(2012/06) Jun 2012

Petrina & Fleur: Yea our EDDs are pretty close. And all 3 of us are expecting gils!

Petrina: Do you think you will deliver earlier though? Its your 2nd baby right? Your first delivery was in GlenE too?

Fleur: So far i have gain 10kg as of this week which is my 33week. What abt yourself?
Do you think you will deliver earlier though? Dr Chan has not checked your cervix right?
Cos my last visit at 32week he checked it and informed me that there is no signs of early labour but i keep having the feeling i will deliver 2 weeks earlier then my EDD. I guess its because i walk a lot. Just a feeling though so am really looking forward to next weeks check to see if he checks on my cervix again.

Thank you Sel, so can I still claim the deposit for doctor in Medisave? Also, I find 1,800 very expensive plus 300 she said for visitng fee.. do you have a rough idea of professional fee with other ob?
don't be affected by others, all your MCs and leaves are your own entitlement.. plus you will be going on ML soon so don't bother about what they think..

I will not get the replacement recommended by her, i rather just DIY and order tingkat.. but she should compensate you leh i feel..

nattan / ssmilezz / Sapphire
thanks, actually today is the 1st day of my 37th week i think.. so think shermine is earlier, since her csect is confirmed on 29th of May..
yup i am lazy this time, want to take ML earlier and treat myself better, rather than take last minute for the sake of baby, LOL
and so far on track with natural delivery, baby's head down, but not engaged, gynae said 2nd one won't engage till labour starts, so now just have to wait for waterbag burst or contraction starts

gosh my dear you better take good care and rest well... hope you get recovered soon..

hospital bill
I remember last time I was induced and my gynae asked me to check in after 12am, so i was not charged till i used the labour room and single room the next day.. So i checked in on Aug 12 @12am, then delivered on Aug 12 about 7pm, then stayed for 12th and 13th night, 14th by noon discharged.. so TMC charged me 2 days stay in single room... Here's the details of the hospital bill back in 2009..

Paid 1.2k deposit when i admit to TMC, and top up the balance when i get discharged.. they did all the calculation and CPF deduction.. My gynae package back then was about 3.5k, and I paid half of it around 20weeks, the other half is paid after my delivery.. So here although it indicates doctor charge, it is not really the gynae package as i remember paying 2nd half of my gynae package 2 weeks later after my delivery separately..

so abby for your case i guess it is normal, some gynaes will get paid twice for their package, one time before and one time after delivery..
Felicia, thanks for the useful breakdown of fees, but I am still unclear about the Medisave deductions.. like eg, how to determine the claimable amount for the gynae and pediatrician? Pediatrician fees are not stated on the hospital website. Also, things like the baby's expenses... I don't want to be surprised by the fees after delivery :p

He has not done the 2 Cs yet - Cervix check and Culture test haha. like that easier to remember and remind him or the nurse on my next visit. Since my bb weight is on the low side & with my recent pelvic issue i have not been walking much the past 3 weeks, i keep having a feeling i may deliver close to EDD when i am hoping to deliver earlier ... anything 5 days or earlier than EDD i am happy!

I know the 3D/4D is all paid for but my baby girl just refuses to cooperate. Hope she won't be a notti cheeky bb when she is out!

My current weight gain is close to 11kg.

JUL: Your fever is much worse than mine and higher. I hope your gynae is able to do something for you. In the meantime keep drinking loads of water to bring the temperature down! Rest Rest Rest too!

Felicia: Thanks for your encouragement! Yes really have to close eyes and ears!

RE Hospital Bill
I find all the charges too complicating depending on whether natural/C sec ... induce not induce ... epidural or GA etc. Sometimes very hard to tell what will happen at the last moment and which option we need plus what time we check in too.

As long as we check our bill carefully after that and ensure we are not overcharged in any areas it shld be fine i guess.
Hospital Bill
too complicated. true. I just let hospital calculate the medisave portion. cause i really dunno how to calculate.
So i was thinking this time if i everything natural, probably bill will be way cheaper.. haha
i dig out my 2008 bill. realized they just lump everything together. nvr state exactly what is how much. all under misc outside package.

