(2012/06) Jun 2012

A question to ask, most people said that confinement 28 days is not enough (CL is 28 days) at least need 40 days. I don't intend to extend my CL because more $$$. Was thinking of ordering tingkat for 2 weeks. Any suggestion for tingkat?

HUllo everyone

Wah I really black Monday leh. Slept without aircon last night, sweated like mad. This morning #1 not cooperative, had to smack him for splashing in the puddles. Hubs slept like a log & had to do his chores this am, so we were all late for school & work. Traffic was bad.

Gosh! Thank God for short workweek!

I tried Natal Essentials. Not bad. Portions large, can cater to your taste (eg if u dun want innards, etc etc), delivery timing is regular.
Petrina, I don't really like KFC.. find their fried chicken too oily. I prefer Popeyes and usually will go for breast, wing/drumlet and drumstick. No thigh for me cos it's oily. I like their biscuit and mashed potato too.

Chin, Groovy is going for Newbaby confinement food tingkat.. can give that a try. I took up a leaflet during the last Baby Expo.. think there's some discount for early bookings. Can check it out.

Jul, haha.. really black monday. Cheer up! At least it's a short work week! I'm planning to take off on Thu, so only 3-day work week for me!

hehe I also dun like KFC & prefer Popeyes. But I only like breast or wings. I dislike thigh & drumstick.

Wah so many people taking leave on Thu.

I feel like taking half day or something too, just to go eat MFM $3.99 fish & chips, maybe go for a massage & a facial? haha so ambitious!
Haha I ate Mos burger meal for lunch. Bought a Macs cinnamon melts for tea break. I keep looking at it & wanting to eat it NOW
I like fried chicken in general. ESP thighs and drumsticks. I need to eat like 2 drumsticks and maybe one breast piece to be full. And also need to add on the side dishes la. Hehe

3 day work week sounds good man. I wish I can take on thurs but too bad i will be stuck at a workshop from tomo

I had 4 course italian lunch at Orchard Central! Only 14.90! Quite a nice cosy Italian restaurant. Boss treated us so not a bad way to start the week. Hehe


I know can order online but hub keep saying no one at home to receive the package. Tsk Tsk.
Mummies,I am gng for my 29wks check up this evening

Very kan chiong wonder how heavy is the little ones now?Btw,mummies who delivered in Mlt A..do ur apply the ladies card?How to apply n is there any terms n conditions to apply?What are the benefits?Last time my ist also delivered there but I didn't applied
nattan/jul: yesterday we tried ordering popeyes.. but they say no delivery to my house. so bo bian order kfc.
i like thigh cause meat is softer. the wing part i'm ok but i dun like the mini drumlet part. very tough n dry. like breast meat. hehe
i think it's good for biz since everyone has different tastebuds.. otherwise their chicken parts can't sell fully.

i ate MFM last friday. not bad. will eat this thurs again. cause take leave bring my son go sentosa. vivo will have MFM.. hehe
raspberry leaf tea
checked with my gynae during my sat visit, was told no scientific proof on the effect and he said to him, that means no effect, lol..

what's that $3.99 fish & chip you mentioned? promo at MFM? hahaha make me feel like taking half day also sia...

maternity leave
confirmed that i should take about 2 months then come back to work already since no one will cover me.. so thinking when to take leave.. last time i planned to take 2 weeks in advanced, so start on the 10th and popped on the 12th, super good timing but so happened that i was having high blood pressure so kena induced at 38 weeks, or else will stay at home till 40 weeks not doing much i guess.. So wondering if my due date is around May 29 - June 02, will it be too early to take form May 21st onwards..
haha Jul I has mos burger for lunch too. Not enough still quite hungry now.

Mummies I am so sorry that I didnt take note of your discussion on the prenatal photography earlier.

May I hear from you, your recommendation please.

I have got one from my friend:

Yew Kwang Photography
One makeup+hairdo
3 outfits (bring yourself)
20*4R (selected prints)
All images selected would be returned in hi-res format on a DVD (So I guessed only 20 images would be returned to you).
*You can take up the premium package at $488 which return you all the photos with the unselected ones from the album unedited, DUNZ!!!

