(2012/06) Jun 2012

Sel: haha.. is it? i very excited everytime ppl successfully bf. i think i shld change job. LOL

Adeline: i tot it was early to do CC. maybe like sapphire, my gynae will do at 37wks. nxt monday my appt will be 35wks. so exciting

how to show u? i tot just insert finger to check. mine tat time check always say 1cm dilated till birth also 1cm. hah!

groovy: sit up straight then drink hot water. it soothes heartburn momentarily.. till u get ur pills.

fleur: i usually don't get good nite rest cause legs too cold, neck too warm. last night was better though once it started raining i woke up liao. then my son nightmare, i wake up again. but i was too lazy to go toilet though i have urge. i usually soothe myself to slp soon after.

Hi June mummies

I am also popping next mth too. My #2 actually and my EDD is on 25 June. I hv a coming 6 yr old gal & it's a girl again this time. We love gals!

I gave birth in TMC for my #1 but we r based in Melbourne now so it's gonna be a whole new experience giving birth here. Heard that they encourage us to room in with the baby once she's born n cleaned up. But we can get the nurses to take the bub to the nursery at night if we really need the rest n beep for their help each time we need assistance in latching the baby etc.

I've put on abt 9 kg so far but hv not really put on much the past 2-3 weeks. Should that be a concern? The thing abt here is that they dun encourage scans each visit to the gynae. My last scan was at 20th week but I've requested for an extra scan at 37th week cos I told my gynae I wanna keep the 3d pic as a memento ;)
Cheri, wow going to give birth in Melbourne?

I've put on 12.5 kg to date! In this current weight I gave birth to #1 already. huhu..
Some more I don't have swollen feet. Looks like it's all fat this time.

My 34th week checkup, baby is about 2.2 kg. And I gained 1 kg in 2 weeks. huhu..
jul, hope you are feeling better.

thanks all mummies on the info on veginal examination. anyway, scared or not...it is something that we have to go through.

anyone's appetite getting worse these days? i kept having wierd after taste in my mouth after eating certain food (esp chinese food) kinda strange as all these used to be food I like...quite surprised 3rd tri would have taste buds changes too.

im going to see my gynae again this fri..woo~~
which groupon voucher u using? i booked mine for 13th june.. haha.. hopefully, hasn't popped by then!

i've been feeling leg cramps almost every night now.. very irritating! and yes, the weight is slowing my movements down.. dun rem feeling so for #1..
Yes, & it's gonna be a winter baby. So many firsts for this #2. well, at least, I dun hv to fret over sweating buckets during the confinement period. I love eating all the trad confinement food haha. How old is ur #1? I'm hoping the sibling rivalry will be minimal ESP since my first has been so used to being an only child for so many years.

I dun notice a change in my taste buds but I do realize that I tend to feel empty/hungry/weak when I lie down even if I had just eaten a while ago. But once I get up, I start to burp. Confuses me cos at first, I thot it was low sugar or sthg. Hb's theory is that the food has not gone down into the stomach yet haha
My appetite is still the same. I typically have smaller meals for dinner and drink some green tea after that. Helps with the digestion. And oddly enough, I didn’t take much sweet stuffs earlier on but I can eat desserts now. Haha..that probably explains my weight gain surge from the week 20+ onwards.
Wow – welcome to the thread. Do share with us your experience birthing in Melbourne and how different it is compared to SG. Is it expensive as compared to SG?
Yah, you are the BF expert leh…Will definitely ask you for advise when I start. Hee…
I have not done any CC yet at this point. I thought still too early.
Erm, does it mean you need to start wearing breasts pads now? Keep us posted how your checkup goes today. Will keep my fingers crossed for you.
I have been massaging my boobs during the shower the past few weeks. Hopefully that will help me get used to massaging them even after I deliver.
Looks like you have to eat smaller meals now with the heartburn being so bad. Eat slowly too!! I get reflux more and will gag a lot. This has been the same all throughout pregnancy. So I’m already used to it.
That’s comforting to know that you were with Irene when she was at KK. My hub is always saying she’s so small size ah..where does she get her energy to deliver so many babies. She has been very assuring and quietly confident. How is her stitching skills? Did you go through natural or c section for your no 1?
mummies. I knw tis has bn discussed b4. Bt i didnt follow it last time. Is the freestyle suction power n pisa the same? Last time i used pisa bt usually use only middle power. Nw tinkin of changing to freestyle.
any mummies usin pmet for CL? Hw much is the charges? I jus signed w thm yesterday, bt seems tat the charges hv gone higher compare to the last time.
Hi Cheri: yes. in Aussie, they don't encourage frequent scans. unlike SG. cause it has additional radiation. they just use doppler to check heartbeart at every appt.
actually only asian countries do scans very frequently due to technology improvement and eager parents who wish to see their baby at every visit

