(2012/07) Jul 2012

I see audrey
Take care ya.. I already can feel fluttering fr my bbies, can u feel already? Dun carry heavy things too.. We r different fr the rest as we need to rest more than others so if can, start buy bb things during 2nd trimester ya...

i haven feel anything too!!

Rykiel, sorry ah, can u post ur BP link again? I havent check ur spreadsheet. Dunno the status of my orders. Ard when will we be able to get the clothes?
Joanne..will see my gynae tis sat, if not recover by then, will tk medicine from him..yalo, agreed..pregnant mum usually tk longer time to recover, duno why n i really hate it..cox during #1, I also cough like siao..tis time round worst..sianzz..my boss thought i ate alot of cny cookies, but i didnt tk even 1pc..

anyone know ur bb gender? hope can know by tis weekend..hehe
Rykiel, it's weird, i cannot see the spreadsheet. Tried using office comp and iphone. Maybe i go home and try tonight. If not then i let u know again k! sorry to trouble u!

Qing-er, take care! how many weeks are u? Heard that usually if it's boy, can tell earlier.
qing-er: serious? oops. ps. whats ur email? u still wan join tis batch? if wan i chck for u IF can slot in. else ill push u into the nxt bp =) sorry about that.

julmom: my side okie. i can see.=) u try again at hm? so far no oos out yet. so dont worry=)

my detailed scan stilll longlonglongggggg. scheduled in march. =(
Hi audrey
Butterfly fluttering feeling.. Sometime can feel n sometime dun n if is ur first pregnancy, will not feel so early..;)
Ng, thanks! Will check out the maternity bolster when I'm there, heard that there's a promotion for Avent sterilizer at Isetan so shall make a trip there to check out the deal

Joanne, I started wearing maternity clothes to work after CNY ard week 15....after stocking up on the clothes just in case I don't have enough clothes to wear....I'm in my week 16 now!
m so thirsty.but dont feel like drinking plain water.bit gastric so no cold drinks. what shd i drink..?

Ashley, ur trick does work a little and somehw it got better for me last nite
hope it continues this way.

piyo, thks for info. maybe will make a trip down to see see when gg for check up at TMC.

hvnt buy a single maternity clothes yet. who else same as me?
Hi Ng, I shd think choice of hospital is a very personal choice. I'm likely to choose Mt A as #1 was delivered in TMC so would like to try Mt A and I do believed it is equally if not better. Perhaps go for hosp tour before deciding.

Bambi...dun mention, we are here to share anyway =)
I'm midway thru 16 week and just yest night felt some soft jerking movement for the first time. Had to concentrate on feeling it to make sure it's not my imagination! Lol

#1 was more of a soft bubbles popping feel in the tummy but felt it much later aft 20 weeks!
Bambi: glad it worked for u! Hee.

I can still wear my usuAl dresses since my dresses hv been flare. Heh heh. My baby bump is showin n i tot its big but my coll hvin #2 n 2 week ahead is sooo much bigger den me dat i tink my tummy v small. Haha. Mine is #1 n 15 weeks nw ;)

I cant wait to feel my bb move!! My coll still say later can feel it swimmin inside!! So fun!!!

have been reading ur entries and i do find them interesting and amusing sometimes!

currently 17.5 weeks already! my detailed scanning will be on 25 Feb! the EDD changes from 9-11 July but i suppose shld be anytime there. :)

i haven got to know the gender of the kid yet but hopefully the next scanning on 18 Feb, little kiddo will show!
Joanne: I started wearing maternity clothes, esp pants.. Normal can't fit.. I still wear those baby doll tops n flare dresses.. Mixture.

Past few days digged out my maternity clothes to wash... Found I actually hv quite alot plus those flare dresses... So dun need to buy anymore.

Am in wk 19 now... Tummy seemed big... Like 1 day woke up n found my tummy ballooned... Doing detailed scan next week! So excited!!
Bambi: try ribenia or soya milk?

Juz to rant: my mil helps to look after my son.. Yday he was down w fever n she didn't even call me. She only Called to tell my hubby only. Damn pissed w her. Not the first time already n I even told her b4 to call me is such situation arise. Doesn't tell me much things abt my son, keep to herself or tell my hubby only. Arrghh!!!!
Any mummies experienced similar situation?

Hello are you still in this forum! I just realise we have the same edd, same doc, and same suite leh! Is your edd still 8 July? Has Dr Tan confirmed baby's gender?

My next appt is 18 Feb for my 5th month detailed scan. I wonder if we will be next door neighbours in the hospital! How you find Dr Tan so far?
Hellooo Dragon July Mummies!

Please be reminded we are having our

July Dragon Mummies 小龙包 dinner meetup!
Date: 17th Feb, 2011 (Friday)
Time: 6pm onwards
Venue: Crystal Jade La Mian Xiao Long Bao @ Ngee Ann City #04-27

The gathering is already confirmed, we are expecting about 12-15 mummies as of now. Please let me know of your attendance should you wish to meet up more July mummies!

