(2012/06) Jun 2012

Sel: not sure. but foods to avoid during pregnancy do not equate to foods to avoid during bf-ing. since not all foods gets transmitted through breastmilk. Different concept compared to baby being in your tummy and absorbing like a sponge.

Anyway for me, i avoid colic foods like a plague. also ginger and spicy foods to avoid rashes or increased jaundice for baby if baby already has jaundice, their bile ducts may not be able to remove the excessive heatiness which we consume.
My #1 had mild jaundice then. Needed one night of phototherapy in the nursery & a few days of sunbathing at home after discharge. But my confinement food intake did not aggravate her jaundice or any bfg issues. Yes, so long as the wine is cooked well n long enough, the alcohol content would hv evaporated.
Petrina: Thanks for the info and useful links!

I dont see wines on the list therefore i can finally drink my wines during b/f? Hehehe

Actually i heard cant though, what about a glass per week?
just read this blog about this mummy who just delivered her firstborn. admitted to hosp at 6am and gave birth at 7.55am. wish mine could be as smooth as hers. delivered at 37 weeks...guess i better be mentally and physically prepared 'earlier'.
Cheri: mine was bad. perhaps he was induced at 37wks 5days. so if edd was calculated wrongly, he might have been premature

plus i had spinal block for my csec. (I was knocked out totally after hearing my baby cry till 5hrs later - overdosed) so the itching side effects lasted from birth till i got discharged on 5th day.
my boy under go photo for 4days. so i stayed an additional day to be with him. *Monday noon csec, Friday noon discharged*
MIL cooked sesame oil n ginger for friday's lunch and dinner. Bedtime i started to have bad rashes on both legs. Itched like hell. then baby was all red. told MIL, she say I can't take too heaty. dunno y. so she halved the amt. But throughout the 1week i wasn't getting better. though my boy's jaundice result was ok at 1st week PD visit.
So we scrapped the whole confinement food thing and ate normal food. After that I recovered.
So this time, whether i'm taking spinal if csec, or totally natural, i also won't take special foods.
Another reason was my boy was very colic during first 2 weeks post birth. kept spatting up milk which was very uncommon for latched babies. After stopping broccoli or beans, he also recovered.
That's y i did so much research on foods from all over, whether asian or western. i'll mix and make a judgement on authenticity of it.

Of course everyone is different. My previous experience was bad. so i strive to make this a perfect childbirth for myself n baby.
That is bad.. I took GA not spinal.. but the pain wake me up instead.. going for GA again and double confirm with gynae. Gynae say that means painkiller not enough.

Hope this time round. things work great for you!

Prettibride: I hope to natural but things don't work out that way for me.

Adeline, no alcohol la..
<font color="aa00aa">Actually can drink alcohol, but must take at least 2 hours before breastfeeding, or express and discard the milk right?</font>
charmaine: 4-6.. not actually sure. it depends on individual milk production.. usually i'll recommend 4hrs. but u can be safer if prolong till 6hrs.. but u'll be super engorged.

moi: 2hrs can't. ur next feed will be filled with alcohol already.
Petrina, thanks for the info on food taking during breastfeeding. I never knew we can't eat brocoli and beans. Always thought they are healthy.
<font color="0077aa">prettibride, i bought my #1 to perth when she was 5 months old and to tokyo when she was 8 months old. imo australia is a good destination with kids since flight not too long and can rent a car and go slow. now i am also planning to go for a holiday in nov, maybe to maldives, with 2 kids.

re: coconut
i had it quite frequently for my #1 and she came out very clean. coconut did not cause long labour for me, in fact as i mentioned before my labour was only 1.5 hr. my colleague took coconut for her #1 and didn't for #2. her #2 really came out not as clean.</font>
Re drinking alcohol during breastfeeding, some mums told me that it's ok to have a tiny shot glass of alcohol (like Dom or Youmeishu) 2hrs before breastfeeding so that after baby feeds, he can go to sleep easier after that. But I'm not very comfortable with the idea that my baby is getting hooked on alcohol at such a young age la.. haha...

Re food during confinement, I think so long you have a balanced and nutritious diet, it's fine. Not necessary to follow typical confinement practices like lots of ginger, sesame oil etc. Too much of anything may not be beneficial at all, so moderation is key. I plan to just eat normally, including things like sashimi, but maybe supplement with herbal soup.

