(2012/06) Jun 2012


One reason why I went to Robinsons yest was to get free delivery lor. The shampoo, conditioned, facial wash, wet wipes etc were all so heavy! If ask my hubs to lug, plus drag my #1, he'll pengsan!

<font color="ff6000">Gathering on Fri, 13 Apr, at 313 Marche, 7pm </font>

Found this old list. Is it still valid?

Attendance :

* asrias
* gdmaimai
* groovy2000
* hopecg
* jol82ene
* jul
* nattan - tentative
* ssmilezz - cfm on Wed
Petrina: I didn't see the Petit Bauteau brand at Robinsons. Did you buy it at City Hall branch?
Can we actually ask for hospitalisation leave before our EDD? Will the nurse/gynae give? I hope so! Hahaha I would be happy with even 1 week of HL. The thought of not working for one week makes me happy hahaha

My gynae did the V scan around 5 weeks ago probably at my 24th weeks or so to check on my placenta position and it moved up a little so i have another 1.5cm more before its Ok for natural

Don't think will be too bored la..unless you are the type that hates to be cooped up at home and must go out daily type. Prob too busy and tired during the first month.


I think your living room prob looks like mine lor...all the stuffs left here and there. I have new pails (planning to use for baby's washing only) to be used cos my old ones very dirty, some containers to store stuffs here and there. Like going for war liao...


Typically before EDD, will gynae be ok to give hospitalisation leave? Or must use own leave ah? I dunno what is the protocol.

True la, the weather is nuts lor..so hot then out of the blue, such heavy thunderstorm!!!

Not really leh. My living rm is quite neat after Hubs' apcking. he cannot stand stuff lying ard, so he'll rather stuff everything haphazardly into every crevice he can find so that it looks neater haha. I only have 2 big, red, market plastic bags left in the living room now.

fleur, smilezz

It depends on the gynae.

Also depends on your co's rules. Some co don't recognise sick leave/hosp leave if it's 2 weeks, or 4 weeks before EDD.


My placenta also needed to move up abt 1.5cm from 28 weeks. But my gynae did yummy scan, not V scan
<font color="aa00aa">I've mentioned that I have to miss this Friday's gathering to take care of #1 as hubby is attending an event on the same evening. Hope to join you the next time.</font>

<font color="ff6000">Gathering on Fri, 13 Apr, at 313 Marche, 7pm</font>

Attendance :

* asrias
* fleurfleur
<strike>* gdmaimai</strike>
* groovy2000
* hopecg
* jol82ene
* jul
* nattan - tentative
* ssmilezz
Hosp Leave
u need to request from gynae. of course it helps if ur gynae is pte doc n not govt doc.
Also maybe u can say u have cramps n such.. usually gynaes will give. 1-2weeks. depends how generous he/she is.

fleur: not special sale. in centrepoint. near the upriding escalator, they sell those PJs on the carts type. there is a small range where they r clearing stocks. $10/$15 per pack. very cheap comparing to their original price.

I think it's not too safe to do V scan if we have confirmed PP. Tummy scan can see clearly already. Maybe it depends on machine also?? But detailed scan @ 20weeks didn't say i have PP. So i always thought everything was ok with my pregnancy. Now i think i better not stimulate my V part and walk lesser in case. At least before my visit to the gynae.

That's strange. Normally the placenta movs up, &amp; not downwards. I think the Siemens scanner is very suspicious haha
<font color="ff6000">Gathering on Fri, 13 Apr, at 313 Marche, 7pm </font>

Found this old list. Is it still valid?

Attendance :

* asrias
* groovy2009
* hopecg
* jol82ene
* jul
* nattan - tentative
* ssmilezz - cfm on Wed
Petrina, what's a 4D scan? In any case, if you didn't experience discomfort and your gynae didn't mention about PP the last time, then don't worry too much about it. Maybe the scan is not very accurate since it's a new technology after all.

The Petit Bateau clothes you bought are very cheap. Normally cost a lot more in dept stores like Isetan and Taka. How many pcs of baby clothes do we need?? I've got some hand me downs and bought some, but not sure how many I really need...

it depends on how often u wanna wash. And how often u wanna change. I'm the lazy sort. Will only throw in clothes into the machine once in 2-3 days or so. So need to prepare maybe 6 sets.

