(2012/06) Jun 2012

Jolene, if you all are interested, can go there instead of Watami since it's more affordable and their food is quite tasty and more nutritious.

joeey, you mean all those ingredients are just for the drink? What's the quantity for each?

Good that you are able to work from home. I wish I could also.. maybe talk to my boss about it when she is back, although it may seem a bit unfair for her since she had to work in the office all the way till her delivery.

Re full month cakes, actually I'm not impressed with Sweetest Moments' packaging. And since some of you said their cakes and ang ku kueh are so so, I decided to look for other options. I found a few others, share with you for reference. I think Gobi's cakes look nicer, Choz has packages starting from $6.50 only and Coochicoo has interesting ideas for those who want something less traditional.


Reached ofc ard 1.30pm..
bought lotsa things from BodyShop.. haha
I'm short of $80 to renew my card. Anyone keen to get anything from Bodyshop?
This friday we can go look see??

Great lunch @ Soup Broth. Maybe we can eat there for dinner on friday instead of WATAMI?
Since it's MSG-Free Restaurant and it's cheap and healthy

Any takers? Attendees...

Venue: Raffles City - The Soup Broth / WATAMI
Unit: #B1-06/07
Tel: 6336 2425
Time: 6pm onwards
Date: 18 May 2012, *coming Friday*

Fleur: Are you getting your MC from Dr Chan? Total weight gain thus far is 12kg.

Jolene: My mum said not to eat the coconut flesh but just drink the juice though.I forgot her reasoning, anyone knows why? Or its ok to eat the flesh?
Ok. Don't mind. But mothers are who are going are advised not to drink herbal soups for lunch ya. That time I drank herbal soup 2 days in a row. I was freaking hot than usual even in the air con room, i cant sleep well and poor hubby was feeling so cold.
fleur: pm u already.

Jolene: not herbal soup. just similar to home made soup. though i had assam fish curry for lunch instead of soup
Soup Broth
I dun mind..i am a fan of soups actually.

Working from home
i spoke to my boss about this already..though he dun seem too supportive, he din reject me either. So I'll make plans to start WFH in mid june..dun care..getting more difficult to stay awake in office nowadays.

Most prob will order cupcakes from Malarmade Pantry since i love their cupcakes. They don't have packages for baby's shower but the person told me he can try to work within my budget if i have any in mind. So thinking of ordering some just for close friends or colleagues.
I had the Chicken Tonic soup for lunch. It's not very herby... I add a lot more herbs for my own soups so this is very mild by comparison. It all depends on your constitution, whether you're the heaty type or not. Now I feel like trying the curry Petrina had for lunch.

Prettibride, have you started your handover? I suppose your boss is more concerned that if you're not in the office, things may not get done. For me, actually I don't have to be in office unless there are meetings or if I need to access things from our shared folders.
though im working in the banking industry, i only have 14 days of mc leh...wonder if it is ok to wipe out all the days?

p/s: im feeling so sleepy and like a zombie now

How much is Marmalade Pantry charging you per cupcake? Is it their normal one or they will do additional designs?

My balance mc not alot so i will not ask from Dr Chan but will just get from GP for the 2 days and remaining i will take AL. For yours if you are planning to take 5 days MC to rest then get from Dr Chan

Working from Home (in my opinion)
Pros: Don't need to see colleagues & more freedom/space
Cons: Walk less which i heard walking helps with delivery. Can also be boring being cooped up esp when we on confinement also will be cooped up at home.

If i take leave earlier i/o working from home at least can go out walk walk shop shop.
Kadice: I can only say this is the only time we can wipe out our MCs without feeling so guilty. Just blame on the pregnancy. Otherwise we will never have a chance
I think I'll skip Friday gathering. Just too tired nowadays.. Really feel my due date is near.

Btw, is swollen legs just old wife's tale or not? I found if I keep propping up my leg then my leg won't be swollen. haha..

During #1 I never prop up my leg. Super swollen.

And strangely, this time around I can still bend my finger, and the ring from my PIL which is 4.5 size bigger than the one I use to wear still feels a bit big.
I have not much water retention. Does that mean baby won't be coming so soon? Feels confused. hehehe..

