C: good to hear that its a good stroller!don't think i'll be handling it alone so should be ok
I'll be getting it in 3 days time! :D
Thks for ur advise as hv been thinking abt it but is cold so dun dare take too much too..;)

Hi all
Shd we go baby fair or bb festival fr expo if to choose one, which more worthwhile to go? As one is fr 17-20th feb and one is fr 24th - 26th Feb..
joanne, i think i will go for both baby fair and festival at expo since im a first time mummy, maybe can gain some experience or know what i need to buy. haha.

the bb full month should most prob be at my house. my fickle minded hb initially promised to hold it at the seaview chalet at changi. then now he changed his mind.
b00ney: hold at hm better for my opinion. cos bb feel comfy. else outside u got to bring cot for bb to sleep oh.. hehe. my hse too small. sians.. else also wan at hm. the corridor too small. i is nonono to hold downstairs
wah~ already planning for bb full month? i have not even think of it.. and realised i have not start buying any bb stuffs… looks like time for me to do some catching up!!
Rykiel, but hold at home nd to clean. haha. somemore my house very messy.

Zhen, i also haven buy anything. haven even book CL and ML.

now im waiting for hb to come office fetch me. tummy have been painful on and off the whole day. esp when i sneezed.
CookiesM : Thank you very much for your information. seemd like lots of tins seem not to be needed leh....

yo, we are also thinking of holding the full month celebration party at home cos at least baby is comfortable and we also no need to prepare all the tins to move to the designated place. drawback is place very small ahhahaha a rough count like 60 guests leh .....hmmhmm might want to cut down cos like too many people lor....hard to stagger timing too cos nowadays buffet food oso limit to 4hrs hehhee

what is the different between quinny zapp and the perego 3 stroller huh?

anyone can share whether buying cabinet better or the toyogo canbinets on rollers better huh?
Hi experienced mummies,

from your experiences, do you all think all these baby fairs really have good deals huh?
cos my 1st baby so have no idea at all..

anyone store with cordlife huh? how much issit huh? each month have to pay how much huh? yeah TMC the FBI has $500 discount voucher off it leh...anyone alreadly booked their cordblood banking huh?
bb full month
I had bb full month celebration for #1 at home.. Easier for us n baby. If not need to bring alot of things out. Morning brought bb to my parents' pl to pray n can't rmb what else.
We had 3 batches of guests.. Afternoon, tea break n dinner.. Was busy n tired thru-out. Afternoon for relatives, tea break n dinner for friends.

We shaved bb's head when he was 4 mths old.. Think my CL say to shave either at full mth or 4 mths. Mil insisted bb's eyebrows to b shaved as well even though I didn't want...
Sunbelle: you can check out bb fairs to compare the prices but dun buy on impulse. Some of the stuff might b slightly cheaper As compared to kiddy palace etc. I stocked up huggies diapers during bb motherhood fair...cheaper n there's free gifts. I bgt bb cot at the fair as had a better deal than taka bb fair.

I signed up for cord life at motherhood fair, paid $3k plus for 20yrs I think. Can't rmb exact Amt but can deduct fr CDA.. So pay cord life after bb is born. There was this promo that if I refer my fren to cordlife, I can get $50 cash or voucher.. Don't know if still ongoing..
Hi CookieM,

For the 3 different sessions with your guests for the full month party, did u order different rounds of food huh? Cos I m jus worried that food turned cold fast. Luckily I got a very good opposite neighbour whom I can talk to for the use of our common space.

Yup, still thinking on cordlife coz haven't been to their talk or office. Is there a timeline by when must sign up huh? Guess should be okie right?

Issit too early for us to buy all those baby wipes n new born diapers huh? A bit too early huh? Not sure where is cheaper at robinsons or OG. Also all the containers hahaha
You ladies so fast bought your bb stuffs.

I only intend to buy when I reach 7th mth, heard too much horror stories. But now I think am going to start my purchase once I know my tiny resident gender. Too lazy to even go shopping.
Excitedmom, thanks for ur recommendation for the stroller in amazon. We are eyeing the switch compact complete set that cost USD900 plus....but hubby said shipping super ex so might consider a lower option.
Thanks for ur concern, so sweet of u! Hmm, I heard too many horror stories until I'm kinda paranoid myself....trying to hold back big ticket purchases until I'm confirmed that the bb is fine and I know the bb gender.
Wah u gals planning for bb 1st mth celebration already? Actually still wondering if I should have one cos my new flat is really small, there's no space even at the corridor....but I have started looking at the bb 1st mth cakes
another reason is that my fil's relatives always like to compare this and that so don't want unnecessary stress unless my hubby insisted....I prefer small intimate group setting :p
Anyone has a list of to-buy or to-do items for bb stuff to share? Really has no idea where to start cos its all adhoc....:p

sunbelle and CookiesM, wah thinking of buying cord life too but a bit pricey....see if got installment plans ba cos need to buy insurance and stuff also not cheap
My #1 we had at hm n had 3 sessions, 2 on a sat n 1 on
Sun n my mum n mil n hb almost faint! I stiil consider confinement so need do anything except feed bb. This time my MUM say no need do but i feel unfair. Maybe go over My cousin condo to do at their function rm or grass root club at yio chu kang... But still so far later to tink
joanne: too stuffs leh. hehe. i tink ill jus settle with pastries? hehehe

b00ney: my house also messy sia too many things but all cannot throw. tmds.

sunbelle: ill opt for cabinets. toyogo on rollers good is good i using for #1 but ar i find dust will sit on the sides. and inside the drawers will get dusty also. idk y. close tight also the same.

diamondfericia: i haven heard any but some say its taboo to buy earlier. only can towards the end than buy. maybe ull like to advise on wad u hear?

excitedmom: u r a really good informant! =) hehe thanks for all the info u gave. really v useful! now everyone gg shopping spree in amazon without headache ler! hehe
Rykiel: I heard that too. I heard quite a few like the mummy went through stillbirth at 7-9 months. Scary! But I tried not to think too much till I nearly forgot I pregnant.

As for the stroller, are there different weight for different months?

Thanks all for sharing! :D

E-Tan, the Medela freestyle from the spree wont have any warranty hor?

I have a shopping list passed down from friends. But it's so detailed, i still dunno what to buy! sblbee, u can give me ur email add, i can fwd u if u wan!