Like not very attractive leh, any others?
ssmilezz, you can order the ipad to deliver to your office mah... that's what one of my ex-colleagues did.. ordered an ipod shuffle for another colleague's birthday (we all chipped in) and have it delivered to office.

So nice that your boss treated you to a nice Italian lunch. I love pasta and pizza too, but usually I make them at home.

Petrina, true la.. must have customers like you to eat the thigh parts so that customers like me and Jul can eat more breast and wings... hehe.

Felicia, ya there's no scientific proof re raspberry leaf tea. It's just anecdotal evidence. Most folks suggest taking coconut water though. Even the cabbie who drove me this morning said I should drink it (he has 4 kids so I guess he knows a thing or 2?) but cannot drink daily, must drink like 4-5 days apart. Well, no harm trying if you like to drink the tea or coconut water

MFM promo is on again from 2-5 Apr. $3.99 for the Fish & Chips! I should go again hmm....
ssmilezz: Oh dear ... sinus infection is horrible!!! Please take care and rest early tonight. I know how aircon makes it worse!
We are all in our final lap already!

It was kinda bad this morning with ppl trying to suss out what my thoughts are and me trying not to be rude and cut them off. But i felt stressed when these 38 keep asking and repeating the qns to me like how how how ? Honestly i come to the point where since its decided just accept it. All of them want to request for changes to what they want. Please lah everyone sure want the same best thing right.

Got so sick of the bad vibes i disappeared earlier for lunch to get away. Now slightly better. just don't want to hear anymore from them and to be forced to contribute

I put on 1kg per week for the last 2 weeks and going for my check up in a few days time. Can't wait to see bb. Also fat butt getting fatter hahaha
smilezz, petrina

Hehe yeah I'm opposite. I like breast meat & the drumlet coz it's hard & dry.


Actually the Mos Burger was surprisingly enough. recently I can't eat so much at one go anymore, coz the tummy is blocking the way lah. But that means I have to eat more frequently which is quite a nuisance coz my office isn't near shopping centres or food outlets.

Sorry, I have NO idea on photography :p


Yeah yeah! Promo at MFM. Only $3.99 for fish & chips. Petrina tried last wk & said it was quite gd.

Yah, I'm trying to convince him to order online and I can get it sent to my office. Easier right plus same price!

We ordered Dominios pizza on sat. My hub loves Pizza. He says it's a one dish meal, got meat, veg with carbs all in one. LOL


These 38 ppl will always exist at work. I live by this theory. 坏人要坏才可以让好人变的更好. So the nasty ppl will remind us to be thankful of the nice ppl around and also remind us not to be like them. :D
Thanks for yr concern! I will rest and drink more water. No workout for me this week.


Does Popeyes do delievry?? I didn't know!
Fleurfleur, just ignore those people la.. just tell them nicely you don't have any comments cos what's decided is decided already. Everyone can KBKB for all they want and nothing will change right? What's the point of complaining... Good that you got out early for lunch and have some alone time.. Keep your chin up ya!

ssmilezz.. hehe.. your hubby is right! I subscribe to the same thought on pizza's nutritional value
Of course by making it myself at home, it's usually healthier!

Re sinus, have you seen the doctor? BTW, aromatherapy can help... I used an ultrasonic diffuser to mist my room with peppermint and tea tree oil when I was having flu, and it kind of helped me to breathe better. You can give it a try too.. or just put drops of eucalyptus/peppermint oil on a hanky and breathe in. I don't advocate applying the pure essential oil onto skin during pregnancy although peppermint is considered safe. Breathing in the aroma is ok.
Notebook / Laptop

Thinking of getting a new one. My old one is being hogegd by Hubs all the time & I'm sick & tired of it haha.

Is a Netbook really very slow? Coz I like the portability but some people warned me that it could be slow bcoz the processor is small. And no DVD reader/writer etc.

Then others advise me to get an iPad. But the prob with iPad is.. it's very easy & convenient for surfing the Net. But I can't work on Excel / Word, or easily copy & paste things from the Web to an iPad right? Unless I buy some Microsoft office programme?
Kadice: is it? the spreadsheet i saw only I alone Chris Chong.. haha
u nvr put ur info.
Eating ice kacang now! shiok

I wanna go company trip @ 36weeks.. can or not huh? go Batam.. take ship..