One part of me wish for baby not to come out so early as I want my #1 to get a childcare first! Otherwise headache..
Another part of me wish for baby to come out early, simply because I'm afraid if I'm baking her too long, she gets too big and difficult to come out. huehehehe..
I never asked my boss about possibility of working from home, simply because if I work from home, that means I need to deliver something! And some more my #1 will bother me. I don't think I can survive.. I will be much more tired than I walk to office and sit in office. Taking care of baby/toddler is like doing physical work and exercises.

I'd rather enjoy the aircon in the office, working bit by bit as my boss told me to. And occasionally finish my MC when I visit my gynea and ask MC from him for that day. hehehe..
yes, the herbs are just for the drink.

yes, we should cherish the moments bb is inside us. Relax and stay cool ... turning on the aircon at home cos i'm perspiring in the afternoon heat.
Full month boxes.
If you give to office, will you give IA students as well? Even those who never talks to you as long as they are in the same department?
Sigh.. my department suddenly gets very big. Got 5 new hire since early this month and some more additional 2 IA students which will only work for 2.5 months (7 additional persons!!)

Some more we are moving office upstairs, got 3 person from other department sharing floor with us. Those 3 persons I don't mind giving lah since I talk a bit to them and I believe they will be here for long. But IA students? Argh.. super confused..

From 13 people later becomes about 20++ people during my baby full mth. huhu.. Quite a lot.
I remember 2 years ago I only give about 12-15 people..
Groovy, yes propping up your legs help. I do that at home too. I think water retention has nothing to do with your baby's due date la.

Re giving full month boxes, if you give one, you'll have to give all unless you don't mind people talking behind your back :p If you don't want to give, maybe can just invite selected people to your full month celebration la..

joeey, ok.. do you have the qty to buy for the herbs?

Argh.. mid afternoon slump =.=... having a 2nd coffee and 2 pcs of chocs colleague brought back from San Francisco...
they dun really have fancy designs on their cupcakes, unlike Sweetest Moments. Basically just icing or cream. But i like it because it tastes good. Think friends will appreciate something that tastes good rather than just look good. The person quoted me $4.20 per cupcake for the normal size one and $2.50 for the mini ones. But he ask me if i have a budget in mind which I've yet to reply..he did say he will try to work within my budget.

What my hubs colleague did was to buy 1 big box of cupcakes and leave it at a common area so that those he is not close with won't get left out either. Then those that gave presents/ang pows get a cake voucher/ single gift box. I intend to just buy few boxes of maybe 20 cupcakes and leave it at common areas for everyone to share.
I agree that looks pretty doesn't mean the cupcake tastes good. I rather eat a cupcake that tastes good. Otherwise take one bite and throw away is wasted.
erm, i'm not sure how much quantity, i think i'll buy 2-3 packets of each herb. my CL will pack the herbs into individual plastic bags then every evening, take a bag to cook in the slow cooker, for next day's consumption.
need to vent..
my boss choose this timing to give me pressure and stress. ask for this and ask for that...he could have asked for all these 2 months ago when i dun feel so tired and restless.

got nobody for me to handover to except for a sales colleague who doesn't seem to chup. so what i can do is to finish the critical stuff and leave the things that can autorun or not so critical during my ML or wait for me to come back....so vexed now..
Prettibride, your boss is not going to find a contract staff to stand in for you?

Joeey, hehe... I think I just stick to longan and red dates and forget about the other herbs... too many things to prepare already... very sian to have to go and buy more stuff.
All of u r busy keeping cool w air-con etc. I'm keeping warm lol. Hv to turn on the heater at home cos it's like 15 degrees in the day & 8 in the morning here!
i am not doing some routine stuff which can be easily picked up. so its difficult to use contract staff. anyways i am only taking 3 months ML, so they probably think can make do lo. wished i can be a sahm too..but i wan to enjoy my financial freedom..sighx..dilemma.
Last time some of my colleague visit me in hospital and bring gifts. Then after I send my cake boxes some of them visit me in my house to give angpao.. Don't know this time around though..

Right now I have an idea, maybe I'll just send e-mail to the latest department mailing list saying I'll be coming to give the cake boxes. Then that means those in the mailing list will be the one receiving it. Haha.. Hopefully they will get the angpao prepared :p

Last time I didn't go and distribute. But this time around maybe I'll go, since we're in 1 office space. Anyway the taxi money from house to office is cheaper compare to additional delivery fee.
Hey groovy, check with you, are you delivering at TMC or Mt A? The last time Dr tham was quite chin chye about it, but the last checkup I mention to him about it he like not too happy about it.

