(2012/06) Jun 2012

my #3 is accident la. initially wanna terminate de. but then hoping and wish it will be a gal. but boo.. still a boy. damn. :p

my #3 is accident la. initially wanna terminate de. but then hoping and wish it will be a gal. but boo.. still a boy. damn. :p
nattan: I read that piece of news! I also think it's rubbish. It stated so many dates in June are not born a good baby, then we mommies to be jialat? We can't choose the date what. So silly news! Whatever the date my baby chooses to come to Earth, we should accept it. Our babies are gifts from God so I'm already grateful I have one.
nattan: I read that piece of news! I also think it's rubbish. It stated so many dates in June are not born a good baby, then we mommies to be jialat? We can't choose the date what. So silly news! Whatever the date my baby chooses to come to Earth, we should accept it. Our babies are gifts from God so I'm already grateful I have one.
nattan & joyce, haha I also agree, how come so many dates in May and June are not good???
Then we mummies jialat already.

Don't believe in such thing. hehe. I'm hoping for natural delivery again. Nowadays hasn't got any dream to predict delivery date. :p
nattan & joyce, haha I also agree, how come so many dates in May and June are not good???
Then we mummies jialat already.

Don't believe in such thing. hehe. I'm hoping for natural delivery again. Nowadays hasn't got any dream to predict delivery date. :p
Hi mummies,

Haven been here for some time and the thread is really long now.. Re-introduce myself here.. My edd is 15th June and is my 3rd child.

deebee, are you from Feb 09 thread previously? Found your nick familiar.. Hehe.
Hi mummies,

Haven been here for some time and the thread is really long now.. Re-introduce myself here.. My edd is 15th June and is my 3rd child.

deebee, are you from Feb 09 thread previously? Found your nick familiar.. Hehe.
<font color="aa00aa">I'm considered as "Intermediate Risk" for the Trisomy 21 result but I've decided not to go for amniocentesis. I believe my baby will be fine.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">I'm considered as "Intermediate Risk" for the Trisomy 21 result but I've decided not to go for amniocentesis. I believe my baby will be fine.</font>

No lah, mine is super expensive. Think those church kindies charge $800+ per term, which is 3 mths.


I took a version of amoxylin. That's ok for pregnancy. When you go see the GP, just tell him/her that you're preggie &amp; they will give you something safe.


Depends on your child. For my boy, who is turning 2.5 yrs, he used to prefer kids who are older. Totally not interested in younger kids or his age at all. But recently he's beginning to accept same-age kids. Maybe you just try him out to play with one or 2 gorgor/jiejie first &amp; see his reaction.

If you describe him as so shy, maybe keep to a few kids only. later scare him haha

No lah, mine is super expensive. Think those church kindies charge $800+ per term, which is 3 mths.


I took a version of amoxylin. That's ok for pregnancy. When you go see the GP, just tell him/her that you're preggie &amp; they will give you something safe.


Depends on your child. For my boy, who is turning 2.5 yrs, he used to prefer kids who are older. Totally not interested in younger kids or his age at all. But recently he's beginning to accept same-age kids. Maybe you just try him out to play with one or 2 gorgor/jiejie first &amp; see his reaction.

If you describe him as so shy, maybe keep to a few kids only. later scare him haha

Oic. I think that's a gd arrangement too. I understand abt the rushing here &amp; there. Sometimes with work, you can't just up &amp; leave. You need that extra 15min but that will make u late for CC.


Don't worry unnecessarily. I think it's normal for the gynae to see the mummy after detailed scan results.


Think you just have to eat smaller &amp; more frequent meals. Avoid oily &amp; spicy food.

Oic. I think that's a gd arrangement too. I understand abt the rushing here &amp; there. Sometimes with work, you can't just up &amp; leave. You need that extra 15min but that will make u late for CC.


Don't worry unnecessarily. I think it's normal for the gynae to see the mummy after detailed scan results.


Think you just have to eat smaller &amp; more frequent meals. Avoid oily &amp; spicy food.

For me, I want to send my boy to sch coz he's really, really bored at home with the grandparents. All he does is watch TV, cause chaos &amp; make noise haha. Anyway, from his reaction, he looks ready for sch, so we'll just give it a try.