Smilez: saw on their website. i think muz be within 10mins from their shop..
Kadice, hehe.. actually I'm just claiming time off for my 2 OTs during the last couple of weeks. Decided to take some time off to do some packing at home.

Jul, a netbook is ok if your purpose is just to check emails, surf and do a bit of office work, plus watch DVD. iPad can still do most of these things but cannot watch DVD unless you rip them all into the iPad. Also an iPad can cost more than a netbook nowadays. I would recommend a MacBook Air if you don't mind paying slightly more for the processing power, storage capacity and overall better performance. There's MS Office for Mac so you can do your work on it as well.

Petrina, 36 weeks a bit risky leh... that time my office was also planning to go for retreat at Bintan but decided against it cos the ferry ride was rough. That time I thought I was going so they advised against taking the ferry. But really, I think 36 weeks is a bit late to travel...
Popeyes do delivery now but very selected place. I haven't tried calling to see if they deliver to my area but you can try

Thanks ladies
i am trying to focus my thoughts on my baby stuff like how to organize her baby full month celebration ... catering ... cakes etc hahaha What about u all?

I still have remaining stuff to buy like medela spare parts toiletries for confinement etc but that can probably wait until later part in April to get.
jul: netbook really slow... i have a HP from starhub broadband plan 2yrs ago. very pek cek with it as i used it for sales presentations. can't open more than 2 applications at a time.
Ipad u need to buy the MS Office equivalent. then u download the USB Disk and do usb transfer of files. there is application to open and adjust the file.
Fleurfleur, I was planning to do a full month celebration for my office and friends too but seeing that my boss didn't even invite us for her baby's full month nor sent us any cakes, I'm thinking maybe can save that money liao... I don't want to make it like a big deal if most people don't have such practice at my workplace. I may host a small party at home just for close friends and another smaller one at my parents' place for relatives only.
yup i drank coconut water from 34 weeks onwards, twice a week during #1 that time, they said baby come out will be very clean, which is definitely true for #1, so i am going to get it again this time round for sure..

but for raspberry leaf tea, i never heard about it before and only got to know it from this thread, so just ask my gynae lor, as expected, he never trust such kind of things and i didn't even explain to him what's the effect of it cuz i thought it helps to naturally induce labour, he just said no effect de, LOL, guess i wont take that ba haha..

wow 3.99 is super duper cheap lor.. thanks for the info!!!
Nattan: I am only planning for home full month celebration with family and close friends. Not planning to include any other ppl if you know what i mean haha
Ahh... hungry again! Despite the heavy Malay rice lunch :p Now snacking on instant coffee, crackers and chocolates again! I think I singlehandedly finished the box of chocs in the pantry.. hehehe... :p

Felicia, what do you mean the baby come out will be very "clean"?? You mean like no vernix mucous? The cabbie uncle just told me the baby will come out easily... hmm... I wonder what's the scientific reason behind it..
nattan, petrina

Er.. ok... so I need to buy MS office for iPad. So that means I will open & create documents in the iPad format? So if I wanna transfer or email to 'normal' Microsoft PC/laptop, can I open the file just like that? Or do I need to convert to MS Officer format first using the software again, before I email the file? Same goes for Microsoft to iPad format?
Jul, I'm not sure about conversion to iPad format, but if you get a MacBook Air, there's no need for any conversion. But warning... if you plan to do powerpoint presentations on your iPad/Macbook Air, it may look different when presented from a pc laptop ie may have alignment and font issues. I use an iMac desktop at work and also have an Acer laptop for presentations, so I know.. always have to make adjustments on the PC laptop lor..
ssmilezz, we also ordered dominos pizza last evening for dinner. i found it quite nice but my hubby didnt like it.

petrina, i think i did not update the file as i joined this forum quite late. anyway, where is the file? haha...btw i think 36th week is too risky to go overseas. I asked Chris Chong about travelling, he advised not to travel after 30th week unless really need to.

I read abt MFM extending their promo and I jio my fren for lunch on thur at Marina Sq. hehe. you ladies made it so tempting!

Netbook is really slow la if u want to do some work on it. And getting the Mac ms office software will help u to work more easily.

