(2012/06) Jun 2012

hello mummies,

was down with terrible headache yest. i had the problem of headache but seems that during pregnancy, it becomes more frequent esp during hot weather. even in aircon room i can feel warm.

went to jb over the weekend and found a clinic that does 3D/4D scan. I did mine for RM$115 with a CD and a free can of Friso Mum Milk Powder. Wonder how they make money..and also what am i going to do with so much milk powder. Baby was not too cooperative..he was facing inside and we couldn't really see his face. but managed to see his feet and hands quite clearly. Hopefully my gynea does 4D scans as well so that I can see how he looks like. Now hubby keep saying baby got his nose..blah blah..
Petrina, ya I'm always scared that the fan will drop on us when we sleep at IL's place, that's why prefer to turn on a/c but then end up with blocked nose :p

Prettibride, I also have headache esp with lousy sleep and flu the past few days. Just drink more water to stay hydrated..
Nattan, thanks for the upload once again. I went HK in early March for 5 days. Friends saw my HK picts when my friends tagged me in the fb....all of them said in disbelief that I can still walk and shop while carrying such "big ball"? To be honest, it was real tiring and glad my hub been caring enough to carry my bag, massage my leg and back before sleep everynite. It's esp not easy for you since you will be traveling during the 3rd tri. Do think twice and also depends on your physical condition too. Yes, a letter from the gynae is a must as the airline may forbid you to board.

Bb movement

Same sentiment as Joeey. I feel safer when bb kick me, even though it's a very hard kick or punch. Lol
jul, i was also told i hv low placenta but over the weekend when i did the scan in jb, placenta have already moved up..so no need to worry too much de la. if it doesn't move, ask your baby to push it up for you. Hehe..

asrias, most of the $15k can use medisave ma...so we dun need to come up so much cash. this is my #1 and we spent abt $3k so far..exclude CL and herbs. But i am almost done with my shopping, only left the confinement stuff.
been feeling nausea these 2 days. sudden thought - mcdonalds chilli have garlic right? cause i've been kinda eating their chilli for the past 2 days.

Placenta low
hope dun need to c-sec. pray it will move back up since we still have 3 more months.

Baby Costs
i nvr factor in vitamins n gynae visits. those r non-countable! haha
my hb started to count recently.. hehe he already sweat. i think this baby already budget baby compared to #1. but we can still hit about $2k on buying stuffs alone.. stress siah!
nattan, ya..i guess its the lousy sleep. esp my baby kicks a lot at night. it'll be good if you get to go for the retreat. BKK is a great place to shop for baby's clothes. Cheap and cute.
Petrina, you cannot eat garlic? Or it makes you nauseous? I <3 garlic.. everything should have garlic :D

Re baby costs, I don't count already... just trust that God will provide for my needs

Prettibride, ya I also hope to go and enjoy myself. Just hope the programme will not be too taxing cos usually retreat will have team building games and exercises. Last time they did an Amazing Race type of game! But of coz, now they have to factor in a heavily pregnant woman being there... hopefully will be more relaxing ;) I'm also looking forward to the Thai food and shopping!

Yup I was told abt the low placenta during my detailed scan. Hopefully it has moved up. Really dun wanna 开刀
Morning mummies!

So far I had only spent about $300 on misc items like wipes refill, bottle cleanser refill, disposable undies including about $80 on my boy's toys in a few outing. Going back to buy pigeon 2-in-1 wash refill, forgotten to buy them last sunday. =.= Now only short of pads and topup a bit more of cloth diapers, guess i will be done then.

Baby has been kicking me few weeks ago but he usually let me sleep in the night whereas his korkor used to wake me up in the middle of the night. Was advised to count baby movement since last gynae visit, baby must move at least 10 times for every 12hrs.

I have been using ikea 4-drawer cabinet for like 5 years or more and still working good. I didn't buy kid cabinet, just normal type.

My living room and master bedroom are using ceiling fans, hubby has been doing the cleaning. Quite cooling in living room as the ceiling is high and sun don't usually shine in. As for my room, we have a standing fan and a ventilation ceiling fan when it get too warm.

My boy has been getting unhappy with his didi nowadays. Yesterday he tried to push him in as my tummy has been blocking him in sticking over to sleep with me. Hubby scolded him and he said he doesn't want didi anymore. Cannot imagine how to explain as my tummy will be getting bigger and he can no longer to sleep as close to me as he used to do it.

Ceiling fans are really tedious to clean. And those that have lights fixed to the ceiling fan, you end up with a shadow as the blade goes round n round. Irritating man.


It's prob the weather. Rain but still so humid n hot. Must keep hydrated!!!


