(2012/06) Jun 2012

oh dear, how old is your eldest son ? sometimes doctor just need to touch the kids here and there and they will recover fast, don't worry... why is it that the food he can't eat, you can't eat too ?

Me going for staycation at Hard rock hotel this sun! Paid close to $300, although it is a promo price.
Audrey, how did he injure his hand?? Sounds serious. Recently read about this 4 yr old boy who was pushed down an escalator and had his hand torn apart... so horrifying!! I really hope the culprit gets caught soon. Really evil to push a small kid. However in a hurry the person is, he should never shove people out of the way. Late means late already la.. so what? I always see people hurrying at the train station... dunno why they need to rush like that and endanger others esp the old people and pregnant ladies
Hi mummies, it seemed silly to ask. So how to buy bras from asos.com? Can use credit card direct or need to go thru some shipping such as citiglobe or singpost? I nvr purchase from online using citiglobe or singpost before.

Me! Me! Me gog!


hehe count on me to provide things to buy hahaah

Kids adapt fast. Hey he may become ambidextrous after being forced to use more of his right hand for 4 weeks.


$300 a night? Same rate as the $588 for 2 nights mah. Do you have the universal studios pass?


Our society is just a mad rat race. Rush rush rush is the name of the game lor

ASOS is easy. You even buy in Singapore dollars with your credit card. And they will mail direct for free to Singapore too. No need to go thru those Concierge svc or vPost or what.
is it 1 night or 2 nights at Hard Rock hotel ? if it's 2 nights, it's pretty worth it, we should enjoy ourselves first before we pop !
He is turning to 12 on this saturday. His wrist is swollen, he couldn't move it but x-ray cant see much. A&E on duty doctor mentioned sometimes is due to the angle of taking the x-ray thus unable to see anything.

I can't be so bad, let him stare at me eating food while he can't eat right? Haha.. My mum said since not confirmed on his injury so he can't take cold drinks, eggs, bean types and sour food.

He said he was day dreaming and looking somewhere else while walking then he tripped and fell on a spot where the floor is not even.

I saw that in fb and heard over the radio, can't imagine how can a person with conscience able to do it. I bet that person doesn't has it. Nowadays many people walk with their eyes closed, they can't see anyone infront of them.
@Chris - Wow your HardRock seems like a good deal 3D2N?

I booked my staycation at Siloso Beach Resort. Going next Wednesday
. So happy to bridge my weekends

I encourage the mummies here to go for a local get away.

I was so excited planning the itinerary and I found that there is actually so much to do at Sentosa compared to other island getaway.

@Chris Do Catch the Lake of Dreams it starts daily at 9.30pm. Free!
if doc can't see anything wrong from the xray, then probably it's true, regarding food, better listen to your mum's advice then

you are a nice mummy, willing to eat the same type of food with him. my hb loves to eat ice cream in front of my kids when they have cough, then i'm the *bad* person who always say no no no
Audrey, how come those foods cannot be eaten?? When I was a kid, I was also quite clumsy so I received a lot of bruises all over my legs cos I often bump into things :p But i usually don't know until the bruises developed.
Audrey, even after Im a grownup, I am still very clumsy when I walk, always trip and fall. Must be extra careful these days.

The robinson expo sale started last week, since 29 Mar. I went last Sunday.Not that crowded though
joeey, these are things are worry about if I have a girl. I thank God I'm having a boy.. maybe God knows I can't cope with a girl! :p

Kadice, nowadays a lot of people look at their phones while walking. One of my friends fell face down at the sidewalk cos she was so busy texting! It was really embarrassing cos a bus load of tourists were looking at her! :p But that wasn't the last time she tripped and fell...

Hopefully the prices at the Expo sale are further marked down since it's near the end.. hehehe... :p
Any mummies feel a pulsating sensation in their tummy? Is that what BHC is?? I feel weird... it's not the usual baby kicks..
They will throw a tantrum when I told them they can't eat while i, myself, are eating it. My youngest do the worse, cry with tears and mucus until he gets what he wants. So the best solution is everyone don't get to eat so nothing to complain.