Don't think iPad is suitable for work related too la. Get a MacBook or MacBook air? I'm using a MacBook pro at home. Sometimes I think it has too much functions and I never fully utilized leh. Hehe. But nice to use. No need to worry what virus la, comp crash la and defragment or what reformat. I was using the MacBook earlier on and after it died on me after many years, I went to upgrade To a pro.


10 mins? Kao. Then most Places don't meet their criteria lor.

Do u make yr own pizza base too? Well it can be healthy if u watch what u put inside la. Cannot overdose on cheese or those salami , processed food.

Yup, I saw a doc. It was a cold earlier on but now turned into sinus. I can tell the diff cos of the backflow of mucus and the standard nasal sound. Air con doesn't help at all makes my throat more dry! Need to suck on sweets and drink water!

I like aromatherapy. Fav scents are lavender and ecucaplypus !

Your appetite had been good lately!! Around tea time hor?


So the coconut water thingy really works yah? A lot of ppl keep telling me must drink dont forget!


Maybe he doesn't like the flavor u ordered? I like the extravagaza flavor. Hehe
Netbook vs iPad

Er.. maybe I shd elaborate on my needs.

I just want to surf the Net, copy some info & paste into Word. Sometimes do simple Excel spreadsheet for lists, simple calculations etc. Check & reply emails on gmail & my singnet acct.

I don't intend to do office work on it.

Would a Netbook or iPad be better in that case?

I must admit that I'm quite a technosaur. I have STEEP learning curve if I have to use some new format haha
kadice: aww.. Chris dun allow?
anyway my hb also dun allow.. he scared i deliver in indo. haha

smilez: ya lah. i think their delivery is for ofc...

Coconut water
i heard abt it too. smooth delivery + clean *not so bloody*
Jul, then I suggest you get a Macbook Air for your purpose. iPad will not be enough. Plus the screen size is really not convenient for viewing spreadsheets.. word doc and powerpoint slides still ok.

Kadice, how is Domino's pizza here? Haven't tried it although I ate that in Malaysia. Somehow pizza here taste different compared to the ones in Malaysia...

ssmilezz, I also use a Macbook at home... been using it for almost 5 yrs.. the battery is dying, but other than that, works fine and no issues with virus ever! Now Macbook is no longer available as the next upgrade from Air is Pro. I probably will get a Pro when my current Macbook gives up on me.

Haha.. ya.. my appetite is pretty good all this while. That's why can put on 10+kg la :p If I don't eat, my tummy will produce a very loud growling sound... so embarrassing..

Oh ya, I make my own pizza base.. usually I add toppings like tomato paste, sundried tomato (my fave), ham, onion slices, minced garlic, lots of mozzarella cheese and herbs.
MFM Fish & Chips

Hehe anyone wants to meet up at MFM for a quick lunch tomorrow? Think I can do Plaza Sing outlet since it's closest to my office. Maybe, say, from 12 to 2pm?
Fleur: Hope you feel better, yeah just ignore the rest.Think happy thoughts!! Think of your upcoming visit this Thurs, you get to see your girl in 3D!!

Good idea to concentrate on your baby's full month celebration.
I am starting to plan ours too. Gift registry already setup.

Ladies, what is MFM?

Nattan: Do update us with after your checkup.You must be excited!You have a super short week. Sweeeeet!

Felicia :I should be taking 2 months ML too unless plans change.

When can we start drinking coconut juice? Looking forward to it.

Can i also still drink birds nest?

I want to meet leh but I stuck in workshop with lunch provided. Cannot go!

Where's yr office at btw?

I think if u want to do some simple Erm formatting etc, iPad can la but small leh, quite frustrating to toggle, etc etc

MacBook air is light and portable!


MacBook Pro is good. Hehe. I have no regrets getting it but I have to say the earlier MacBook lasted me more than 5 years which can be longer than some laptops can on windows. LOL

Wow! U make your own base too? Hehe very hands on! I baked chicken thighs after marinating them in honey soy last night and then made some veg to add on. Then we have it with bread. Our typically meal if we 'cook' no rice and dishes. My hub likes bread/wraps or those one dish meals. At times wi boil some Chinese soup just to drink.