Anyway, I received 2 huge bottles of Ghee Hiang Baby Brand Sesame Oil from a friend who lugged them all the way from Penang... I really dunno how I'm going to use it up :p
Adeline &amp; Sapphire
those relaxing places are fine. i was tinking of going bkk actually to shop till i drop. shopping centers are still ok but the challenging place is JJ Market..but its one of my must go whenever I'm in BKK. Hubs dun seem too keen to be babysitter while i shop.
Toilet Trips
I can go 2-3 times every night and trust me no matter how little or a lot i drink its the same plus each time i go its so little. Maybe she is pressing against my bladder hence my bladder cannot contain a lot. Was telling HB utilities will go up due to my frequent flushing!
U know waking up a few times at night now is nature's way of preparing us for BF or diaper change time. Coz we will also be waking up intermittently when our baby arrives

Moi: Thanks for the Philips Carnival Update ... what can we buy from there ah

The last 3-4 weeks before we POP is like a time bomb. I feel its like i won't know when my baby decides to come out and what will cause her to want to come out too!

Adeline: So shiok go Korea!!! I too wanna travel!!!
Hahah Adeline ... u already stayed away from wine for almost 9 mths ... what's another 4-6 more mths while BF-ing kekeke

BTW ur swab test ... what was the result?
Wow! U guys are planning for holiday with baby liao. So envious! For me, my first trip will probably be going back to my FIL kampung in Indonesia, Boyan Island. Have to visit our families there since we have not seen them since our wedding in Jan 2010. Not sure when we're going though.

I don't think I'll go anywhere other then TMC for my check-ups after this week. Although I'm on bedrest, I've already convinced hubby on a movie date this weekend before he goes to camp for reservist. Can't believe that my c-sect is just 16 days from today. And I'm still procrastinating baby's laundry :p
Re travelling with baby, to me it's important to choose a destination and accommodation that are baby-friendly, meaning have lots of places for changing and feeding baby, easy for stroller to navigate, easy to find baby necessities and within easy reach of medical care. These considerations mean that places that are too out of the way, too "3rd world" and too unsanitary are out. I think major cities like BKK, Taipei, Perth, KL etc are fine cos they have the requisite facilities, but not so for places like Phuket, Ho Chi Minh, Bali... they are nice for relaxation, but in case of emergency, I don't think I want to be stuck there.

Petrina, haha..I think can keep so long I don't open them and store them properly. But seriously I don't know what to do with them lor.. Cannot be everyday eat ginger sesame oil chicken right?!?
nattan: haha. ya lah. tats y i say 2yrs. 1 bottle per yr is ok. post confinement ppl seldom eat so much sesame oil liao..

charmaine: opps. i checked my email, but i didn't see anything. perhaps in my junk mail. can u resend?
<font color="aa00aa">fleurfleur,
Stuff like home such as blender, and baby electrical appliances such as baby monitor, steriliser pumps, and spare parts for Avent pumps, etc.</font>
Philips sale
i went last year..but super crowded. most of the good deals are sold out by the time i managed to squeeze in. tink will give it a miss.

Motherhood Carnival
Happening last weekend of this month. Last chance to grab baby stuff.

Travelling with baby
Guess I'll wait till baby is abt 3 months old before planning if i wan to go ahead with the trip. my rational is, wherever the cow goes, baby follows! hehe..
Re Philips Carnival, I think I might ask my friend to help me buy the steriliser... wonder what's the discounts like?

Re food during confinement, is it ok to eat seafood like crab? I heard that shellfish can cause itchiness, so do we have to wait till the vagina wound is healed before eating? Maybe I should just eat lots of crab before giving birth! :p
Nattan: My mum bought teel seed oil from Ghee Hiang too!! As it was on the list of herbs and cooking items to buy.

Fleur: I was actually looking forward to enjoying my wines as our lil girl is a honeymoon baby from Italy where we were enjoying our wines. Bought back a few bottles but it's now just sitting ard. Hehehe....
<font color="aa00aa">I think it's better to avoid seafood such as crabs, prawns, shellfish for a period of time after delivery.</font>
Adeline: Hehe i have at least 10 bottles of wines in my cupboard which i cannot wait to have too but will have to wait until i am almost done with breastfeeding to drink.
BTW what's your swab test result? and what is it for?

