(2012/06) Jun 2012

Groovy, use bra extenders la.. I'm also using that since my underbust seems to have increased by 1-2". My normal bras are too tight even when I use the last hook.

Jul, is your hubby with you? If not ask for a damp towel to wipe yourself down? I find that my fever gets better when I use a damp towel soaked in iced water and place it around my joints like behind the knees, elbows and also on my forehead. I always do this since I cannot take Panadol to reduce my fever.

I'm sweating liao. Think fever will go down soon. I told hubs not to stay with me. He has to care for no1 n dun want him to get sick then spread germs to him!

Rest well and hope you have a speedy recovery. Luckily your neighbour is out. At least you can have a good rest tonite. Take care ya!!
Sweating is good. Means your fever is breaking. Just do a quick wipe down if too late to shower. Cos don’t end up catching a cold instead.
Higher protein food will help if you really want to “beef” up your baby. Still have time cos I thought typically babies put on the most during the last few weeks?
Those extenders are a god send as long as your cup size still fits. I have some of those too.
Yeah, she moves a lot during the day too. On and off. Either prodding/dancing/stretching. Should be having fun inside la… I don’t mind her being active during the day so at night, I can sleep properly. One thing I noticed is – when I am doing my exercise workout, she’s quite quiet inside. Only when I cool down, she’ll start moving again. Maybe she enjoys the movements when I’m working out?!
Petrina: forgot to reply ur previous post. Chris didn't do anything yet, only normal scans. Dunno this fri wun be as per normal anot.

Fleur: yes can feel baby's movements now and pretty obvious. He likes to move when I'm not moving. Haha
do rest well tonight. read some magazines, surf net, time will pass quickly.

try to double your fish oil dosage, that's what my gynae told me when my bb is slightly below average.

petrina, groovy,
thanks for your useful info on breastfeeding. i really hope to TBF this time round. you gals are my role models

36 week checkup
just had mine yesterday and bb is 2.4 kg, next tuesday will be my 37th week and will need CTG scans.
jul > do tak care. Cover urself well in the nite since u r perspiring n hosp rm cn b really cold at nite. Smtimes we jus hv to share hubby attention w #1. Bt its a wise decision.
U wil feel better whn u wak up tmr. If u r lonely, u knw u hv got us here.
Cn sms me too to chit chat.

Hope my BFG experience this time will be a much easier n better one. It's so ironic that sthg that was meant to be so natural can be so difficult haha. Ppl say BFG is free milk but we spend so much on the pump, nursing tea, nursing bras etc :p

Yes, she's v excited & happy so far to hv a Mei Mei finally. We had no intention to hv another child & had always told her so. She was the happiest person in our home when we broke the news to her. Hb & I were just too shocked lol. Frens joke that it must be the Aussie relaxed pace of life & lack of night life here lol

Hope that all will be well for u soon! Good that u still sound chirpy & positive.
Nattan: she told me to drink more maternal milk. Will try, though work can be stressful too.

Jul: unfortunately i don't eat beef, and i hate the smell of durians, so can't take them.

Joeey: i will try to increase the frequency of fish oil. But i find it not very helpful when pd gave that to my son to bulk up. He's still very short and skinny despite taking fish oil daily.
Thks for the support ladies. Hopefully just now will be the last spike of fever n i can go home tomorrow. Really very restrictive to be here although there's constant medical attn n meals conveniently delivered etc. I'm actually scared to drink water coz worried i need to keep gog to the toilet lol
<font color="0077aa">ssmilezz, my #1 was natural delivery. Ya, u see her like those petite type but I rem when I was pushing, she actually rested my leg against her tummy. I was impressed. She's confident and her stitching was good.
so wanted to go back to her but cos I calculated it would prob cost me double the delivery fee, so I stayed at KKH.</font>
Went for my waxing and got a lecture all the way from the salon boss about how I shouldn't be doing it and if I were her regular customer, she would refuse to do for me, blah blah blah...
And she wouldn't help me pluck, saying my skin is so sensitive already...
Well it was cheap... what can I say..

Ssmilezz, actually the baby will be rocked to sleep when we move. My baby also doesn't move much when I walk around or exercised last time.