Ya lor. Not many Outlets anyway leh.
nattan: ydae was my first time ordering, i quite like the taste..

ssmilezz: we ordered the chicked classified flavour, he chose thin crust. I thought the normal one would taste better?

Adeline: Ya can drink bird's nest, i drank a couple of times. my fren also told me she has been drinking.

coconut water:
so we drink close to delivery from 36th week onwards?
3D is nice
my gynae won't upgrade his machine citing extra costs for the patients..
I can't even get a full picture of my girl. nowadays only get head photo then tummy photo.. aww..

my hb told me to take 2mths full then 4mths split. means take half day for 4mths.. kinda like better since mornings i work lesser hours than afternoon.

birds nest is ok to take. there is no particular influence to baby. perhaps just make skin softer or fairer? hehe
nattan, smilezz

How much is a Macbook Air? Dun wanna spend too much. Definitely <$1k.

I'm just scared that later everything also not compatible with Windows then I jialat!


I'm at Newton


MFM = Manhattan Fish Mkt

I'm still drinking birds' nest. My MIL make, I drink. She dun make, I dun drink haha. I love birds' nest.

As for coconut, er.. some people say from 30 weeks, some say better wait till 35 weeks.. I think up to you bah?
Adeline, next check up is so far away... but anyway, my scan is normal ultrasound scan, not the 3D type, so can't really see much anyway. I could only see my baby lying with his hands close to his face. We did the 3D scan quite a while ago so I can't really remember what he looks like now :p Anyway, it's not clear enough to see his features properly.

BTW, you can drink the coconut juice about 2 weeks before EDD. Bird's nest, can drink if you like it la..

ssmilezz, yeah I have to say the Macbook is pretty durable. It's my 2nd one.

Ya I make my own base, it's quite easy but need time to proof the dough so I need to do it about 2hrs in advance. My hubby likes the typical 3 dish+ 1 soup kind of dinners but of course I don't do it often since it's just 2 of us. Sometimes I'll cook a meat dish, a vege dish and a soup with rice. For 1 dish meals, it's typically pasta or pizza. I also make pasta salad and soups like pumpkin soup, but he doesn't like salad as much (he's more carnivorous).
Great! I am like Jul, if MIL makes then i will drink...hahaha. She has been travelling so i have not been drinking but she will be home tomorrow,so YAY!

My gynae told me can eat coconut, so i was thinking that might be a little early isnt it?

Oh now i know whats MFM.Hehehe....Thanks!

Yeah, sometimes i say some of the mac items so hardy and don't spoil how to buy new ones? No excuse to upgrade!

You are a good wifey yah?
Cooking diligently for your hubby. Hehe. I only do that once a while. My hub very fussy eater. :D


I'm also still taking birds nest. But same as Jul. only if MIL makes, if not, I'll pass. I don't like the taste. But definately help me with hormonal skin issue which flared up so badly in the first 3 months. Yucks!


Ah Newton ah. Onz la , we can meet for lunch at Plaza Sing. Quite ok for me. See who else can meet there - we arrange la. Anyway lunch is ok cos my timing quite flexi between 12 to2 is ok!

MacBook Air around 1.3k I think?


Try the new York crust. It's not as thick as normal one and not as biscuit thin as the super thin one. Nice.

I had the chicken classified before. Not bad. If u take beef, then try the extravagaza.
Yay... received all my diapers I ordered from Gmarket.. really fast I must say.

Petrina, good idea.. I shall make more next time and store in the freezer. I did make some extra last time but only kept in the fridge as I was going to make pizza again a few days later.

Jul, Macbook Air starts at $1288. Slightly above budget, but it's a worthy buy la.. will last you a long time compared to netbook and iPad.

ssmilezz, heh.. I'm not really good wifey (I don't like to do housework) but I try la.. anyway I enjoy cooking, so not an issue for me
Ya, Apple products are quite lasting. My iPod is still working after so many yrs too. Only thing I don't like is that they keep pushing out new products with small little upgrades.. makes me want to wait for the next one before I buy.

Adeline: our gynae told us the same thing!!! i was like huh now can meh???

I am searching in vain for baby cake toppers! Seems like not popular in SG
