(2012/07) Jul 2012

thanks Jul_mom

I have been feeling slight abdominal pain these few nights but the pain last only for a few seconds.. is this common? anyone here with similar experience?

Excitedmom: I think Ikea highchair is a good & affordable choice. I have a Chicco one (I think those $200 or $300 type), given to me as a gift. It is comfy for sure coz the seats are all padded but very bulky and take up a lot of space at my dining area. Actually the purchase of high chair can wait coz baby won’t need it till about 5-6 mths when we intro semi-solid to them. By then, can bring baby to shop and “test” the different high chairs. ;)

Diamondfericia: Err…why do you think you need 2 strollers? Are you placing them at different places like your mom’s or MIL’s? I have been using only 1 stroller - Peg P3 for my #1 from birth till now (19 mths old).
Mrs C: Because am not too sure whether the stroller go by size? As in, for new born, a new stroller and when BB grow, it's another stroller OR we just have to buy 1 big one. So I guess just 1 is enough.
Hi Mummies

Anyone going to order confinement food this round? Any feedback or recommendations for confinement caterers? I did a search and found that Natalessential is quite popular but expensive. Another caterer that I have shortlisted is Confinement-Meals (under rich food catering). Hope to seek some comments here from fellow mummies on the caterers. Thank you.
Hi diamondfericia, mine is on both side, slight below belly button.. asked my friend about it, she told me should be due to uterus expanding that's causing the slight pain..

hope that's the case
Diamondfericia: Oh, this will depend on the type of stroller u plan to buy. Some are for newborn till 3-4 yrs old, some only for certain age onwards. Best to go to the shops, test the strollers and talk to the sales ppl. If shop online, then must read the specs very carefully. Mothercare Harbourfront and baby hypermart at kaki bukit has a big selection of strollers to view.
Mrs C: Thank you very much. I will drop by there to take a look before deciding.

zhen, that's what my friend told me too. Don't worry so much.
Have you ladies started to wear maternity clothes? Almost can't fit in my working pants now, still contemplating whether to get maternity wear.

I see that new look and ASOS the same, free shipping.. Can consider to get their bottom.
Jul_mom: yeah! we do
haha! think we attended the same school and probably same course!

diamondfericia: I haven't started wearing maternity clothes but wearing those looser dresses that I have.. don't feel comfortable in my usual working dresses already.
Hi Excitedmom

i would like to find out how you ship direct from Amazon too. There are usually a few sellers, how do you know if the product is listed directly with Amazon and not a reseller?

We saw a double stroller that we liked but OOS in Singapore but Amazon has it. However after setting the address locally, i found out that it does not ship in SG and there was no explanation at checkout. any advice?

Aylie: when you click the item you will see something below "in stock" that says "Ships from and sold by ...". However, not all items listed on amazon will ship to Singapore. Some possibly due to price control, some due to difference in safety regulations etc. hope this helps!
hi, mummies, have been mia for so long, due to busy with my daugther birthday, and work.today just went for scan to see gender.it going to be a boy for me this time.
will be going for my detail scan on 22 march to confirm.i also haven start buying anything yet.maybe will wait for the taka baby fair.
booney..yes..i just had lunch wif my gf who also engaged Ida b4..we got same thought..her wrapping skill is very good..can see effect very fast..but not so like her massage skill..very fast n seem not so effective..since still early, can try to ask for few opinions first..me thinking jamu massage..
qing_er, the jamu massage u thinking of is where?

my coll recommend me siti. but siti charge according to distance. post natal cost 70 and nd to buy a 12m binding cloth fr her at $25.

the other ida charge 60 for post natal. then this 94 ida charge 50 for post. i think i read many good reviews abt this ida which u engaged before..
excitedmom: i dig n dig for those shipped by amazon. than v happy. scroll to bottom than saw "ship to us only". lol!!! must dig further! ur information all v v useful. GREAT THANKS BABE!
Rykiel: no probs!!
just now I bought one all only ship to US
but I using comgateway to ship it to Sg. Although abit more mafan haha
Excitedmom and Rykriel, both of u are making me so tempted to shop from amazon. Now hardly had time to rest, must really find time to shop for my bb else the poor bb will end up with nothing cos mummy too lazy alrdy....
Anybody know when is the taka bb fair? Wanna wait until my detailed scan on 3 mar before I buy the big ticket and bulky items....

