(2012/06) Jun 2012

smilezz, i also cannot stand being oily and can't bathe till the next day.. then kena oiled again!.. haiz.. but wad to do.. tahan for 7 days lo.. in fact, those days i can't bear to slp on my own bed.. i wil slp on those mattresses.. but still quite gao wei la! =s

oh! and not forgetting the yucky binder!

hopecg: haha.. i very easy to tempt.. but i'm hungry!! aww.. and sleepy.. i think i'll burst my weight gain by mth end check up!

smilez: i drink once in a long while. like fleur said it's liang. but to me if pregnancy is ok so far, one cup won't do any damage. somemore u drink yuan yang..

fleur: thanks.. i love chin chow. so i resisting to eat it or make it myself. i think outside type dilute alot. so not that bad compared to home made. so far i take only 2 cups for this whole pregnancy niah.

i can't believe i'm thinking abt tea just after lunch too! i already had choc love letters and curry puff just after my laksa. now hungry again.
if boss around, can't sneak down then i'll heat my char siew bun liao..

I wish i am home in my bed now.. Yawnz!!
hopesg, you can just wipe off the excess oil after the massage. Usually if I go for massage outside, I also do the same as there's no free shower facility. I think can bathe after you have worn the binder for a few hrs (recommended to wear at least 6hrs) so you don't feel so oily when you sleep at night.

Petrina, looks like have to collect the Fitflops from you next week ya... forgot to arrange during today's lunch time and I wanted to go and buy my chopping board :p
hopecg: thanks for the info ... very useful!
My massage lady recommended is home based kind but she isn't cheap. 45mins massage & jamu herbs binding for $75 each session. Seems like your info has more freebies
JUL: based on your experience, how long does GNC actually reach the VPOST USA Address.
Do they pack in small boxes or usually in big boxes? Worried abt volumetric weight
I should have been quicker and join you in buying the Fenugreek.
jolene, how much are u paying for your pre-natal massage? I need a massage badly too..so far only dare to do head & shoulder massage cos i read foot massage might trigger contractors resulting in early labor. Better to find someone experienced in massaging pregnant ladies. Found a contact from the forum for post-natal massage..she charge $50 per massage and you pay per visit..more economical i feel and i get to choose how many sessions i want. But havnt book her also..shouldn't be that packed right?

All these talk about food is making me hungree too...shaker fries is shiok..got craving for ice-cream and satay.

Think baby is resting on my bladder today...keep wanting to go toilet but very little pee..a little while more to go before we get to enjoy our well-deserved weekend!
Thanks Jul n Adeline! I may have communication problems with e CL coz my hubby is Indian n im Eurasian n e CL only speaks chinese n malay.. But my malay very limited la
I paid 580 for 12 1-hour session. I did it at golden landmark. Just a short walk from Bugis Mrt. The other outlet is at United Square. Pre natal massage uses light pressure, they do massage your feet but its not like the chinese way which uses very hard pressure.
Disposable underwear
My friend just recommend me to get from BHG. Is 100% cotton and can stretch quite big. 5 each pack for $5.50.
Thanks Jul n Adeline! I may have communication problems with e CL coz my hubby is Indian n im Eurasian n e CL only speaks chinese n malay.. But my malay very limited la
Actually I never tried shaker fries before. I like fries without salt. Anyway, mouth feels itchy so went down to get fruits - grapefruit. Dunno what to eat and trying to be healthy.

Counting down to end of the day!! This weekend will be waiting for the delivery of my cot.
another item settled on my list.
The transportation is only $5 to $10 depending on your location. The price difference of the massage is quite abit.

If you are really particular, maybe you can go try the prenatal for both and see which one your prefer. I just go for the cheaper and more accessible option. So far so good. Love the massages.

But they have a different team of massageurs for post natal.
Jolene, I checked out Baby Bellies too during the Babycare fair and realise they don't include transport. On the website, transport charge is listed as $7-20 per trip. Based on my location, I estimated that I'll pay additional $15 per trip. Also the binder is on loan and they don't provide freebies for their packages.

I think in the end it's up to you if you like their service and think their price is reasonable. I didn't have any prior experience using such post natal services so can only judge based on testimonials.
<font color="aa00aa">Ya, transport fee is calculated on a per-day basis so if it's $10 per day, for 7 days it's about $70 as I stayed quite a distance from the MRT station.</font>
Envy u guys cn hv massages. I can't as I don't feel safe leaving my kids alone w the maid. So no massages for mi.