My mum only mentioned if there is a crack in the bone, one can't eat sour food (i think, i can't remember. haha..) to prevent hyperuricemia. The rest i forgot to ask her, haha.

You are not alone, i almost fell a few times for the past few months. In fact I fell in the toilet once before I used pregnancy test kit, haha.
Oh dear ... i do that alot ... busy texting or surfing net while walking.

My hormonal is acting up a lil. Feeling melancholy despite the fact that i shld have gotten used to the "attitude" and "outcasting" here. I would rather be swamped with work and be productive then to be in an environment where people are too free to bitch
Audrey.. haha.. your youngest kid is quite smart. I guess it's best everyone doesn't eat so that he has nothing to cry about.

Fleurfleur, try not to think too much about your colleagues' behavior. You can always come here to vent or rant ;) BTW, if you use aromatherapy, can try smelling Orange essential oil.. it's suppose to make you feel more cheerful. If you don't have the oil, you can just peel an orange and breathe in the scent
If you can play music in your office, do that too.. sometimes I just turn on iTunes radio and play some music in my corner. So long as it's soft, nobody complains..

Moi, ya I thought so too cos it wasn't a very strong feeling..

I'm having a harder time peeing! Have to half stand, half sit :p Think the uterus is obstructing my bladder...
Nattan: half stand half sit? It's like doing squats while peeing hehe.
To me movement is good coz it gives me assurance that bb is doing fine

Anyone wants to meet at Manhattan Fish Mkt PLaza Sing or marina sq for lunch 2moro? I'm on half day for massage n facial after that.
Hi Mommies,

I have some brand new BUMWEAR prefolds for sale.

5 Premium white prefolds
5 Newborn unbleached prefolds
2 Snappies

Willing to sell them in a bundle @ $35 (including postage).

And a preloved post natal binder selling for $25 (used less than 5 times, 85% condition) It is a free size 3-piece velcro binder.

If you are interested in any of the items above, please pm or email me at [email protected]
no leh. My staycation at hard rock hotel is jus for sunday w/o bfst, no uni studios! Seems ex hor? Bt its taxes included.

Jolene > wats n wher is lake of dreams? Havnt bn sentosa for leisure for a long time. Dont knw wats worth visitin. I only knw underwater world n most probably gona visit the 38 mil house. :p

hmm, i asked tis b4, bt i tink i probably miss the replies. Any mummies cn share w me the list of items to buy/prepare for our little precious arrival? Thks!

Gona mak ABC drink nw. :p
Hello mommies! Have been so busy with work recently no time to come and see..

Anyway went to gynae today and at 29+weeks my baby is 1.7kg!!!!! Is that very heavy?? I asked the doc he say it's ok.. But I read online average is abt 1.3kg?? Quite worried now..

Anyway registered for the kkh class a1 package too.. Damn exp these days. Estimated bill size $4000+ haven't include baby's Neo-natal..!
Me too, I have been sitting longer time on the toilet bowl before i can pee.

I didn't have any list, I just buy whatever items I can remember. Haha..

I think there is a checklist in the closed group. Found it, but not sure is it useful or not.

I went for checkup 28 weeks plus, near to 29 weeks. Baby weigh 1.3kg+, for myself I didn't put on weight for that month.

I remember reading in this thread someone mentioned about bottom spray, can I check where to buy it?
Fleurfleur, I'm also glad to feel movements even though they sometimes cause me discomfort.

Cindy, your baby seems heavy, but if the doc says ok, then it's fine.. mine was 1.2+kg in week 27.

Don't worry about the hospital bill since can use Medisave

Audrey, are you talking about the California Baby Non-Burning & Calming Diaper Area Wash? It's a spray and I bought that through iherb.com but you can get it at selected Watson's, Mums and Babes and many other places.
Hi ladies,

Been really busy today. Didn't have time to check in.

Having a really bad day. Have to keep reminding myself - this too shall pass, this too shall pass. Keep moving in.
Hi Mummies... I'm from the August thread. This baby is my #3, and i don't intend to know the gender till deliver
I see some of you are interested in the mum's and baby's insurance, as like the mummies on the aug's thread.

