(2012/07) Jul 2012

Something random. What do u girls do with your hubbies now that you r pregnant? It's my hubby's birthday soon and I have no idea what we can do. I checked out the movies, like all v loud and noisy. (e.g. Underworld) Haha.. And I haven't even buy present for him coz too shag to go out. He said he dun mind, but I still feel like planning a day of activity with him. Any suggestions??? Heh

b00ney...saw the promo at J8 kiddy palace....bundle consist of freestyle & purelan cream. Wow...u noe the gender le?!! Prince or princess...hee
morning all,

my long long is a boy
he said 90% confirm but dun tell mil first, next month then he confirm again. Haha.

my colleague who secretly calculate the gender for me told me it's a boy too.

woody told me can eat sashimi wor.. surprise to know that.
piyobaby, I feel tempted to get it but my friend offered to lend me hers....

Jul mum, what abt a hotel getaway and a nice quiet dinner? If not then can attend couple cooking class tgr....
Joanne, the bb is 10.6cm. i think i will buy after my next appt since he said 90% confirm. Haha.

sblbee, ya i was surprised! cos i only asked abt salad n he told me sashimi. but i better dun take the risk.
Medela freestyle

just to share that i bought Medela Freestyle for my #1, simply love it!! i can pump milk & surf net/ use PC at the same time, light to carry ard, i even brought it out when shopping with my friends to pump milk.

I bought fr spree, think at $469, with international shipping including. Find it v worth it as so much cheaper than buying fr stores locally.

PM you on joining FB.. not on FB yet.

I bought my pump fr spree which came fr US.. no international warranty and it works perfectly fine for me. Used the pump for 10months.
Some of my frens also bought their pump the same way & I recommended my friends also... so far didn't hear any complains... surprised to hear u say that the pump got spolit within first few months... hmmm....
booney, so can take salad lah....I didn't ask but I just eat salad sometimes including colesaw....ignorance is bliss cos I pretended that it's normal vegetables :p
Jul mum:
am thinking of what to do for my hubby's birthday also! Plus may bring my #1 along.
Usually i like to get hotel getaway plus dinner & light activities. Dunno what to do for this year.

you can consider bringing him for massage? Foot reflexology... think we can do as well, as long as tell the person don't press the womb xue wei.
Going to OG.. 20%+5% disc with maybank card.. Should I get Medela freestyle or PISA? Not sure would it be oos. Getting nursing bras too.. Think should be cheaper with the disc.
QQ, wah so much discount!!! Too bad I don't have both of the cards....So gd, at least ur hubby won't stop u. My hubby kept nagging at me to wait till later stage then buy cos he said it's early now to buy and keep
b00ney...congrats! He is very zhun in predicting....my #1 he confirm ard 12-13 weeks!

Actually sashimi can eat but to be safe, have it at a reputable restaurant.
hi ladies,

jus want to share that the breastpump takes about 2 months to arrive. i am also taking that into account. hehee tinking of ordering in march i guess.

oh yes, for those mummies to be whom have used medala freestyle, it does not break down easily rite? cos another BP spree by megababystore has extended 3 mths and 1 yr warranty so dun noe whether is the warranty good for prevvention of breakdowns?

QQ : thank you so much for sharing on the OG discount.

Cookies M : go to yatch club or changi country club for a romantic dinner by the sparkling sea. best time to reach there is around 5.30pm. you can catch the beautiful scenery n food is not too expensive.

wondering whether what are the things that we can stock up now during baby fair? cos those that have warranty running seems a bit too early to stock up now rite?

saw somewhere that sterilising tablets are mentioned. do we need to buy these tablets since we are alreadly using the sterilisers huh?

QQ, thanks for ur update on ur OG shopping trip! Did u manage to get anything today? I've gotten the Medala freestyle pump at J8 kiddy palace today....shall be researching on the pram and bb cot soon....wondering if I should buy the sterilizer right now but it's not too ex so the savings won't be much....