Adeline: I might deliver earlier since #2.. though i hope not. i was hoping to deliver on 19th june.
chu yi is always auspicious

i also feel i will deliver early.. cause my BH is very strong on a daily basis.
Fleur: Ok keep me posted on your 2Cs especially your cervix check will help you determine roughly when you should standby for delivery i supposed.

Where is your little girl facing?

I also think i will reach 11kg like by my 35 week. So scary!! Our weight gain abt the same even the size of our little girl. Hahaha....

Petrina: Whats your weight gain and your little girls weight so far at 33week?
Petrina: Did you sign for a 1 bedder,normal delivery with epidural package?

Fleur: My cousin paid $535 inclusive of GST for the PD visit during her stay at GlenE (c-sect), 2 days with YY Yip and 2 days with Ngiam TE. As YY Yip was on leave after that. PD visited only once every morning.
Which hospital package did you sign for?
Adeline: So far all my past few checks the baby's head is on my right lower tummy side which is facing Dr Chan when he is scanning. Her thighs is at my stomach area. Her face seems to be side facing down. I will wait for my check next week to see if any difference and update you
adeline: i choose 1bedded natural w/o epi. nurse say book liao. but she nvr tell me book what also. though i already told them i want the above.
Wow all your hospital charges sounds ex man. And Sel correct me if I am wrong. I can't imagine! $700 per consultation!!! Mine cheap govt hospital only a about 80 too 100 with all the normal procedure tests. Is all your consultation that ex for private hospital?
Ooops, I think u misunderstood me! Jolene, that's antenatal package price. Meaning u pay S$700.00 to see her from 14 weeks to your delivery. As I've mentioned earlier, it includes US, urine test and weight measurements) but excludes supplements and other tests such as OSCAR, GD, etc. I've already seen her 7 times since I took her package so by the time I deliver, I would at least "break even" or "save" some cost.
Oh! I just thought of something very random. I remembered mentioned something about reducing labour pain. You can burn Jasmine essential oil. I think thomson or Glen e provides the burner. Include this in your birth plan and see what your gynae says. Am having my growth scan on Friday.. So excited to see her ;)
GlenE mothers:
(all expecting girls)

Ssmilezz - 18 Jun
Petrina - 19 Jun
Fleur - 22 Jun
Adeline - 25 Jun

Petrina : Done with ur pre-admin at the hospital reception?

Ssmilezz: is this your first child? Do you think you will deliver early? Who's ur Gynae? I think ur details is not in the June list.
Petrina, have you discussed your birth plan with your gynae? I asked my gynae about it, he said we can talk about it during my next visit which is on 21 May. I'm also booking a single bedder, but I suppose it depends on availability on the actual day as how do we know whether we'll be early or late, unless opting for scheduled c-sec?

Wow.. interesting that all the GlenE mums are expecting girls
<font color="0077aa">shermine, my #1 will be exactly 2yo next month. she goes to cc in the daytime so still ok.

prettibride, my package is 2D1N leh. i paid $1278 for deposit.

petrina, for my #1 i admitted at 6:30am. gynae came to break water bag and put me on drip for contraction at 7am. i delivered at 8:30am.
<font color="0077aa">for my #1, normal delivery with just 1 night stay, i only got to deduct 1.2k from medisave for my delivery and another $450 for antenatal fee.</font>
hi petrina,

so happy to see your posting on mattress. heheheh really appreciate your sweet intention. indeed blessed with good people around me. when i sms my frens on this, they also offer me ...hehehe yeah so will collect from my fren instead hehehe
yeah the impt tin is touched by web frens whom are generous hehee

yeah nattan, you r rite..somehow, all the gleneagles mums to be are all expecting gals hehee

seemd like few ladies giving birth in TMC hehehe

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Sunbelle, u're most welcome
no point keeping it if someone else can benefit from it.. Not an exp item so i usually dun mind giving away things if i feel it's worth it.