And if u intend to bathe baby twice a day, u need more also.

Think min 4 sets, 6 sets is comfortable.
Jul, thanks for the advice. I think I shld have enough for 3-6mths old, but not for 0-3mths.. not sure if my boy will outgrow them too fast so didn't get so many 0-3 mths size. I don't think I'll bathe baby so often. Isn't it very drying for their skin? At most use a moist towel to wipe or clean top and bottom only.

On one hand, they will definitely outgrow 0-3 mths clothes v fast. On the other, if your baby isn't a sumo, u still need the small sizes.

Depends lor. Some people dun use aircon, so the baby gets quite warm. I intedn to only bathe the baby once too.
<font color="ff6000">Gathering on Fri, 13 Apr, at 313 Marche, 7pm </font>

Oh no! Our gathering is getting so small!

Attendance :

* asrias
* groovy2009
* hopecg
* jul
* nattan - tentative
* ssmilezz - cfm on Wed
Jul: Your hubby at least feels "ganjiong" to pack and all...my hubby still super relaxed, no urgency at all. haha. btw, your gynae agrees to give you a week of hospitalisation leave before your edd? i intend to ask from my gynae 2 weeks, dunno if he would agree? i find my workplace too stressful

Petrina: Chris Chong did not tell me about pockets of water. I just went for my checkup on sat. My husband asked if can see the entire body, he said the scan cannot, only can see the head and different parts of the body separately. btw, did u see Chris for your first baby? he ok to give leave 2 weeks before edd? heez

Gathering: I cannot confirm if i can attend till later part of the week, might have some team dinner.sianz...

Morning all!

Had a busy weekend. My eldest son had a sprain on his wrist so he need to use wrist brace till end of the month and no PE/exercise too. My youngest son still sick, seeing doctor again tonight.

I have started my washing last week, his parents decided to come over in early may so 1 weekend gone for washing. I started on cloth diapers, took me like 4 days to dry as it has been raining daily in the afternoon. I wash our own light colour clothes on alternate days + dark colour clothes on wed and sat so I don't really have free day to squeeze in baby clothes washing.

U really stock up queen, haha. The most I buy is just 1-2 extra bottles of toiletries each time if there's sales or else I only buy them when they are 70% empty.

I plan to wash baby clothes daily or at the most 2 days since I will be letting him to wear cloth diaper so I should have enough to put into the washing machine. Must take into consideration that you might need to change the bathing towel frequently too. For my case, my youngest used to pee on his towel on almost every bath and as he's born early, his poo always overflow (most of the disposable diapers are too big for him). =.=
<font color="aa00aa">gathering

Maybe we shd change the date of our gathering since so many people cannot make it?

Any votes for dates?</font>
Re gathering, agree with postponing till following week. Anyway, next week my office will be closed for the retreat, so I'm pretty free

Audrey, do you throw soiled diapers into the washing machine? Or do you need to rinse off most of the poo and pee before putting inside the machine?
Can't edit post so need to write a new post again. For baby clothings, need to depend on baby size. Before I gave birth to my youngest, I only bought 0-3mths onwards clothings for him but end up I had to buy newborn size clothings after birth cause he couldn't wear even 0-3mths size, far too big!

My gynae is ok to give hosp leave to rest before EDD. The prob is that the last time, I pooped so early. Din get a chance to get hosp leave. Only sick leave for 2 days due to 'show', then pop liao :p

Hubs is not ganchiong to pack for baby. he's ganchiong to keep the hse neat lor


Haha yeah lor, I'm the Queen!

Gd thing your eldest isn't a break, just a sprain. Hope your younger gets better soon though.
Dear mummies,

I am a July MTB. My CL just called me to tell me that she couldn'tdo my confinement (had to follow her daughter to Korea).

I am really stressed out now. Called Siew Ling Jie and Siew Zhen Jie (recommended on forum) but they are fully booked already. Does anyone have any recommendation for a good CL?
I will be putting 'able to flush into toilet' diaper liner in between so most poo will be in the toilet bowl, haha. Anyway it is fine to wash them together with baby clothings as long as baby has not start on solid but once he start, i will be washing them separately. I won't be rinsing off the pee/poo as my washer has prewash and extra rinse function, extra wash already.
Kadice: he quite generous. tat time i was leaking. not fluid but yeast infection only.. he already gave me 1wk bedrest.. MC though.
So this time i think i only left with 7days cannot anyhow take MC liao. better ask for HL instead.
my #1 also with him. but i was induced @ 37+wks. so nvr get to request at all.