Excitedmom, what brand of stroller did u get??? Still have no idea what to get yet....The same goes for the cot, don't know what is gd too :p
Sblbee: I bought peg perego pliko p3
wanted to get the compact switch one initially which retails for 1k in stores here but amazon export doesn't have stock! Today went out to check out the strollers at the stores and I really like the peg perego ones
amazon sells it for half the price!
Hi sblbee
How much u spend to bought the pump fr kiddy palace? Wht does it comes with? U buy so early then ur warranty already start today right?
Thanks piyobaby, sblbee and cookies for your suggestions!!! Get away and foot reflex sounds like great ideas to go w gd food. Pure indulgence. Which is great for us now! Haha.. :D

Wow, u ladies so fast alr start buying all the stuff. I'm in my 18 gg to 19 week now and I haven't bought anything at all! Was planning to join the prenatal class in march then buy after that. Shouldn't be too late hor?? I'll check out the baby fair at expo too but dunno if I'll know what to buy yet!!!
excitedmom, the stroller is half price including shipping? but isn't it early to buy?

sblbee, ya the warranty starts now? did the person tell u the promo will ends when?

mommies who signed up for prenatal class with parentcraft, do your hb go with u? or it is for mum only?
Hi booney
They encourage hubby to join so tt they can oso learn..;) some time u need partner with hb to do something n if ur hb not there, u will partner with others mother who go alone too..

Anyone know how much is the class for weekday night time?
First time making glutinous rice wine..Excited. Dunno can make it or not. Doesn't like dome n Hennessy in cooking. Prefer rice wine taste. But seems expensive in market, $15 for 800ml. Somemore dunno genuine or not.
Exciteom...good choice, it's a very good and sturdy stroller. Half price is very worth it, inclusive of shipping?

Sun belle....no need to use sterilizing tablets with sterilizer.

Jo/b00ney...according to the sales asst, Medela will start the warranty upon delivery, just keep a copy of the receipt and mailed a copy of the BC for warrant to be effective.
Excitedmom, oh I heard from my colleague that this brand of stroller is gd....shall go and check it out then, thanks for sharing!

Joanne and booney, the warranty will start upon ur day of birth for ur bb, it's the standard package that u see online....was told that have to photocopy our bb's birth cert as proof

Jul mom, no problem....hope u enjoyed ur little romantic getaway with ur hubby
same time, thinking of buying bb stuff at expo bb fair but don't know how to buy cos I still don't know the gender yet.

booney, my hubby is attending parent craft with me....he needs to learn some tips as well.
Good to know warranty start after delivery. Think can start shopping early for savings n enjoyment. We also wait for bb fair. Right now, start collecting info wat to buy, where to buy n wat's the best price. We only buying bulky stuffs. Bb clothes, creams n etc, all under my mother's care. She is more excited than me. Telling me tat, she has started buying de although gender unknown yet.
Hi sblbee
I see.. Mind to share how much u buy for ur pump?

Hi gals
If u r hiring a CL, is it still necessary to attent parental craft workshop since we can learn fr CL during confinement too? As my elder boy already 8+ years so not sure whether my hb will say not necessary to attend since not our first kid.. But last time we never attend such class before too.. All learn fr CL too..;p so i am considering shd i attend or not? Any gd suggestion?
Joanne, I paid $699 for the pump.
As for the parent craft, it's my first bb so wanna learn as many things as possible cos i have zero knowledge but maybe the experienced mummies have a different take....so it really depends on what u want.
b00ney, piyobaby: yup its half price compared to those in retail stores here inclusive of shipping
but buy from Amazon itself instead of the other dealers there cos those charge a super hefty shipping fee
b00ney, I want to slowly clear off the long shopping list that I have!