Interesting! All glenE babies r girls!

Fuyusuki 12th followed by smilez then me, fleur, adeline.. Keke maybe we'll be ward mates! We muz post hor. Then check forum see if we r neighbours..
GlenE mothers:
(all expecting girls so far)

Fuyutsuki - 12 Jun (Scheduled C-sect)
Ssmilezz - 18 Jun
Petrina - 19 Jun (Natural w/o Epi)
Fleur - 22 Jun
Adeline - 25 Jun (Natural w Epi)

Nattan/Sunbelle: Yup pretty interesting i must say!
GlenE mothers: Is everyone opting for a single bedder so far?
I believe Petrina,Fleur and myself are in the single bedders.

Ssmilezz: Which package did you sign for? Going natural w epi?

Fuyutsuki: SO far hows your pregnancy coming along? Do you expect to deliver earlier then EDD? Is this your first?
Adeline, i nvr do pre register at admission counter. #1 also clinic did for me. On 35/36wk she pass me the letters ask me rem to bring can liao. So i suppose this time also same. I went admission counter check, i already registered last yr based on last yr's price.
Petrina: Yup, we are quoted last yrs price as well as we pre-registered last yr. The clinic passed us the gynaes letter which we will update with the registration counter next week during my appt. Our nurse ask us to update everything first so when I admit later on don't need hubby to do any paperwork and he can be with me throughout. Maybe KS- la. Hahaha...
Adeline, I would also be delivering at GlenE. I think I would be the last to give birth coz my EDD is on 30June. I'm expecting a boy. Just curious, would the cervix check be painful? I am quite surprised that some of you gals are looking forward to it coz I'm very frightened at the thought of it. Wonder if it would take long &amp; uncomfortable. This is my first so I'm really dunno what to expect. Haha
Gd morn everyone

I was admitted to TMC yest evening coz the fever was persistent despite drip at gynae's, ponstan, etc etc. Bb was in some distress coz his hb went up to 200+!

So bored here. Just lie here coz i'm stuck to the drip. Can't even get up to reach my things or go to the toilet. Super sian!
take care jul! jEez! how are you feelin now?

mine is also edd 30th june.. but i'm likely to induce earlier to fix a date.. just read an article about parents shouldn't try to play god by fixin bb's bday.. but aiyah.. the cervix check u referring to is it VE? nearin the term, the gynae will do a check to check for dilation and possible delivery status.. for #1, i went for my usual checkup and he did a VE, said was about 2cm dilated and asked me to check in to hospital next day at 8am.. basically he sticks finger in and kinda measure the dilation? highly uncomfy, tho over in a matter of sec
Jul: My goodness.. I cannot imagine that having drips and medication. Please take good care &amp; try to have ample rest.

Ssmilez: I am only going to see gynae next Tue to scan how heavy is baby. The last time measured was 1.62kg &amp; gynae mentioned normal babies weigh about 1.1kg. The rate for pyschologist went up almost double recently at KKH. Currently I am having therapy sessions, talking to her. Sometimes she asked me to do some "homework". Anyway, her main concern now is the post natal depression for me.

As the date is drawing nearer, I get the jitters at times. Scared of the pain &amp; the overwhelming chores. :/
Jul: r u ok? Poor thing.. Pls rest well, drink more water. Ur #1 is with caregiver? Use commode for toilet. Dun paiseh.. U preg plus on drip, try to walk lesser.
Morning ladies!

I think i did not sleep well last night,feeling so sleepy now.I just want to stay in bed...sigh!

Jul: How are you feeling now? Please take care and get loads of rest!!