Gonna miss chatting with u gals cos catching the 7 am flight to BKK tm, shall catch up with u gals again when I'm back on Sunday evening.
hi all mummies, someone told me the taka bb fair will in May... happy shopping.

If anyone need contact for CL, can pm, i can recommend my CL for you, she is from malaysia, Taiping and very experience in taking care of baby and preparing confinement food... i miss the food she prepared
Sunbelle: I started shopping during my 6th month n so happened the motherhood fair is during jun... So bought most of my stuff fr there like bb cot, diapers, maternity pads, bb shampoo n body wash, etc
U can shop there during the motherhood fair this coming jun. Items like pigeon bb wipes seemed to b controlled price n no price diff during the fair.

For diapers, I bought 2-3 packs of newborns n the rest are size S as my bb was using cloth diapers initially back then. I was lucky that the diapers I bought suit my bb.

Cord life: no hurry to sign up now, need to sign b4 u give birth as they will give you a kit to bring to hospital... I packed that into my hospital bag.. U can check out if there's any cordlife during all the bb fairs n go down to listen. Usually more promo during the fair I think...

Sblbee: I almost thot that u r my sis in law fr ur nick! Haha... She has the same name as u n due in jul also...
Think there's installment plans available for cordlife....I paid all was bcos can deduct fr cda acct... So eg I put in 1500, govt match 1500 n used 3000 to pay for cordlife... It's like half price to me. Now for 2nd one, haven't decide if want to put cordlife or not....
I only bought the medical plans n hospitalization plans for my bb after he was born. My insurance fren think those 2 are more critical n should ensure parents R adequately covered first then the child. So I haven't buy any insurance plans for my #1 yet.
Went for my detailed scan yesterday @ 19wks 4days. All went well n #2 is a boy also! Mil seemed v happy when we told her, maybe all her other grandchildren except my #1 are girls...
My hubby n I were secretly hoping for a girl though!

The sonographer say my boy v co operative... So was done in less than 20mins... Hoped was longer as can see my bb longer... The more she scanned the more excited she is... She will say this is v nice, muz capture down.... Haha.. The pics i love most are his 2 hands n feets... V cute!!

My gynae super steady I think... Asked him if I need fish oil, he said if taking fish in my diet then dun need... He also didn't ask me to take calcium pills either... good for me cos I rmb I hate calcium pills the prev time ( diff gynae for #2)... Jus drink more milk.
Went for TMC hospital tour yesterday as well... Gave birth to my #1 in mt alvernia.

The rooms are not bad, the nursery at level 5 looks small... was quite horrified w the delivery suites. The old delivery suite we are shown to is really horrible n small. The renovated ones are much bigger, brighter n better equipped. We can request for the newer delivery suites but subject to availablitiy on that day. There is no confirmed timeline on when all the suites will b upgraded also... Think another couple hv the same feeling as I cos the guy said he will not b interested if the rooms upgrading are only completed next yr. then I saw a newborn bb under the heater w his daddy sitting next to him/her in the corridor of the delivery wards! I thot should b in the room....

The observation ward looks cramped. I was also comparing to mt A's delivery suites... Mt A's delivery suites are bigger, brighter n fully equipped for all. Even the smallest delivery suite in mt A is bigger than TMC's newly renovated bigger room i think. Overall the feel I get was better for Mt A... Now thinking where to give birth cos my gynae is at TMC n if give birth there will b cheaper plus 5% discount. He can give birth at Mt A also. Hmmm.... Tough choice.
sblbee: don't be lazy!!
take care & enjoy for the bkk trip!

mommies, i heard that taka baby fair is first week of march..not sure how accurate though
CookiesM, hi I m from April mums to be thread. I m like you, I went to both hospital tour n feel EXACTLY the same as wat u have descrip here regarding the TMC tour!! After the tour u jus hav this feeling "errrr...." Correct?