But his grandparents are very very unhappy abt the fact that he's gog to sch. Honestly, pre-nursery is quite the norm these days. I'm not sending him to playgroup or what at 10 mths old or something. Have been facing a lot of pressure &amp; unhappiness abt my boy starting sch. So I'm actually feeling more stressed than I shd be.

Yeah for you, it's impt to have a break to regain your sanity too. Else you'll be so tired esp when you're preggie now.

For me, I want to send my boy to sch coz he's really, really bored at home with the grandparents. All he does is watch TV, cause chaos &amp; make noise haha. Anyway, from his reaction, he looks ready for sch, so we'll just give it a try.

But his grandparents are very very unhappy abt the fact that he's gog to sch. Honestly, pre-nursery is quite the norm these days. I'm not sending him to playgroup or what at 10 mths old or something. Have been facing a lot of pressure &amp; unhappiness abt my boy starting sch. So I'm actually feeling more stressed than I shd be.

Yeah for you, it's impt to have a break to regain your sanity too. Else you'll be so tired esp when you're preggie now.
Zodiacs etc

Actually I find it all quite amusing.

Everybody rushing to have Dragon babies... Some even wanna do weird things like delay childbirth till CNY so that the baby'll be a Dragon instead of.. er.. is it Rabbit? Now there's this news abt 2012 being a 'bad' yr. So how? Terminate the pregnancy &amp; wait 12 yrs for the next better Dragon yr?
Zodiacs etc

Actually I find it all quite amusing.

Everybody rushing to have Dragon babies... Some even wanna do weird things like delay childbirth till CNY so that the baby'll be a Dragon instead of.. er.. is it Rabbit? Now there's this news abt 2012 being a 'bad' yr. So how? Terminate the pregnancy &amp; wait 12 yrs for the next better Dragon yr?
Jul: lol.. Amusing! Wait 12 yrs ltr most of us become lao kok kok already...

Re Preschool, my MIL was more than happy to send my boy to school. Let her breath a few hrs. I think 3yrs is ok to go sch already. I mean those born in 2009..
My boy's preschool cost $120 per mth. Playgroup only. 2hrs type. My hse downstairs.
Nursery cost $300 per mth.
Jul: lol.. Amusing! Wait 12 yrs ltr most of us become lao kok kok already...

Re Preschool, my MIL was more than happy to send my boy to school. Let her breath a few hrs. I think 3yrs is ok to go sch already. I mean those born in 2009..
My boy's preschool cost $120 per mth. Playgroup only. 2hrs type. My hse downstairs.
Nursery cost $300 per mth.
Jul, yes the doc prescribed me amoxycillin and some medicine for runny nose, but I haven't eaten them cos forgot it's suppose to be eaten before meal. Since I feel slightly better using the salt water nasal spray, I may skip it. Hubby doesn't want me to take medication in case it affects the baby.

BTW, why are your ILs unhappy you want to send your son to school? I think they should be happy that your son will start to learn new things, esp at this age, kids can pick up things very fast. It's not good to let them watch rubbish on tv. Last time my ex-colleague also left her son with her MIL, end up the son had learning and social issues (cannot talk until nearly 3 yrs old and had to go for speech therapy) before she put him in a child care. Now he is like any normal kid and very artistic.
Jul, yes the doc prescribed me amoxycillin and some medicine for runny nose, but I haven't eaten them cos forgot it's suppose to be eaten before meal. Since I feel slightly better using the salt water nasal spray, I may skip it. Hubby doesn't want me to take medication in case it affects the baby.

BTW, why are your ILs unhappy you want to send your son to school? I think they should be happy that your son will start to learn new things, esp at this age, kids can pick up things very fast. It's not good to let them watch rubbish on tv. Last time my ex-colleague also left her son with her MIL, end up the son had learning and social issues (cannot talk until nearly 3 yrs old and had to go for speech therapy) before she put him in a child care. Now he is like any normal kid and very artistic.
I was told better not to have cow baby when i got my married date from sifu. End up I still have cow bb. Now I just want to have no2 before hb is too old. Can conceive oredi happy who care what zodiac will the bb be.
I was told better not to have cow baby when i got my married date from sifu. End up I still have cow bb. Now I just want to have no2 before hb is too old. Can conceive oredi happy who care what zodiac will the bb be.