Regarding the scan, i really dunno. But their machine is colour. so can see the umbilical cord fluid. so they showed me the placenta. anyway i'll verify with gynae n see how bah.. hope it's just a bad scare and nothing else. i told my hb last night. if i dun get vbac, i sure post natal de... cause #1 tat time when gynae announced i need to csec, the whole 4hrs of waiting i was crying non-stop..
petrina: dun worry too much about the scan. if anything is wrong, gynae would have advised you already given his experiences. dun think the siemens ppl are as experienced.
i read somewhere that he tends to have the tendency to induce early hor...not sure how true

nattan: think have to wash away the soiled diapers before putting into the washing machine. if not, so dirty leh
Hope my youngest get well soon, he has not been going to school since last Monday. He on and off for fever the whole last week and today he is like going to cough his lungs out. Poor thing..

Don't be too worried about it. I will prefer to trust my gynae/the personnel during detailed scan rather than people in siemens.

I mean i won't wash the pee away, not the poo. I just spray them off (if there's any but usually all on the liner) before putting them into dry pail.
audrey: my boy also coughing his lungs out! fever was well controlled. but the cough is really bad.. green phelgm. i'm resisting to bring him to docs for antibiotics. i'm relying on chesty cough syrup &amp; flumucil now.

kadice: i've heard. he's not super pro natural. but i feel comfy with him though i was tempted to switch gynae upon finding out my #2 pregnancy.. so in the end decided to stick to him.
Same, i think he is having green phelgm too cause he is having running nose (can see some green discharge in the morning or after he nap). But my silly boy doesn't know how to cough out the phelgm, my hubby asked him to spit and he tried to make himself vomit instead. =.=

I didn't give him antibiotics too, going back to get more cough syrup and flu medi.
Groovy, sorry to hear about your loss. Please take care. Was still praying for your mil last week. But this is life..be strong and carry on.

Jul/ Nattan, if this fri outing not on, let me know. I already booked my calendar.

Any mummies going for WBB anenatal class tonight? Have to go to SCGS..so far. Guess will be very tired by time i reach home. Sighx.

Long weekend over so soon..but can look forward to the next one...labor &amp; vesak day.

Just entered my 3rd tri., all of u already packed hospital bag? I am thinking to wait till June then to wash bb's clothes..will it be too late?
Prettibride: Hope everything is ok at your end!

Hospital bag:
I am working on a 38week instead of 40week time frame so it means i have approx 10 weeks left to prepare. I am planning to pack my hospital bag mid May.
after lunch so sleepy, still having the urge to snack and munch..but dunno what to eat.
this week would be a long week ahead...yawnz
I am working on a week 36-37 time frame as I had twice delivered during that time frame, only 1 time on week 40. So i have about 8 weeks plus left.

Aiyo, I have forgotten about hospital bag already. I don't know what else I have forgotten...
Hospital Bag
I dunno what to bring.. haha
I can only think of clothes which we're gonna wear home. I bought from Old Navy a matching set of clothes for me &amp; baby. So we'll wear that home

Then probably those certs / NRIC.. That's all I think.
Gleneagles gives blanky this time. So i don't need to bring wrap. I checked with them, they say unless ur baby use excess, otherwise first pack diapers / sanitary pads r within bill already.
<font color="aa00aa">prettibride,
I think one-month in advanced of EDD should be fine.

Personally, I will also work on a 38-week time frame as #1 popped at 38+ weeks.</font>
Hospital Bag

Think I'll throw my barang into those cabin luggage and bring along. Will need to start planning what to put inside.


Just done with my 30week checkup! Put on 11kg to date. Baby is now at 1.7kg! That was a 700g jump from my last checkup 4 weeks ago. Gynae says still ok - for my size. No wonder her kicks and movements so powerful lately. Head is still down at pelvis area - should be easy for her to be engaged. Unlikely to be turning up at this point.