so don't worry. aussie is a very natural birthing place where they recommend kangaroo care. esp skin to skin contact for flourishing purpose.
weight gaining is up to individual. depends on your diet. as long as baby is growing accordingly, it's fine.
hunger is normal cause baby is pressing on tummy. so it takes a much longer time for food to reach tummy. for some ppl, they tend to eat lesser as stomach space is constricted. so they feel full now yet shortly they feel hungry again.
Hopecg, I got a Groupon with Femma Beauty Centre at Far East Plaza... $50 for 3x. Your EDD is later than mine, I don't think you will pop by 13 June! Hopefully I can go for 1 more round before I deliver...

Do you stretch your legs and take extra calcium? I haven't really felt leg cramps many times, only a couple of times when the fan was blowing at my legs. I guess walking a lot helps also. Normally I can brisk walk, but sometimes if I am experiencing BH, I have to slow down cos it gets a bit uncomfortable when all of a sudden, the tummy feels as hard as a rock!

Kadice, i don't feel any change in my taste buds, except maybe due to the flu, they became rather muted. Otherwise, I eat as per normal...

Hi Cheri, how nice to enjoy natural aircon in Melbourne now
It's strange your gynae doesn't do scans for you? So how do you know how the baby is doing and her position?

Ssmilezz, ya, massaging the boobs help.. I also do that when I apply the stretch mark lotion. If you have a post-natal masseuse, she can help you to massage too. Mine will provide hot stones to reduce engorgement.
Chris, re Freestyle vs PISA, the Medela sales person told me they did a test and the suction is the same. However, some mummies said the PISA is more powerful, maybe due to the angle of the suction cups? I dunno cos never used either before. But I bought the Freestyle cos more convenient to bring around with rechargeable batteries and it's lighter.
U sound v familiar w the Ozzie birthing way? Yes, u r rite. My gynae will let me listen to the bub's heartbeat each visit now & so far, he's telling me the baby is growing well from touching how far up she is. From touch, he can also tell she has turned haha. Quite amazing to me but he told me ats how the gynaes work in the 70s when they did not hv u/scan yet. He used to work in KK.

Wow, heard u r BFG expert! Must 请教 then. I had undersupply issues then but thru expressing & supplementing, I managed to latch till she was 7 mths old & express till 14 mths. recently, I read that it could also be due to a lack of mammary gland tissues too hence some of us will nor hv enuff milk even if we feed on demand & do everything rite etc. Sad thing is, it's hard to rectify that cos it's sthg we r just born with. What r ur thoughts on this?

Squatting during birth?! Sthg I heard here but I rem I only lie down on the birthing bed in TMC for my natural birth.


We r not PRs here but we hv private healthcare insurance. The pte hosp bills r fully covered but the gynae's bills is only abt half. Think it's still a few k? I rem paying 2k plus for TMC then too? For those who r PRs or citizens here & opt for public hosp, it's all free, I heard. They pay high taxes here so quite a bit of benefits in terms of Childcare, medical etc.
Petrina/Ssmilezz: Yup perhaps because i highlighted to him that i have water retention at my feet so i guess he checked it earlier, could that be the case? I dont know either.