Hiaz they think he's too young, nobody will make sure he eats or drink water, he'll get bullied, get sick, no need to be so KS, he's doing fine learning at home etc etc lor

My MIL is all gloom n doom when i tell her his gd response in sch. Keep saying new n interesting now, a while later sure cry.

FIL even weirder. Think he had this hangup that SIL's kid was sent to sch too early then got traumatised that's y she doesn't like sch. Er.. She started a yr later than my boy leh.

Mil complans my boy only understands english. Ask me to speak mandarin to him but she will speak broken english to him.

Aiyah anyway i'm so sian abt their ideas. Luckily hubs agreed to send him to sch n believes i know best. Else i think my son will still be watching tv all day.

Actually they take v gd care of him. I'm really appreciatuve that mil buys gd food for him. But their ideas a bit 'old' lah

Hiaz they think he's too young, nobody will make sure he eats or drink water, he'll get bullied, get sick, no need to be so KS, he's doing fine learning at home etc etc lor

My MIL is all gloom n doom when i tell her his gd response in sch. Keep saying new n interesting now, a while later sure cry.

FIL even weirder. Think he had this hangup that SIL's kid was sent to sch too early then got traumatised that's y she doesn't like sch. Er.. She started a yr later than my boy leh.

Mil complans my boy only understands english. Ask me to speak mandarin to him but she will speak broken english to him.

Aiyah anyway i'm so sian abt their ideas. Luckily hubs agreed to send him to sch n believes i know best. Else i think my son will still be watching tv all day.

Actually they take v gd care of him. I'm really appreciatuve that mil buys gd food for him. But their ideas a bit 'old' lah
Jul, haha.. ya, old folks have their funny ideas, that's why cannot live with them or I'll go crazy :p

That ex-colleague I mentioned? Her MIL didn't even teach her son basic hygiene like washing hands after going to the toilet! She was so upset cos end up had to un-do a lot of bad habits picked up by her son. Fortunately your hubby is supportive of you sending son to school.
Jul, haha.. ya, old folks have their funny ideas, that's why cannot live with them or I'll go crazy :p

That ex-colleague I mentioned? Her MIL didn't even teach her son basic hygiene like washing hands after going to the toilet! She was so upset cos end up had to un-do a lot of bad habits picked up by her son. Fortunately your hubby is supportive of you sending son to school.
Jul: hehe, my MIL also complain my boy only speak english.. So i told her to teach him chinese cause he dun like his chinese teacher..
Ur boy go sch few hrs only right also not cc.. They got separation anxiety siah...
This yr supposed to put #1 in cc, in the end she bu she de. So in the end go nusery.. Hehe

Nattan: no basic hygiene? Wah.. I'm glad my mil isn't like tat.. I so niao, sure WWIII in my hse.. Haha

Loshita: i nvr hear abt not having any particular baby... If ur baby is meant to be urs, u shld have it. Tats my belief.
Jul: hehe, my MIL also complain my boy only speak english.. So i told her to teach him chinese cause he dun like his chinese teacher..
Ur boy go sch few hrs only right also not cc.. They got separation anxiety siah...
This yr supposed to put #1 in cc, in the end she bu she de. So in the end go nusery.. Hehe

Nattan: no basic hygiene? Wah.. I'm glad my mil isn't like tat.. I so niao, sure WWIII in my hse.. Haha

Loshita: i nvr hear abt not having any particular baby... If ur baby is meant to be urs, u shld have it. Tats my belief.
Morning mummies!

I want to check with those mummies with 2nd or more child. I understand that all the receipts that we visit the doc must keep so that we can claim on the day we give birth, or something like that. Can someone tell me the amt that we can claim is go by percentage? Or any max Amt that we can claim? All this claiming things really making me blur.
Morning mummies!