Aiyoh pls don't remind me abt the gynae fees!!! And my multivitamins. Pocket one big hole!


Yah la, men say the darnest things at times. 9 hrs quite ok leh for no 1! Should be much faster Liao this time.

So was yr hub very supportive and helpful when u were in labour?


Haha I know what u mean lor. The stabbing feeling very pek chek and when I ask my hub to feel, she will be so docile and kuai then he will say I'm too Kua zhang. Where got so hard!

I realized after I take the stairs, my lower abs feel so tight like there's this pushing down feeling makes me want to pee or poop. So strange!
nattan: i love garlic. but my baby dun like!! i used to fry rice with lots garlic. my hb also dun like. i guess my baby takes after his old man.

i think Asrias $15k is ok. cause first child. everything new. the birth of my son costs us $7k cash, $4k medisave.

so this time i'm determined to save costs. best to reach hospital to deliver niah. wait until very pain then go in. LOL
audrey: counting is 10x in half hour.. not 12hours.
count once a day at most active.

smilezz: my hb very defensive lah. always say baby nvr kick. but last night i complained so much that he did try to "discipline" baby. keke

I cannot stand garlic or onion! Will want to puke! Hehe

Low Placenta

Seems like there are quite a few having that. Will the doc mention abt that each time or do I have to consciously ask?
hi petrina, nattan and jul,

thank you very much for you advice
tink i will be heading to ikea to shop for one or buy a toyogo carrier drawer heheee =)

yo, guess a baby in arms are definitely priceless..so enjoy the journey as money can always be earned back in future hehee

guess we can try to save money in other ways hehe one of my frens shared with me recently that if you go to standard charted website, get a credit card, they give u $80 rebate back leh...which is a lot i guesss......yeah so if can save on preloved clothing, then we save i guess...

for me i jus take whatever my frens offered me esp those preloved clothings which are to me in good condition hehehe.....yeah there are some costs which i tink have to be incurred like taking tonics, seeing doctor etc... hehheehee

recently, helped hubby to find a good fuel enhancer to lessen the no. of times to pump petrol...i tot i have helped him save alot of petrol money esp he drives a lot.. the fuel enhancer only costs $15 recommended by my fren but helps us save tonnes of moeny cos my hubby used to pump once every week ...now only pump once in 1.5 weeks..wish i have found this enhancer earlier...also recomemended to my bros and my good frens whom found it good too

other ways of saving money include buying NTUC household brands and getting the OCBC NTUC card that gives lots of link points hehehe...maybe i am turning into an auntie liao leh ..i jus have this feeling hehehe ..but to save money, all these are small gestures hehhee
look for NTUC promotions on thursday hehe they recently have baby promotions on diapers too...
nattan, while they play games, you can go shopping..hahaa

asrias, wow..then that is a lot of $$. What did you spend it on?

jul, will move de la...we still got about 3 months ma.

smilez, could that be braxton hicks? I get the feeling that lower abdomen is very tight sometimes..but no pain. doesn't feel like contraction too.

Your hub very sayang his little girl ya? So defensive
If he don't help discipline her, he will gana discipline by you instead. Haha
hi audrey,

inspired by your sharing and also other ladies' sharing hehe decided 1st stop go ikea liao hehe since ikea now got sale hehee

wanted to buy one so that can start all the packing liao hehehhe

anyone going for Wong Boi Boi class tonight huh?jus to share that they have postphoned to 10 April liao hehehe in class some of you have not received the sms from TMC...

i also have what you are experiencing and i checked i s braxton hicks heheh esp when you jus wake up early in the morning hehe

Oh.. your buy is starting to get jealous already!


Haha yeah, Hubs was very helpful. Sent him on errands to buy me supper before I went to pop, gave me sips of water, applied lip balm for me, covered blanket, cut the cord, watchd over the baby while they did all the cleaning, weighing whatnot,... He only wasn't very helpful when he was 'helping' me push.

Midwife told him to count to 10, supporting my back as I push. He counted faster &amp; faster. The he started jerking me, like trying to jerk the baby out. The midwife was quite tactful.. told him she thinks I can manage.. so no need to count for me anymore hahaha.. It's very funny man!

9h wasn't too bd lah. Coz the epi came at 230am.. so I had epi for 7plus hours out of the 9 plus heehee
Is it? o.o
I didn't ask my gynae in sg but that was told by the gynae in JB and most mummies in msia said the same. Think I have to remember to ask again next mth. Anyway he move day and night so I didnt bother to count also. =D

I also start saving here and there, buying stuffs when they are on sales.