Jul, glad you're getting better after the fever broke and hope you can be discharged soon.

glass, yeah maybe drinking maternal milk will help. Just try to take it easy at work... soon you'll be doing handover right?
Just wondering where to buy the bra extender?

Confinement catering,
Anyone has had them before? Which one is nicer, Natal Essentials or Newbaby?
Can we request for change of menu every 2 weeks? I'm afraid will get bored.
Also I won't want pig organs at all and might need to request for less ginger.
For Natal Essentials can we order last minute after give birth? Also wondering can we order trial version after give birth.
Groovy: if u not keen in confinement food, u can order normal tingkat.. cheaper and more food. of course u can't choose dishes but at least u can order bigger value so u can choose what to eat after they deliver.

Jul: take care! hope u recover and go home soon..

Happy that I finished choosing my flat last night at HDB hub.. but also got news that my dad kenna hospitalized on the same night.

Went to see him after finalizing flat. but they told me not to go over since i'm preg. dunno how my dad is doing now. he got hosp cause mild heart attack..
groovy2009: Bra extenders you can buy from any bra section or from Spring Maternity.

I am looking for food delivery after my confinement for approx 2 weeks too but only for lunch - Monday to Friday. I wonder if they will accomodate that but the pricing not cheap.
This is mainly for convenience sake actually

Petrina: Sorry to hear about your dad. Pray that he will be strong and doing well!
Where is your flat going to be at?
Petrina: Fajar Hills Far Far eh! But always good to have your own place
It will be fun decorating it but the $$ out also painful on pockets.

Counting down
Sounds crazy but i am counting down to 5 more working weeks less approx 4 days off for gynae checks hehehe. I told hb that the reason i look fwd (to the labour pains) is to get away from the office 38 pain.

Ladies ... the weekend is drawing near. yay!

JUL: Hope you are discharged today and feeling better. Rest more when you are home and no packing no housework k. Its your last chance to be "queen"
Morning mummies..

woke up late again cos somehow alarm didn't ring and I couldn't hear the cats meowing for food :p

Groovy, you can find bra extenders on Gmarket also. I bought them there.

As for confinement tingkat, most of them have 1 time trial, so you can try the food before committing. I decided not to get confinement tingkat but just get hubby to tabao downstairs. Cheaper, fresher and faster... We calculated that 1 meal via normal tingkat is $9-10/meal for 2 of us, whereas if we tabao downstairs is only about $5/meal for 2 of us. And we can choose the variety and add on soup which changes daily.

Petrina, Fajar is quite far from Suntec where you work isn't it? Fortunately your hubby can drive you. I also pray that your dad gets well soon!
I hope Jul is all better today. Wonder what's causing the fever in the first place? I thought fever is just a way for ur body to response to viruses like flu and infection.

Petrina, congrats on ur flat! Sorry to hear abt ur dad. Hopefully, he recovers from the episode soon!

I'm 35 weeks tmr meaning that baby's major organs are almost if not completely developed. I've got 21 days to my c-sect. So feeling less worried and more excited now!
nattan: aww. no choice - MIL say muz move out. so we last min so Fajar Hills is best since it's near my parents' place. Clementi/Holland Sers very "qiang shou". so we dun dare to waste time applying.
my hb dun drive. he very lazy! always like to be passenger.. keke

Sel/fleur: thanks for ur concern.

Chris: $380k 5room flat. dun look exp but in fact after calculating interest, monthly instalment is high lor..

Sel: i'm hitting 35wks on sat!
going appt on monday
Morn mummies!

Another 2 more days to tahan till weekend. Had my 32 week gynea visit yest. Bb is 2.4kg and heads down. Hope he stays this way. Placenta still low according to gynea..hope it gets out of the way soon.

Jul, rest well in hosp. Sleep all you can and get well soon!

Gynea say will do the swab test on next visit. Did all mummies here do that test too? When will gynea start to check for dilation? Sounds scary if they insert finger..
Hi mummies,

Haven been in here for a while, was so busy with work.