I'm from AXA, so I'm gonna touch on AXA's Mum's Advantage.

in summary:

Mum's advantage comes in 2 products. MumCare (Plus) and INSPIRED FlexiProtector / FlexiSaver

MumCare/MumCare Plus is a 3-year / 6-year single premium term plan that offers coverage for an expectant mother against death and pregnancy complications. it also provides hospital care benefit should the expectant mother gets admitted to hospital due to child birth complications. the coverage also extends to the child for congenital illnesses benefit and hospital care benefit for the child.

INSPIRE is a whole life, regular premium investment-linked plan which allows the flexibility to choose your own insurance cover and premium amount to meet your personal needs.

Under Mum’s Advantage/Mum’s Advantage Plus, the Mother can opt to transfer INSPIRE flexi2 to the life of the child at any time after the child is born*, i.e. life assured becomes the child instead of the mother but the ownership of the INSPIRE flexi2 remains with the mother provided the INSPIRE flexi2 has not lapsed or been terminated at the time of notification to axa life of the transfer.

The coverage:



Death benefit for mother expire 30days after delivery.
Pregnancy complications benefit expire upon birth of child.
Hospital care benefit for mother expires 30 days from birth of child.

*Gynaecology report is waived for eligiblae nationalities
* available to ladies whose pregnancies are conceived through artificial inseminations

Cost for an average 30yo mummy to be:
For Mum'Care: it's a lump sum of $315
For MumCare Plus, it's $595

For the whole life plan, minimum is $1200/year or $100/month.

Right after baby is born, there's also a very important plan to consider:
For Hospital plans, I recommend AVIVA. They have the best coverage (and I can sell them too). I have AVIVA way before i became an insurance agent and they are the greatest.
And also, if both parents are covered under aviva, the kids are covered for free (on plan 2) up to 20years old!! (up to 4 kids).
Therefore, Aviva is a very popular choice for parents with kids. imagine u have 3 kids! how much can u save!!

Aviva hospitalisation plan (MyShield) is payable via Medisave.

This is a link from MOH on available hospital plans. Please do not go and buy those that you need to pay by cash. It's no necessary.


Coverage for aviva is listed on it's application form here:

Minimum entry age is 15 days old or the date of discharge from hospital after birth, whichever is later.

Pls feel to chk with me for details.
Yea, I was asking about baby bottom spray. Went iherb last night but already oos, need to get it somewhere else.
jul, so envy...i still gotto work till 6pm today. enjoy your time off later~

i experienced my first leg cramp during pregnancy last night..came suddenly in the middle of the night..very painful. good thing hubby woke up immd to massage for me...but till this morn still got the 'sour' feeling. hope it doesn't happen again. also started having terrible lower backaches..anyone knows effective methods to relieve these aches? I tried everything, get hubby to massage, sit with a cushion behind me, nothing works.

realised i havnt bought nappy cream..what brand is good to recommend?
hi prettibride,

tink leg cramps mean not enuff calcium. try drinking more milk. it really helps hehe

nappy cream effective one is desitin or avent baby bottom balm hehe
prettibride: lucky that you are only experiencing leg cramps once. I already had it more than 5 times, alternate legs on alternate days. gosh! and the next day I would be limping.

i think doing a bit of stretching before going to bed helps.
<font color="0077aa">prettibride, i personally think we only need to get desitin for use when there are rashes. on normal days, babies don't need extra chemical on their butts. just keep it clean will do.

jul, how i miss going for facial! but with the bump, i cannot imagine lying on my back for an hour plus.</font>
Morning mummies...

going to enjoy a Big Breakfast later before going to Expo

Audrey, you can also find California Baby products on GMarket. But I'm not sure if they are cheaper. I saw the bottom spray there.

Prettibride, you are fortunate your hubby wakes up to massage your leg. Try to do stretches before bed every night. It helps.