In the end I decide on Mt A ..despite I that it is still undwr revovation.. But jus hope that it will b almost done when I get admitted for delivery in April. Other than that I heard from frens their confinement food is nice..service is good too. My gynae clinic is not in Mt A but he goes to Mt A n TMC.
heh heh i delivered #1 in TMC and overall not bad. Actually the dad seated near he incubator with the newborn at the delivery room is correct. When the baby is borned they are not able to regulate their temperature so they are immediately placed in the incubator until the paedi made sure the baby is breathing well on his/her own and temperature well regulated before sending the baby to the nursery
Dear mummies,

Just my five cents worth, for milk bags no point buying too much before u breastfeed, coz ebm will have a fishy taste, so depends on whether your bb wants to drink stored ebm.. I stored quite a few packets for my number one but she doesnt want to drink ebm, not even mixed with fresh pumped breast milk. So u hv to depends on situation by then
my maternity pillow comes liaosh.. 2nite go hm tk pictures show u all okies? anyone interested in buying? i estimating cost w shipping all in less $90-$100..if doing bp price range shud b $100 with delivery. anyone interested?

the clothings bp#1 stuffs arrived also, 2nite aft wrk pack ler than let u all knw when can start collecting okies? =)

bp#2 will start tis weekends ! *CHEERS*
Wow excitedmom: u made me feel like buying stroller from amazon.com too.
Instead of doing research, probably i will choose the same stroller as hers. The stroller u order.. can sit till what age?
i booked my prenatal class for end april and wil be at my week28th. Not sure if its too late.
No choice.. march is fully booked for Mrs Wong class. Tried calling the hotline but no one called me back.
booney..yes, she got lot of good comments..well it depends on individual..for me, definately will not get her again cox for me, get rid d wind is more important than wraping to keep it fit and most ml provide wrapping too..as for jamu massage, i found someone sharing too..u can google jamu massage, it appears d website..d ppl will come to our home n they do hv package..
Yeh rykiel
Hope that we can collect the dressers tomorow since most of my work skirt hv to zip only half now..;) and my hb will only go Yishun area on every Sat.. Thk u Rykiel!!
hi all mummies :)

may i share with you where to get a prenantal protection plan (cover pregnancy complication & hospital care) for ownself during pregnancy and also cover your new born (congenital illness protection) rigth on the 1st day of birth ?

the earlist for a new born to take up any hospital or protection plan is one month old. our intresting prenantal plan cover right on the 1st day of birth. hope to share with most of you.

i am Allen chok from AxA Life. PM me if any one keen to know more. :) my mobile : 96216138
congrats CookiesM on learning is a prince. did you do your detailed scan at TMC huh?

yeah mi oso felt no hurry to sign up cordlife, today an agent from cordlife call me for appointmt but jus told him too early. i also wan to check out the promo at the baby fairs first hahaha :0)
Hi ladies,

Greeting from BKK, managed to get wifi today! Wah had two straight days of shopping....managed to get lotsa cheap and nice bb stuff but too bad I don't know the gender yet else can buy more....ended up buying the yellow, white and red colours....can't buy pink or blue

But had lotsa gd stuff like bird nest and sharksfin at cheap prices....did some shopping for myself but didn't buy much cos not much maternity clothes in BKK :p

Excitedmom, thanks! Enjoyed myself and will have flying back tm alrdy

rer-rer, try to do some shopping for ur bb if u know the gender, the clothes for bb and kids are so nice and cheap until I feel like flying back here to shop in apr again :p
slbee, eat more n enjoy! Tink I shall plan to go have my hair trim n wash there. Woo, then I can buy lots of clothes n shoes for my boy (#1). I scheduled gynae appt 2 days b4 my trip, hope can noe by then!
rer-rer, too bad I'll be flying back tm....the clothes for adults are so cheap but I can't get them this time round cos don't think I can fit into them

Do enjoy urself when u r here....so lucky can start shopping for ur kids....i also can't do any massage though it's so cheap so can just eat and shop lor :p

qing_er, thanks.

excitedmom, i see amazon has a lot of pregnancy pillow. what make you shortlist that one? u entered all you payment details already then will be able to see how much is the shipping?

Zhen, my detailed scan is on 5th mar too.

sblbee, i wish i can go bkk too.. enjoy yourself!