Jul: Take care and rest well
Petrina: Hope all is well for your dad too
Prettibride: Wow your baby seems heavy, makes me wonder if my baby is taking in enough, he is only 1.7kg+

Went for my 32 wk check up last week, only did the finger prick for blood test, other than that din really do much other tests or check for dilation. Anyway my boy seems to be in a good condition so din worry or ask too much also. Dr Tham was in a rush to go for a delivery.

From the way you ladies describe it, the dilation check does sound scary and i'm not looking forward to it.
Nattan, I think they kind of give up encouraging families to have more kids or they're just encouraging it half-heartedly. Especially, based on recent article that says we need more migrants to slow down the impact of an ageing and dwindling population.


To me it's obvious that it's going to be a vicious cycle since the ultimate problem is due to us not pro-creating enough. But how to consider forming a bigger family with the increase in cost of living and us ending up working more for lesser (since the foreigners spoil our labour market). It really looks like our children will have a harder time settling down and building a family in the future.

Prettibride, what is a swab test actually? I think I had it last week. I had a call from the clinic yest saying that the outcome is normal. Yeay! But I really don't know what it means.
Baby Weight
Mine @ 31 weeks was 1.4kg. A small baby!
I haven't done my swab test yet but will ask for it next week when i go for my appt.

Xiaowei/Prettibride: I think at this point insert finger insert instrument will not be as scary as the actual labour itself kekeke
Petrina: Hope your dad recovers soon! Will be praying for him.

Jul: Hope you are feeling much better!Pls rest up!!

Prettibride: Good that baby is heads down but yea my girl is not that weight at 32 weeks. Are you opting for natural?

Mine is almost the same as Xiao Wei at 1.7kg.

Dilation Check
I cant imagine it as of now, will share if it happens next week on my 35week. Hahaha....
When do they start check for dilation?
Does a cervix check means a dilation check?

i only put on 7kg till date. so think my baby is normal size. dun worry about baby not taking in enough..still got time to grow.


its the test to test for bacteria at cervix. according to gynea some bacteria present in faeces can spread to cervix area and harmful if baby inhale it during labor. dun tink this is painful..i hope.
Sel, the swab test is to test for Group B streptococci, which can cause complications to the baby during birth. Good that your result is normal.

I think the govt should reward S'poreans who are willing to have more children rather than penalise them. It's just illogical that on one hand they want more local children, and on the other hand import more foreigners while not giving local families support. So is it just a financial decision? Cheaper to import cheap foreign talents than to support locals to have more kids? Sheesh... it's no wonder some of my friends talk about migrating overseas. With the influx of foreigners, S'pore isn't what we grew up with anymore. More stress and faster pace of life to match the higher levels of "productivity", at the cost of our quality of life.
Morning ladies!!!
I hope your dad gets well soon. Did you manage to call and speak to him?
So when will your flat be ready? Looks like you are going to be busy with the house renovation and then the packing and moving!
I’m looking forward to next week’s visit too. 35 weeks on Monday!! YAY!
Normal test results is always good. Now you need to hang in there for the next 3 weeks.
My girl at 33 weeks was 2.5kg! hehe….i dunno how much more she would weigh by next week.
i don't even wanna start on pro creation! the more i think abt PAP, the more pek cek i become...
When my grandparents have many kids, they start fine-ing those who have more than 2. Then my grandma had to abort since no $ to pay.
then when we have kids, they say muz have more. 2 not enough. so because we dun have enough kids, they open *free for all* policy to any "tom/dick/harry" into our country.. as if out country won't sink!
During our parents' time, once u have 3kids or more, u'll get penalized.. no edusave a/c, no benefits.. etc...

all crappy lah!
thanks ladies, i dun wanna disturb my dad now. esp when i'm still at work. will call afternoon.

Smilez: excited with reno in 2015
shld take keys by end 2014.