GlenE mothers:
(all expecting girls except Kadice)

Fuyutsuki - 12 Jun (Scheduled C-sect)
Ssmilezz - 18 Jun
Petrina - 19 Jun (Natural w/o Epi)
Fleur - 22 Jun
Adeline - 25 Jun (Natural w Epi)
Kadice - 30 Jun

Kadice: My cervix check is not uncomfortable nor pain.He does not use his fingers, he uses an instrument to insert into the vagina(not to far deep though)to measure how long the cervix is so he is able to determine accurately if you were to have an earlier then expected birth, which i find it quite good so it keeps me in check and what to expect. Especially this is my first child, so i dont want to be in a state where i am not prepared. Heheheh.....
I think every gynae is diff.. mine did the check for me using his fingers at week 37 for #1, but not to check for dilation, just to gauge if my cervix bone area is wide enough for baby to get through, if not have to go for C-sect..

it's done in seconds but yes it's painful. sometimes will get bleeding after that but i didnt.. it's almost the same check which you will do a few times in labour room when nurses check on your dilation status.. but for my case nurses are not as experienced as my gynae, more painful for me when i was checked by nurses.. but honestly no need to be too nervous about it, if you can't tolerate such pain, how to go through labour then, hehee.. it's really nothing compared to contraction pain.. so no worries at all..

now for #2, my doc is not doing this check already, cuz i guess he knows based on my history, i can deliver naturally, LOL
Same!!! I couldn't sleep from 2-6pm and barely had 2 hours of sleep before having to drag myself to work.Super grouchy now!

Cervic check: Adeline ... so did he say yours will be early or on schedule?
Morning ladies!
Oh dear, you better rest well in the hospital k? Hope your fever comes down soon. Luckily your hub sent u to the gynae last evening!! Imagine if the fever got worse last night.
Yup, this is my first. I dunno if I will deliver early leh…but a lot of ppl have been telling me that since I am so active, there is a high chance. But I’ll just go with the flow la..no point worrying about the unexpected. My gynae is Irene Chua (based at GlenE). I haven’t done my pre-registration yet. My gynae will be doing the swab culture test next week (Week 35) and she wants the results to be out first before I get the pre-registration done. So far, I am on track for natural delivery – so see how things progress over the next few weeks. And yes – I need epi. Haha…
Quite a few of us hor…we must update the forum if possible and maybe can end up saying HI. Hehe….
It’s natural to be scared right? But this is something that we will need to go through once we embarked on our pregnancy journey. As long as mother and child are safe and healthy, trust your doc and the midwives/nurses to help you out. Plus I think once we hit our last few weeks, it’s going to get more uncomfortable.
How many weeks are you along now? Keep yourself busy so that your mind will not wander to the depressing thoughts. Really need to keep telling yourself you can do it – a mother’s love is more powerful that you can imagine.
Yesterday was a warm night although it was raining cats &amp; dogs. Sigh. I had a hard time falling asleep too. I've started spotting again today. Lucky it's very little and it's old blood. I'm seeing a pattern now. It seems like everytime I'm close to seeing my gynae, I get some sort of bleeding. Maybe unconsciously, the gynae's visit is stressful for me; worrying abt my weight, GD and baby's progress. And my nipples are feeling especially sensitive. They've started leaking today.

Jul, I hope u feel better soon. It's a good thing that they admit u, at least they can monitor baby's reaction to ur fever.

Zo, it's normal to feel anxious about the pain and the upcoming challenges of looking after a newborn. Personally, I feel that the most important thing is to mentally prepare urself and believe that u are ready for it. Having family support is also very important.
Fleur:I slept through and only woke up at abt 5am to pee but i guess it was not a deep sleep. Felt like i did not sleep as i was soooo sleeepy on the way to work. Hope the day passes by quickly!

Cervix Check: He measured my cervix and its 4cm and shaped like a V, so he said looks good and no signs of early labour, thats it.
Sel: wow.. u're leaking already.. woah.. MOoMoo on the way

very warm yesterday.. yeah.. but i think i started the restless leg syndrome. so i can't slp when it's cold.

smilez: i hope to tahan till edd or post 2 days.. but i m very excited to see my girl.. hehe

Kadice: natural to be scared. esp first time mommies. let nature take it's course and believe u r strong enuff to handle
adeline: my gynae haven't do CC for me yet leh.. nvr say anything too. hmm..

kadice: did Chris check u yet? cause ur edd later than mine not sure if he did anything that i didn't know.
Morning mummies...