Chris:pisa and Freestyle has the same suction power of 60Hz. The upside about Freestyle is the weight of the unit itself, which is much lighter.
a question on Childcare Leave.

most of us giving birth in june..
so this year June to Dec 2012 we be getting 6days childcare leave? any pro-rated or?

my company is not going by calendar year.. thus for this year i only got 3days..and the kid age at 7 will got another 3days.. dont quite understand?

any mummies please advise?

Thanks for the concern

I'm just rather bored here. Coz no internet connection. Thank god for iphone but there's a limit as to what i can do with the tiny screen.

Gynae said they detected some bacteria in my blood. So they administered 20ml!!!! of antibiotics intravenously this am. Also had to resite the iv from my right to left hand coz tye right hand got really swollen. So fat n bloated until i can't see my veins. I'm a very veiny person. Now my left hand is hurting. They drew 20ml of blood for the culture test to isolate what the bacteria is too.

Gosh! The most torturous thing is to be stuck to that stupid drip. Can't go to the toilet without asking for the nurse to unhook me. Then gotta call someone again to hook me back. I'm tied to the bed n can't reach my things.

Gynae says i'd better stay one more night. Guess i dun mind so much if i dun have this stupid drip. Argh! I need to pee again! Drats!
Don't fret over (ugly or auntie-looking) pajamas. This steal from Cotton On is only $15, and you can also wear it when you bring your baby out, and you need to bf. Other colours available. Doesn't look too uncomfortable.


It could be 6 days this yr or like ur co's policy. Both are acceptable to mom

U get 42 days in total. So i will get 6 days in 2012-2018 while u get 3 in 2012, 6 in 2013-2018, 3 in 2019
Hi cheri

I think countries like us, uk, aust all do it the natural way. I understand that in uk n us, they only do ultrasound scan twice in total. N that midwives attend to the mummies rather than the obgyn.
Sorry for the super long post

Cheri: ladies here r being kind lor.. not really bfing expert. just tat i m too anal on this topic so i personally won't accept it any other way..

good diet helps. as BM is mainly water based, u need to drink lots more water than the usual 2L per day to replenish milk production. during confinement, many ppl eat tonics n good food but neglect the need for liquids. best to drink a hot milky liquid before and after each latch.

milk ducts r fixed yes. but production is based on supply n demand. depending on frequency and needs of individual baby, u have to decide if u need to work harder than usual moms or not.
some babies r mainly suckers - so u need to latch more often. as long as u hit the std of 6-8 wet diapers per day, u don't have to really calculate how much baby drink.
some babies r sleepers - so u need not latch frequently and u'll feel more letdown due to the amt of milk accumulated.

it helps to relax during latching. being nervous will not allow ur body to have letdown. during latching, your body will create oxytocin to make baby n urself sleepy. it is easy to feel letdown *gush of milk* once u r relaxed. so baby usually slp after drinking. if u feel baby isn't drinking enough, you shld tickle baby's cheeks n chin to make baby persist in sucking instead of falling asleep on boobs.
make sure your baby drink the entire letdown amount till u feel your boob is soft.
foremilk is water n sugar. hindmilk is most impt as it contains all the nutrients and fats for baby to grow. so best is to latch for at least 15mins if u are not experienced since nervousness will have slow letdown.

mentality is impt. once u establish in ur brain that ur baby can only drink BM, ur body will automatically create enuff milk for ur baby. if u r really keen in bfing, do not supplement. at least for first 3mths u shldn't. first 3mths is very crucial in stabilizing milk supply. with every feed replaced, u r telling ur body to reduce 1 feed. as time goes by, ur body will think ur baby no longer need to feed. unless during replacement feed, u express same amt of milk as per latching and store. just remember, once u start dropping feeds, per feed will still produce same amt, but as u drop, total amt per day will drop too.

only in rare cases where moms can't produce milk due to lack of glands then they supplement. but tat is very obvious cause from the start, the particular boob already have significant less supply compared to the other boob.
historically speaking, i have yet to read on a mom who can't bf at all. so dun worry too much
Wow Petrina.. a lot of info there.. but thanks! Actually it's all in the mind. I know that older folks are very scared about baby not having enough to drink so they will insist on formula. But if we think about it, what about long ago before formula was common? Don't all mums bf? So it's kind of oxymoron if we keep thinking we cannot, when we are designed to bf.