I want to check with those mummies with 2nd or more child. I understand that all the receipts that we visit the doc must keep so that we can claim on the day we give birth, or something like that. Can someone tell me the amt that we can claim is go by percentage? Or any max Amt that we can claim? All this claiming things really making me blur.
chin: i think we can claim only a few hundred dollars (maybe $450 or so. can't remember the exact sum). Just keep the receipt for the package that you sign up, and you can use that to claim without collecting so many different receipts.

anyway, my nurse instructed me to keep just that one receipt for medisave claim

For those with 2 boys and more.
The bright side of having boys is you can be more adventurous. Trying to psycho myself that (! think my MIL is going to freak out if she ever finds out about her), and they can play with themselves. So if you are a fun loving and daring mum, then check out this mother-of-three-boys' blog for the adventures they get up to. http://www.karencheng.com.au/
chin: i think we can claim only a few hundred dollars (maybe $450 or so. can't remember the exact sum). Just keep the receipt for the package that you sign up, and you can use that to claim without collecting so many different receipts.

anyway, my nurse instructed me to keep just that one receipt for medisave claim

For those with 2 boys and more.
The bright side of having boys is you can be more adventurous. Trying to psycho myself that (! think my MIL is going to freak out if she ever finds out about her), and they can play with themselves. So if you are a fun loving and daring mum, then check out this mother-of-three-boys' blog for the adventures they get up to. http://www.karencheng.com.au/
my 3yo boy only speaks Mandarin and my MIL wants me to speak English to him while the rest of the pp speak Mandarin. She's an English teacher btw. I find it wierd too.
re mmi
I called them up yesterday, and this lady told me the admin will get back to me, but me so impatient. Today still haven't call back. I think one concern is they don't have chinese classes. my son's mandarin is already spoken with english slang, and I don't have enough time to immerse him fully in mandarin.

Sian, maybe I should just send him to the church kindergarten that is very near my PILs' place.

Then the maid agency that I had contacted still didn't get back to me. Now my husband is changing his mind about getting a maid. If I can resolve the school issue quickly, then perhaps I only need a part time cleaner to solve my housework issues.
joeey: haha, I'm the only one speaking Mandarin to my son, and even my mother who is a Chinese teacher wants to speak to my son in broken English!!!
Glass, that is what I heard from my friend whom I met yesterday too. I thot can claim more then that. Lol. My package price shock her. But nvm lah since with this doc since day one then just pain pain pay then maybe next one then change doc.
Whoa your delivery fee how come so cheap!
Btw quite strange your gynea fee is only $950, but maybe because of your gynea package (the one you said like around 3K) which is separate one is it?

I remember my gynea delivery fee is $1700, but my gynea package is only $550 (medisave claimable $450).

I deliver in Mt A, assisted delivery, bill size I pay cash almost $3K, because I stay 3 night (kena additional 1 night), and kena double charge delivery room also.
wah biang, my gynae package was $888! she gave $100 discount for 2nd baby, but i think last time I didn't pay so much. after all the vitamins and medicine, came up to $900+++

my gynae delivery fee i thought was a few thousand. can't remember.

aiyah, lucky my hubby is paying, if not i heart pain.
My gynae package @ 16wks is $800. I nvr gotten any vitamins from him since my pregnancy was stable. prior to that i've purchased so many duphaston &amp; folic from him that costs so much.

his delivery fee for my #1 was $2.5k for c-sec.
hospital charge me $7.5k for induction &amp; 5day hosp stay.
PD charge me $600 for neonatal fees.
Chin, you can only claim up to $450 using Medisave or your prenatal check ups. Yup, not a lot. I have to keep my own receipts and when check in for delivery, give the hospital cashier all these receipts so that they can do the CPF deductions. I'm not sure if most gynaes would help you keep the records and do the deductions. So it's better you keep track of it yourself.
yup my gynae fee in total is 3.5k i think, so minus this 950 i still pay another 2.5k, not including vitamins and detailed scan/blood test...

so overall it looks that my delivery is cheap, but actually it's not cuz my gynae package is expensive, LOL..

this time round for #2 think price go up again, but will still stick to him.. my company can claim 2k and give 2k baby bonus, so total 4k, should be enough ba, even if not also not bad, dun have to pay a lot myself anyway, LOL...

hi all, do u think it's safe to travel alone for work to USA? my boss wan mi to go USA. Although my gynae say ok to travel but i am still worried to travel alone cos got to carry luggage on ur own and move around etc. After come back from USA i still need to travel to other countries as required such as India, Malaysia, etc etc.. My boss say if i dun travel, they might have to ask me to quit my job cos i cant contribute to the company.. What should i do..??