Overslept today and didn't want to get up! :p The aircon was on all night so I didn't feel warm at all and had a good sleep

Jul, hope you get better soon. Sounds serious... have lots of rest!

Zo, don't think too much ok...sometimes the fear feeds on itself and the more negative you feel, the worse you become. Focus on the positive like the joy the baby will bring you and imagine his laughter when you play
Believe that you can do it.. many of us here are also 1st time mummies and if we can do it, surely you can!

Re cervical check, when is this normally done? My gynae hasn't done it for me yet. I'm now 33 weeks...can't wait to see baby next Mon...
I didn’t even know it was raining last night – I sleep pretty well if I manage to do my exercise workout that particular evening. Usually can sleep soundly and maybe if I am lucky, just wake up once for a toilet break. But I really hate those nights where there are heavy thunderstorms, cos my dogs will bark and I need to get up to scold them on and off. Very tiring. Grrrr….
Are you going for your checkup this week? Perhaps as you said, subconsciously, you are very worried and your body reacts to the additional stress.
There has been whitish flakes on the tip of my nipples for a while now. I don’t really dare to squeeze them cos they are so sensitive too.
Don’t be grouchy la…at least it’s already mid week. Just need to tong for two more days and the weekend will be here. Cheer up!!
Jul, I hope your fever is gone now..

I sleep at 11, woke up at 3.30 AM and can't sleep until 5. Just to need to wake up again at 7.

Now feeling heartburn since morning and forgot to bring/drink the antacid tablet! Very inconvenient.
Some more got work to do in office as it's near deadline. Otherwise I'll sure go GP and ask for MC + antacid tablet. huhu..

I keep burping since I woke up this morning. Feels very uncomfortable. This morning worse until like wanting to vomit. Luckily not vomiting
<font color="0077aa">jul, hope you recover soon!

ssmilezz, irene was my #1 gynae. she's good! too bad she left kkh.

i just went for my 36wks checkup this morning. baby estimated at 2.8kg now. will be seeing gynae weekly now. she said will check for dilation from next wk.</font>
Ssmilezz, I also have the whitish flakes on my nipples, since 1st trimester, but I just clean them off. You need to remove them in case they block your milk ducts. Just gently rub them off when you bathe.

I'm feeling so lethargic this morning... wish I can just lie down and sleep somemore! I finally booked my waxing for this evening using my Groupon...hope the salon does a good job.
Ssmilezz, I'm seeing my gynae this Fri afternoon.

I've been having white crust on my nipples for a few weeks now. But today, it actually wet my dress bcos I'm bra-less at home.

Petrina, I've read that leaking doesn't indicate that I'll have a good supply of breast milk. Otherwise, I'll be a happy cow :p
JUL: Sounds serious. Did your gynae said what is wrong? Best to rest well in the hospital with the right and safe medication being administered. Do hope you will recover soon.
When's ur EDD?

SEL: Try not to stress yourself unnecessarily. There is very little you can do about the weight and baby but let nature takes its course. Think about other things to do before you pop and do online shopping etc ... this will get ur mind off the worries.

Groovy: Similar ... i slept @11 woke up 2am and then finally fell aslp at 6 before having to wake up at 8.

Sounds like as we all get closer to our EDD our bodies is feeling the fatigue and weight

Petrina: I dont know either as i did not ask for the cervix check so when he did it for me i thought its normal.
My first time for everything so just let it be but i felt it was good to know.

Perhaps different gynae does it differently but you can always check with your respective gynae.

At my 32weeks with the cervix check,he was able to show us the cervix opening and we could also see the our little girl head which i supposed was not engaged yet although i wouldnt know how an engaged head position looks like. Hahaha.....

But he said babys position is good, cervix is good, level of amniotic fluid is good and no signs of early birth. Then proceeded with the culture swab test and 3D/4D ultrascan.