My mum was one of those who "can't bf at all". She only bf me for 1 day (that's what she told me) and then after that cannot...I think the more we say/think cannot, the more it's going to happen lo, cos it's all in the mind! Also, I think it's important to stimulate the breasts to produce either by massaging or by pumping. The more we do it, the more the brain will tell the breasts to produce to meet the demand.
mihoger: As long as you have worked in the company for at least 6 mpnths in your employment history you are entitled to your full 6 days childcare leave

2nd time mummies - nursing bras

Can i check that if i were to buy my nursing bra now ... as long as i have space to put breast pads the size should be fine right? Our breasts size will not increase much unless in circumstances of engorgement right?

Under bust/chest area: During pregnancy mine expanded quite a bit so i needed a bra extender ... after giving birth will it be the same? increase? or reduce?
Petrina: Thanks for the info, interesting. Can i check with you, i intend to BF exclusively however am thinking of introducing the bottle with the breast milk, perhaps in between direct feeds, like alternate the bottle and direct feeds during the 3rd week.
Whats your take on it?

Any mums did that for your first child?
Cheri, my #1 is 19 months old now. She'll be about 20 months ++ when the #2 comes. I heard they will usually be closer when the gap is near. But it's good that you have 6 years old daughter. Hopefully she'll be able to help you

I was thinking to be like you last time, 5-6 years gap between my kids. Especially since I'm only 27 this year. But who knows God has given me earlier. Hehe..

Breastfeeding topic,
There are some mummies who can't breastfeed because they have inverted nipple. So they need to pump. Another is because the baby has tongue tie, so cannot direct latch. Breastfeeding is totally not easy at all.
Btw, important as well, do not use any kind of pain relief if you can still tahan. Even though the nurse said it's inclusive in the package, why must suffer etc. Last time my #1, the nurse said that and I in the end can't think, agree to be injected with Pethidine. Even though it has no effect at all for me, and the baby is born less than 2 hours after injection. They are not supposed to administer or suggest that to me at all, if I read in babycenter.
The nurse simply insist to inject me with that, saying doctor also suggest it. I ask for side effect she said if have side effect she can overcome it, why I must suffer. So in the end I just say yes.

And it makes my baby so sleepy and doesn't know how to latch until 4 days very sleepy. Only in the 4th day I come back to the hospital for lactation consultation then she's able to latch.
I don't use epidural at all for #1, experiencing the whole pain from the beginning. And the Pethidine really has no effect at all since it was administered just before my baby is born! If the nurse didn't insist sure I won't take.
Becoz that time I was in very much pain if people say what sure I will say yes since can't think anymore.
Groovy, you didn't even use the entonox at all? I think some nurses just insist on painkiller maybe cos they think it makes mummies deliver easier and faster. That's why we must have a birth plan and if hubby is there, would be good to get him to help enforce what we indicated in the birth plan esp if we don't want pain relief.
I never used any cream on my boobs so I have this bad stinky feeling that I will gana saggy boobs. I sweat way too much even when I just apply lotion on my tummy. If I apply on my boobs, I think it will be even worse.
I have been pressing my feet every night. Kia Su. Trying to see how bad the water retention can be. LOL!
Quite hard to type using 3G and your phone right? Fingers will cramp leh. Hope u can head back home tomo. So who’s taking care of your boy? Your ILs?
*clap clap* very very well written information on BF!! Thanks so much for sharing. I will jia you and use u as my motivation!!
You did without Epi for your first one? I think we mentioned before right? You are a very young mummy. How long was your labour at that time?
Childcare leave for this year
So do we need to pro-rate to 3 days for this year? I’m a little confused leh….I think I better go read my office’s HR policy.
nattan: paiseh. information overload.