Next visit 3 weeks time. Phew, time is really flying!!
Just saw this photography deal.. $12 only! http://plus.bigdeal.sg/Capture-Moments88-Studio-Photoshoot-6-Colour-Backdrops-Blue-White-Grey-Pink-Yellow-Green.html/c=maillist&amp;date=2012-04-09&amp;secode=b822349487f8da6c7d5edfeeb0ffe29f

Prettibride, I think we're postponing to the following week cos this time round many cannot make it. Are you feeling better now?

Petrina, need to wear matching clothes with baby?? ;) So cute... I think I'll just wear a loose and comfy dress home. Anyway, PEH is just 10min away from home..

I've not packed my hospital bag either. Going to do it after I buy my sanitary pads :p

Ssmilezz, looks like your baby is growing nicely. I'm also feeling more powerful kicks now, esp at night and early morning

Kadice/Audrey, thanks for the advice on diapers. Found some really affordable ones on Gmarket, so thinking of getting them.
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">Change Date for Gathering</font>

Date : 20 Apr (Fri)
Time : 7 pm
Venue : 313 Marche

New list of Attendees?

1) Jul04
Hosp Bag

Hehe as I mentioned before, I'm working on 37 weeks. So will be doing the hosp bag packing this weekend. After that, I'll start washing baby clothes, cleaning baby cot, car seat, stroller, etc.. servicing pump etc. As I'll only be able to do these on weekends, it's gonna take a loong time to complete.
Change Date for Gathering

Date : 20 Apr (Fri)
Time : 7 pm
Venue : 313 Marche

New list of Attendees?

1) Jul04
2) Asrias

I was supposed to see gynae at 32 wks, but I couldn't wait &amp; called to change appt to this Thu instead haha
Guess i better be kiasu and start packing soon..too tired nowadays to do anything much. i still need to go hunt for the 42cm pads..dun tink the kotex ones is good enough.

Fleur/Nattan, thanks dear..i am ok now, have to stay cheerful for my baby. anyways hubby got a fat increment this year, so he brings me on shopping trips to cheer me up. but shop assistants are so typical lo..i went into one shop and the gal immed tell me, our sizes are very small..u have to come back after u give birth. @#$@$@^% as if i can't buy first and wear later. then others keep pointing me to those big sized clothes.

Nattan, i have a friend going to deliver at PEH too..but her EDD is end May.
nattan: it's nursing PJ for mom. top + pants. but it looks nice. so i bought it. not exp either..
I have too many NB clothes all very nice. dunno which to let baby wear home.. hehe
#1 i also bought a very romper that time. But i bought too big. 3-6mths type. so end up wear very weird.. so now i noe, i bought NB size.. haha

30wks 1d
Baby is 1557g from yesterday's scan..

Gynae nvr call me back regarding my PP question. Will call again tmr as he's only open in the mornings.
Seems like all babies here are growing nicely. Mine was 700g during my last checkup at week 26..will see next week how heavy he is now. i am feeling active moves everyday too...really hope he still got space to turn heads down..i dun wish to go through c-sec.

anyone of u done your birth plan?

i tot the class for breastfeeding is tml evening at SCGS?

wondering is there dinner place for us to grab a quick dinner? else 7pm no time for dinner......
Petrina, I wonder if my baby will be able to wear NB clothes cos both me and hubby are tall... My friend's sister's baby is now wearing 6mths old clothing when he's only 10 weeks old!! He's on both breast milk and formula.. really huge baby!

Prettibride, at least your hubby is generous to bring you on shopping trips. Ignore those sales assistants and tell them you'll shop somewhere else after you give birth! I boycott shops that provide bad service :p

My baby was 1.2+kg during last scan.. probably will have grown bigger on my next scan on 28 Apr
He was already head down since my FA scan in week 20, so I hope he will stay that way.

Re Gathering

Date : 20 Apr (Fri)
Time : 7 pm
Venue : 313 Marche

New list of Attendees:

1) Jul04
2) Asrias
3) Nattan

amy, i am confused. the sms i got was lesson 5 on 10th Apr @ SCGS. Lesson 4 on 11th Apr @ AMK Hub. i am super blur...10th is tml, not today. Haha..thanks for reminding me. I don't think there's any place to eat nearby..perhaps can drive through macdonalds or wait till after lesson. i also agree 7pm is very rush..have to rush like mad after work.
