(2012/05) May 2012

Same as u Vanilla, dinners are painful for me.. this whole week i had very gd lunches as they were catered.. lunches at Triple 3, Chatterbox and Mandarin Court.. i ate abt 70-80% of my usual amt but dinners are terrible.. 30-40% only..

I think i need to get bottoms liao... argh!! i didn't need to wear maternity bottoms until i was close to 5 mths with no. 1!

Looks like we are having a battle with food..the usual things I like to eat are all off my list now..
vaniila and dolcevita, my dinner appetite is terrible too, and i constantly have this taste in my mouth...
Babytots and piggywiggy, I've read that if you've had a child before, you will show earlier in your next pregnancy than if it was your first... Maybe that's why?

And oh gosh, I really want an Oreo cookie now. LOL crazy random preggo cravings.
Littledotty, i won't trade my MS for anything.. in fact i pray it gets worse.. hahaha.. if u have mcs before u go the other extreme man!

Peaberry, yeah i guess so.. its the leftover fats from having number 1! ur oreo craving is so funny.. so random..

i m thinking of what to have for dinner.. may be beef noodles dry with lotsa belacan and lime!
Envy u gals tat are able to eat leh.. i dare not eat too much.. even if i am willing to eat also very scared to eat too much... so cham..
piggywiggy - wa reading your description "beef noodles dry with lotsa belacan and lime" made me hungry liao!

Finally its 5pm!
Hihi MTBs, hope to 'officially' join u MTBs here soon!

AF late for 4 days but yet to test... though appetite has been increasing... keep feeling hungry within short span of period.. & bloated throughout the day...

if really BFP, then this will be my #2...hope to get a boy this time
Hey, Mine also. When I had no 1, I could wear normal pants, Now early pregnancy already has a buldging tummy if too tight waist area also feel uncomfatble too
Fat Fat

RE Morning sickness, i dont have at all leh. Eat pretty much too. Worry also, how come no MS? Last time with no 1, I had MS, very early stage, stopped then 2-3 months came back and stop too.

Food wise for me: I love cilli in both pregnancies. No harm right? Only certain food like maybe fish, Prawns and durians, will make me want to puke other then that i feel ok. Just that I do have tightness and bloateness in lower tummy area once in a while.

Cant wait for my scan in two weeks time too
happy to inspire u all!! go and get some later then.. though i have to tell u that when i have it in front of me, i would prob unable to finish it!!! hahaha...

Fern, i love chilli too!! no chilli might as well not eat!

Littledotty, thanks for ur 'blessings'!!! wahahah..
Ya, I love cilli!!! since young. SO no cilli i no appediate but think beter not take too much. I love spicy food one lei

How to make baby have more hair ah? Mine no 1 has very little hair since birth. ANy mummies has any tips huh? Luckily he has more hair but standing hair sometimes.. Argz...

can check if we can eat nasi lemak? Now craving for famous nasi lemak with spicy chilli & fried chicken wing!
heard somewh tat cannot eat otak, cos got coconut..
but i recall #1-i still eating curry...
dolcevita - i have the same situation as you! must eat when hungry, otherwise start to feel nauseous.

clothes wise- really running out of options too cos,esp for the bottoms.. tops are still ok cos most of them are loose anyway (cos i'm not petite to begin with)

piggywiggy -wah, such nice lunches throughout the week!

I still can eat most of my fav stuff, but i feel that i can take more carbo than usual, tho i tell myself not to overdo it..
but i used to like instant noodles and now most times i don't feel like anymore...

beebeemer : cherry tomatoes sound nice! I've been having lots of that too.. somehow the sweet and sour perks up my appetite.
babytots, I've not heard of that... Any reason why we shouldn't eat coconut?

Fern, spicy food is fine, just that it might make some women have major heartburn. But no harm to the baby, in fact it might cultivate a taste for spiciness hehe.
Ok, great no side effect for spicy food. Think need to ake everything in moderation now.

How much chicken essence to ease tiredness. Can take now or better wait to 2nd trim? With no 1 I didn't take till last stage. How about those pregnancy anum milk powder? Can take now? Or wait 2nd trim too?

Coconut i think its cooling... my hb also dun let me eat coconut.


Nasi Lemak's rice already cooked with coconut if i'm not wrong...

Pregnancy milk powder can take already.. unless your MS rejects milk. but have to take alot of water.. heaty..
baby tots, i think otah is becoz of the fish mackerel, coz we are advised not to eat due to the high mecury.. I think as long as eat in moderation, it is ok one..
Finally weekend! I had a scare this morning. Saw brown spotting when I wiped so moved my gynae appt from tomorrow to this afternoon.

Luckily doc say all looks ok. Could see the baby (a wee round dot) and heard the heartbeat at 117bpm. Today is 6 weeks 5 days and edd 10 may. Right on the dot with my own calculations.