groovy: yeah. pain relief will transmit to baby.. so they will feel sleepy. affects latching for sure.
tongue tied - they will do surgery to correct it upon birth.
inverted nipple - my fren had it for 1 side. she use the puller then express 1 side, latch the other side.
Bfing isn't easy at all. totally agree! muz be determined and strong will-powered.
when i had #1, my epi was given overdosed. so i slept from 1pm till 5pm after delivery. heard nurses gave #1 2 bottles in between. i was so angry. luckily after that no more liao. stupid anesthetist gave too much!

Adeline: for FTWM, shld bottle feed in day and latch in night. many ppl say will nipple confusion, but i think it's mainly training. baby hungry sure drink. haha
but hor, mommies try not to bottle feed cause baby can smell.. so they may try to resist and wait for "fresh milk".. keke
Hi Mummies,

I have some mustela products to let go. My DS was using it until he developed eczema, then we had to change his bathing products.

1) 2 bottles of Foam Shampoo for NB to prevent/rinse away cradle cap @ $10 each. (exp 04/2014)
2) 2 bottles of Cleansing Milk - good for sponge bath or daily cleasing @ $10 each. (exp 08/2014)
3) 1 bottle of Body Lotion @ $10. (exp 10/2012)

Self-collect @ Jurong area or normal postage fees applies

PM me if you are interested
thanks Jul..
i think that's how my company calculate too..

will double check.. not very fond of my HR who is not pro-family at all...
Ssmilezz, one trick I learnt is to apply a bit of baby powder after applying lotion. It helps to absorb excess moisture and you don't feel so sticky. But don't apply powder immediately, let your skin absorb some lotion for a while first ;)

Petrina, it's good info la.. I just hope I can really stand the contractions during labour and not rely on pain relief except for entonox gas. I'm pretty determined to bf also, so it's good I don't have people like CL, MIL or others to convince me otherwise. Hubby's support is very important also.
I'm using the entonox gas, only for 2 hours I'm in the labour room..

Stupid me, my gynea said he'll come back at 8 AM in the morning to look for me. So I thought I die die must tahan the pain in the single room. My single room doesn't have any pain relief right..

In the end, around 4.30-5 AM in the morning, I was bleeding already, and contraction was very intense. So the nurse asked and said if bleeding doctor said must go labour room already. So I go to labour room and start using the entonox gas..

My #1 is born in 6.51 AM in the morning.

My contraction starts at 12 noon until 6.51 AM, about 19 hours..

I can tahan pain lah. Got my nail totally gone on Sunday when I was going to move out to my new home. So I need to look for doctor open on Sunday which is very far, take bus etc, and no one accompany me since I ask my hubby (last time fiance) to keep moving our things to the new house. (becoz I have engaged our friends already)

Some more last time unlike now, no internet in my mobile phone. huhu..
Childcare leave - all mummies who have worked with the company for 6mths is entitled to 6 days childcare leave.

Only exception is those who just joined the
company then its prorated. So if u are with ur company since u are preggy confirm u get your full 6 days. No pro rating

P.S. Daddy gets the same 6 days too!!!

heheh this one i alrdy checked on the MOM website early early!!!
Nattan, if your contraction is overnight, you will found out your hubby peacefully sleeping while you can't sleep at all. Hahaha..

That happens to me. Nurse asked me to sleep but I can't becoz of the pain.
In the end hubby sleep and only wake up when I was bleeding and my contraction is very intense..
fleur: yes! daddy also get 6 days. initially we tot is share de.. keke

groovy: steady! my idol! my colly also delivered naturally w/o pain relief for 22hrs labour last mth

so i believe i can do it too. at most destroy hospital bed railings. haha or tear bedsheets niah..
Groovy, haha.. my hubby can survive on a lot less sleep than me, so I think he can stay awake if I need him to... My church friend and one of our pastor's wife actually slept through their contractions and only woke up when the nurse told them to start pushing!