What's this fuel enhancer? Nvr heard of it!


yeah I'm not that worried yet lah. See what gynae says then I decide whether to panick or not haha

Hmm.. if I work on 37 wks like my #1, I only have abt 9 weeks left to pop leh
wow Jul,

your hubby is so sweet leh..you are indeed xin fu de nu ren leh hehheeh
if he set the marktet standards, think a lot of people will fail hahahah

Hi Audrey,

yeah i oso keep a good look out for sales ehhehe the sales really helped us save a lot leh hee
Coz 1st baby so alot of things to buy.

Bb stuff: 5k (Everything, cots, bedding, baby monitor, stroller, steriliser, clothes etc)
Gynea: 5k (after claiming medisave)
Confinement: 3.7k (CL + food &amp; the "BU" stuff for the whole mth)
Massage: 1k
Baby full mth: 500

All in all about 15k lor.

Omg I nearly spit out the water I was drinking while reading abt how yr hub tried to count faster n jerk your body. Haha. Maybe he was also very nervous so try to be as involved as he can.

Quite funny hor. Erm now that it's over n u can recount the whole incident. Haha

Do u think he will be as helpful as the first time round for yr no 2? :D

Your birth story reminds me of my friend's one. She didn't have time for epidural and her hub was holding to her hand saying its ok. All will be fine. He kept trying to sooth her and encourage her but she was so irritated and in pain that she shouted at him to shut the F up. Haha. Only then he tone down.
Yes, I think he is getting jealous as he used to have most of my attention since kor kor and jie jie are in school most of the time. Initially we planned to let baby sleep on my side while his bed is at the bottom of our bed but now seeing him behaving this way, I am considering if I should change their sleeping arrangement.

You just remind me If i pop as early as my boy, I only have 9 weeks plus left and we havent decide when to ask his da yi to come over.

My placenta has moved up during detailed scan but baby still not down yet. I have prepared myself for c-sec if not moving and not risking to get gynae to try to move it down.
Prettibride, no la... I think I want to join in the games else no point being part of the entourage. Anyway, the organising committee is sweet to consider my physical limitations so no running around this time. Hopefully will be more indoor activities. As for shopping, I am sure there will be R&amp;R time for us

Jul, your hubby is indeed well-trained! I just hope mine don't faint at the sight of blood in the delivery ward! He gets queasy even just by looking at operations on tv lor.. But somehow gory movie scenes don't faze him??? He said they are not "real" so it's ok... huh??! I never dare to watch slasher flicks or alien movies cos of the gore...

Asrias, how come your gynae fees so high even after claiming Medisave? I think you also spend a lot on your baby ya? I'm not getting baby monitor and CL so will save $3-4K there.. hehe. My massage package is only about $700.
hi jul,

no worries about low placenta cos some of my frens hve it too..they will shift up.

yeah this fuel enhancer is a kind of oil that is to be added before you pump your petrol. add 20ml for 1st time and subsequently 10ml each before pumping petrol. initiallly both mi and hubby were wondering whether it will work or not. but since is well recommended by our good fren we decided to buy one to try and we hve been using it since chinese new year. it helps to saves fuel up to 28%, increases engine power up to 20%, reduces harmful emissions up to 98%. It is a product of USA. It really helps to save petrol from personal experience.anyway outside is selling $23.50 and our good fren managed to get it for us at $15 only...so worked out to be only $5 per month as one bottle can last 3 months hehee
now my bros are also using it...petrol costs are too high lately so using this helps save money and engine also not so noist when travelling.....

have you all discuss your birth plans with your gynae huh?
Audrey, try to get on your fours and move front and back like scrubbing the floor, to get your baby to move into the anterior position for birth. Suppose to help.

As for your boy getting jealous.. some people suggest you get a small gift for him and say it's from the baby after you deliver. Also, I read that when your older child visits you at the hospital, don't let him see you holding the baby first. Leave the baby in his hospital cot and welcome your boy first. Then let him ask about the baby. Seeing mummy and daddy plus relatives surrounding you and the baby may make him feel excluded.
Nattan: Issit very high? Now haven claim anything already spent $2k on gynea, the scans &amp; vitamins from clinic.

Includes delivery also lei...

Actually quite alot of stuff i got hubby to carry back from US. If not its even more ex. Anyway that was just my budget of course the lesser i spend the better.
sunbelle, nattan, smilezz

Haha thinking back, the birth is indeed very funny. Think I was pushing.. then the midwife &amp; gynae were telling me, "Coming out liao! Coming out!" to encourage me. So I thought, "Yippee! I nearly did it!". Then HUbs opened his buig mouth n said, "yeah! I can see a bit of the hair!".