Have you discussed any birth plans with him also?

I'm ok to change venue. Assam fish sounds v tempting!

Foot Reflexology

Finished my 1h session a while ago. Very hungry n walloped yakun french toast with teh o before i was able to check in here lol


Do u find yourself getting hungry again? Seems like this week, i'm starting to eat more. Maybe the tummy has dropped liao? Ooh impending birth coming thru!
Prettibride, same here, my work has some technical aspects so it's not like anybody can just take over without training. Besides, there's the issue of access to private and confidential shared files, so I'm not sure management would be keen to hire outsiders. My director didn't even hire a contract staff to cover my boss' duties :p Haha.. re financial freedom vs being SAHM, I'd choose the latter any day lo.. cos to me financial freedom is not freedom to spend how I want but being able to live debt free. I'm easily contented (now compared to last time), so having freedom from work and having more time to myself would be my preferred choice... I don't mind giving up the ability to spend my own money freely.

I also had some bad news. My dept head refused to approve my no pay leave. He only approved 1 yr. Hiaz i dun care liao. Take the 1yr first then see how. Leave everything in god's hands
@adeline thanks for the advice. The flesh doesn't taste good anyway. Haiz need to take one everyday and I just trying to start today. Soup Broth is also on B1 I suppose.
today is the 1st day of my 38th week and i also feel hungry again.. as in i know my appetite is not as good as before after entering 3rd trimester, but seems like i get hungry easily again now.. LOL i don't see my tummy going down though, not sure why i keep thinking about food sia.. jialat already put on 15kg, can't afford to put on more leh..

Why need to take 1 everyday?


I've put on 12kg at 34.5 wks. See whether 1 wk got make any diff or not lol. Looks like i can't keep to the same 14kg wt gain as no1 liao. How much did u put on for renzo?
Jul, the assam fish is not the sourish type, more curry like, but it's nice..

You applied for no pay leave for how long? At least got 1 yr la.. better than nothing. Most companies are not so generous and would choose to axe the staff :p

Yes, I know taking care of the child would be a lot of work too. But when you consider the question of what you're working for and the rewards, I'll choose my child's development over the company's bottomline. In the end, the company will never be able to give you the same sense of job satisfaction ;)

Felicia, don't worry...I sure put on more than you already :p And I'm at week 34 only. I don't care already... so long my gynae never say anything and I don't have GD, I just eat when I need to.
so are u going to quit your job after giving birth? like what jul says, its either freedom from work or freedom from child. its a blessing to watch our child grow, but guess just have to suffer now if we wan to be able to retire early.

so you'll start your no pay leave after ML? Can understand why your boss refuse to approve..cos 1 year already many things can change...some companies might not even be around anymore after one year. just take first la and see how things go. Envy you leh..seems like everyday out shopping or massage..hahaa
jul dear, i put on 11.9kg only lor when i had Renzo.. my gynae swear by <=12kg weight gain so i got nagged by him every visit..

actually this time, i am almost 7kg lighter to begin with.. last time before i had Renzo i was 64.6kg, and this time before preggy i was 57.8kg.. maybe that's why i put on a lot faster although i ended up with 76.5kg when i entered labour room last time, and now I am 73.2kg so still lighter than last pregnancy, but put on a lot more than last time lor.. sweat -_-!!
nattan, haha yup i think it's too late for me to care about my weight already, LOL.. but you are very healthy as you go for frequent work out.. I can't wait to pop and start a healthier life again.. been eating buffet too frequent throughout this pregnancy, really have to cut down liao.. LOL
Prettibride, I would quit and be a SAHM if my hubby can support the family cos right now I'm the sole breadwinner actually since he was in the midst of starting his business. It was put on hold since I got pregnant and he quit his last job.

Felicia, I think your weight gain is ok la. So long you don't have GD and other health issues that may complicate the birth. Anyway, you're so close to the finishing line already!!
i also wanna be SAHM but like nattan, work so that i won't be living a debt-life.. of course many can choose to spend lesser and enjoy motherhood.
It is in the plans. Just that my family rejects my call to resign. haha

Jul: assam fish very nice. but portion abit small. i end up eating microwaved "taiwan xiang chang" @ 4pm and julie's love letters @ 4.30pm.. drinking coconut water now again.

Nattan: i think i'll get courier to deliver the COCOMAX.. so far i got quote of $20 for 1-way. which is exp. i'll think of something else.
They increased the free delivery minimum order to $80. so we'll nvr hit the amt.