Anyone has any lobang for hotel room reservations at RWS or MBS? Tot of going for a staycation w my hubby n #1 too.
There are those Malay ladies who're very experienced in massaging and they go to your house to massage for u.. I engaged one for my post natal thru my Malay colleague for $50 per session.. Massage me for 1hr and will bathe and massage the baby as well.. Will also use Jamu wraps and all for me..

Nursing bras
Went to John little sale after work again ytd and bought cheap cheap nursing bras! The brand is impression. Got one nude colour one for $9.90 and one pink with a bit of design one for $17.90! Some more got 20% off!! Cheap cheap!
Chris, the massages are done at the privacy of your home so no worries about leaving your kids home alone with the maid. Give yourself a treat!

Cindy, wow.. now I'm tempted to go shop at JL :p Which JL did you go to? Marina Sq?
Nattan: yup! The one at Marina sq.. Like to shop there coz nobody one :p spend $30 nett and can get free lifetime membership!

Ssmilezz: haha I didn't know alr. Just trying my luck to see if there're nursing bras around since there's offer. But quite a lot of sizes out alr!

Fleur: really?? I dono leh. Feels comfy enough (for that price) when I tried it.. If really uncomfortable den will get something else by then I guess. Meanwhile save money first :p

Seems like from my friends' feedback, CL typically are better at one thing only. Hehe either u get one really good with NB and can handle baby really well but cooking/household stuffs so so only. Else The other type are really good at cooking Confinement dishes but caring of NB so so.

For me, I think caring of the NB is more crucial that the food. She has to be clean and can click with us. I had the opportunity to observe and obtain feedback from my
SIL and MIL as they were with the CL all the time during my SIL confinement like 2-3 mths back. Also had the chance to
Chat with her so that's why we decided to get her. I hope we made a wise choice and we can all co exist harmoniously for a month.

Food wise I am not really keen on the typical confinement food. Any nutritious food is ok with me.
Ssmilezz: yeah you are right we can't expect to Pay them and expect them to do everything. I heard some stories and various expectations that led to friends being unhappy with their CL.
To me as long as can take care of bb and I can hv rest I'm quite alright. Food wise no need to be great cook.

Sian my weight suddenly shot up by 1.3kg overnight and my tummy measurement still same. I hope it's just a temp increase after my good dinner last night.
Still hv my final trimester of 3 months. If weight goes to my baby I don't mind but looks like its to me now.
Had an awesome off day yesterday, what a relaxing day!

Nattan: Which masseur did you request for? I have signed up in Feb with m cousin.
I have also decided to buy Freestyle! Gosh the weight of PISA is so heavy! I will probably end up wasting more money to nurse a sore back after carrying the PISA back and forth to work or either just stop pumping all together.

Prettibride: You mentioned KKH is cheaper is it because the price you quoted is after 20%? Is it a local set? I know KKH is having a roadshow end of March, so might go check it out.

I am currently in no rush so will wait for more fairs and in store discounts before purchasing.
FFY is selling a US set at $699 and Taka bundle set at $779 with a diff of only $80, so might as well get a local set which i will be able to go back for repairs even after the 1 yr warranty with no hassle and worries.

Soulsista: Anyone else at home who can help you with the communication barrier?
I cant speak mandarin too but luckily she is from my hometown so we can converse in hokkien and she knows a little english.

Fleur: Have you checked out on the RH PD's?
Hi hi Adeline!
I passed the info to HB. He said he will do the research.

Mandarin : my mandarin isn't too fantastic but as long as basic cOmmunication is passed on shld b ok.

End April hv another baby fair. Go check out ;)
Adeline, I asked for Madam Sarina.

BTW, my Medela Freestyle just arrived
Looks good... will register warranty with Beauty Loft after baby is born. What's FFY? So you're getting/bought a local set?
Nattan: Thanks! Have you tried her before? When is your edd again? The massage is done consecutively right after 5-7 days of delivery?

FFY-First Few Years. I will most likely get a local set but will be hunting for bargains still as my EDD is only end of June, so no rush for now. Looks like my pump will be the last item i get.