Weight Gain
last night when i was in hospital, i took opportunity to weigh myself.. got a big shock! gained 2kg in 2weeks manz! siao arh... total wt gain since preg is about 8kg.
based on my BMI, i can't gain more than 10kg
cham liao..
Petrina, that's sad if your grandma had to abort. My maternal grandma had 9 children. 1 died during childhood and my grandparents adopted a boy cos the 1st 5 were all girls. My paternal grandma had 5 kids - 4 boys and 1 girl. Aiya.. govt policies all suka suka then change.. just look at our education system.. :p

I can't wait to see my baby on 21 May...I'm 33 weeks now, so will be 34 weeks 5 days by then. Suppose to see him next Sat but last min clinic changed the date, maybe due to scheduled delivery. I put on another 1kg+.. hopefully goes to baby :p I think he should be 2.6kg now..
<font color="0077aa">nattan/sel, i think govt wants to encourage ppl to give birth while at the same time need to make sure that these ppl can really afford to have more kids. for ppl who truly want to have more kids, they will not be discouraged by the lesser grants govt gives. for ppl who give birth just because there are govt grants, the money is not going to last the baby more than a few years and the baby is likely going to suffer.

petrina, i thought i heard that lky admitted asking ppl to stop at 2 was a mistake.</font>
Re: Swab test, but I'm scheduled for c-sect leh. I shldn't need the swab test right? Well, unless my placenta decided to move up and baby turn lah, although it is very unlikely now.

Sapphire, in this day and age, most of us are wise and sensible enough to know that kids are a long term responsibilities. It's a shame if there are still parents arnd who have kids for the sake of the miserly amt that the govt gives. And it's even more sad if parents who are genuine abt having bigger families are being "penalised" with higher costs to deter those parents who are not genuine. Moreover, how do they intend to measure the affordibility of these parents? Surely the requirement of both parents having a combined Medisave of $15,000 or more to have five or more children is not enough to justify that the parents can afford to have another child.

It's lunch time. What are u guys having today?
talking about importing those "foreign talents"...it really makes me so pek chek as the trains/mrts became so crowded these days! :/
I love traditional confinement food. In fact, it's one of the things I look forward to at childbirth. Only time we can eat so much heaty stuff &amp; yet not fall sick ;)

Yes, Sg has seen so many changes since we left 2 years ago. We still make our annual trip back &amp; I was quite surprised to see the Bengawan Solo aunties at the counter replaced by young Filipinos!
hi petrina,

i tink is normal to have growth spurt in weight leh..cos i experienced that from week 30 to 31 too..sometin that surprise me...trust me a lot is water cos when i went to measure few days later, the weight can drop one leh.....

nattan : agreed that confinement food is super expensive...yeah natal essential is good , big portion; but will get sick of the seasemee oil and ginger taste leh....
sapphire: i dunno abt admitting mistake. but my whole maternal side is still very sore over the loss of a fellow sibling. then i get pissed when recently the govt keep emphasing that it's our own fault for not reproducing fast enough to replace the old people.. how can one's mentality change overnight?
The control of 2 kids lasted almost 30yrs before relaxing. then they expect us to pick up their s**t immediately?
so we dun procreate fast enough they decide to bring in existing working adults to fight with us for living.
vicious cycle tat make us even dun procreate due to competitiveness right?

Kadice/Cheri: i welcome ppl who wanna grow their roots here. but i detest ppl who come n leech then leave with our $$. I know of lots ppl who r the 2nd type. makes my life irritable working with these ppl.

Sunbelle: dunno abt growth spurt. but i think it's water retention too. cause yesterday my leg swell to 2x it's size.
Petrina: I agree with you lor. U wanna come here, u stay for good. Dun get all the benefits liao then run off. I get especially upset about the transport lor. Packed with all the so called foreign talent. There was this day when I was waiting for a bus, there was a china lady beside me waiting for the same bus too. The moment the bus came, I stepped towards the waiting point, then she pushed me from the back. Worse still, on the bus there was a vacant seat which I wanted to take, she just quickly jumped on it and got busy with her phone. Pissed.
Worse still, my china neighbours through rubbish down the common chute without using plastic bags, so everytime the chute is lined with leftover food. Then they dump their unwanted stuff at the chute area instead of bringing it to the first floor. Tsk Tsk. I have lotsa complaints about them la

abt foreign talents
nowadays almost everywhere you go you'll see foreigners. Singaporeans are becoming minority. In the past, gov only import the 'talents'. now, seems like anybody can come here and work. and it really affects our society. most of us still suffering from the culture shock cos we're not used to the way they behave. really hope the gov do something about it before Singaporeans start leaving the country.