I finish my subway with 2 cookies and hungry again.. baby already 2.7 at 35weeks..
I expect to gain another 1 kg to around 10-12 this pregnancy.. last one I only gained 9 kg le...

Woops hasn't weigh myself this week. haha.. I've put on 13 kg so far! But somehow I feel lighter compare to last time. Maybe because this time around I have more muscles than last time (since trained until #1 is 1 year old).

Btw, my gynea is not Tan Thiam Chye.. Mine is Don Wong.. Will be delivering in MAH though..

I think some gynea just had preferences lor.. Last time for #1, my gynea Lawrence Ang also badmouthing MAH but I insist to deliver there. He said the midwifes in MAH lots of indians and philipinos very young, not experienced, in the end baby 2.5 kg also cannot come out naturally.. Zzzz.. But indeed for his case, the midwifes (nurses) is the one who asked to push the baby's head out during my time. He only come when I was asked to push for 2 times but not successful. Don't know about this time though about Don Wong. Quite scared but I've been through worst.

I'm just hoping Don Wong will be pro natural delivery like Lawrence Ang..
Okay some more during delivery, he never asked for my permission to vacuum the baby out. Immediately vacuum without my permission!
Maybe you can write this in your birth plan too, for gynea to ask. I think I'll ask Don Wong for my next appointment whether he's okay to wait for totally natural before immediately vacuum.

I heard from my colleague her gynea asked if she is okay using forceps to push baby out.

I think birth plan is not really a practice in SG. Might be some gynea won't follow that lah. They are just too busy, so will do everything very very fast..

My gynea visited me the day after delivery for #1. Then said he might come tomorrow. In the end never come. I knew it already! Hahaha..
Chris, what did he do?? Why is your belly button bandaged up?

Groovy, I will get very upset if the doctor use a vacuum or other instruments on me without my permission lo.. it's like violating my body or my rights. I definitely will complain after that. Even if they are busy, they must know that this is still considered a medical procedure and cannot be rushed. Also we pay them so much money for their service, they should do their part according to our preference unless it's an emergency.

Eck.. just want to rant here... dunno why my hubby never answer all my messages?? I wanted to find out whether the pet supplier delivered the cat food to our place already and he told me to relax... ?! I just want a simple yes/no answer, so difficult? In the end I had to sms the pet supplier who confirmed the delivery. Really increase my blood pressure man... what's wrong with simple yes/no reply? Then I don't have to keep messaging him la.
Prettibride: same here, I still have tons of work and my colleague just resigned and some of her accounts in her portfolio are assigned to me. I seriously have no idea abt my handover yet.

Nattan: some men are like that, when they are busy, simply no reply at all. Makes my blood boil.

SAHM: I also wish to be one &amp; do my property full time but seems like wrong timing coz now sure cannot put in all my efforts. And mil sure unwilling to help if she knows I have stopped work.

I'm attending my last antenatal class today!
Nattan > Haha, cos my belly button popped out too much lor. Looks too raw n painful whn he did the scan for mi yesterday. He thinks i wil feel better w the plaster on.
It hlps, although nt much. I jus tot it lk funny, n he even wanted to put a cross there. Tot it wil look even funnier. So I tld him lik tat can alrdy. :p
hee, think preggy hormones getting to u lar. I wil b happy if my hubby tell mi to relax.
Wow the thread is moving too fast! Jus manage to finish browsing thro wat i missed. :p

Nobody joining mi as a SAHM? Feeling lonely here...kaka..:p No $ n time to spend and nobody to chit chat to...except giving lots of kisses n hugs n laugther to my #1, not to mention endless emotion roller coaster fr my #1.


My belly button also popped out so protrudingly. Very sensitive when rub against rough clothes. My hub calls it my 3rd nipple. :D


Yes! I've been feeling hungry more often lately but I've been making a concious effort not to pig out as I'm watching my overall weigh gain.

No Pay Leave

I've already spoken to my boss on this. I will be taking the full 4 mths of ML and use up the balance of my AL/childcare leave and the rest will be no pay leave. I intend to go back to work only in 2013. At least,when I leave my girl at ILs place she will be Ard 6 months. Hopefully easier for them to manage too. Thankfully my company and boss has been supportive of this. Since I have quite a lot of AL to clear anyway.