Re nappy cream, the popular one is Desitin. I bought one at BabyCare Fair just in case, but I also have the bottom spray.

Sapphire, I went for a facial... you can ask the therapist to raise the back of the bed a bit so that you don't have to lie horizontally. Also, it helps that I lie a bit to my side when waiting for the mask to set.

For rashes, you can use Desitin. For really bad rashes, AZE ointment (but I think this can only be obtained from doctors/PDs).

No need to envy me lah. I'm starting to feel really really tired. The groin area hurts a lot. And my lower back is also aching. Really need to take a bit of time off for myself before the long weekend with my son at home - else I might pengsan!

sapphire, nattan

I also tell them not to use the 2nd mask but I'll do it myslef at home (but actually I dun lah haha coz lazy). Also cannot lie on my back for long. 1h30min is the max max I can go too. And I also try to lie towards the side.


Enjoy your brekkie &amp; day off

Update us on the Expo buys yeah?


How abt the BPs on SMH? They do carry the bottom spray, if I rem correctly.

leg cramps

It's usually lack of calcium for me. Take more calcium, keep the legs warm &amp; the cramps do go away / reduce.
My first bleeding through out my pregnancy yesterday scare the hell out of me. Having marginal placenta previa. Need to be in complete bed rest. Given injection and medicine to stabilise.
Day off for me too! Just had the McDonald's Deluxe Breakfast with ice milo!

Prettibride: I already experienced my leg cramps few weeks back. Noticed that when HB massaged my calves every night with the tigerbalm muscle cream it actually didn't cramp as often

But i will also try to increase my intake of calcium. Now only taking 300mg. Not sure if enough or not

minnzo : Yes mine is also at GEH too
how many weeks are you now?

only 300mg? The calcium my gynae prescribed to me is 600mg. And I feel guilty not taking milk. Is 300 enough?

Or is 600mg too much. How about mommies out there, how much calcium are you taking?
Prettibride: I also had my first leg cramp on my left leg last night. Gosh felt so uncomfortable but flex my foot and it was alright. I realised i kicked the pillow down where i normally elevate my legs whe i am sleeping. It helps until last night of course.Hahaha.

How nice that all of you took off today!! I cant wait for tomorrow off day and to sleep in a little before going for mass on Good Friday.
Adeline Oh my Adeline, you are making me a lil worried. You dont take calcium pills?

I thought it is a must! ?? I have been taking it since my first gynae visit.

Mummies out there, are you taking calcium pills?

Oh dear! So you're resting at home now, or in the hospital? Take care &amp; dun move ard too much.

Calcium Pills

I have to take a larger dosage coz I'm lactose intolerant, so can't get my calcium from the suual food sources. And gynae says I'm quite calcium-deprived as I kept complaining of leg cramps even in the beginning of 2nd trimester. So I've been taking 900mg since 2nd trimester. My gynae says that I can take up to 1500mg per day actually, provided that there are no other sources of calcium.
I didn't have any pizza yest! Only fruits =( gonna so grab my filet ltr! Hehe

How r you? Sounds bad but am sure things will pull thru!! Chins up!! =)

Calcium pills
I've been taking calcium, iron and dha prescribed by gynae since 3rd mth.. 1st mth was folic acid

I swear by this, but a fren also recommended before to use corn starch.. Works too!!

My weekend has just started!! Am excited!! But well, prob gonna be a diff post when Sunday/Monday comes along.. BoohoO!
so its lack of calcium..i was still tinking its lack of water. i only take my calcium pills when i remember, but i do drink milk and soya bean etc. guess its not enough. thanks for the advice..will increase my calcium intake..leg still feeling wierd..cant even stay in my seat for long.

nattan, wat u're feeling could be the placenta pulsating i mentioned earlier. it is caused by the blood flow moving through our placenta. I used to feel it really low near the cervix, but now its ok, guess my placenta have moved up. its perfectly normal, so dun need to worry.

can't wait for the day to be over..i am already sleepy..

Mine is 625mg! Heh.. But weirdly still have tonnes of cramps.. Lately also lazy to put on compression socks! =(