Doc increased duphaston dosage and also had a progesterone jab. Going back again next week. Fingers crossed everything progresses smoothly!
congrats olivia! I hope I could see and hear the heartbeat at my scan next Tues too.. Told my gynae about my spotting but she is very cool about it..no need shift appt..
I'm feeling hungry every nw and then.. But I can't eat too much. Now I feel like eating clay pot noodles... Haha... Just made cup noodles and ate with a packet of Meiji plain cracker. Shd tahan until dinner!

Congrats Olivia!

Yay! Hubs is back!!!
Hi Zara - when others ask, perhaps you can just smile and said something like "I hope so too". :p

I usually just smile, and kept quiet.

Went gynae this morning. Am 7 weeks now. Saw the scan and heartbeat.
Due date is 6 May. Lost 2kg so far. Gynae said no need to take other supplements though I'm not eating well. Baby's intake during 1st trimester is very minimial. So whatever mummy eats, it all purely goes to mummy. Folic is the only thing that baby needs at this stage. But will need to drink lots of water, so there's enough fluid for baby. Cannot go for saunna / steam bath, cos it'll heat up the temperature of the fluid surrounding the baby, and heat will be indirectly pass on to baby. So dehyration is most important. If you don't eat, it's Ok!!! phew! Cos I can really survive on just 1 peanut butter bread for the whole day!

Next appt is 10weeks, gynae said can sign up for package then, cos all should be pretty stable already! Package is $700... Still thinking if I want to switch to another gynae since I'll be moving to another area in Dec.

Though I find this gynae ok, but he doesn't give me the scan copies leh.
Also find him a little ex - first visit $140, 2nd visit $100.
Hi krc, ya.. I jus tell them ya... It's in the plans... Haha... Ur gynae not too exp is think.. Mine first appt $370. my hubby nearly flipped... I will go back 2nd time n then decide if I wan to stick to him or change... Quite comfortable with him thou... Dunno how also...
Yay!! We had a positive Yday and went down to confirm
With a gynae. Saw our little baby in black dot. Today is 4 week 1 day

Have anyone tried Dr Esther ng?

I have more nausea feeling last week than this but Wil be traveling mad these 3 weeks!

Pray hard bb is fine with it
Morning Mummies.. Just did a test using ClearBlue Digital & results shown 'Pregnant 3+'!!! ... finally can join u all officially!! Hehe
Yip & Icez, congrats and welcome!

Yip - take care during the travelling!

Olivia - Happy for the update. Do take care and stay cool! So nice you gals are all starting to hear your beanie's hb. I can hardly wait for mine!!

zara - your gynae is really exp!
Congrats n welcome! I can't travel for 3 wks.. So envois of u, yip! Hubby say it's too long...
so my Europe backpacking dreams r dashed... Cancelled all tickets n hotel bookings... No choice, bb is priority, have to change destination to nearer place n shorter holidays...

Rose gal: yah! My fern intro me, say he v good. Didnt knw it's THAT exp.. But now I knw why, he delivered mark lee's kids n goh chok tong's grandchildren! He is also one of the few gynae in sg tat has a 4D machine tat can see ur baby move in ur tummy later on! Well anyway, I will still go for the 2nd visit n then decide if I wanna change.
Re: coconut - I checked with my tcm. She says as long as it's fresh n u dun get tummy upsets it's ok to take food with coconut. Coz some ppl's tummy very sensitive.
I jus went to my family doc to cfm preggy.... My test with him is faint positive also.... He say cos mine maybe very early so not much hcg!!! He suggest we go to the gynea only in 7 weeks which is end sept...abit confuse here cos I see some mummy to be going to gynae n taking medi n jab ... M I missing something? I m first time mummy so bit kan cheong....
Hi everyone,

This is my first!! And excitement and worrys are flooding all over me...
Jus come back from a 10days euro trip... Now is week 5 ( my doc say, but iPhone app say week 7) confuse ah...
Just added! Hub asked me to b very careful lor. Cos is for work. Kinda Bo bian...

Can see bb in 2 weeks!

Anyone felt nausea since week 3? I been headache and nausea.... Haven vomitted though! Haha
Elise, congrats n welcome.. My iPhone app says I'm 5 weeks 3 days as of today. I went to my Gynae at wed, jus pass de wed.. But wasn't able to see anything.. So was schedule 2 weeks later to go see him.. Haa.. Excited cuz by then should be can hear bb heart beat.. =D

Yip, I'm seeing my bb in 2 weeks too.. Haa.. On e 28/09... So excited!! I so not have any MS, which I dunno good or bad. Only tired easily. And aft I found out tat I'm preggy, I almost woke up very early in e morning ard 7+ for e past 1 week. I dunno y. My eyes r tired but my mind is awake I jus can't get back to sleep.. I was lying on bed and if I dun move for like 10 mins I felt very uncomfortable.. Like there's a worm inside me, I had to move ard.. Dunno wat wrong..

Anyway, anyone got Tis kinda problems?? *headache*
Ftmama, huh.. For how long already.. I dunno y leh. I wanna ask Gynae during my next trip.. My eyes r tired n I can't open but my mind jus can't sleep lo...

Very tired rite??