So now its just waiting to see if i can get my stroller overseas.

Anyone knows how much to give as ang pow to the CL,i know have to give twice, roughly can share how much? Totally no clue on the ang pow. Afraid i will be giving too little or too much.
Adeline, no never tried before as I've never used post-natal massage service before! ;) EDD is 27 June. And yes, it's done a few days after delivery for consecutive days. YOu can choose not to do it consecutively but I think it's more effective that way.

Where is FFY? If they are also selling US version, then I think Beauty Loft has a better deal. In fact, I checked on most websites, and none has a better price than Beauty Loft. But if you decided to get a local set, then no diff la cos most local sets are around the same price.

However, I wouldn't get a stroller overseas though cos I think strollers are more prone to wear and tear, so it's important to find one with local agent to do repairs and replacement of parts.
Nattan: Ok guess will do it consecutively then.
I initially thought of doing twice a week and didnt know it was best to do consecutively.

FFY is at Paragon. Yup beauty loft is cheaper but its the servicing i am worries about. FFY warranty is in house meaning within the 1 yr warranty shipping fee and etc is covered.

The stroller we are getting does not have a local agent here if i am not mistaken.I think the spare parts are all from overseas. Saves us about 300+ if we get it overseas though.Do you know if Bugaboo has a local agent here?
I'm looking of getting a thermomether for long run. Heard good comments about Braun ear thermometer but will not be suitable for bb less than 3 mths old. Does it means we gotta buy 2 types of thermometer? Any recommendation of which type of thermometer to use then?
Adeline, I only know that Mothercare carries Bugaboo Bee. Maybe you can check with them where to go for service.

Anna, I prefer to use an infrared thermometer cos the ear type may not suit an infant. Anyway, clinics nowadays use the infrared type.
Baby expo 2012
Start: 27 Apr 2012
End: 29 Apr 2012
Venue: Hall 5A
Cost: Public - Free Admission

11am to 9pm (Fri &amp; Sat)
11am to 8pm (Sun)
waa such a lot of shopping! I also bought quite a number of maternity wear from this website. The clothes are affordable and I like the designs a lot. Worth the money! Just that their clothes go out of stock pretty fast. Think many people like the clothes there just as I do. it's www.*********. Go and take a look
Thanks Nattan and Fleurfleur. Which braun model did you buy, Fleurfleur?

Heard about Perineal gels that it will be advisable for us to use starting from week 35 onwards and after birth? How effective will that be?
Bought pump from mums n babes it come with free infrared red therometer which i saw selling at mothercare at $79.90. During mothercare sale it was selling at $59.
I personally got braun ear therometer for #1.
Omron was recommended as forehead therometer for #1. But i find it not accurate. It costed me $59 then in 2008 from KKH.
Hi all, would like to know when is the best time to start buying the stuff? There's so many baby fairs going on now but my EDD is only in end Jun, if I buy now will it be too early?
Oh my @yichew you haven't got anything yet? Any hands-me-down?

You can check out www.babymallonline.com for baby clothes. I have been looking at the prices, they are way cheaper than the baby fairs. Do it at the comfort of your home.

Beastpump if you intend to breastfeed. Beauty loft has good deals. Quite a few mommies here also got our freestyle from there.
I gotten some maternity clothes from my colleagues so im didnt buy anymore, just bought a support belt as i started to experience back aches. Another colleague will be giving me her electric pump so thats settle. Other than that I have not bought anything, was planning to wait till May to get it but meanwhile can source around for good prices. Because a couple of my colleagues who had kids told me not to buy so early, can buy in May or Apr. Is it true? Anyway, I'm still staying with my in-laws so the hse is quite small, no space to store the items yet. I have a dog at home, is it bad for newborns?
I'm EDD 24th June with Dr CK Khoo. Going to have my detailed scan next Saturday. W/O my hubby who would be away. But my mum and sister are coming along!!!! ;)
ohhh my EDD is on 26 Jun =) Might see you around. Yours is a boi or gal? Are you planning to go by epidural? I want to go natural but just afraid i cannot tahan the pain
Hi yjchew, since you have baby clothing and the breast pump already, are you going to get a cot and stroller? These big ticket things are cheaper during the fairs and sales. If you have a dog, maybe you want to consider an air purifier as well.