Argh... so sleepy right now... no mood to work or do anything :p
I am sleepy too. Still not fully recovered but at least its the remnants of last week's flu.

Now i can feel the baby movements so prominently that i cannot sleep ... do u all feel the same?

Btw .. do your underbust chest area expand/remain the same or reduce after giving birth?
Fleurfleur, yes my baby's movements are very prominent now.. I expect it to taper off closer towards week 35/36 when he gets ready for delivery. But I can still sleep la.. haha.. he likes to kick when I lie on my right, so I try to sleep more on my left and use my right hand to rub my tummy to soothe him.

My underbust expanded, so I need to use bra extenders, but I expect that it will go back to about the same size after giving birth.
underbust will remain same till u stop bfing.

nattan: same! i m more pig than my hb.. when need be, he'll stay awake. keke he always attribute it to tough NS training. lol
Ladies. Please please consider a single rm. I had a 'temp' neighbour from 530am to 430pm n there was no rest for me! Either they were doing ebema, shaving, questionnaire etc before op. Or they had disturbance after ops. Or they krpt complaining too hot n switched the aircon to 21 deg till i was so cold i nearly got fits. Or she was talking on the phone. Or her hubs brought her mil n 2 sons who were so noisy out of visiting hours! Or her machine kept gog bonkers n beeping. N i'd only lived with her for less than 12h! Imagine if i were trying to recover from a long hard labour?
Haha Jul... I am definitely opting for a single bedder. If I have to share a room with someone, I may try to be louder than them to force them to change room! Heheheh... :p

BTW, if you cannot rest, can't you ask the nurse to transfer you?
Are u now alone in the 2 bedder room?! Must be so disruptive for you last night.
I’m very sleepy now too. Dunno why the skies are getting so dark and gloomy now. My girl’s movements are really obvious now – so quite enjoyable. Usually before bedtime, my hub and I will spend some time talking to her and playing with her. Afterwhich I will tell her, I need to sleep. So pls wind down for the night. And she’ll be ok at night – also sleep through.
Jul: How are you feeling now? Better i hope!

I opted for Single room but given its a dragon year its really hard to say if there's enough rooms to go around. I prefer single room so that i can get my baby to room in with me without disturbing others too.
I just went for check up and doc says baby growing slower than #1. At 34 weeks, he is only 1.8 plus kg but first one was 2.3kg already. Dunno how to put on more weight for bAby coz I had already taken more maternal milk. Feel so down. I pity my boy. I haven't even thought of a name for him. Doc says he may come out earlier since he is smaller size.

My neighbour was only here coz there was no single rm. So am i. Since she was moving i decided to stay put.


She only came in at 530am. So i had a quiet nite. Hopefully tonight too.


I was ok till just now i got 38 deg fever again. I think it's stress induced haha
Ssmilezz, yeah I also tell my boy to not move so much when I want to sleep. Does your girl move a lot during the day too? I can feel him hip-hopping or tap-dancing inside all day! Can be quite distracting..

glass, did your doctor advise what else you can do to help baby put on more weight? Try eating durian or protein-rich foods? But don't stress too much...stress can also affect your body's ability to absorb nutrients.

Jul, since your neighbour is going to move out, then just tahan a bit. Have a good rest!
My underbust gone from size 36 to 38 now!! My size 36's bra feels so tight :'(

Hux I've bought all nursing bra size 36 liao..

Before #1 was born it was 34. Huhuhu..

But then, I'm thinking the bra can expand, and after BF, I might lose weight fast. Hopefully will feel comfortable with size 36 after giving birth.

I should have followed John Little's shop attendant's advice to buy size 38 when she measured my chest..

Have u tried eating beef n durian? These supposedly help a lot. My no2 is also smaller than no1. At 34.5 wks, 2.3kg. No1 was much bigger. Think it's subsequent chikd syndrome. Just less rest n more stress


She's out since 430. But just when i thought i could relax with a shower n fresh sheets, fever's back