Petrina: Can PM me your contact for Fri's dinner?
Fleur: How long do you intend to b/f?
Swab test is to check for Strep B and any other present bacteria. Results is ok. I think someone explained it earlier on.

Anyways, fyi.

Group B Streptococcus Infection in Pregnancy

Group B Streptococcus (GBS) are common bacteria which are often found in the vagina, rectum or urinary bladder of women. This is not the same bacteria which causes strep throat. Infections from GBS are usually not serious for a woman and are readily treated with antibiotics. However, when a woman becomes pregnant, the whole outlook changes.There is no sure way to prevent the GBS bacteria from being passed to a newborn at the time of birth and although it is very rare, and despite medical treatment, some babies still die as a result of complications from a GBS infection. Your doctor would like to help prevent this from happening. GBS usually does not cause infections in pregnant women, the concern is for the baby.

Send you the link:-
Adeline: Thanks again ... i may have missed out on the explanation.

"some babies still die as a result of complications from a GBS infection" This sounds serious!!!

BF - I plan to BF for at least 6 mths if possible and max 10-12 mths.
Poor u! Such a bad experience then. No wonder u r staying away from the trad confinement food this round. Guess some of us cannot bu too much. My #1 is heaty based &amp; v prone to coughs when we were living in SG for her first 4 yrs. However she seldom falls sick now in cooler Melb while many of her peers still fall sick v regularly in SG. The climate makes a diff, I guess.
Re traveling w young baby
I've been advised too that b4 baby is 6 mths old &amp; the impt jabs done, it's better to avoid traveling to places w v diff climate. The contrast in temp &amp; weather plus flu viruses might be too much for the baby.
At what age does out baby have to start paying for the air tix? I intend to bring my girl to Taiwan. My hubby hasn't been to Taiwan because of th SARS outbreak that time. Though most guys would have becoz of army.
Fleur: Your appt is this Fri?

Jolene: i beleive different airline has differrent policies on charges for infant travelling. For SQ, when we travel to Korea,we have to pay 10%.

currently I am inviting a few family with newborn, babies or kids to enjoy our complimentary phototaking session in our Studio. (Located at Trivex, 5mins away from Tai Seng Mrt). 

Any interested parties ? Please email me at [email protected]
Hi Prettibride, may I know what brand is the 40% discount maternity pillow and how much was it? Did you see it at Robinsons Centrepoint?

Best. I have various kinds of wine, red wine, white wine, rose wine, champagne, cognac. All waiting for me to drink since 3 years ago! Surprisingly some people guving me wine during my baby full mth. Then I won cognac and white wine during office cny lucky draw and quiz last year when my #1 is 4 mths old. I total breastfeed (pump) only stop when preggy again so no chance to drink. Huhuhu. Luckily got 1 chance drink beer when My #1 is 1 year old and I didn 't know I was preggy again. I don't really like to drink wine but seeing them in my cupboard really make me want to open. Huhu wasted I don't open one after my rom or wedding just becoz fil said who will drink becoz once opened cannot close again...
No time or energy to post tdy.

Had a late, interrupted night coz no1 kept waking. Altho hubs attended to him, the noise still woke me. Then i had to get up at 630 to help hubs get no1 ready for sch.

Had my first shower at 8+ coz i was wet n stinky by then. Did baby laundry for 0-3 mths clothes, folded no1's clothes, Had an early porridge then it was time to shower again! Gave the hair a gd scrub, watched tv, then fell asleep. Woke up at 4, felt really sleepy n dozed on n off till 7+!

Had dinner, kept an eye on no1 while hubs fixed up the ikea tv console, hung up my laundry, helped get no1 ready for bed, then wrapped my spree stuff.

Shower yet again n i'm now feeling rather hungry. Must be the exercise! Kind of reluctant to eat coz i'll start sweating again but really cannot tahan. Hiaz... Here goes the whale in search of supper
Sleepless nite again.
Eyes still open big big.

Jul, too bad, we stay so far from each other. If not can go supper. I also feel like eating now. Jia lat.
Ladies, I just had an emergency c-sect. Baby girl is still under observation. Will update again soon! I'm praying that her organs are fully developed. She's going to be 36 weeks this Friday.

I guess she wants to spend time with her daddy before he goes on reservist on Mon :p

Wow! Congrats on the arrival of ur princess. Not to worry, with medical advances now, I'm sure she will be fine soon. How r u feeling now? Try to rest as much as u can.