sblbee: no probs! go check it out see if you like it!
Joanne: I remember during parent craft class that i attended 2 yrs ago, Mrs Wong also highlighted the wrong practices / errors done by confinement ladies/maids/elders. She taught us parents the correct ways so that we can supervise them and not be blur sotongs. CL can give us hands on training but i think it is good to know the theory from specialist like mrs Wong too. If CL is lousy (*touch wood* - hope everyone gets good one here), then cannot learn much from them also. Parentcraft class also cover topics like bf, prenatal exercise, labour and breathing exercise (which we may well forgot when in labour, so hubby needs to remember and guide us)...I would say it is good to attend for first time mummy...
Hi Mrs C
Quite agree with wht u say but if i am going thru c section.. What we learn in class abt labour will be goto waste? Does it cover big portion of the lesson? Though is my 2nd kid n 3rd kid but i never attend such lesson before for my first kid so do u suggest tt i shd attend this time? My first kid already 8year plus..Thk u..
how much is the parentcraft class? so the price cover both hb n u? not sure whether to sign up cos my hb is working shift and he might not be able to make it on some of the days.

excitedmom, why did you choose the stroller? there are so many different brands, dunno which is good? im looking for one which can be used as car seat too.

i went kiddy palace at causeway point and din see the medela promo again. prob it is only at J8. any idea when the promo will end?

i wanted to buy the osim uphoria and i tried it for a few mins before asking the person is it suitable for pregnant woman. omg, it's not. my lower right tummy is painful on and off. hopefully it is just the usual cramp i have been feeling. guilty.
booney, the parent craft lesson is abt $200 plus to $300 plus depending on if u own a membership. U r able to attend with ur hubby so u might wanna choose the time slots that are more suitable for both of u. I had to choose Sundays instead of Saturdays as my hubby is down for CCAs on Saturdays.

The promo is while stock last....
Don't worry I'm even more guilty than u r....I bought a udivine massage chair and now I find it a waste of $$$ :p

Hi mummies,
I'm comparing between the peg perego switch compact, combi miracle turn premier and Quinny strollers....any feedback on them? My dream stroller is stokke one but it's too ex....my hubby said not beyond $1k.
b00ney...the prenatal class is for both parents. If I'm not wrong you could attend make up lessons if it's avail, some lessons are good for hub ESP dat of messages & exercises.

As for stroller, you would need to find either travel system or switchable wif maxi cosi infant carseat. Some of those compatible wif maxi cosi will be quinny (zap, zap extra, buzz, senzz), bugaboo bee etc.

As for choice of stroller it largely depends on yourself. E.g if you travel out alone wif bb very often & not driving then prolly require a lightweight stroller wif one hand folding. While some like sturdy stroller but gota compromise on the weight & size. You may wish to drop by Mothercare Harbourfront, they hv a good selection of strollers which you could try out. Happy shopping!
Strollers wise I like baby jogger =) any opinions? Outside selling hw much idk hvn been out to see see .. I watch the video I drooling. Hehe

Anw bf cannot tk ginger during confinement?
Joanne: If you are confirmed going for c-sec, then I think those lesson on labour/breathing exercise may not be exactly useful then. Out of the 6 lessons, only 2 lessons are on babycare. You can refer to the details here: http://www.thomsonmedical.com/parentcraft_centre.htm#childbirth

Oh, saw this on the website: "You may wish to sign up for the full course or any two lessons (only for subsequent deliveries) and we will include the Doctor’s Talk at no extra charge."

Perhaps you can sign up for Lesson 4 & 5 to refresh your memory?
Hi mrs C
Thks for ur detail.. Sure.. Will call them to find it out..;)

Is it ur 2nd pregnancy?? If yes then is possible.. Me too can sometime feel bb movement at 14th wk but not always...

Hi all
U start to feel ur bb movement? At wht wk? Also, any idea start fr wht wk then bb can hear us?
jul_mom and chloe: see you all at the class!

now weekend only left that slot by mrs wong so I go for that one too. wanted sunday one as well!
Wah....so gd!!! Mine is 20 mar (10 am -12 nn)....think I didn't managed to sign up for mrs wong's class cos my hubby was the one who registered :p
hi mummies..hope everyone is doing well..

i m sick since last week..cough terribly, couldnt sleep well the whole night..taken d medicine but stil the same..in fact d whole family of mine all sick..me, hubby n my boy..

Jul_mom, i will, thanks..gynae told me 80% is boy..but only confirm during detailed scan..

rykiel, is ok..sorry for late reply also as didnt online for the past few days..maybe just join ur next bp..pls annouce here if u hv started ya..thanks