PM me if u are not in our FaceBook group yet. (Please note any forum mates with postings will be accepted into the secret group, to protect privacy of all our members!)
Hi fluffy, thanks for organizing the gathering! Wah, a gathering sounds really fun. Am v new to this forum so might not know many mummies here....have pm u my details to be added in the FB group. Thanks!
Hi sblbee, hi welcome, will be replying ur PM shortly.

Hi all.. my apologies i correct myself on the last sentence.. it should be

"PM me if u are not in our FaceBook group yet. (Please note ONLY forum mates with ACTIVE postings will be accepted into the secret group, to protect privacy of all our members!)"
piyobaby & sblbee: thanks for letting me know! maybe i'll just wait for the motherhood one in june and the taka baby fair then!!
now trying to look at medela breast pumps online cos i heard its cheaper to buy from US
Excited mom....no prob! Which model of Medela are you looking at? US models are much cheaper but most do required transformer to work in sg. The other factor is considering no warranty.
Excitedmom, u may wanna check out the Philip Avent sterilizer at Isetan....Yup looking to buy the Medala pump too but thinking if it's still early to get such gadgets now cos we are not even using them soon
Sblbee....all the Pdts wif warranty might need to buy closer to date otherwise waste the warranty period. Medela freestyle promo at kiddy palace $699, warranty start after delivery, you might wish to take a look =)
piyobaby, thanks for your advice! Just wondering if I should get the medela pump from US or locally cos the price difference is about $200....so torn!!!
piyobaby, thanks for your advice! Just wondering if I should get the medela pump from US or locally cos the price difference is about $200....so torn!!!
Sblbee...which model are you looking at? Does the $200 include shipping? It's quite a substantial amount so might b worth it. Another comparison might be the accessories included.
mummies buying from US.. pls be forewarned the set will not be under warranty in sgp.. and pumps being electrical items do goes cranky easier den u tink. I have friends and cousins with pumps spoiled within first 3 mths.. u dun wanna spend another few hundreds so soon!
im looking at Medela too cos my colleague told me it is good. i saw a few BP in the forum..

just now my company had a cny celebration. after the celebration, people from another dept IM me to congrats me on my bb. din know people noticed my bump...
piyobaby, I'm looking at the freestyle one....

Fluffy, thanks for accepting my friend request! Will consider the kiddy palace promo after I discuss with my hubby....too many things to buy for the bb!!!
FYI: did see medela Pisa + sterilizer about $799 in Yishun North Point shopping mall. Not sure if the promo still available. Think quite worth it as the sterilizer itself cost about $159?..
As for headache, if dont feel like taking panadol, may try few slices of old ginger wrapped with cloth n put on forehead. Learnt from my TCM visit as old ginger can 气风. I tried before and it works. Not immediate effect but feel better.
As for Medela freestyle or other model with battery, heard that don't buy too early because of the battery life. It is advised to buy new stock n preferably 2 months before edd. Not sure how true is this.
Ice cream.. Emm.. Craved for it too. Think we can take cold food except those in raw. Yup, again in moderation. But becareful not to take those direct used raw eggs as ingredient, includes some types of ice cream n some other desserts or drinks. Not advised to take raw eggs during pregnancy.
wow.. didnt think abt warranty and all and i was still thinking of getting the pump during the baby fair at expo! Luckily u girls shared abt warranty and batt life!
sblbee: Thanks! I'll go down and check after work later!

piyobaby: I'm looking at the medela freestyle one.. its 300+ usd. I didn't know need transformer.. hmm..

anyway clinic just informed that my blood test for down syndrome is ok! yay!
Excited mom....if I understand correctly, only freestyle comes wif international adapter, you might need to verify if it's true.

Congrats on your blood test results!
Hi ladies, write a short note to remind you about purchasing pump n sterilizer. My girl is at home whole week going crazy with my helper. I bought Philips sterilizer IQ24 or something at the baby fair at expo n it broke down within a week. I bought it months before I delivered. When I called Philips repair service, I realized that if you buy from some retail shops, Philips will not entertain you directly, so you must check properly before buying. I got full amount returned to me since the repair parts needed months to reach Singapore from UK, I requested for full amount compensation. Philips made very fast decision n understood I can't collect the cheque, they
delivered it to my door step. So I m glad I deal with them
direct. In fact, I bought another Philips sterilizer the normal model since I m very happy with their service.
For breast pump. I decided on the model n I brought my hb to see. Only after I delivered n confirmed I hv milk then I asked my hb to go buy it. I strongly advice you to get the double pump or twin pump cos when you use single pump, the other breast will leak milk. Good luck!
piyobaby, i wen kiddy palace at sk but din see the promo u talking about. which outlet did u c this?

i went for my appt and woody told me the gender of my bb. hthe clinic gave me a bag of samples and pamphlets too. am so happy to c my bb now.

bOOney, I saw doc Woody ytd n he tell me cant tell gender yet......I ask issit cos bb kiap legs, he said no...cant tell! I got a bag of samples too. My edd changed bk to 31 july

I got my medela freestyle fr bp last time, tink abt $450 last time...with the freezer pack n milk storage bottles n a teat. Tan Leng Leng's bp is gd to join