If I weren't so tired, in pain, breathless n no hands... I would have slapped him hahaha

But I think he'll still be helpful for #2 lah. In fact, he may be better coz he not first-time so blur liao


Hmm.. think u need to condider properly. Coz he might pinch didi from jealousy or something? Cannot blame him lah, he will definitely be jealous lor

Haha I'm your alarm clock hor, since we both pop quite early
Asrias, I'm not sure but before Medisave claim, I think my gynae + hospital fees only about $4k+? But if you include the supplements and earlier visits, maybe add another $1K so total $5K+, that's BEFORE claim...

U also in denial mode hor? Seiously, we don't have THAT much time left. Why do u think I was panicking last week?


I think I'll spend as much as you, even though it's #2. Coz I think I have expensive taste. Dunno why my maternity clothes, nursing bras etc so expensive? I forgot to count the confinement costs.. think may bust $15k!


Wow, what's the brand of this fuel enhancer? Where can we get it? I wonder if it's harmful to the car though? Does it emit harmful vapours?

Not yet. I'll ask my gynae abt the birth plan when I next see her for my 28th week checkup. Gotta tell the nurse my preference for single bed too

Can't rem how much was my gynae's delivery fee, nursery fee etc liao. I was very blur &amp; left all these to Hubs to pay &amp; sort out. I only turned up to do my job which is to deliver baby n feed him haha
sunbelle, you're also in tues class? me too! but quite silly of them to reschedule lesson 4 after lesson 5.

when do we need to do up birth plan? gynea will tell us right?

come to think of it asrias is right..i spent 3k on baby's stuff, 2k on CL, 1k+ on gynea visits and another 2k on herbs (sponsored by in-laws). wow, close to 10k liaoz. and havent even include delivery charges.
jul, same here..my hubby is paying for everything, and everytime he tell me we already spent $xxx...i'll go like, got meh? thought its very little only. hehe..

heehee no lah, I'm paying for some stuff, esp the maternity, nursing etc stuff, I pay for it myself.

Just that during delivery, I was so out of it, so left everything to him to handle lor. Must sbumit this receipt, must fill up this form, that form.. I got no patience for these so he just dealed with everything.

Think the gynae will let you know when to prepare birth plan.
jul: we deliver in june mah.. now only mar. i bought diapers MIL already say so early.. i was like duh..
i haven't opened the playpen to clean yet. i told hb ard may bah. then the old toys also ard may then open n sanitize. hb say clean so early later dirty..
oh yes, need to buy toys for the elder one and say they're from bb, need to start looking around.

please dont allow hubby to bring their laptops into the delivery ward. my hb thought my #2 delivery will be as long as #1, so he brought his laptop to work. When i asked him help me on the TV, he said hold on, off the lights, he said hold on, pass me the telephone, etc, i have to wait for him to settle his work before he serve me ... grrr ....
<font color="aa00aa">sunbelle,
I'm interested in the fuel enhancer too. BTW, how big is your car in terms of cc and how long have you been using the fuel enhancer?

Edited to add: Is it the NanoTech Fuel Enhancer?</font>
Hot fudge sundae sounds good! I've been eating alot of ice-cream lately. NOw craving for ben and jerry's strawberry cheesecake ice-cream. keke
Thanks for that, shall try to do it daily.

We had bought toy for my boy already, hiding it in the kor kor room. Intending to give him when baby is here and tell him is a gift from baby.

I will take note of the holding when he comes hospital. I didn't really carry when I was in hospital the last few times, I only feed and change then let baby sleep in the hospital cot most of the time.

Haha.. i think he won't pinch him ba cause he has been trying to kidnap his baby cousin home a couple of times, haha. He won't get angry or jealous when I carry other baby.

Ya, I keep thinking I still got 3 mths and forgetting myself might pop early.
I'm eating Subway chicken wrap at my desk :p Don't feel like going out today as I have headache..

Petrina, you so cute... bought a gift from #1 to give baby? Baby won't know what.. haha.. I haven't bought diapers or detergent yet. Waiting for next fair to check out prices. But I think for the brands I want to buy, won't be much discounts anyway.

joeey, ya.. if my hubby brings laptop to hospital, he'll sure play his online game and forget about me :p
jus watched the cooking show by bryan wong online..the soup made by kelvin seems very yummy..now i finally know how Hua Jiao looks like. Besides collagen, does it do mummy any other good?

nattan: my #1 very excited! he everytime go shopping say muz buy new toys for meimei cause meimei baby dunno how to play his toys..
so i gather he'll be super happy to give present to #2. he enjoys giving ppl things.
his bday he will give his friends party bag, not distributed by teacher. he also will distribute cake to his friends instead of adults distributing..
